Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The First Day of the Rest of My Life ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The First Day of the Rest of my Life

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of the characters therein.

As she came to after several hours of slumber, the events from the night before were very fuzzy. She sensed she wasn't alone in her bed. Her eyes opened slowly and the pain in her head made her squint to see what time it was. 8:23 said the clock by her bed. She sat up slowly and dropped her head into her hands. Oh how it hurt. As she continued to wake she focused on exactly who it was who had shared her bed last night. The muscular chest, bulging arm muscles…long black spiked hair. Oh crap, she thought. What have I done? She realized she still had her clothes on. She lifted the cover that was over him. He had his pants on. That was good! His eyes opened when she lifted the covers. He strained to focus on her. All at once she got up and ran to the bathroom. This was too much. She heaved up everything that she had eaten the night before. "Gross." She said out loud and flushed the toilet. She laid her head down on the cold tile of the bathroom to settle the wave of nausea that had taken hold of her.

Vegeta sat up in the bed. He was amused at her sudden departure. He walked to the door of the bathroom and stared at the helpless earthling struggling to gain her composure. He folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe.

Bulma looked up at him. She could not put the evening's events together in her head. "Did we?" she managed to utter.

The corner of his mouth curled up in his trademark smirk. "If we had, woman, you would remember it." He said. He then turned and walked away from her.

Bulma managed to pull herself up and walk back into the bedroom. He was gone. "What just happened?" she said to herself. She remembered the pizza. Who could forget that after tasting it all again? She remembered the Vodka. She remembered a lot of cigarettes. The thought of smoking at that moment made her almost want to run back to the bathroom. She laid her head down on her pillow and tried to piece everything back together.

She was outside on the deck looking at the stars. After devouring the remaining pizza, he joined her. "Fix me another one of these concoctions." He said to her.

She looked up and smiled. "Yes, dear." She said back to him. She snatched his glass out of his hand and went back inside.

"Dear?" he said. What was that suppose to mean.

Lots of Vodka, just a little grapefruit she thought. That is his. Bulma poured herself the same and took them both outside. She lit another cigarette. "What is the fascination you have with these things?" He said pointing to her cigarettes. "They smell disgusting."

She put another one in her mouth, lit it, and handed it to him. "Here you go. Give it a try, if you are man enough." She said.

He took it from her. He had watched her smoke these things many times so he knew what to do. He sucked on the end and breathed in the smoke. He then coughed several times and gave it back to her. "No thanks. And nothing about that makes me less of a man! I choose to not pollute my body with that smoke. Are we clear on that woman?"

"Very clear." She said.

They stared at the sky for a while. Bulma wondered how far away his planet was from this one. How strange it must feel to be on a planet that is not your home-to never be able to go back to your home planet because all that you had is gone.

"What did you say?" said Vegeta.

She didn't realize that she had been thinking out loud. She had a habit of doing that when she was deep in thought. "Nothing." She retorted back.

"You were talking about my home planet, I heard you. You were feeling pity for me. Do not ever pity my woman. I am still and always be the Prince of Sayains."

Here we go, she thought. One of his long winded speeches about how superior he was blah blah blah. Once he got going, you couldn't stop him. And he says I talk too much.

"Did you just interrupt me?" He spat. Uh oh, she was thinking out loud again. She needed to watch that.

"Sorry, I am listening intently to everything you are saying." She said and sat up straight in her chair.

He looked at her. "You are mocking me." He said.

"Lighten up dude." She said to him.

He stared at her, puzzled by what she had just said. Was that an insult? "What does that mean-lighten up? Are you telling me that I weigh too much?"

A small giggle escaped her lips. She was really starting to piss him off, and in a way it was fun. He always manages to rile me up in some way-it is time to give some back to him. "No, no, no. Lighten up means…" She was struggling to find the words. Her speech was coming out very slurred. "It means, don't be so serious. You are always soooo serious all the time."

Again he was puzzled. What was there to not be serious about. Didn't this woman understand that in a few years life as she knew it would be changed forever? What was wrong with her. He had to admit, he wasn't feeling very serious at that moment, and in fact what he was feeling was something he had never felt before-relaxed. He sat back in his chair and contemplated how he was feeling and what the woman had just said to him.

Bulma was still staring at him. She was always so afraid to look at him because she was afraid of making him angry. She was still afraid of what he was capable of. At that moment though, she really looked at him. He is pretty cute, she thought. And those muscles-oh man. She never realized it before that moment, but he was hot! She had flirted with the idea of what it would be like to be with him, she had even dreamed about him, but never had she given it a second thought because of Yamcha. Now Yamcha was out of the picture for good.

Vegeta was looking at the human in much the same way. He had never before noticed how beautiful she was. She had a very sexy body, although a little thinner than he liked. She had no muscle tone at all. She had beautiful blue eyes that he had never noticed before that moment. The woman from his home planet all had the same color hair, same color eyes-never blue. Their eyes locked and they both realized what the other was doing. They both looked down at the table, pretending that hadn't seen what they had just seen.

"Let's take a walk." Said Bulma, breaking the silence.

"Why would I want to do that?" he said back to her, not wanting to appear the least bit interested in what she wanted to do.

"Please, please, please." She said. She stood up and walked around to the other side of him, brushing her hand ever so slightly across the top of his back. When she got around him she held out her hand. "Come on, it will be fun."

The feel of the woman touching him sent what felt like an electric current through his body. How long had it been since he had been in the company of a woman? He couldn't remember. He looked at her hand and then looked at her. She was beautiful. He wasn't thinking rationally. It was that poison she had made me drink. It is affecting my judgment, he thought. Before he knew it, he had taken her hand and stood up. Why did I just do that, he thought to himself. I must be losing my mind.

"Let me show you one of my favorite pastimes." Said Bulma. "I call it frog kicking." She continued to hold his hand and let him across the Capsule Corporation compound to the pond on the back of the property. They walked in complete silence. Every once in a while Vegeta looked at her. It was dark and the moon cast a stunning shadow across her features.

They got to the pond. The sound of the Namekian frogs was deafening. Vegeta had forgotten about the frogs from Namek. He thought the woman was crazy for bringing him here. "OK, we have to find the fattest, ugliest frog-the one the other frogs follow. That is the one I love to torture."

She loved to torture frogs? Maybe she wasn't as bad as he thought. "Why that one?" he asked, for lack of anything better to say.

"That one, my dear, is Captain Ginyu. That bastard switched bodies with me on Namek and I was a frog! I will never forgive him. So I come out here and drop kick him whenever I need to let off some steam." Bulma let go of his hand and walked closer to the pond. In the center of the pond on a rock was the biggest frog. That is him, she thought. He usually hid when he saw her coming, but it was dark and he probably didn't hear them. She turned and faced Vegeta. "There he is in the center of the pond on that rock." She whispered.

He came close to her and put his mouth to her ear. "How about if I hit him with an energy blast."

Bulma put her hand over her mouth, trying to keep from laughing hysterically. That would serve him right. "No, I want him to continue to live as a frog. He is suffering and he deserves it." She whispered back in his ear. When she pulled away from his ear, he grabbed her shoulders and held her there. Bulma felt an exhilaration when he touched her. He was so strong. Yamcha was strong, but he was a thousand times stronger. They stared at each other. The moonlight danced on her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and their lips came together in a passionate kiss. Bulma felt the most incredible sensations in her body. Being so close to him and all his power was astonishing.

After a few seconds, Bulma could feel herself moving upward. Her feet weren't on the ground anymore. They were flying. His hands had moved down her back and he was holding her tight in his grasp. They were slowly spinning into the air and back down again.

She pulled back from him and slowly opened her eyes. His eyes were open and he was looking down at her. He looked around her and a devilish grin appeared on his face. He let go of her. She was falling. SPLASH.

Bulma caught her breath and stood up. He was hovering over her with his hands folded across his chest and a huge smirk on his face. "Was that light enough for you?" he said.

She was fuming. "You dropped me in the pond! How dare you!" She stared trying to splash him, but he managed to dodge every wave. She was screaming obscenities at him. He was very amused with her behavior. After she calmed down, she dragged herself out of the pond to the edge. He was waiting for her. "Help me out of this." She said as she held out her hand. He took her hand and although she tried to pull him in, he didn't budge. "Creep!" she managed to say to him, and let him pull her out. "Look at me! I am soaked."

"Yes, you are." Stated Vegeta. He had to admit that he was enjoying himself, although he would never let her know that.

Bulma stomped past him and back to the house. He followed behind her. She abruptly stopped and faced him. "So, that kiss was just a way of dropping me in the pond?" she shouted at him.

Vegeta thought for a moment. He did enjoy kissing her. The dropping her in the pond idea came to him after they were up in the air. He didn't answer her. He swept her in his arms and flew her back to her balcony. Gently he put her on the ground. "I am wet now, too. Are you satisfied?" She smiled. She flung open the doors to her room and walked in. He followed.

She turned to face him. "I don't remember inviting you in." she said.

"Then tell me to leave." He said.

Bulma smiled again. She didn't want him to leave. This was going against everything she had just talked herself into. This was suppose to be the end of men in her life, and now she had a man in her bedroom. She walked into her closet and shut the door so he couldn't follow. She had to get these pond soaked clothes off and she didn't want him to watch. She found the biggest, frumpiest, Capsule Corp. t-shirt on the floor in her closet and put it on. After finding a comfortable pair of underwear, she walked back out of the closet. He was still there. He was sitting on her bed. She went to the other side of the bed and laid down. He turned and faced her. She patted the pillow next to her, to motion him to lay down. He complied.

That is the last thing I remember, she thought.


After witnessing the human throwing up, Vegeta felt sick to his stomach. He left her room and managed to make it to his own before suffering the same fate he had just witnessed. He flopped face first into his bed. He tried to stay as still as possible so that the room would stop spinning. He did not want the woman to witness any of this. He crawled to the head of the bed and managed to roll over on to his back. He shut his eyes. What was in that drink she gave me last night? He made a mental note to never trust her to fix him a drink ever again.

It had been an enjoyable evening, though. Kissing her felt fantastic. He had gotten into her bed with great anticipation of what was to happen next. To his surprise by the time he had laid next to her, she was out cold. He was bewildered by this human's behavior. He managed to pull the covers up over the 2 of them and before he knew it, he was out cold himself. He should have just left her there and gone to his own bed, but he didn't want to leave her.

This is preposterous he thought. I don't have time for this foolish behavior. He had witnessed what went on between the woman and the moron more than he cared to admit. It was disgusting the way they fondled each other in public for all to see. If this was the human way of mating, he wanted no part of it.

Another mental note: Avoid the woman as much as possible from now on.


Bulma had managed to take something for her stomach and then went back to sleep for another 2 hours. When she woke, she felt much better. The first thing she did was check her phone messages.

"You have 12 new messages." Her voice mail told her.

"Hi babe, it's me. Call me, we need to talk" she cut it off and deleted it. The next 11 were similar although each one seemed more desperate than the one before. She deleted every one of them.

Her next item of business was to make a list of all the things she was going to do with all her free time, now that there was NO man in her life.

Get a dog

Quit smoking

Find a new project to help her dad with

and the most important one of all:

Avoid Vegeta as much as possible from now on!

Vegeta, she thought. He was a hottie. A pompous, arrogant creep, but a hottie nonetheless. "I must just avoid him. I can't let him get close to me. He really doesn't care the least bit about me, he never did. He just wanted sex." She said out loud. Of course, I wouldn't have argued with him if he wanted to have sex. She smiled.

She set the phone down back on the receiver and noticed the picture that was still on her night table. It was her and Yamcha. Then she looked around her room at all the pictures of him. She counted 15. She growled and one by one picked each one up and flung them over the balcony as far as they would fly. She watched as each one landed and the glass shattered. It felt good.

She then showered, got dressed, and started on her quest to find a dog.


Vegeta was coming too when he heard glass breaking. He looked out the window of his balcony, which happened to be dangerously close to hers. He saw her throwing things off the balcony and cheering as they landed. What is that crazy woman doing now, he thought. When it looked like she was finished. He opened the balcony doors and walked to the edge to see what it was she was hurling into the wind. He still couldn't see, so he flew over the where they had landed. Pictures of the moron he thought. His mouth curled up in and almost smile. He looked up at her balcony to be sure she wasn't looking, and with a quick energy blast disintegrated the remains of the photographs. It felt good.

Now, he was done with this foolishness. It was time to get back to training.