Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The First Day of the Rest of My Life ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Disclaimer: You know

Chapter 4

Let the sexcapades begin!

Over the course of the next 4 weeks, every day went about the same. They would both somehow get together in the evening and end up in bed. At first, Vegeta was unwilling to stray from the missionary position, but as the days passed, Bulma began to experiment. She even showed him the "Book of Positions" that she had hidden under her bed. He became intrigued. With his strength and agility they were able to try just about every position in the book. Bulma was in ecstasy.

Then in the morning, they would both swear to themselves that the other one meant nothing to them and this was the last time they would ever sleep together. Bulma engulfed herself in work. She began exercising to keep off the added weight that quitting smoking was giving her. She alternated yoga with aerobic workouts. She set up a workout facility in the Capsule Corporation Headquarters and invited all the employees to join for free. She hired a fitness and nutritionist, who helped with smoking cessation. She even talked her dad into kicking the nasty habit, one he had been doing for as long as he could remember. They spoke to each other daily about how much they wanted a smoke, and ate ice cream together at their lunch breaks.

Shadow had taken to the Briefs household very quickly. He soon learned that Bulma's mother was the one in charge of most of the cooking. Bulma took him for walks out by the pond everyday. He chased Captain Ginyu as soon as he arrived at the pond and cornered him so that Bulma could catch him and drop kick him across the pond. The frog tried to find a hiding place, but Shadow always managed to flush him out. "He must be a water dog." Thought Bulma. He was great at retrieving and flushing out Namekian frog prey.

Vegeta threw himself into training. He mostly trained in the gravity pod, but there were days, after a particularly nasty fight with the woman, when he needed more. He would seek out the other Sayain and spar with him. Goku loved to fight with Vegeta and always obliged him with a battle to end all battles. Goku tried to find out from him how things were going with Bulma. Vegeta never obliged him with any details. "None of your damn business, Kakarrot." He would always say. Goku smiled because he knew exactly what that answer meant-exactly the way it was suppose to.

They would try in desperation to avoid each other, but fate would always have them running into each other. Bulma knew when he had been fighting with Goku. He always looked terrible when he got home. Her motherly instincts took over, and she was gentle taking care of him. He hated being taken care of and always protested, but in the end she always won. When his words were particularly cruel, she just smiled because she knew that was just the way he was. After all, she had no feelings for him. It was just sex between them. Just raw, passionate, earth moving sex. Nothing more-at least that is what she kept telling herself.

Vegeta kept trying to convince himself that sex was all it was too. At times he would pace in his room trying to rationalize what was happening between them. "It is nothing more than 2 beings trying to fulfill their animal desire for pleasure." He would say over and over in his head. She is simply a toy for him to play with as he saw fit. He had never experienced a woman giving back to him and it was breathtaking. But there were no feelings between them. It was just about the sex. Nothing more-at least that is what he kept telling himself.

Bulma's parents decided to go on a long weekend to their house by the seaside. "Now don't you try to sneak a smoke while you are gone." She told her dad as they were leaving. "Mom, you keep an eye on him."

"Oh you can count on that Bulma, dear." She said. "And don't you do anything too crazy while we are gone." She winked at her daughter, knowing exactly what had been happening between her and their hunky houseguest.

"You know me mom." She answered. She smiled a rather nervous smile. Secretly she was hoping Vegeta wouldn't come home tonight. She wasn't feeling very good. She kissed her parents good-bye, and they were off. Bulma went into the kitchen. She was standing over the sink and trying to think of something to fix for dinner. The thought of food was turning her stomach. "I must be coming down with the flu, or something." She thought.

As she stood there, she felt subtle breeze come up behind her. She felt the lips of the Sayain on the back of her neck. All the hair on the back of her neck stood up and she closed her eyes enjoying the feelings it was evoking. She heard a faint whisper in her ear, "Why aren't you working?" said the voice.

She turned to face the man that wasn't in her life. "I have the day off." She said softly to him. She slowly put her arms around his waist and pulled him closer to her. "Why aren't you training?" she said.

"I came in for a glass of water, but you are in the way of the refrigerator." He said.

"Why don't you push me out of the way?" she whispered. Their lips locked in a fervent kiss. Suddenly Bulma pulled back. "You stink." She said.

Vegeta grunted in indifference. He leaned back over to kiss her some more. She put her hand over his mouth. "Oh no you don't." she said. "It is too early in the day. Besides, we haven't had our daily argument yet." She stated. "And you stink." He took her hand away from his mouth and lightly started kissing her neck. Bulma closed her eyes and enjoyed the response her body made when he kissed her. His mouth moved closer to hers. She then pulled herself out of her trance and ducked under his arm and out of her trap against the sink. "I'll tell you what, stinky boy, we can take a shower together. Then you can take me out to dinner." He looked at her skeptically. He wasn't sure he wanted to go out in public with her. If someone saw them they might think he had feelings for this earthling, and that certainly was not the case. He walked past her to the refrigerator and got a bottle of water. He shut the door and leaned against it, a comfortable distance from where she was standing.

She walked over to him and grabbed the elastic waist of his training shorts. She winked at him and pulled him up the stairs and to the shower.

After they had their afternoon delight, Bulma picked some clothes out for him to wear that evening. "How about this?" she said to him.

He was lying naked on the bed and sizing up what she had in her hand. "For what?" he said.

"For tonight, when you take me to my favorite restaurant." She said back to him. She knew he was going to try to get out of it, but it wasn't going to happen.

"I never said I would take you to a restaurant." He said sternly to her. "Why would I want anyone to see me with you?"

"Since when did you care what anyone thought of you?" she retorted back to him.

He thought about that statement for a second. Have I gone mad, he thought? He got up from the bed and snatched the clothes out of her hands. He looked at her coldly. "Well, you had better go fix yourself up. You are a wreck." He said.

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. She grabbed her clothes off the floor and ran back to her room to get ready.

Vegeta threw the clothes on the bed and stared at them. What am I doing? I gave up an afternoon of training to spend with that woman, and now she is expecting me to put these ridiculous clothes on and spend an evening at a restaurant with a bunch of other idiots making idle conversation. I should be much further along in my training by now and I have completely lost my focus. He started to pace. Eventually he put the ridiculous clothes on and looked at himself in the mirror. He had to admit that he looked pretty good.

Bulma had picked out a powder blue, backless, silk dress for the evening's events. She loved the way it hugged her features and brought out the blue in her eyes. While she was putting the dress on she noticed that her breasts hurt a lot. It almost looked like they were swelled up. What is up with that, she thought. She pulled her hair back in a bun, but left some of her curls out, which fell gracefully at the sides of her cheek. She had picked out a pair of black pants and a dark gray shirt for Vegeta to wear. She thought she better skip asking him to wear a tie. That would be pushing it. When she was done, she came out of her room and shouted down the hall that she was ready. She took Shadow downstairs to let him out one last time before they left. Vegeta walked up a few minutes behind her. She turned to face him. "How do I look?" she asked.

Astounding, intoxicating, and mind-boggling were all words that came to his mind. Even some words from his native language came to mind, but he was not sure how they translated. "You look fine." He managed to say.

"Thanks." She said. She had been hoping for something a little more than "fine" but that was all she could expect from him. She let Shadow back in and gave him a pat on the head. "You look pretty hot yourself." He did look good. The buttons on his shirt could hardly contain his muscles. "Let's go." She said.

They arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes later. She had phoned ahead to let them know she was coming. All the restaurants treated her family like royalty. There was someone waiting at the door to park her car and the couple was escorted into the restaurant and to the best table. They sat and were given their menus. Bulma looked at the menu and felt sick. The waiter came over to take their drink orders. "Your usual Miss Briefs?" he asked.

"No, just water for me." She said.

"And for you sir?" he asked Vegeta.


"Let me tell you about our chef's specials today." Said the waiter. He went on to describe 2 dishes that would have sounded delicious if she didn't feel nauseated at every word he was saying. Bulma thanked him and said they need more time to decide. "I will be right back with your drinks then." He said.

"What sounds good to you?" said Bulma. She was having a very hard time deciding what on the menu wouldn't make her hurl.

"Everything." He said. "Can I have one of each?" he said and smirked at her. He noticed her face was turning a peculiar shade of white as she was sitting there. Not even her make up could cover up what she was feeling in her stomach.

"Whatever you want. I have dad's credit card." She said. She smiled at him. Some of the color came back to her face as she looked at him. "I think I am just going to get a salad." She managed to say.

Vegeta decided on one of the specials. The waiter came back and took their orders. After he had left, she took a big gulp of the cold water and put the glass up to her forehead. It felt really good against her hot skin. Vegeta witnessed this. He was mystified by her behavior. What was wrong with her? She put the glass down and started telling him about some projects her and her dad were working on. He half listened. He was captivated with how good she looked.

Bulma looked around the room. OH CRAP! Her eyes opened wide. "Don't look that way." She said pointing toward the door to the restaurant. Of course, Vegeta looked right in the direction she had told him not to. By the door were Goku, Chi-Chi, another woman and Yamcha. "Don't look over there!" she said to Vegeta. He looked back at her with a stone cold expression on his face. It was too late. Yamcha had seen her and was on his way over to the table. Goku followed behind.

"Hi Bulma." Said Yamcha when he got to the table. He saw who she was with and a look of shock came over his face. "Vegeta!" was all he could say.

Just then Goku had managed to make it to the table. "Hi guys. Wow Bulma, you look great!" he said.

"You clean up nicely yourself." She said to Goku.

"Well, nice to see you guys. Let's go Yamcha." He said and escorted Yamcha to their table on the other side of the restaurant. Goku knew the future and that the 2 of them had to get together some way. He didn't want anything to jeopardize future events and Yamcha would be throwing a big wrench in things. She watched as they got back to their table. Chi-Chi waved to her. She waved back. Vegeta was fuming.

"That was interesting." Bulma managed to say. She could see he was pissed. Yamcha was the last person either of them wanted to see. "He is such a jerk."

"How did he know you were going to be here?" asked Vegeta. There was fire in his eyes.

Bulma was shocked at the question. She thought for a moment at how she was going to answer. She didn't want to piss him off any more than he already was. "I am sure it is just a coincidence. I didn't call him or anything if that is what you are implying." She regretted the words even as they were coming out. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin this evening with him.

"That is exactly what I am implying. Did you drag me here in some sort of attempt to make that moron jealous?" There was nothing but hate in his tone with her.

"Vegeta," she said very softly, "I am here with you because I want to be here with you." She said. She placed her hand on his in an attempt to comfort him, but there was no comforting him. He pulled his hand away and crossed his arms over his chest. He leaned back in his chair and stared his cold heartless stare.

Just then their food came to the table. Bulma smiled and thanked the waiter and picked up her fork. She wanted to cry. She didn't even know if she could eat. Vegeta started eating, all the while staring at Bulma. He was very angry. If she didn't know better, she would say he was jealous, but she knew better. She just wanted to eat fast and get out of there as soon as they were done. When the waiter came back to ask how the food was, Bulma asked for the check. She explained that they were in a hurry and needed to get somewhere. Vegeta seemed to relax a little when this happened. He wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, also. This whole human food ritual was too much for him to take. When they were almost done with their meal, Goku came back over to the table. It was killing him to know what was going on between them. Chi-Chi wanted to know too so she sent him over to ask her to dance with him. "Mind if I dance with your girlfriend, Vegeta?" he asked.

Vegeta looked at him seething. "She is not my girlfriend, and why should I care what the 2 of you do." He spat.

"Uh, OK." He held out his hand for Bulma. Her eyes pleaded with him not to do this, but subtle hints were not Goku's strong point. She took his hand and he led her to the dance floor. "So what is going on between you two." He asked.

"Nothing. We are just having a nice dinner." She said and smiled.

"Right." He said. Goku could always make her smile. In a way, he was her best friend, even if he was an idiot. They made some idle conversation and danced a short time. After a while Goku felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked around to see Yamcha asking to cut in. Bulma shook her head and pleaded with her eyes not to let Yamcha dance with her. Goku didn't get the hint as usual. "I guess so." And he let go of Bulma.

Bulma stood there looking at Yamcha. She folded her arms over her chest and glared at him. "I have nothing to say to you. Can't you take a hint?" she said.

"Come on babe, one dance is all I ask." He held out his hands and motioned for her to come over to him.

"What about your date?" she asked.

"She means nothing to me. You look so hot in that dress, how could I look at anyone else?"

She glared some more at him and turned on her heels to go back to her table.

When she got back to the table, Vegeta was gone.

This was too much. She ran to the bathroom and luckily made it to the stall in time to lose everything she had just eaten.

He was gone.