Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The First Day of the Rest of My Life ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Disclaimer: Whatever

Chapter 5

Chi-Chi rushed to the bathroom in time to find Bulma lying on the floor crying. "What happened Bulma?" she managed to say.

"I threw up. I ruined everything. He is gone Chi-Chi." She started sobbing uncontrollably all the while repeating the words "he is gone" over and over.

"Come on girl, I'll take you home." She helped Bulma to stand. She had witnessed the whole incident from across the restaurant. She saw Vegeta leave when her and Yamcha were standing and talking. "Yamcha still cares about you. All he did was talk about how good you look at the table. I think his girlfriend was quite jealous."

"Good. I hope she dumps him and he becomes a pathetic lonely old man." Said Bulma. They were walking across the restaurant and Goku walked up to them.

"I am taking Bulma home in her car. Have Yamcha drive over and get me when you guys are finished eating."

"OK. Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to go look for Vegeta for you?" he said.

Bulma shook her head. She just wanted to go home and get in her bed. She never wanted to see Yamcha or Vegeta ever again. She was done with men in her life. This was definitely it. No more men!

They got home and Chi-Chi helped her up to her room. They didn't see the form in the background watching as they entered the house. Shadow was waiting eagerly for her to get home. He followed them up the stairs and got on her bed next to her. He had his pull toy in his mouth and laid it down next to her. "Not now boy." Bulma said to him. He put his head down on her stomach and she stroked the back of his head. Chi-Chi had gone down to the kitchen and was making her some tea.

Chi-Chi came back to her room with some tea and crackers. "Drink some of this." She said to Bulma. She sat up on her elbows and sipped a little of the hot liquid.

"Why Chi-Chi? Why did he leave and not tell me where he was going?"

"Just stop. Vegeta is a cold heartless bastard and you are better off without him."

Just then Shadow lifted his head and perked up his ears. "Lay down boy." Said Bulma. He turned his head back to her and took his place where he had been. Shadow had heard something on the balcony. It was the same form that had been watching her when she came into the house. Vegeta was listening, sure that he would hear the woman admit to something that would help him to forget about all that he was feeling for her. "Listen to what that woman is telling you. I am a cold heartless bastard." He thought.

"He can be cold and heartless," Bulma began, "but he can also be much more than that. He is passionate. He is nothing like Yamcha." What am I saying. I must be losing my mind, she thought.

"Yes, if he is anything like Goku in bed-"

"Stop Chi-Chi, too much information." The thought of Goku in bed made her stomach queasy again. "I must have gotten a stomach flu or something. My breasts are killing me."

Chi-Chi's eyes opened wide. "Bulma, when is the last time you had a period?" she asked.

"I don't know, why?" asked Bulma, confused by her question.

"Have you had one in the last month?"

Bulma thought about this for a moment. She picked up the calendar next to her bed and looked at it. She had marked the day she quit smoking on it and realized that was a month ago. It had been 7 weeks since her last period. She looked at Chi-Chi with wide eyes. "No." was all she managed to say.

"Lay down Bulma. You need to rest. The nausea is only going to get worse." Said Chi-Chi.

"I want my mommy." Said Bulma.

Vegeta was back in his room. He had left the conversation when she started talking about how passionate he was. It was time to end this. She now had feelings for him and that did not fit into his plan. It was nothing but a distraction to what was really important. He would wait for that imbecile's wife to leave and then he would tell her to leave him alone. There must be another room in this house that wasn't so close to hers that he could stay in. Then he thought, why should I even stay here at all? All the craziness of the house was more than he could take. It was all a big distraction to the one goal that had eluded him for far too long. His quest to become a Super Sayian.

Bulma finally drifted off to sleep. Chi-Chi went downstairs to wait for Yamcha, who showed up very soon after she started waiting. "Is she OK?" asked Yamcha.

"As OK as she can be in her condition." Retorted Chi-Chi.

"YEAH!" shouted Goku when he heard the news. Destiny had been fulfilled.

Yamcha was crushed. It was really over. She had really moved on. He missed her, but he knew he would never get her back. He also knew that Vegeta was not someone to be messed with and that his best course of action would be to stay far away from her.

Goku had been dancing around the car. Chi-Chi smacked him and told him to get back in the car so they could go home. "What has gotten into you?" She gasped rolling her eyes at her husband.

"Nothing." He said with an idiotic grin on his face.

They drove off.


Vegeta was pacing in his room. Surely that woman was gone by now and he could talk to the other woman about leaving him alone. He opened his door and walked to her door. The door was open and he walked in. Shadow sat up. Vegeta motioned him off the bed and he obliged. Bulma was sound asleep. No longer did she have the beautiful blue dress on. She had on a T-shirt and was snuggled under the covers. Her hair was all over the place. He walked to the bed and stood above her.

Bulma stirred in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. She could see Vegeta staring down at her and almost thought she was dreaming. She blinked a few times and focused on him. She then sat up, shocked at what she was seeing. "I thought you were gone." She said. "I didn't think I would ever see you again." There was no anger in her voice; only relief that he was still here.

"I have come to tell you that I am leaving. I can no longer live in the same house with all this craziness. You are too much of a distraction to me and I am not progressing in my training the way I want to." He stated coldly to her.

She shook her head. "You can't leave now." She pleaded.

"You can't stop me woman."

"Sit down Vegeta, I have something very important to tell you."

"I do not have time to listen to some long explanation of this evenings events. I know what I saw. You obviously still want to be with that moron and I do not share my women with anyone."

"Did you just call me your woman?" said Bulma.

"I most certainly did not. If you were my woman, which you aren't, I would have killed both Kakarrot and that moron for even touching you. I have no feelings for you. I never did and I never will. You are a nuisance that has become too much of a distraction for my liking."

His words hit her intensely. She had no fight left in her to retaliate with. She simply looked at him, searching his face for some sort of feeling that she knew she had seen in the past. She thought she had broken down part of the wall that he had built around himself. She could see now that was not the case. He was a cold, heartless bastard, just like Chi-Chi had said. She spoke very softly, "I have something very important I have to tell you before you leave. It has nothing to do with what happened at the restaurant. Would you please listen?"

He turned his head away from her. "Go ahead, but make it quick." He said.

"I think that I am pregnant." She said. She couldn't think of any other way to tell him except to just blurt it out.

He looked at her. That was not what he was expecting her to say. His expression was that of shock and disbelief. He walked over closer to her, his features now were cold as ice. "And you are telling me this because?" he said.

"Because I thought you should know that you are going to be a father." She said.

"How can you be so sure it is mine?" he asked. "You slept with that moron. In fact you were so easy to screw, surely there were other men besides me."

Bulma's eyes welled up with tears. "There is no one else but you, Vegeta." She said softly. She finally admitted it to herself.

"That is not my concern." He said and turned and walked out of the room.

Shadow, who had been on the floor, came over to her and got back up on the bed. She stroked his head and behind his ears as she tried to choke back the tears that wanted to fall. "I guess it's just you and me boy." She said to Shadow. She lay back down on the bed and slowly drifted back to sleep.


When Bulma awoke the next morning, she had to lie in bed. Every time she tried to move the nausea took over. Luckily the crackers that Chi-Chi had brought her the night before were still sitting by her bed. She managed to find the phone number to the house that her parents were staying in and called. She told her mom that she had to come home and help her. She had to go see a doctor and confirm that she really was pregnant.

Her parents rushed home from their trip and her mother called the doctor. She went to see him that day and it was confirmed. She was pregnant. The doctor also took an ultrasound of the baby. She saw the tiny being that was growing in her stomach. "Can you tell if it is a boy or girl?" she asked the doctor. He could not tell this early, but pretty soon they would be able to. The doctor gave her a copy of the ultrasound picture. She held it and looked at it again. Whatever you are, I will give you a better life than your father had growing up, she said to herself. This I promise you.

Her mother talked a mile a minute on the way home. She was ecstatic over the possibility of a baby in the Briefs house.

Bulma felt like she was outside herself watching the world go by. She was supposed to be starting over. She had done so much in the last month to change who she was, but she hadn't changed inside. In the process of committing to no men in her life, she had fallen in love with the most emotionally unavailable man in the world. Why couldn't she have found a nice accountant or schoolteacher to fall in love with. Oh, no, she had to date men who were criminals and murderers. Now she was having a child. She thought the day at the hair salon was her lowest point, but this had topped it. She had hit the bottom.

When they got back home, Bulma went to his room, hoping he was still there. He wasn't. She checked the gravity pod, also. Not there. He was gone. She couldn't dwell on it. She had a huge responsibility to her baby. It wasn't just her anymore that she had to worry about.

She wasn't sure how she was going to get through the next 8 months, but she didn't have a choice. She would get through it.

She would get through it.