Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Love of the Universe ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note pt.1: Oh my Kami!!!!! I know that it has been about a month since I posted the last chapter. I am sorry for keeping you all in suspense. I have just been going through a lot of things, and school is kicking my butt.  I also have a BAD, BAD case of writer's block! =(   To be honest, I thought about discontinuing this story, but two bad things happened on ff.net this week. Two of my favorite stories have been discontinued. Just as they were getting good! I don't want my readers to feel that way! I love my readers and my reviewers! I want to keep them in every story I come out with. So, I am going to finish it ^.~ I hope that you all like this chapter. Trust me, it was well worth the wait! ^. ~
I would also like to thank my Beta reader, Summer Black! She's completely awesome!
The Love of the Universe - A Sudden Change of Plans/Feelings Revealed
King Vegeta walked all around the palace looking for his son. `I have looked everywhere for this boy. Where is he?' King Vegeta's thoughts were interrupted by water that was dripping on his head. `Since when have we had a leak in the roof?'
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King Vegeta walked up to the roof and there he was, his son. He was soaking wet just staring out into the world.
“I have been looking for you, son. You shouldn't be standing out here in such a storm. How long have you been up here?.”   Prince Vegeta didn't respond. “Well, King Briefs and I have the army ready to go with you to Chaos's castle and…”
“I am going alone. I am not going to wait three days. I am going now.” Vegeta said without moving from his position.
“What? You can't go alone! Do you know how dangerous this is?”
“I don't care, Father. I said that I am going alone. I don't need any assistance.”
“But, Son..” Vegeta quickly turned to his father.
“Dammit! No Buts! This is something that I have to do on my own.” Prince Vegeta turned back around and flew off in the direction of Chaos's castle.
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At Chaos's castle…………
Chaos sat on his throne in his dark, empty room. He and Princess Bulma had just returned from Vegetasei's palace. He was rather irritated.
“I don't have the patience to wait three days. I want the Universe now!.” Chaos looked to the side of him and stared at the sleeping princess next to him. She couldn't take all of the evil that Chaos had put into her, and this caused her to pass out. `Weak female.' As he turned away from her, his eyes glowed red. He was getting an idea.
`Since I already have her and she is under my control, I don't need to marry her.  I can do as I please!' Chaos began laughing uncontrollably. “I am the ruler of the Universe! I will destroy it, and then re-build my own Universe filled with darkness and destruction. Yes, this is my true destiny.” Chaos turned his attention back to Princess Bulma. “I need to use you for one last time, princess.”
Chaos then picked up Princess Bulma and snapped his fingers to take him to his desired destination. They ended up on the roof of his castle. He put Princess Bulma down, and he looked up at the sky. It was storming horribly. Pouring Rain,  uncontrollable thunder and lightning.
“Ah, the perfect weather for destruction! I couldn't of planned it better myself.”
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Prince Vegeta landed at the doorstep of the castle of Chaos. He blasted the door down with a ki blast and went inside. The inside of his castle was so dark and empty. Prince Vegeta could hardly see.
`Bulma, where are you?'
Prince Vegeta stopped walking, closed his eyes, and searched for her ki. He suddenly opened his eyes. He found her ki, but it was horrible. He didn't exactly know what to make of it, but he knew that she was in trouble. He de-materialized from where he was to the roof. His eyes widened at the sight that was in front of him. It was Chaos holding Bulma up in the sky by some type of powerful force. Bulma was completely possessed. She was floating in the air with her arms held out at her sides. Her eyes were a glowing red, just staring out into the universe, not blinking at all.  `What is he doing with her?'
“So good to see you, Prince Vegeta.” Chaos said as he turned away from Bulma. “You should be honored that you are here to witness this.”
“To witness what? Your death? I am going to kill you with my bare hands.”
“Silly Prince. I'm not the one who is going to die. Today is the last day of the Universe. As a matter of fact, this the last moment. I figured that I didn't have to wait three days for this. I had already met the requirements of the Universe's ruler. I'll forgive you for not bowing to me.”
Prince Vegeta began fuming, causing his power level to increase greatly. Chaos smirked at him.
“Humph. You're not hardly as strong as I thought.”
“You won't be saying that after I kill you.”
“Yeah, whatever, Prince Vegeta. I have bigger things to do right now.” Chaos turned his attention back to Princess Bulma.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh! I didn't finish telling you, did I? I am going to destroy the Universe, and re-build it into darkness. You see, Prince Vegeta, to destroy it, I would have to use all of my powers. This would cause me to die with the rest of you all.”
Prince Vegeta smirked in triumph. “Now I know you're bluffing. How are you going to rebuild the Universe in darkness if you are going to die from destroying it?”
Chaos laughed loudly. “I told you already. I am not the one who is going to die.” Chaos pointed at Princess Bulma. “She is.”
Prince Vegeta flinched. “What? How?”
“When I brainwashed her, I began storing my powers inside of her. So she will destroy the Universe and will parish all in one breath.”
Prince Vegeta sank to one knee. He couldn't believe this. Was it all suppose to end this way? Would Princess Bulma really do this? No, of course not! She loves him, and he loves her! Prince Vegeta knew that he would soon have to swallow his pride and tell her how he felt. He had t do it, for her, and to set himself free. Saying this, Prince Vegeta's power level increased even more. He began to scream and he threw his body back. As he was screaming, his hair flashed gold.
“I will not allow you hurt her anymore! I……I……” Prince Vegeta struggled for words as he was going through his transformation. “I love her!”
Chaos laughed at Prince Vegeta's words. “Touching. But I am afraid you are too late! This ends now!” Chaos began to send a wave of energy through the force that was holding up Princess Bulma.
Prince Vegeta noticed this, and he completely snapped.
“Gallic Gun!” He blasted straight to Chaos, causing him fall off of the roof, and it broke the force that held Princess Bulma. When the smoke from the blast cleared, it revealed a legend.
The legendary Super Saiyan had awakened within Prince Vegeta. He stood with gold hair, and turquoise eyes. He had caught Princess Bulma in his arms before she fell to the ground from being released from Chaos's force. He gently set her down on the floor of the roof. He wiped away the raindrops that were falling on her face. She looked up at him. Her eyes weren't red anymore. They returned to their normal beautiful blue. She was herself again. But she was weak. All of that energy that Chaos put into her drained her own pure energy.
“Prince Vegeta. You've become….a Super Saiyan?”
“Don't speak. You need to rest.”
“I am so sorry. I couldn't control myself. I was so much in love with you, and I felt betrayed, because I thought that you didn't love me. But now I know….you do. You love me.”
Prince Vegeta nodded and kissed her lightly on her lips. As they pulled away from each other, he looked down at her. His princess. He noticed tears escaping her eyes.
“I love you, Prince Vegeta. You saved my life.” These were the last words she said before she passed out.
Prince Vegeta was about to pick her up and take her back to Vegetasei, when he was rudely interrupted by Chaos. He had survived the blast and now he was back on the roof. He was steaming mad.
“Dammit! You will die for destroying my plan!”
Prince Vegeta gave Chaos a deadly look as he held his fallen love in his arms. He couldn't fight Chaos with her here. He didn't want her to get hurt again. He closed his eyes and began to think. He focused on his destination. The Vegetasei palace. Quickly, he transmitted himself from off of the roof of Chaos's castle, to his room in the Vegetasei Palace. He placed Princess Bulma on the bed, and kissed her on her forehead.
“I'll be back for you.”
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He then transmitted himself back to the roof of Chaos's castle. He began walking up to Chaos. Chaos stood in his place, looking at the Saiyan Prince up and down.
“So, this is what a Super Saiyan looks like. I must congratulate you for becoming a legend. Too bad I will be the only one to see it. This defeat will be better than destroying the Universe. I will destroy the Legendary Super Saiyan.”
“Get over yourself! You'll never defeat me. I am stronger and more powerful than you. I am a Super Saiyan, the most power being in the Universe. Remember your wizardry can't work on Saiyans. How can you possibly beat me?”
“I have enormous powers. It won't be a problem beating you.”
Vegeta smirked. Chaos didn't have a chance of beating him, but maybe he did have some fighting powers.
“Well, what are we waiting for?  Let us begin!”
Author's note pt.2: Ok, now it is very, very important for you all to review. The next chapter is the last chapter. Please review this chapter. Think about all I have gone through just to get this chapter out to you all. I need my reviewers support! ^.~ If I get enough reviews, then I'll bring out the ending quicker. If I don't… then I'll have about another break, because schoolwork is so demanding! (College is hard, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!) Any way, I didn't know what you guys would think about this chapter. I still have writer's block, so I hope you all still liked it. I'm gonna stop blabbering so you guys can review! Please review! Oh, and please go and read “One of a Kind” by NightZone. This fic is beyond tight! I have another fic called “Love works in mysterious ways.” Please read and review it. It is a B/V and a K/CC! It is in its beginning stages, but it's good nonetheless. Read and enjoy! Ok!! I'll stop talking now! Review! ^.~