Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The return of Blizzer ❯ An old evil returns ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

An old evil returns.

Seth: okay all we have left to check is the south islands and the east area.

Rio: we should just check the south, and then tomorrow we'll check the east.

Cloud: let's make this one a quick trip (all start flying faster)

After just two minutes they land on the island.

Kenta: you think you sisters will be mad.

Cloud: not if don't tell them we came here hahaha.

Seth: come on I'm getting tired of this.

All start searching. There are four islands so Kenta and VJ checked an island and then the other checked by them selves.

Kenta: we found nothing.

Cloud: nether did I.

Rio: not me, that leaves Seth.

VJ: let's go.

All take of to the island that Seth is checking.

VJ: Seth…hello?

Cloud: Seth?

Kenta: man HEY Seth!!

Seth: (pops out of a bush) shhhhh!!!!

VJ: what.

Seth: come on and (looks at Kenta) be quiet.

All stare into a clearing on the island and sees an indigo and fascia alien meditating.

Suddenly Rio jumps from the bushes yelling KA MA KA MA HAAAA!!! Upon hearing this, the alien dodges the blast still in an Indian meditating sitting style. Next was the oldest and most powerful of the group Seth and Cloud both said KA ME HA ME HAAAA!!! The blasts being bigger and faster the alien came out of his meditating sit and dodged another blast.

Rio: you did it didn't you?!

??? : Yes I did!

Rio: who are you?

A figure with a body like metal cooler only a darker color of metal almost a black metal comes out of the shadows.

Blizzer: I am Blizzer.

Seth: I've heard of you, you tried to kill my dad!

Blizzer: my, my I have killed many does this person have a name?

Seth: his name is Lance Omni!

Blizzer: (muttering) stupid saiyan so he did survive.

Cloud: if you know him then you must know Tyler Ruiz.

Blizzer: ….yes I know your father's and I pity them now more than ever.

Seth: what do you mean?!

Blizzer: well know I get to beat them again.

Cloud: we won't let you! Come on Seth!

Both Seth and Cloud turn super saiyan and attack the beast but it being seven years Blizzer also has gotten stronger and with a whip of his metal tail he knocks both the young super saiyans back.

Blizzer: stupid saiyan monkeys.

Blizzer starts to beat the crap out of Seth and Cloud. Then the other join the fight even though it was five on one Blizzer still took care of all the littler warriors.

Cloud: (gets up very slow) Seth we need to.

Seth: (on his knees coughing up blood) yes let do it.

Both: fusion ha!

Blizzer: (thinking) this is like the last fight.

Flash back.

Light engulfs two warriors to make Trance but after a grueling fight Blizzer beat Trance but then. The light took another making the being of Blizzer's nightmares Gogeta; after thinking that he defeated the mighty warrior the smoke cleared from the hole were they fell there stands an unharmed super saiyan three warrior. After reveling that his friends gave him his energy. After that was just a blur to Blizzer. When he woke up he was just a finger tip and thanks to the mind of Dr. Mew he regenerated then went back to Mew's home to be made into what he is now. END FLASH BACK.

Clouth: you ready or not?!

Blizzer: I love that about fusion. If one of them is cocky then the fusion will make a cocky warrior but if they are both then the warrior is just insane.

Clouth: you done yet.

Clouth starts to fight Blizzer. But just like Blizzer said they were way too over confident and did make many errors that they didn't when where two separate warriors. Blizzer kicks Clouth with just half his strength and it made him drop to the ground in pain.

Blizzer: tell your folks I'll be here.

Clouth: …bite me…

Blizzer: (kicks Clouth knocking him out) you are just like Trance only stupider.