Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Time Enough To Be With You ❯ "I don't want to go somewhere, if I know that you're not there" ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Time Enough To Be With You

Part 4

"I don't want to go somewhere, if I know that you're not there"

"That was some storm last night, I hope it didn't bother you to much." Bulma said, taking a seat at the table.

"Oh no, not at all." Samantha replied.

"I'm sure." Colette smirked, looking in Samantha's direction.

Samantha giggled nervously, looking away from Colette's accusing eyes. But perhaps she should've stared back in the same fashion. After all, Colette had slept in the same bed with Goku, just as Samantha had with Trunks. Yes, they had used the sudden thunderstorm greatly to their advantage, and if certain others had not been present in the house they might have taken that advantage a bit further. After all, innocence is just a mask for lust.

"It's a shame Bra and Pan aren't a bit older, or you girls could have a lot of fun together, gossiping about the boys. Marron's about your age, but she's rather quiet until you get to know her. But tell me, in your honest opinion, who's better looking, Trunks or Goten?"

"Trunks." Samantha answered without hesitation.

"Goten." Colette said smiling.

"I see." Bulma nodded, "Interesting."

"Interesting in what way?" Colette asked, not liking the look Bulma had gotten when she said that.

"Oh, nothing." Bulma went back to sipping her coffee, but the mischievous look remained in her eyes.

Colette glanced over to Samantha, who had not seemed to notice it. She leaned over to her friend and whispered, "So? How did it go?"

"How did what go?" Samantha asked.

"You know."

"Nothing happened."

"Oh come on, you don't expect me to believe that. I know you better than that."

"I woke up in the middle of the storm, it scared me. I went out in the hallway and Trunks was out there too. He asked if I wanted some company, I said yes, so he told me to come into his room."

"Keep going." Colette said.

"Well I got cold, so he got a little closer, and said something about chances. Then we start playing around and sort of wrestling with each other. It was a rather uneven match, but after he knocked me on the floor a couple times, we played around underneath the covers, then just kind of laid there for a while. I think he was going to kiss me at one point, but I panicked and fell off the bed again. Then we had a pillow fight, and I kissed him right before we fell asleep in each other's arms." She sighed.

"Storybook ending, huh?" Colette said, sounding rather bored.

"Yeah. He carried me back into the guestroom this morning so Bulma and Vegeta wouldn't find out." She paused, wearing a cheery smile, "So, how was your night?"

Colette sighed, "Well, Goku said he would stay in the room with me, ya know, because of the storm and everything." Samantha smirked. "He's so good to have around. We were having a Kodak moment, when ChiChi freaked out, ran into the room, and grabbed Goku in a death grip."

"Oh, poor you." Samantha mocked.

Colette said nothing in reply to that, "Anyway, since Goku didn't want either one of us to be scared, we ended up sleeping in there and he slept in between me and ChiChi."

"Wasn't that kind of awkward?" Samantha asked.

"No, not at all. I think it was kind of cute, kind of like something from a movie." Colette said.

"Yeah, a movie about a crazy teenager trying to steal a guy away from his domineering wife."

"I am not trying to steal him, I mearly want to borrow him."

"For how long?" Samantha asked.

Colette laughed. Vegeta walked into the room, wearing a casual attire of khaki pants and a blue tank top. He stopped as he saw Colette and Samantha, staring down at them. "How long have you been here?" He asked Colette.

"About an hour." Colette answer. "Goten brought me over, said he and Trunks had some errands to run."

Vegeta growled, "Great, that boy's already out and among the public. Out there with all the bakas, and the stupid females, and other lowlifes." His eyes fell on the girls again, mostly looking at Samantha, "It's not supposed to rain tonight, just so you know." With that he said nothing more, and left into the kitchen where Bulma was.

"Do you think he knows that you were in Trunks' room last night? I mean with that last comment he made?" Colette asked.

"I don't think so, I wouldn't worry about it." Samantha's seriousness faded into the familiar look of sinful thoughts, "But he sure looked hot in that tanktop, didn't he?"

Colette said nothing.

Samantha hit her lightly on the arm, "Oh come on, I know when he was standing there you were fighting with a thousand voices screaming 'Kiss him! Flirt with him! Heck, violate him even!' You can't deny it."

"Ok, ok, I admit it." Colette replied, slightly blushing. "But I got a better treat this morning. I passed Goku in the hallway, just after he had taken a shower."

"You mean. . .?" Samantha started.

Colette winked, "Yep, wet and wearing nothing but a towel."

"Did you faint?"


It was silent for a moment, then both girls laughed about the situation, picturing what could've happened had it not been for certain things(or people).

The slamming sound of the front door made both of them look up, soon greeted by a familiar voice. "Hey! Anybody home?"

Samantha looked over to where Colette had been, only to find she was long out of her chair and into the next room.

"Goku!" She cried as she ran to him.

Goku caught her, picking her up and twirling her around before she wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug.

"I missed you." She said happily.

Goku laughed, "You just saw me this morning."

"Yeah, from what I heard, she certainly did." Samantha said, having entered the room and leaning against a wall. "In fact, I think she'd like to see a little more of you, wouldn't you, Colette?"

Colette's face was bright red, as she gave Samantha the "cut it out" signal repeatedly. Thankfully, Goku's ignorance kept him from catching on to the joke Samantha was making, and he stood there looking confused.

Bulma and Vegeta entered the room, Vegeta groaning when he saw Goku and his usual goofy grin.

"Hi Goku, bad night?" Bulma asked.

"Nah, we were fine. Weren't we?" Goku asked, looking down at Colette who had released him from her hold, but still stood five centimeters away from him.

"Yeah, fine." She replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Vegeta growled in his throat and Bulma elbowed him in the stomach.

"What was that for?" Vegeta asked, even though he had barely felt it.

"Are you jealous?" Bulma whispered in a teasing tone, smirking at him.

Vegeta said nothing, part of him wanted to yell at her for thinking such a thing, and another part of him wanted to give it good thought. "Jealous of what?" He finally asked.

"That Goku's getting all the attention, and you're getting left in the dirt." Bulma replied.

"Hmpf." Vegeta crossed his arms, "I don't care. That girl can give him all the attention she wants to give, I don't need someone like that hanging around me."

"Of course, we wouldn't want to ruin your image." Bulma said, walking away from him.

'I'm not jealous. I don't want some fool, hormone-driven teenager, hanging on me and trying to kiss me, or anything of the sort.'

'Why, when you've got me to do all that?' Bulma said, via their link.

Vegeta scoffed, turning and walking out of the room.

"That was strange." Goku said, the quizzical faces of the girls seeming to agree.

"I wonder where Trunks and Goten are." Samantha said out of nowhere.

As if on cue, the two teem demi-saiyans burst through the front door and ran up the stairs before anyone had a chance the stop them. They heard the slam of a closing door and then returned to silence.

"Bulma, does this happen often?" Colette asked.

"No, just every other day of my life." Bulma replied.