Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ To Be Or Not To Be Queen, That Is The Question ❯ The Summons ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-DBZ isn't mine

The Summons

"Great, another long year," 18 said. She, Chichi, and Bulma were waiting outside their school, Bejita High.

"Oh, come on, 18. It'll be fun!" Chichi said encouragingly.

18 rolled her eyes. She was already 14, having had her birthday on April 24th, while Chichi would be 14 on September 12th and Bulma on November 8th. Consequently, she thought herself the wisest, so if she said high school was boring, high school was boring.

Someone rammed into Bulma from behind. Bulma tripped and stumbled backwards. Chichi and 18 caught her and straightened her up.

"Move," someone snarled. The voice belonged to Samantha Zenith, the second richest Saiyan on Vegetasei. Samantha had curly black hair in a ponytail and black eyes. She wasn't the prettiest girl on campus, but she made up for it in street-style fighting and basically doing the ghetto scene. Samantha lived across the street from Chichi, Bulma, and 18's boarding house, and the three were not on good terms.

"Watch where you're going, 6!tc#!" 18 yelled.

Samantha's group of followers, Cleo, Nydia, and Ilana, grouped behind Samantha, shooting daggers with their eyes at Chichi, Bulma, and 18.

Samantha stepped up, smirking. "Watch it, girl. I'm a Saiyan."

"I don't give a flying <Bleep>," 18 said. "Do the universe a favor and shove your Saiyan Pride up your enormous @$$, OK?"

Samantha was about to reply when the bell rang, and a stampede of students ran towards them. Almost instantly, the two enemy groups were lost from each other. When the crowd had passed, Samantha was gone.

The three girls, who had the same schedule, went to their first period class, English I. They took their seats as the bell rang, and their teacher stood in front of the class.

"Greetings, students," he said. "My name is Bardock Son. You will call me Commander Bardock, Commander Son, or Sir. That goes for you too, Kakarotto and Turles." He glanced at two boys who looked exactly like him. They nodded.

"We also have three exchange students from Earth: Chichi King, Bulma Brief, and 18 Gero. And while we're on the subject of names, I'll call role. Abby?"




Bardock continued to call role until he reached the end of the list. "All right: ground rules. I catch you talking, you've got detention. I catch you chewing something, detention, and if it's drugs, suspension. You can cry your pansy @$$ off to your parents to have them sue me, but this ain't even my real job, and I'd be thankful if you did."

"That means you're screwed, Samantha," 18 said to her enemy across the room.

The class laughed lightly. Samantha was about to give a reply when, once again, she was cut off.

SCREEEEEE "Will Chichi King, Bulma Brief, 18 Gero, Samantha Zenith, Nydia Haven, Cleo Blossom, Ilana Roots, Sylvia Wood, Diana Hunt, and Kali Dark please report to the Main Office?" the intercom blared.

"OOOOH!!" the class chorused.

"Shut it!" Bardock yelled. "You know where the Main Office is?"

"No, sir," Chichi said.

"No, sir," Samantha mocked.

Chichi pretended to ignore her, but flipped her off under the desk.

"Kakarotto! Krillin!" Bardock turned to one of the boys identical to him, and also to a bald midget sitting behind him to the left. "You two know where it is. Show them."

"Yes, sir." The two boys got up and went to the door as the girls walked towards them.

Samantha, with her cronies, walked ahead. Kali, Sylvia, and Diana lagged behind. So that left Krillin, Kakarotto, Chichi, Bulma, and 18 to walk in the middle.

"Well, as you can pretty much guess, I'm Krillin and he's Kakarotto," the bald midget said.

"My name is Chichi."

"I'm Bulma."

"18." 18 blew a bubble with the gum she'd been chewing since the start of 1st period.

"So, why were we called down?" Bulma asked, her head leaning to the side as she braided her straight, shoulder-length, azure-colored hair.

Krillin shrugged. "Got me."

"Hey, 18, maybe they heard you and Samantha fighting and decided to call us down."

"Yes, and I suppose Kali, Sylvia, and Diana were a part of that," Chichi said.

"Good point," Bulma said.

"Here's the office," Kakarotto said, and the group of 12 entered.

"Good afternoon," the secretary, Miss Lunar, said. "You have all been called here for a special reason. You 10 have been picked to be possible brides for his Highness, Prince Vegeta!"

"Possible…brides?!" Chichi gasped.

"No <Bleep> way," 18 said in a low voice.

"Do our parents know?" Kali, a small, squarely built Saiyan with shoulder length black hair and black eyes, asked.

"They were notified. Few raised a fuss."

"I think I know why," 18 muttered, glancing at the Saiyans in the room and guessing their power levels.

"You'll be summoned to the palace in 3 days. The competition will last from then till New Year's." Miss Lunar said. "Bring only personal items. All your clothes and food will be supplied. "

"What if we don't want to go?" 18 asked. "Ow…hey!"

"Shut up!" Bulma hissed, pinching 18's arm.

"Good luck, ladies," Mrs. Lunar said. "You are now all fiancees of Prince Vegeta."

"So, I guess the prince practices polygamy," Chichi said irritably as they walked out the door.

"Don't worry, you probably won't get picked," Kakarotto said.

"And why's that?!"

"Hey, I was trying to be reassuring," Kakarotto insisted, cowering.

"Fine Saiyan you are," Samantha muttered. "Bested by an Earthling."

Chichi stepped on Samantha's heel, then turned before Samantha could yell at her. "I know that. I was just teasing you."

"Well, at least we can hang out at the palace," Krillin said. "My grandfather trains the guards at the palace."

"My parents ARE the guards to the palace," Kakarotto said. "We have a little house on the grounds."

"Cool," Bulma said. "What's the prince like?"

"Quiet. A little arrogant. Very strong. Easy to annoy," Krillin said. "That's him in a nutshell."

"Anything good about him?" 18 asked.

"He's very protective of the people he likes," Kakarotto offered. "He's not really that bad a guy, just hard to get to know."

"I see," Bulma said.

"Oh, come on, dumb-@$$!" Samantha snapped. "He's a prince! He's rich! Marry him, and you're a queen! That's what's good about him."

"Shallow 6!tc#," Bulma said. "For someone who doesn't say a lot, you talk a lot of $#!t."

"That's it, 6!tc#," Samantha said, stopping. "I'll take on all three of you right now."

"Gladly." 18 took off her watch and handed it to Krillin, and cracked her knuckles. Chichi tightened her hair tie, and Bulma dropped into a fighting stance.

"Oh, knock it off," Diana said, stepping inbetween them. "Look, our class is right here. Save your fighting for Gym class."

She pushed open the door, and the others walked in, some reluctantly, some relieved.

"And what was that about?" Bardock asked.

"We were picked to be possible princesses of Vegetasei," Sylvia said.

The class erupted into "Lucky" and "THEM?" and "On the first day of school even!" before Bardock yelled. "SHUT UP! Take your seats."

The girls and two boys took their seats, barely containing their excitement.