Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Trading Places ❯ Don't go chasing Chibi waterfalls ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Trading Places

Author: J'dee

Rating: NC-15/6 (offensive language)

Genre: Humour / Drama

Idea: DBGT Pleasantville style... Two siblings are switched with the Brief siblings.

Author's Note: Well this was inspired by a certain episode of Mataku, it a NZ tv show based of real maori legends. *grins* I've warped this one a bit to involve a door of the club.

This chapter is what you get when the author has two slices of pizza, a banana, some peppermint chocolate and a glass of fizzy raspberry… and the inspiration didn't last long so it's a short chappy.

The Disclaimer: I own it all bwha-hahahahaha!! *is bopped over the head by Yamcha*

Yamcha: Did legal introductions at college not teach you anything?

J'dee: Ummm sure! It taught me contacts are cool.

Yamcha: Contacts or contracts?

J'dee: *blinks* There's a difference?

Yamcha: paper work if you own dbz then there will be a lot of paperwork involved in trying to prove it. Then court battles and so forth. You wanted to be a lawyer you should know this stuff.

J'dee: He ruins all my fun *pouts*

***Don't go chasing Chibi Waterfalls***

The group of dbz nuts, authors fans were gathered near the exit.

"Goten and J'd- er Bra aren't here yet... where are they?" Gohan looked round. "I can't even sense their ki anywhere in here."

BananaGirl held on to Vegeta's leg, well was more attached to his leg like a magnet.

Quorky stood his full height and grinned. "Now who's taller? Who's going to be who's muse now huh?"

BananaGirl bopped Quorky over the head with her chibi balled up fist and giggled.

Quorky held his head and glared at the chibi.

"Brat let go of me!" Vegeta shook his leg.

BananaGirl held on to his leg tightly and shook her head. "Nah-uh. Skwittles you mine now… me keep you."

"Why am I getting a Majin Buu flash back?" John asked walking over.

Aiya sighed. "I want to find seventeen."

"Ummm super seventeen saga has been already." Mabelle pointed out. "Afterall Goku was merged with the dragon." She added.

"What no seventeen?" Aiya looked disappointed. "I'm going to change that."

Tobias slapped his forehead. "How do you plan on doing that huh?"

"I'll get the dragonballs." Aiya replied.

"There are no dragonballs either." Piccolo pointed out.

"I'm going to change that too." Aiya added.

"I'd like to see that." Krillen chuckled.

"Well if Piccolo and Turles can be let out of hell why can't seventeen huh?!"

Turles smirked. "I was sent to watch over you crazy lot."

"I demand seventeen to be sent to watch over me and me alone!"

"Look kid I don't make the choices." Turles remarked.

"Then I demand you go back and demand king yemma to let seventeen watch over me."

"Ooooh and see if he can find a way to get Goku back here too." Washu added her eyes growing starry eyed.

"Oooh yes Kaky-chan! *trumpet horns sound* Mmmmm Kaky…" Phoenix Starr added her eyes growing all starry aswell.

"Goku's here though what are you two going on about?" Krillen looked at S'rac who rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Heh… um… well I'm not here now!! Bye!!" S'rac ran off and out a door.

"Where does he think he's going?" Chinow questioned. "Oh well. Hey no fair BananaGirl get off Vegeta's leg. Veggie-kun is mine!"

"Nah-uh, me own skwittles and da spandex."

"Quorky!" Chinow protested.

"Don't look at me I'm just the muse."

"Well inspire her to get off his leg! That's my spot to cling to him."

Quorky laughed. "You are asking for a miracle. Even my great museful self doesn't have that much inspiration to remove her from there."

"There has to be something that will move her." Chinow sighed.

"Try actual Skittles, bananas or Elijah Wood." Quorky offered.

"Right I'm on a mission." Chinow stalked of to find one of the three. But being in the dbz world she would probably only have success in finding banana's since as far as this author knows skittles don't exist there or the drool worthy Elijah Wood.


J'dee held on to Goten's arm tightly. "I really think back should be an option here…"

"What afraid of the dark?" Goten teased.

J'dee hit him across the back of the head. "Claustrophobic for your information."

Goten blinked. "Since when?"

"Since like ages."

Goten raised a brow. "I think I get it now."

"You do?" J'dee looked at him.


"Oh right well this thing has to be kept ya know quiet, the less that know the better it is when things return to normal."

"Bra how can things return to normal this is a big thing you know, especially the way you keep trying to latch yourself on to a man like that, if you'd said something earlier, I'd happily played along well except in front of Vegeta of course he would of found another reason to fry me up."

J'dee blinked confused. "Huh, Goten you've lost me now…"

"The pregnancy."

"What?! What?! WHAT?! I am not pregnant!!"

"Mom told me about this sort of thing about a girl acting completely opposite to herself. I should know since when have you been a vegetarian seriously? It's just a craving."

J'dee sweatdropped and shook her head. "I'm not even gunna argue this over. Trust me if I was preg-nant Veg- er dad would have skewered the guy instantly and made them disappear."

Goten raised a brow and nodded. "Your probably right about that. But that still doesn't explain why the lot of you aren't acting like you."

J'dee nodded. "Cause we're not that the secret Goten, we're not who you think we are."

"Your evil aliens right? Bent on taking over the earth!"

"Okay somebody obviously hasn't fully grown up from that adolescent stage."

"Bra you're not helping, it's obvious Gohan knows he would everyone trusts my dad and Gohan hey saved the world…"

J'dee looked at Goten. "Is that how you feel? You have big shoes to fill."

Goten shrugged. "That's why I stopped trying to reach my full potiential, no point really. Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks they're all that much stronger than I am."

"Trust me the way boy is at the moment you could beat him no worries, he's just being an arrogant feck." She looked at the double concrete looking doors ahead. "Wow how Queen of the Damned."

"Huh?" Goten gave her an odd look.

"Most excellent movie with some great rock tunes…"

Goten ran a hand along the door and looked at J'dee. "You're the daughter of Bulma what does it say?"

"It says 'Goten is a paranoid git, and gitfulness can be contagious so don't be a frady cat and open the damn door'."

Goten sighed. "Who's the adolescent here now?" He grumbled and pushed the door open.

"Oooooh Waterfall!!" J'dee ran forward.

"Okay weird a waterfall."

"I said it was a waterfall…"

"Behind a closed door." Goten continued.



"Minor technicality. Oh if this is Queen of the damned I wonder where Vincent Perez is? He's so hot!!"

"Now that's the Bra I know." Goten nodded.

"Hmmm oooh lookey Samoans!"

Goten looked over he ducked down pulling J'dee with him. "Guards…"

"They look like the Samoan guys from the Mummy. Okay so they weren't suppose to be Samoan but they look it so that's all that matters."

"They must be guarding that door." Goten remarked. "Maybe that's a way out or something."

"It can't be…"

"Why not?" Goten looked at her.

"Because I haven't been trapped alone with you long enough yet."

Goten slapped his forehead. "Really Bra what is your obsession with me?"

"I'm just trying 'ta keep it real'… in the words of Ali G."

"Queen of the damned, the mummy, Ali G what is all this rambling?"

"You really don't get it yet?"


"I'm from another reality Goten…" J'dee remarked. "But you're right that door has to be something important. People keep arriving from my reality, maybe it's a way back, or perhaps a really really really big pantry."

"Hungry I take it?"

"Yeah what about you?"


"Lets have a look."

"Alright!! FOOD!!!"

J'dee watched as Goten rushed in and she stood up and shrugged. "The things saiyans do for food."



S'rac grinned at Vegeta. "Awwww c'mon Vegeta what's wrong with a little dancing competition?"

"I will not be caught dead dancing… besides this chibi is still refusing to let go."

BananaGirl nuzzled Vegeta's legs and began to purr making him sweatdrop.

Her head looked up suddenly sniffing the air. "BANANA!!" She screamed.

She watched as Chinow waved a bunch of Banana's in front of her face, she began to sniffle much like a sad chibi being forced to choose between two things she loved the most.

Added on to that was Kari waving a life sized cardboard cut out of a very short haired and spunky looking Elijah Wood. "EWIJAH!!"

BananaGirl clung on to Vegeta's leg even tighter. "Skwittles!! Make them stop! Make them stop!!"

"Bah why would I?"

BananaGirl broke down in to chibi tears making everyone in the group drop what they were holding to cover their ears.

"VEGETA!!!" Gohan shouted at him. "STOP THEM OR I WILL!!!!"

Chinow and Kari kicked the cut out and banana's away when Gohan began powering up. After Vegeta he was the next strongest saiyan there. Goku would have been if S'rac was Goku. But they knew he wasn't. And being blasted in to the next dimension by Gohan was not what they wanted. Vegeta yes. Gohan no.

Jeril glomped on to Gohan's arm making him suddenly start blushing as she rubbed up against his arm effectionatly and seductively at the same time. "Lets say we head home Gohan."

"Home! What a great idea!! Okay everyone back to my place!!"

There was a bunch of groaning coming from the group.

"Gohan but I just wanted it to be me and you." Jeril whined. "All alone…"

"Eeep!" Gohan gulped.

S'rac appeared next to Jeril and grinned. "At least you're starting to act like Videl… but you're no-" *whomp* "Owwww…"

"But I haven't showed Turles my yaoi pictures of Vegeta and Goku yet."

"Who cares I got Shinnie allllll to myself and you guys have to fight over everyone else."

The Chibi Deemon Palagis was being held still by Mabelle as he struggled to run off again.

"No I wanna stay, me stay, me stay , STAY STAY STAY STAY!!! Let me stay or I'll cry!!"

"Okay this is getting a little to weird for my liking." Krillen remarked still seeing a Chibi Roshi.

"Yaoi piccies Turles?"

Turles sweatdropped. "Uh it's okay we should go."

"But first where's my sister?" Nick looked round.

"Alone with Goten." Marron remarked and smiled. "I'll be she's enjoying herself."


J'dee slapped her forehead watching Goten eat and eat and eat the food in front of the door, the several knocked out guards unaware the food was quickly vanishing.

"I'll never get used to seeing that." She shook her head.

"Mumery?" (translation: hungry)

"Ah not anymore."

Goten stood up. "Oh yeah right the door!" he grabbed the handle. "I'll bet you there's lots more food behind here."

"Is food all you think about Goten?"

"Well yeah then it's Paris."

J'dee sighed. "Ahhh yes Paris." She grumbled her voice full of bitterness.

"Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa!" Voices cried.

J'dee and Goten jumped out of the way as what looked like several thousand Chibis came running out from behind the door and towards the way they'd come.

"Oooppps." Goten rubbed the back of his neck. "I got a feeling they were suppose to stay behind there."

J'dee slapped her forehead. "Then why'd you open the door?!"

"Hey you told me too! Besides I don't think straight on an empty stomach."

J'dee looked round at all the rubbish and nodded. "Yeah right an empty stomach."

"Well it's sort of empty."

"You ate enough to feed the entire Red Ribbon Army!!" She flapped her arms about.

Goten grinned sheepishly. "But it was only a snack."

"We're going back right this minute." J'dee grabbed his arm and began to pull him.


They stopped suddenly. "Oh boy. That sounded like a giant baby."

Goten looked behind them. "Oh whoa it is a giant baby!"

"Freaky! Just like that mental guy who looked like an over grown baby in thirteen ghosts."

"I'm not gunna ask."

"Hey when it comes to Matthew Lillard I just can't say no okay!"

"Enough Bra lets go right about now."

"Ooooh what about the super saiyan huh?" J'dee teased.

Goten picked her up and put her over his shoulder. "Super saiyan my ass, I'm not facing that freaky thing, it looks like my attacks would just bounce off it's gut!"

J'dee thumped Goten in the middle of the back. "GOTEN PUT ME DOWN!! IF YOU WON'T FACE IT THEN I WILL!"

"You're on your own if you do."

"Then you'll have to deal with Vegeta when you tell him you left me behind!"

"Do you see me putting you down any time soon?"

J'dee watched the baby blob thing chasing them. "Well not really. "She looked down towards the ground and got a look at Goten's ass. "But I'm not complaining about the view from here."

"BRA!!! Quit staring at my ass!"

"Hey would you rather I look at the blob thing and tell you it's gaining on us?"

"Good point!"


To Be Continued…

R & R I know a little to weird even for me still let me know what you want your character to get up to I'm not psychic, well not completely anyway.
