Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Veil ❯ Project SJ13 ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well, here's the next chapter for you guys. Thanks for your great reviews on my story, I would never have continued this fic if it wasn't for you guys. Hope you like this chapter!

And to answer a private reviewer's question, who asked me this by email;

No. I am not going to make Yamcha a bastard in this fic, or Bulma's other love interest. They are simply just friends, to anyone else that wondered that as well. I'm sort of getting tired of the whole Yamcha's a 'cheating and conniving, manipulative, womaniser' crap. So I thought it would be a refreshing change. Thanks for asking!

Oh and to anyone questioning the coupling of this fic; this IS a B/V and it's gonna stay that way!

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Bardock and Kakarott looked at each other in shock and mild horror.

"So," Goku said quietly, in a threatening tone. His eyes narrowed into two tiny slits, as if he were about to pounce on someone. "We meet again."


"Father." Goku added.

Bulma and Yamcha looked at each other in shock. What was this new development? Bulma stared blankly at Bardock, before returning her gaze back to Goku's. Confusion reigned on her face. "Goku? You know each other? What's all this 'Father' business?"

However, her questions were never answered.

Bardock stared at the young man, whom he had given up as a child. "Takkaro, how did you-?"

"You mean how did I get here?" Goku cut off his father sadly. All the anger he had felt towards his Saiya-jin family had all but melted away after spending many regretful years on Chikyuu-sei.

Yamcha side stepped the trio and went to stand next to Bulma. They looked at each other momentarily. "Now this is confusing," he mumbled to Bulma.

"Tell me about it," Bulma muttered back.

"We thought you were on the planet Yardrat?" Bardock commented.

"You thought wrong, father." The one known as Takkaro said.

"What happened?" Kakarott interjected.

"How could you do that to me..?" He trailed off, asking Bardock. "I can't do this. Not right now," Goku said in a hushed voice. He cleared his throat, turning back to Bulma and Yamcha. "Sorry for coming over unannounced Bulma. But I'll be leaving now. I'll see you soon, come on Gohan." He grabbed his little boy's hand.

For the first time Bardock noticed the small child, "You mean you have a-?"

Before anything more could be said, Goku marched over to the sliding glass doors that led out to the large back yard. In exiting, he brushed his shoulder against an annoyed Saiya-jin no Ouji.

"Watch it." Vegeta hissed at the unknown large man. When he stared closely at the man, he was surprised to see some resemblance to Bardock in him.

He entered the kitchen to find four somber expressions regarding him silently.

Bulma watched Goku leave abruptly. In truth, she was surprised. Why had he left so suddenly? And why the heck had he called Bardock his father. It was all too much for Bulma to handle. Ignoring Vegeta's presence, she turned coldly towards Bardock. This man had been the reason for Goku's sad reaction and absence, and she'd be damned if she didn't find out why.

"What was that all about?" She demanded in a tone that was not to be questioned.

Bardock swallowed and looked at Kakarott, Takkaro's twin brother. They were indeed twins, but they did not look alike. They couldn't be more different to each other, physically as well as mentally.

Kakarott nodded his consent. It was now or never to explain what was going on.

The Saiya-jin no Ouji stood in the midst of all of this, totally oblivious to what was going on. "Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on?! What is the meaning of this. Explain!" His voice barked out in the deathly silence of the large kitchen.

Bulma sneered slightly at Bardock. She spoke in a deathly quiet tone, "You heard him." She felt her anger rising with every moment Bardock didn't speak. "Explain. Now," she gritted her teeth folding her arms.

Yamcha imitated Bulma's motion, definitely wanting an explanation.

The eldest Saiya-jin scientist sighed, letting out his heavy breath that was weighing him down. "Takkaro, the one you call Goku, is my son."

The blood pressure within Bulma began to rise. "We've established that he is your son Bardock. But if he is you're son, then what the hell is he doing on Chikyuu-sei? Why is he not with you?"

Vegeta's eyebrow quirked upwards. So that man was Bardock's son? He believed that Bulma had good reason to question Bardock so harshly and therefore remained silent. He for one, was extremely interested in the new light of news.

When Bardock had not answered Bulma's questions, Yamcha spoke up. "Come on man, we haven't got all day!"

Vegeta and Bulma glared at Yamcha.

Bardock sighed as he slumped down into the soft seat that was part of the breakfast table.

And so the story began.


"Many years ago on Vegeta-sei, Saiya-jins practiced something known as 'Project SJ13'. In Project SJ13, we took Saiya-jin toddlers and inserted a gene into them. This gene that was becoming part of their DNA, caused the Saiya-jin toddlers to transform into Super Saiya-jins. The Legendary."

Bulma frowned. After staying on Vegeta-sei for a length of time, she already knew what The Legendary was. So far, she wasn't liking this story one bit.

Vegeta stared blankly at Bardock. Super Saiya-jin toddlers? But that was totally impossible! There had not been a Super Saiya-jin in the history of Vegeta-sei for over two millenniums. And now Bardock was talking about Super Saiya-jin toddlers? What the friggin hell was going on! He was about to speak up, when Bardock continued his story;

"It was the present King's idea to do this. For many months we produced Saiya-jin toddlers, all implanted with the Super Saiya-jin gene. Except one day, things got out of hand." Bardock closed his eyes, reliving the moment as if it was occurring once again. Drawing a shaky breath, he continued.

"Takkaro, or Goku was one of those toddlers that had the gene implanted. As I have said, for a few months everything seemed to be in working order. But all of that stopped when the toddlers began to develop strange characteristics and abilities. Some rebelled,-"

A loud snort interrupted Bardock. Yamcha looked at him in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that toddlers were rebelling? Who the hell would believe that?!"

"Shut up Yamcha," Bulma growled. He really could be a dunderhead sometimes. She motioned for Bardock to continue.

A smirked tugged at Vegeta's lips as Bulma spoke.

"Like I said, their was a defect in the gene and the toddlers began to take on the defective abilities. Even Takkaro was behaving oddly, almost as if he were not a Saiya-jin. None of them seemed Saiya-jin like, it was all going wrong. The ones that were rebelling, were quickly disposed of. This could be done because their Super Saiya-jin power had not been tapped into and we could irradicate them without any problems. Other toddlers behaved in a psychotic manner. They had no sense of their surroundings, and some had even began to mutate. They too were all disposed of. Saiya-jin toddlers are highly developed than Chikyuu-jin toddlers. They can speak and understand what is going on around them, this how Takkaro recognized me today. I don't think he has ever forgiven me for experimenting on him. Anyway, I digress, there were only two toddlers left that had not been disposed of. My son, and," he motioned towards Vegeta, "Your brother." The phrase came out as a whisper.

The two words hit Vegeta coldly. His voice became hoarse, "My brother?"

Bardock nodded flatly. "The King had ordered for one of his sons to be implanted with the gene. Thankfully, it was your older brother, not you."

The Adam's apple in Vegeta's neck began to bounce up and down wildly. He had a brother? "What is his name?" He demanded.

Fear seeped into Bardock's being as the Saiya-jin no Ouji glared at him with an expression that could match no one's. "His name was Geta, both of your names were Vegeta, but you're father had shortened his name so as not to get you two confused..."

"I think you better continue with the story and tell me what happened to ~my~ brother." Vegeta clenched his fist, growling quietly.

Nodding swiftly, Bardock continued to speak. "As I was saying, only Takkaro and Geta had not been exterminated. The rest of the toddlers with the gene, were all gone. Takkaro and Geta were the only ones that hadn't acted out their defects, but they were behaving oddly. They showed no signs of inhibiting the gene and their characteristics were completely un Saiya-jin like. King Vegeta demanded that I exterminate them both personally." He paused, looking at Vegeta's reaction. Sure enough, the Saiya-jin Prince was barely holding his anger in check.

"I-I couldn't do it. I explained the situation to Takkaro and Geta. Because Geta was older, he understood more about what was going on... My son never really did seem to understand. I was afraid his intellect had been damaged by the implanted gene. Both of them seemed to show signs of not truly behaving in the Saiya-jin ways, they weren't aggressive. It seemed as if nothing could anger them easily. This frightened me and I thought 'What have I done?'."

"Against the King's orders to dispose of them, I simply sent them away. We had a treaty with Yardrat-sei, and I knew of many scientists there that would have taken good care of the two children. However, they were only willing to take one child. As everyone knows, Saiya-jins, especially children, are a handful. I was at a loss to what I could do. Then I remembered, we also had a treaty with a planet known Kortang. Their species are incredibly like ours, battle and blood being their number one forte. They are still out there somewhere, but they have to constantly relocate to different planets in the Solar system, due to reasons unknown. So it was decided. I sent Takkaro to Yardrat-sei and Geta to the current Kortang-sei."

And so Bardock's tale had come to an end.

"For many years I wondered what had happened to my son and Geta. But I couldn't dare myself to ever face them. The look of betrayal on Takkaro's face was enough to make me think twice about ever trying to contact him. He begged me not to send him, begged and pleaded, but his pleas were not enough to change my mind. I know that I did a very dangerous thing in letting those two children with the implanted gene escape, but I just couldn't have them be killed. So I did what I thought was wise at the time."

He continued, "And now, Takkaro is here on Chikyuu-sei. I have no idea how he even got here, he must have either escaped from, or left, Yardrat-sei, or my calculations were wrong in the coordinates of the space ship and he was sent here by default. As for Geta, I have no inkling as to where he could be at this moment. I don't know if he's alive, or dead. Forgive me for keeping this from you Vegeta no Ouji." Bardock bowed his head in shame.

Kakarott gently placed his hand on his father's shoulder. He had been told this story many years ago and although it pained him to here of his brother's departure, he had accepted it and forgiven his father.

"You want my forgiveness?" Vegeta spat each word out with vehemence. His blood was riling at the thought of having lost another member of his family, having already lost a mother. "I'll show you forgiveness, you piece of third-class shit." Gritting his teeth, he phased in front of Bardock and slammed his fist into the old man's face.

Bardock found himself sailing backwards, out of the chair and crashing through the sliding glass doors, out into the back yard.

"Whoa!" Yamcha cried out.

Kakarott merely stepped back and bowed his head as his father flew through the glass doors. He knew that the prince had every right to do this and so he did not interfere.

Bulma gasped in horror as she watched Vegeta phase once more, and appear in the back yard next to Bardock's fallen form. She ran out after them.


Now standing on the grassy ground, Vegeta hauled Bardock's motionless form up with one hand. "What kind of sick fuck of a scientist are you?!" He roared in Bardock's face, which was wincing from the harshness of Vegeta's tone. "Did you enjoy experimenting and then killing those Saiya-jin children? You did that to MY brother? Why was I never told of this?" Of course, this was the most important question. He hated to be kept oblivious to things.

When no answer came from Bardock, Vegeta gripped the front of his shirt tightly and shook him with unhindering rage. "ANSWER ME!" Just as he was gathering a large ki ball in the palm of his large hand, a soft small hand curled around his wrist, tugging slightly.

Vegeta looked down murderously, to find himself staring into Bulma's cerulean pools. His stance faltered briefly. "Move Onna, this has nothing to do with you." His eyes flashed angrily.

She mirrored his expression, "This is pointless Vegeta! I will not have you hurting Bardock this way. He can't even defend himself!"

"Could my brother defend himself?" He retorted, eyes glittering like sharp daggers.

Her expression softened, "No he couldn't. Please don't do this, you'll only regret it. Please don't kill him, for me." She had no idea why she said this, but she prayed to Kami for it to work.

As he peered down into her truthful gaze, he let out a halted breath. Dissipating the ki ball, he dropped Bardock's body into a messy heap.

She smiled gratefully at Vegeta's vengeful look. "Thank you," she whispered. Her ingenuity had saved Bardock's ass from being fried to the next dimension. She was undoubtedly a genius!

If things weren't already complicated, they were about to be even more so. She looked in amazement as the lines across his face softened out. Then, out of the blue, she watched in fascination as his gloved hand neared her face. For a moment Bulma thought he was going to punch her for interfering. But instead, the palm of his hand rested softly on her cheek. For the first time, she realized how unintentionally close they were standing next to one another. The closeness was enough to make her blush girlishly. Her heart rapidly began to beat, thumping in a rhythm of its own accord. She closed her eyes slowly, as the tip of his gloved thumb brushed against her skin softly. In an instant reaction, she found herself shiver. Hoping he had not sensed this, she opened her eyes and looked into his bottomless obsidian orbs. Sure enough, he had sensed her shiver. The look said it all.

Then, he spoke.

"For you." He said roughly, almost sarcastically.

Bulma's lips parted slightly, but no sound came out. Vegeta stepped back from her, dropping his hand from her cheek. Without a second glance, he blasted off into the sky and disappeared from sight.

Her mouth was agape in shock. For her? What the hell had he meant by that? But surely, it didn't mean anything at all. Or had it?

Damn him.

Saiya-jins were so confusing. Especially the Saiya-jin no Ouji.


Yamcha strained his neck as he tried to look at Bulma behind Vegeta, from the kitchen where the glass doors had been. He couldn't see, or hear a thing. Not with Vegeta's back facing him and Bulma hidden from sight. He didn't even know what was going on. He looked over to the Saiya-jin named Kakarott.

They stared at each other for a moment, before returning their gazes back to the scene in the back yard.

Yamcha was about to walk out to the pair, when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Don't." Kakarott stated.

Giving a dirty look, Yamcha shrugged of his hand but remained in the kitchen.

In the next moment, he was watching Vegeta fly away, and Bulma looking up at the Prince with shock on her face.

He shrugged as he decided to make his way to her.


Vegeta snarled, cursing himself mentally. What the hell had caused him to do that? He flew at top speed, to nowhere in particular. It was as if something had taken over his actions and had caused him to behave that way.

He knew whose fault it was.

It was hers.

And her damn eyes.

He shook the thoughts away and concentrated on something more important.

The news of his lost brother had sent him reeling. He never knew he had a sibling, always thought he was an only child. Were they kept apart? The evidence showed as much, but what he couldn't understand was, why? Why had his older brother been kept apart from him? These were questions that needed to be discussed with the King of Vegeta-sei, for he was the only one with the answers.

As he flew over the rocky terrain, he couldn't help but wonder things about his older sibling. There were so many things he wanted to know, but right now he knew that if he faced Bardock again, he would blast the older Saiya-jin to the next dimension.

Thinking of Bardock led him back to thoughts of Bulma again. Which of course, he despised having any remembrance of her. It always reminded him that he could never have her. Being the Saiya-jin no Ouji and all.

Vegeta closed his eyes as he flew into the sunlight. He could still smell her fragrant scent, the scent that still lingered in his nostrils. They had been so close. He had been so close. Close enough to almost kiss her. It was a good thing he didn't, after all it only would have made things more complicated.

It was lucky that no one had been able to watch their little interaction, or else he would have been mortified. The great Saiya-jin no Ouji obeying a weak Chikyuu-jin female? Never! A growl escaped from his lips. He still couldn't come to terms with why he had touched her that way. Couldn't even fathom what had possessed him to gaze so freely into her eyes.

One thing was for sure. It was never going to happen again, that much he counted on. Or hr hoped it wouldn't happen again.

He had been right all along about this planet.

It was slowly changing him. But he didn't know how or why.

As he observed the humans' daily interactions with one another, he found himself analyzing them constantly. It were as if he was obsessed with them and their way of life. And along with that, he saw himself slowly changing.

It was all pretty disgusting to him.

Well, the sooner he was back on his own planet, the better.

The deep azure ocean began to whizz past below, but Vegeta was oblivious to all of this as he continued to have troubled thoughts of his brother and Bulma...

Besides, even if he did feel something for her, he knew she wouldn't reciprocate the feelings. So why bother to waste his time on their relationship? She was only going to be the mother of his child and nothing else.



Bulma knelt down besides Bardock's lifeless form. She shook him awake, "Wake up Bardock."

Just then, Yamcha stepped up to her. "Is he going to be ok?"

She sighed and nodded, "He'll be fine. Would you mind going after Goku for me?"

Yamcha nodded. "Sure, I'll be back soon though, ok?" He took to the sky, hoping his friend's spirit wasn't too damaged

"Ok." Looking again at Bardock she couldn't help but feel slightly angry towards him. How could he do such a thing to those poor Saiya-jin children? Trying to control her emotions she called Kakarott over.

As he neared, she wasted no time. "I think you and Bardock should leave Capsule Corp. For the time being."


Yamcha knocked on the small cottage that was in the middle of no where. "Goku?" He called out as he pounded on the door. A muffled noise from behind the door caught his attention. "Anyone?" He said, knocking on the door again.

The door swung open and Chi Chi stood there glaring at him.

"What do you want?" She snapped.

Yamcha gulped at the angry woman. "Is Goku in?"

"No. He dropped Gohan off and left. Why?" She glared daggers at him. "He seemed pretty upset. But he was fine when he left with you," she lifted up the broom she was carrying, "What have you done to my poor Goku?" She screeched.

Yamcha backed away, "You know what.. Forget it. Thanks anyway Chi Chi!"

The angered woman growled in response.

Yamcha found himself flying away as quickly as he could. He would try to find Goku on his own. He winced as he heard the door slam behind him. He wondered what was Chi Chi's problem. She always seemed a little more than uptight.

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They sat together on the couch swing that was built in the large Capsule Corp. garden, under a large chestnut tree. From this spot, when you looked up, you could see a great expanse of stars. Just stars and nothing but stars.

It was a good thing Bulma's father had their compound built away from the city. It was less polluted in the ban lieu of the city, all the better to see the brilliant night sky.

Bulma sighed as placed her head upon Yamcha's sturdy shoulder. She still couldn't comprehend that she was back on Chikyuu-sei, in her own back yard which was the size of a football field, but who was going to say anything.

When she was young, Bulma had found herself getting lost a number of time. But maybe that had been because of the woods that was on the fringes of their garden. In any case, it had seemed a while since she had just sat outside on the large swing, gazing up at the stars with Yamcha by her side.

She sighed again as she looked at the twinkling cosmos.

"Something up babe?" Yamcha questioned curiously.

"I've missed this," she commented wisely.

"Me too." He smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing her closer to him.

Bulma curled her legs under her as she snuggled close. She loved Yamcha. Purely in the friendship sense of course. They had been out, once. But it had been a disaster. Instead they had decided to remain friends. Ever since then, they had stayed the best of friends.

"Can you believe what happened this morning?" He asked her, incredulously.

She shook her head vigorously. "Not at all. Who knew Bardock did such a terrible thing to all those children? But I guess he didn't have much choice if it was orders from King Vegeta, he is a really intimidating man. Poor Goku."

"Poor Goku indeed!" Yamcha snorted.

"Did you find him and get a chance to talk?"

Yamcha shook his head. "He'd lowered his ki and he became impossible to find, after a few hours of looking, I gave up. He'll show himself when he's ready."

Bulma shook her head, "You're right. I really need to speak to him though. I just can't get over the fact that he's a Saiya-jin. Can you?"

"All I can say is thank Kami he's not like them. These Saiya-jins seem so cruel. How did you find the perseverance to stay with them?"

A wistful smile came across her face as she thought about Radditz, "They're not all bad."

"That Vegeta fellow doesn't seem like he's got the right set of marbles either. Did you see the way he flew of the handle after Bardock told his story? All I can say is 'Psycho-o Luny-o'. Comprende el padre?"

Bulma giggled at his way of turning things into a comical manner. Although what he had said about Vegeta was mildly true. "You nut!" She playfully punched his shoulder.

As they both chuckled, a comfortable silence fell over them once more.

Yamcha remembered something he had forgotten to ask, "Hey, where is Bardock and his son?"

"Well I told Kakarott that maybe it wasn't wise to keep Bardock here, what with Vegeta being here and all. Dad let them stay at the other compound in the city, Mom's with them, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem."

He frowned, "You're mother sure has taken a liking to them."

Bulma laughed at this. "Like I said, they're not bad. It's just Vegeta."

"Speaking of Vegeta, where is the nightmare Prince?"

"I'm not sure. After he took off this morning, I haven't seen him. All I can say is that he better come back soon. I didn't work all day to finish upgrading his damn Gravity Chamber and making new fighting droids, for nothing y'know!"

"Geez, that guy really knows how to show appreciation!" Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

"I don't think he's used to it," she sighed, still looking at the stars.

"Used to what?"

"To people being kind to him. That's why he's so hostile towards everyone on this planet."

"He's antisocial?"

"Exactly!" She couldn't help adding, "But, the more time he spends here, I can't help but see a little bit more of an emotional side to him. It's pretty nice after seeing him be 'Psycho-o Luny-o' know what I mean?"

Yamcha stared at her silently for a few moments, not replying.

Bulma felt his stare on her and lifted her head up, "What?" She asked, confused.

"Bulma, do you like him?"

It was a simple question, but she couldn't answer it. This morning had been strange and a break from the norm. But she would give anything for Vegeta to look at her like that again. Look at her as if he needed her. So, did that mean she liked him? To be honest, she didn't know how she felt. Seeing the less scary side of Vegeta had been more appealing, and he'd been more than lenient towards her lately. Even allowing her to return to Chikyuu-sei for a while.

Did she like Vegeta?

She didn't know what to say, "I-I don't know Yamcha.."

"What do you mean?" It was Yamcha's turn to be confused.

"That's just it Yamcha. I don't know. All I've ever felt for him was fear, and now that it is slowly going away, I don't know what to feel about him. I don't ~think~ he frightens me anymore. I guess I know that he'll never hurt me again-"

"Again?" He cut her off, sitting up abruptly.

Bulma paled, she hadn't told him. There was no need to now, it was all water under the bridge. "He hurt me by accident," she covered up the slip up quickly and effectively. She also hadn't told any of her friends or parents that she was pregnant with Vegeta's child. When could she tell them? When she finds the courage, that's when.

Yamcha sat back, "So you don't know if you like him?" He said slowly.

"No... Strange isn't it? I've never really gotten to know the real Vegeta, because I'm sure there is something beneath the 'tough guy' facade. And he sure as hell doesn't know the real me. Only the scared me, which as you know I can be pretty annoying when I want to be."

"Damn straight!"

She gasped and socked him. Smiling as he burst out laughing.

Yamcha looked at his watch, "Whew, it's getting pretty late. Guess I better be going."

Bulma nudged his shoulder with her own. "Do you have to?"

"I've already left Puar-" A rustling sound from behind them caught his attention. He motioned for Bulma to keep quiet as he got up from the swing in a stealth like manner. As he walked slowly, he jumped around the tree, wanting to catch whoever was behind it. Yamcha frowned as he looked at a few fallen branches of the chestnut tree, on the ground. Raising his head, he looked up through the deep brush of the tree and its leaves. When he couldn't find anything, he returned to Bulma's side.

Bulma raised her eyebrow.

He shook his head. "A few branches fell, that's all."

A smile grew across her face, "Thanks for stopping by Yamcha, it was great to see you again." Standing up from the comfy swing, she wrapped her arms around his neck and warmly embraced him.

"No problem Bulma." He said cheerfully, all the while still looking behind the tree for any sign of movement. Those branches hadn't fallen by themselves. Something or someone must have disturbed the tree. But he didn't mention this to Bulma.

Stepping out of the embrace, they walked towards the compound of Capsule Corp, hand in hand. Walking out into the opening, they stopped walking.

"I'll see you soon ok?" Yamcha said, a big grin on his face.

"Count on it!" She grinned back. Before he could fly away, she gave a final parting. "Oh and say hi to your new girlfriend for me!" She said in a teasing tone, slapping his butt as hard as she could when he slowly lifted up off the ground.

Yamcha looked down in shock at what Bulma had just done. He chuckled as her twinkling eyes mischievously danced. "Payback's a bitch Bulma, just remember that!" With that said, he flew off before she could retort with anything more.

Bulma laughed as she watched him fly away, rubbing his ass.

Shaking her head, she bounced into her home and sped up the stairs. She could never have been more happy than at that moment.


Racing into her room, she slammed the door shut behind her. A big smile had been implanted into her face and had no chance of leaving until the next morning at the very least.

Humming her favourite tune, she pulled off her beloved black tank top. A voice from behind her, caused her to freeze on the spot.

"I did not know humans could fly."

She whirled around to face the owner of the voice.

Vegeta stepped out of the shadows behind the door.

Bulma instinctively began to back away, trying the cover her exposed chest. "W-what are you doing in here? How did you get in here?" She demanded, trying to sound angry.

Vegeta shrugged, seeming as if he barely noticed her exposed torso. "It matters very little how I do those things."

The fear that Bulma thought had disappeared was slowly seeping its way back into her soul. She had no problem voicing it. "Please Vegeta. Stop, you're scaring me."

For a moment, she thought he looked at her in surprise.

He shrugged again, "That was not my intention, Onna."

She sagged with relief as she looked into his honest eyes that were glittering in the darkness. "Why are you here?" She asked, not sure if she wanted to know the real reason.

"I want answers." His voice was monotonous.

"Ok.. Can I at least change my clothes first?"

He motioned his consent, and remained looking at her.

"Could you at least turn around, if you're not going to leave the room?" She snapped, a little agitated that her good mood had been soured.

Vegeta smirked, "It's not like I haven't seen anything before."

"Yes but even then I didn't want you to!"

Rolling his eyes, he turned around. Muttering something about humans and their pathetic modesty.

Once Bulma had changed from her morning clothes into her comfy baggy night T-shirt, she sat down on the bed. "You can turn around now."

Vegeta turned around, a smirk still plastered across his face. Bulma wondered if he had been watching the whole time. "Well?" She pressed.

The smirk changed into a scowl. "Like I said, I have questions and you have answers."

"In order for me to give you those answers, you have to ask me some questions." She said smartly, motioning for him to sit on the bed. Maybe this was going to take a while.

The Saiya-jin no Ouji sat awkwardly on the edge of the bed. Bulma realized he had never relaxed before in his entire life and to do so now must have been odd. He sat rigidly, with his arms folded, facing her and just staring.

"Well?" She said again.

He growled, "I'm thinking!"

Bulma had to giggle at this. In his current state, he looked positively cute! Then she had a thought. Was all of this just an excuse for him to spend time with her? If it was, then it was working like a charm.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked darkly.


"Well then, stop!"

"Make me," she made a funny face at him.

His scowl deepened and he muttered, "Moron," under his breath.

"Has the gravity machine been upgraded?" He asked, having found a question to ask.


Her short answer left nothing for him to branch out on. "And the droids?" He tried again.

"Yup." Bulma hid her smile. She wanted to see how far she could go before getting him really pissed off. She was feeling more daring now that she was back on Chikyuu-sei. She felt more like herself.

Vegeta looked at her in annoyance. A smirk grew across his face as he had the perfect thing to ask, "You are not sure if you like me. Is that correct?"

Bulma gaped at him, "How did you..?"

A wide smirk spread across his entire face, "I heard every thing," he said in a mean tone.

The mortification Bulma felt was beyond anything she ever felt before. "You heard all of it?" She whined.

A mean chuckle left his lips as he looked at her distressed form.

"You're evil, do you know that?"

"Of course I do." He said in a tardy manner.

She contemplated him silently, growing serious. "You're changing. Do you know that too?" She asked softly.

"I will never change." He looked away from her penetrating gaze, and peered out of the window.

"No," she challenged. "You ARE changing Vegeta. Is that why you've come here. To ask me why?"

When he didn't reply, she took it upon herself to continue. "If you want to know why you're changing, than I don't know why Vegeta. You just are."

He looked back, "I AM NOT CHANGING!" He roared in a pathetic attempt to scare Bulma. Of course, it didn't work.

She merely blinked and sighed. "That's not going to scare me any more Vegeta. You know it and I know.

Before she could think or do anything, she found herself being pinned down onto the bed. She gazed up fearlessly in to his rage filled glittering eyes. "I'm changing, because you are trying to change me." He hissed into her ear, straddling her and holding her wrists tightly above her head.

Bulma had to think calmly and rationally. Poor Vegeta. He really was confused.

"I'm not trying to change you Vegeta," she said in a soothing tone. "I could never change you. You wouldn't be Vegeta if I did."

He 'hmphed' and rolled off her. She sat up shakily and rubbed her wrists. "I would never change you," she promised quietly.

Vegeta looked at her blankly, "Then what the hell happened this morning?" Then his eyes widened as if in realization. "Have you cast a spell on me? Witch!"

Bulma laughed, shocking him. "Come on Vegeta, do you really believe that garbage you're spitting out?" She said jokily.

He glared at her.

Then Bulma stood up and walked confidently towards his stoic stature. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug. In a instinctive reaction, she felt him stiffen. Nonetheless, she continued to hug him. Nuzzling her face into his neck, she whispered something he had longed to hear. "I like you Vegeta and I will never try to change you. Friends?"

He merely grunted.

That night she realized he had so many hidden layers. She was happy to uncover them one by one, no matter how long it took her.

Vegeta closed his eyes as she hugged him. He made no gesture to hug her back nor did he push her away, he was content with this for now. He never thought she would say those words. Now that his task had been completed, he could get on with his training in peace with no interruptions.

He would train to beat the living crap out of that dead beat Frieza.

He would become the Legendary and if it fit in with his schedule, he would find his brother.

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A/N: I was thinking of writing more, but then I thought this would be enough to make up for the LACK of chapter I had previously put up. Hopefully this one made up for it.

For all you people that think this is going to be lovey dovey between Vegeta and Bulma from now on, are WRONG! I've just put these light things in to balance the story. I mean who would want to have a depressing fic the whole way through? Not me! Ok folks, until next time, Ja ne!
