Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ West City Academy ❯ Finding a Fix ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: My apologies for the lengthy time it took to update. Enjoy, peeps.


Finding a Fix

He could hear his brother and grandfather shuffling about from inside his room. They were always noisy no matter how quiet they tried to be. It was fortunate that noises rarely bothered him. If anything, the raucous on the other side of his door only drove him into deeper sleeping state. There was nothing that could possibly disturb him.

The door flew open with a resounding and energetic burst, "Hey, are we driving to school together?"

Well, perhaps there was something that could disturb him, "Go away, Kakarot." he grumbled as he covered his head with a pillow.

"Well, Gramps wants to kno-" Goku barely dodged the pillow thrown at him. "Hey!"

"Kakarot so help me-"

"Alright, alright. I'll leave."

Once he heard the door shut he relaxed and attempted to catch a few more minutes of sleep. The last couple days have been exhausting. With the trouble he and his friends had gotten themselves into, there left little time for anything else but attempt to fix the situation.

Slowly, he started to doze off into a relaxing slumber again. He could still hear footsteps in the background and he had finally fallen asleep. It couldn't have been more than a couple minutes when someone knocked on the door. His body immediately tensed and his eyes shot opened. He blamed his years at Cold Military Academy for the instant alertness the second he was wakened. He groaned with the realization that it was only his brother bothering him again.

"Raditz? Can I come in?"

"What do you want, Kakarot?"

He heard the door slowly and silently being opening and then shut. Kakarot wasn't one to be the least bit silent. He had to admit that his brother was piquing his interest. Nonetheless, he remained unmoving on his bed.

"Gramps said that he'll give me a ride to school today if you won't get up soon."

He heaved a sigh, "So?"

"The car. It can't capsule anymore. Gramps is going to see it."

Raditz groaned, "Fucking great." Gradually, he forced himself to sit up. He ran his hand through his tangled hair in irritation. He looked over to Kakarot, seeing unmistakable concern. Nothing had changed; his brother was still a warm-hearted, caring softy. And yet, he is the best fighter he had ever seen. It was no wonder Vegeta despised him.

Goku scratched the back of his head. He arched an eyebrow at his brother's habit. Raditz knew he had something in mind, "What is it?"

"Well… the car has Capsule Corp.'s sign on it. I just thought that maybe Bulma might be able to help. She is really good at tech stuff-"

"A car isn't exactly tech-stuff."

"I know. But it's her family's company AND she's taking a car class this year. I just thought that she might be able to help."

Raditz stared at his brother in disbelief. He actually had a point and he couldn't believe that he, Nappa, and even Vegeta didn't think of it before. If she was able to fix it or even just point them in the right direction it would definitely help. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

"So… do you want me to ask her?"

He shook his head as he was taken out of his thoughts, "Don't be stupid. Of course not."

Kakarot shrugged his shoulders, "Ok. So, am I riding with you today?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll be down in a bit."

His brother left his room, leaving him to get dressed and ready for the day. He contemplated what Kakarot said. No, it wasn't a bad idea at all. He went over to his dresser and picked up his phone. He had to let Vegeta know.


If he had trouble sleeping before now it was nearly impossible. The last couple days his mind was plagued with the image of what happened that night; his father's newest and recently favorite car demolished onto a tree. There was nothing that could have sober him up as quickly as what had occurred. He wasn't quite sure how it happened. One minute he was driving fine and then next he lost control.

He was aware of how idiotic he was and if he could go back he would've stopped himself from drinking so much. But that thought was absurd. What he needs now is to fix the car before his father came back. He thought it was a rather simple task. For the right amount of money he was sure he could persuade any mechanic to speed up the repair. However, that was becoming more difficult than what he expected. He had gone to countless auto-repair stores and they had even gone as far as to travel hours away for any kind of assistance to no avail. It was hopeless. The car was too advanced for anyone to work on. Bunch of fucking idiots.

A buzzing interrupted his thoughts. He looked toward the kitchen counter. His phone stirred, vibrating on the dark marble. He picked it up and opened the message. His placed a hand over his face in frustration once he read the text. He can't be serious. He didn't bother texting him back. Instead he continued eating his breakfast in glum silence.

Tarble must have felt the temper he was in; the boy took a glance at him and quietly remained a few feet away. Not a word was uttered. Not during breakfast and not on the ride to school. Once he dropped Tarble off, Vegeta wordlessly headed to class.

As he entered first period calculus, he couldn't help but look over at her. She was drumming her fingers on an opened textbook to the beat of whatever song she was listened to. A girl sitting behind her tapped her on the shoulder and she took an earphone off as she turned to her.

He heard someone softly call his name. Vegeta looked over to the pink haired girl who waved for him to come. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her so ignored the signal as he took his seat. He glanced over at Bulma again, watching her as she conversed and laughed with the girl. Her contentment and laughter inexplicably infuriated him.

He was aware of the way she looked at him. Her gaze was always disapproving and always judgmental. It hadn't been but a few days ago when he felt her eyes on him dissecting his appearance. Who was she to judge him? That insufferable arrogant girl with her ridiculous colored hair. Genius child prodigy my ass.

To Vegeta's annoyance he kept on taking short glances her way. It wasn't just first period either. Any time he saw her in the halls and during fourth period Literature class. He simply couldn't stop glowering at her. Her every move annoyed him; the way she flipped through pages, the way she pushed her hair behind an ear, her note-taking, the way she sat, the way she walked, the way she moved, and most of all how relaxed and worry-free she seemed to be. He never in all his years of being acquainted with her had taken this much time and energy to actually observe her. The thought that she could be the only person that could solve his dilemma annoyed him to no end.


Vegeta and Nappa were by the vending machines getting snacks before sixth period. Adding to his irritation, the chocolate bar that Vegeta had just bought managed to get stuck. He eyed it angrily, unbelieving of his luck as of late. His irritation was so palpable he could practically feel his eye twitch. Unbeknownst to him Nappa worriedly watched from his side.

It was then that Raditz came by, "Are you ready?"

Vegeta saw him from the reflection of the glass. He saw the expectant look Raditz gave him and couldn't help but clench his jaw, "For what?" he bit out.

"Blue is in my automotive class next period. We gotta ask her."

"Wedon't have to ask her anything."

"Raditz is right." Nappa chimed in, "It's time to try something else, Ouji."

He internally debated as he returned his focus on the candy. He grabbed the vending machine from the top, leaned it forward, and forcefully shook it till the chocolate bar fell. He took his time getting the chocolate, unwrapping and eating it. He thought all the while, really trying to think of another way. I really don't have another option. His annoyance was still very much intact but he tried to keep his composure. He finally turned around to face Raditz, "Lead the way, Son."

Raditz did and both Vegeta and Nappa followed him toward the WCA's automotive department.

The smell of grease and oil hit him the moment they entered the large garage. As they made their way through, Vegeta looked around taking notice of the place. It was filled with so many car parts, equipment, tools, car bodies, and containers filled with a variety of car fluids. Students and teachers worked on different projects without taking notice of him or Nappa. They neared the back of the large garage where the about a dozen garage doors were left open.

They stopped in front of a car slightly raised on a jack. Vegeta glanced over the vehicle taking into account the missing door, one of the tires needing air, and the hood left open. Vegeta and Nappa followed as Raditz circled the automobile. At the other side they were met with legs coming out from under the car.


There was a grunt, "Yeah?"

"Are you gonna be under there long?"

"Maybe." there were a few clinking noises heard as she continued working. "Why? Do you need my help again?"

Vegeta and Nappa apprehensively look over at Raditz and he laughed nervously as he tried looking away from his companions, "Well, I kinda do but it has nothing to do with what I'm working on now."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"It's something more advanced."

"Advanced in what way?"

"A state of the art car. It hasn't been released yet."

She was silent for a moment as she carried on her work. She thought through the information he was providing, "Not released, huh? Are you doing research for some other class?"

"Not exactly. You see there was an accident-"

"Accident!?" she questioned worriedly and tried to sit up. There was a resounding thunk when she did so followed by, "Son of a- Fuckin! Ow." She was on a mechanic's creeper and was able to quickly roll out from under the car. "What sort of-" she stopped when she saw Vegeta and Nappa. Surprise was evident in her expression as well as embarrassment if her reddened face meant anything. Her hand was on her head rubbing the area she just hit. "Hi." she said to the newcomers and then looked over to Raditz, "I thought I was just talking to you, Raditz."

"No, I brought company."

"So I see." she stood up and kicked the creeper away. Her eyes traveled over Raditz as she studied his form, "You don't seem hurt. What kind of accident was it?"

Vegeta eyed her the very same way she had just eyed Raditz. Her jeans were cut and torn, her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, her tank clung onto her sweaty skin, and she was covered in oil smudges. He was sure he's never seen her as messy as what he's seeing her now.

"It was a car accident..."

She frowned, "Shit. Who was in the car? Is everyone alright?"

"Yeah. Everybody surprisingly made it out fine. Just minor bruises and scratches."

"When did it happen?"

"A few days ago..."

Vegeta foot tapped against the floor as he watched them converse. Although watching her get hurt was amusing, he was growing impatient and quickly getting tired of her and Raditz prolonging the conversation. Just because he was on friendly terms with the Briefs brat didn't mean he was willing to waste time playing nice. He needed to speed this along. He stepped forward, cutting off their talk, "Listen, there is a car that needs to be repaired. The front is demolished, most parts will need to be replaced, and there's also interior damage. Are you capable of fixing it?"

She unbelievingly glared ate him. I was evident that she was trying to keep her annoyance at bay, "Of course. I can fix anything."

Vegeta's eyebrow involuntarily twitched in irritation when he heard her tone. "Well-"

But then she gasped in realization, "You didn't." she considered him carefully. Bulma couldn't help but break into a laugh.

This only fueled his anger but all he could do was glower at her giggling form. "Are you done?" he rancorously bit out.

"You are really in the shitter." she seemed tickled by the idea. "There's nothing like the Z9000 right now. It's irreplaceable."

He rolled his eyes, "That goes without saying. How long will it take you?"

She was dumbfounded by his actions, "Unbelievable."

"Well?" he impatiently goaded.

"Listen here you stuck-up ass-"

Raditz saw the direction they were heading and dashed over to her in an attempted to stop the argument before it began. He placed a hand on her shoulder and guided her away. "Take it easy, Blue."

Her eyes stayed glued on Vegeta, watching as Nappa leaned in to tell him something she couldn't hear from where she stood. She was furious that he thought he could simply buy her off.


Her sight shot over to him, "What!"

"Just take it easy, will ya? I know he can be a little hard to handle."

She scoffed, "A little hard to handle? He's been here for less than five minutes and he's already pissing me off. How the hell do you put up with that guy?"

He blew out some air, "Hell, there's no way I can explain that." he looked down and met her quizzical expression. "Just hear me out. You don't have to touch the car. How about just taking a look at it?"

Bulma crossed her arms and looked away.

He put his arm over her shoulders and pulled her to him, "Come on. I get not doing anything for him but what about me?"

She looked back at him.

"I'm just asking for that small favor. How 'bout it?"

"Fine." she gave in, "But keep him away from me."


Her feet were crossed on the dashboard as she relaxed and felt the air. She loved it when the top was down even if that meant it would mess her hair but she didn't mind. She was sweaty mess anyhow. Krillin and Goku picked her up after practice since they were heading to Goku's place anyways. The boys were waiting outside the gym geared in their football uniform. The minute she opened the door to Krillin's Jeep, she made Goku move to the back much to his dismay. On the way Bulma filled them in to what had occurred.

"So what exactly happened?" Krillin asked.

She sighed in exasperation, "Raditz and his posse came up to me during auto class. Vegeta pretty much demanded that I fix a car. Can you believe that?!"

"He demanded?"

"Well he sure as hell didn't ask nicely. I can't stand that guy. It's astounding how he manages to have friends."

"What's wrong with his car?"

"The jackass got into an accident. From what I understand he totaled his dad's new car."

Krillin chuckled, "The only thing scarier than Vegeta Ouji is his father."

Bulma scoffed, "Yeah no kidding."

"The car can't even capsule anymore." Goku added.

Bulma looked back at Goku, "You knew about this?"

"Yup. Raditz and his friends came by to hide it a few days ago."

Krillin took a quick look at Goku through the rearview window, "And you didn't tell anybody?"

"No, I guess not. Raditz was really secretive about it so I figured he didn't want anyone to know."

Well, at least his intuition is spot on. "How bad does it look?"

Goku made a face as he thought. He took his time trying to remember and she patiently waited for his answer. "Well… it looks pretty bad."

She laughed and shook her head. Not only was Bulma amused at his silly pensive expression but also the thought that she expected some specific details but he only managed to tell her something she already knew. "That's all you're giving me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're utterly hopeless, Goku."

"Well, now we can see for ourselves." Krillin said as he pulled up to the Son's place.

Raditz, Vegeta, and Nappa were inside. They hadn't waited long since both Raditz and Nappa had just gotten out of football practice as well. Vegeta leaned on a counter with his arms crossed, fidgeting in anticipation as he listened to his companions chat. It wasn't long till he heard a vehicle outside. He didn't move from where he stood but Raditz went to meet the Briefs girl at the door.

He heard the door open followed by a clamor of chatter and noises. He picked up on a not too familiar voice but suspected it was Briefs' short friend. He recognized her voice and…

Vegeta couldn't help but fume in frustration.

Noticing this Nappa said, "The guy does live here, Ouji."

"I know." Vegeta grumbled. He wasn't sure why he didn't expect Kakarot to be there. What angered him the most was that he failed to take into account the possibility of his presence.

Raditz made his way back with Bulma, Goku, and Krillin in tow.

Vegeta carefully observed them all, taking note of what they wore, what they had on them, and the manner they carried themselves.

Goku waved a hand and cheerfully greeted everyone, "Hi, guys."

It struck a nerve and Vegeta couldn't help but glower at him, idiot. But he pulled his attention away from him and focused on her, "Tell the whole damn school while you're at it." he bit out referring to who she brought along.

She rolled her eyes, "Would you relax? Goku kept it a secret for this long and Krillin doesn't have a motive to rat you out. They are not going to spill."

"That's a questionable statement." he gave her an evident once over, "Not only did you keep us waiting but you also present yourself in a poor manner."

"Is that really the way you talk the only person that can save your ass?"

"I will be paying for your services wont I?"

"There hasn't been any negotiating so nothing has been arranged."

He was left without anything to say. All he did was spitefully and without reserve glare at her. He really detested that girl. And to add to his loathing she met his stare and didn't seem to shy away.

"Are you going to show me the damage or not?" she patronized.

His jaw involuntarily clenched as he roped his boiling temper in, "Follow me." he said as he lead them to the garage.

The moment they had entered the Son's house Bulma, Krillin, and Goku were greeted by Raditz. In itself didn't seem like an oddity but Raditz did seem a bit uneasy. Without wasting any time Raditz quickly explained the situation. Apparently Vegeta hasn't had much sleep in the last few days. The car problem has kept him up and is the reason why he is in such a volatile mood. Raditz went as far as to repeatedly apologize in advance for Vegeta's behavior and asked that she not leave too hastily. Hearing and seeing Raditz behave in such a manner was something Bulma had never seen before and it not only caused her to worry but it also piqued her curiosity.

Once she saw Vegeta, Bulma saw what Raditz was referring to. The guy looked worn-down. He had dark circles around his eyes. They were so deep and immense it seemed to outline the shape giving his eyes a sharp appearance. However, the redness in them revealed his weariness and lack of sleep. His hair was in disarray and his grey shirt and jeans were worn and wrinkled. The poor guy did seem troubled but he somehow still managed to have an air of superiority. Bulma had to remind herself to ignore Vegeta's rude comments and haughty attitude, at least for the moment and for Raditz sake.

From what she managed to gather Bulma knew that the damages of the car were numerous but she couldn't help but be shocked the second she walked into the garage. She took a moment to simply stare at the automobile, completely dumbfounded. After the initial surprise wore down she went to the car and circled it. She carefully inspected the wreckage.

"Exactly how did this happen?"

Vegeta didn't take his sight off her. He wouldn't show it, least of all admit it, but he was nervous. He observed her reaction in order to gauge how truly bad the damage is, "Swerved off the road and hit a tree."

Going to the areas that took the worst of the hit she pushed and prodded. "And it was just you three?"


Bulma wasn't the least bit delicate as she inspected. Especially when she forced opened the hood which made Vegeta wince. She shook her head, "It is truly a miracle you boys made it out alright. Did you even go to a hospital or a doctor to get checked after?"

Vegeta looked over at Nappa and Raditz to see they were getting just as aggravated as he was with her. Nappa raised an eyebrow and Raditz simply shrugged. "It wasn't necessary."

She continued her examination as the boys watched. Bulma spent the large amount of time checking under the hood but moved on to inside the car, the tires, and even the trunk where there was almost no harm. She stepped back to analyze her findings. She looked over at Vegeta and smiled condescendingly, "Why'd you go off the road? Were you trying to avoid hitting a cute critter?"

He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, "No."

"I definitely believe that, Prince of Darkness."

The boys snickered at her comment except for Vegeta who merely shot a look at them that quickly silenced them.

Bulma's smile slowly faded as she realized what probably occurred. With a quizzical expression she asked, "Where were you coming from before this happened?"

She was met with silence.

"Look if you don't tell me I'm not going to help you."

"We came from a bar... we had a few drinks..." Vegeta reluctantly answered.

"A few drinks? You boys can't seriously be that stupid. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking about getting the hell home."

She rolled her eyes, selfish prick. "Of course you were. How much did you have to drink?"

"That's none of your damn business."

"The fact that I'm standing here right now because you wrecked your father's car makes it my business."

"I'm aware of the damage that's been done. I wouldn't-"

"Yes, of the automotive damage. What if you hit someone? What if someone didn't make it?"

"We've already established that no one was hurt."

"Were you even thinking about your friends before getting into the car?"

Vegeta could feel his headache intensifying and fought the urge to rub his temples. He really didn't like being lectured and he wasn't about to put up with it, "What gives you the right to act so high-and-mighty? It's not like you've never drunk before."

"Excuse me?"

Everybody present could feel the tension thickening. The air seemed heavy and the electric clap of animosity between Bulma and Vegeta was evident.

"Everyone has seen you throwing back a few at house parties."

Bulma took a few steps forward, "Don't compare that to this. They are completely different situations."

Mirroring her actions Vegeta took a few steps closer as well, "Of course they're the same. It's just a different outcome."

She continued to approach, "Listen here, Ouji, I'm sure I never drink as much as you do but whether I do or not, I'm not stupid enough to get behind the wheel."

He advanced as well, "So you have someone else do your dirty work? What intoxicated imbecile had the misfortune to give you a ride home?"

His remarks appalled her, leaving her open-mouthed, "That has NEVER happen-"

"Can you say with certainty that you remember everything that occurs when you're inebriated?"

They were heading off course and the spectators of the spat clearly saw that. Nappa jumped in before things got too out of hand, "Let's focus on the real problem. Can you fix the car or not?"

Bulma's sight shot over to Nappa, her features still screwed up in stubborn anger. She looked back at Vegeta and it was then that she realized that they were mere inches apart. She stepped back feeling uncomfortable with the proximity and unsure of how it was that they managed to get so close. Vegeta noticed her discomfort and smirked knowingly which had her look daggers at him.

She took a moment to take a breath before she answered. "There is a lot that needs to be fixed. For starters, everything under the hood needs to be replaced. New engine, air valve, battery, hardware, circuit boards. Some parts you can get at any auto store but others are exclusively Capsule Corp.'s. Then there's the body and the interior…"

"You're not answering the question." Vegeta grumbled.

"I help build it. Yes, I am able to fix it."

Vegeta let out a breath in relief. He felt more relaxed already. "Good. You need-"

"But I won't."

And just that like that severity and pressure of the problem instantly weighted on him again. Unbelieving and heated he glowered at her, "What?" he bit out.

"You heard me."

To say he was astonished would be an understatement. He was utterly speechless and didn't know what to do. And nobody else said anything; not her companions and not even his comrades. It was dead silent for what seemed like an eternity although he was sure it couldn't have been more than a minute. She made a move to leave and it brought him out of his stupor. He immediately stepped in her way, preventing her from getting to the door, "How much?"

She scoffed, "I don't need money."

"It's not about what you need. What do you want?"

"What makes you think I would ever help you?"

"Fine. It is clear that you will not be swayed with monetary compensation. I could have something you don't; connections, information…"

"Hm. Doubt it." Although she did wonder if that was true.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to get out of my way." she tried to sidestep him but he once again blocked her.

"Be serious."

Chagrined, she frowned, "I thought I was."

"Everybody wants something. What will it take for you to fix this?"

His desperation was palpable now. If he wasn't such a jerk to her she would have actually felt bad. Sighing, she thought she could at least briefly consider his question. She took a moment to think just to humor him; she could at least give him that. Then a thought hit her, "Actually there is something I want."

"Name your price."

"Ouji Enterprises. I want your company."


A/N: A little cheesy? Maybe. Feel free to review.