Dragon Knights Fan Fiction / Dragon Knight (adult) Fan Fiction ❯ My Child ❯ Part II: Confrontation + Traveling ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Child

Part II: Day 1-Confrontation

Thatz sensed something and his hand quickly snatched it. An arrow was caught in his hand before it could pierce Rune's back. The three looked around and saw that they were surrounded. They were all dressed the same but looking in their eyes were nothing at all. They all stood up and got ready their swords. Their attackers didn't make a move to attack.

Rath, Rune, and Thatz were confused. Something was seriously wrong. Thatz found this familiar.

"Do you remember?" a woman's voice blew threw the winds as she appeared dressed in a white dress that showed her figure off. Thatz recognized her from his dreams. He glared at her.

"Do you remember my child?" she asked looking directly at him.

"What do you want from me?" Thatz demanded.

"You don't remember me?" the woman said in shock written on her face. As he looked at her longer images flashed at him coming quickly but he was able to distinguish them.

"What are you talking about?" he pretended not to know anything. But the images he saw were not just images they were memories. His memories he thought he buried deep within himself.

"Fine then. My children kill them and bring your lost brother to me," she said and the people attacked. They summoned their dragons and began to defend themselves. Rath and Rune were having a little trouble and Thatz was matching them. He was fairing off better than the other two.

After about ten minutes Rune was suffering a few major cuts and was very tired. Somehow when one of them goes down they just come back up again. In fact their attackers weren't even fazed. Thatz didn't suffer anything. He wasn't the least bit tired. He matched the other's strength. He managed to kill two.

"How do you kill these things?" Rath voiced out as he blocked an oncoming attack. He was still able to go on because of this special life force he has.

"Stab them in the heart," Thatz said as he managed to kill another one. Rath soon killed his two attackers and decided to help Rune since he was in need more than Thatz.

Rune collapsed in exhaustion. He was very tired. Rath was finishing off the other one that he couldn't get. Rune was catching his breath. He needed to heal. He had enough for at least on major injury. He began to heal his stomach wound as he felt his energy leaving him.

The woman saw him and stared in shock. Then it went murderous. She remembered what happened that day when one of her children left. She walked over to him as he finished healing his injury. He looked up at her in fear and backed away. He was defenseless and Rath and Thatz were busy. She knocked his sword out of his hands and made him just in regular traveling clothes. Rune attempted to run but she caught him by the front of his shirt. He struggled but was too weak to break out of her grip. The woman had a surprisingly strong grip.

"Halt!" she called out and everyone stopped. Rath and Thatz turned to face her. They gasped in shock as she held Rune captive.

"My children you may leave. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Shall you want him back come to my hidden castle. I'll be waiting for you my child," she said before disappearing with Rune.

"No wait!" Rath and Thatz chorused as they attempted to stop her but grabbed nothing but air.

Day 2-Traveling.

Rath and Thatz were walking in tense silence. Rath was angry and confused. Thatz was angry and scared. Angry because Rune was taken away and scared because his dream might come true. He could tell Rath was confused and angry but he couldn't deal with this right now. He needed to sort out his thoughts before he could tell anything. Right now he was doing his best to sort out the memories that surfaced and now plagued his thoughts. He thought he could leave his past behind but they managed to come back. Now both of his friends are in danger.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't come back to reality until Water flew from Rath's shoulder and bit him on the ear. Thatz yelped as he felt that.

"What was that for?!" Thatz exclaimed.

"You were going to walk on without us," Rath answered.

"Huh?" Thatz looked around and saw that he was a few feet ahead, "Oh woops my mistake. Lets eat! I'm starving!" He might as well turn everything back to normal or at least try to relieve the tension in the air.


"Hey, let go of me!" Rune said trying to still get out of the woman's grip. She was carrying him through their trek up the mountains. She healed all his wounds and somehow he isn't able to do anything. He was worried about Rath and Thatz.

"Do not worry about them, elf, they heading this way. By the fifth day they should be here to come and pick you up and you could all leave, just the two of you," she said making conversation.

"What do you mean just the two of us?"

"My son won't be joining you. So only two of you can go back. I want my son with me. I lost him once and I won't lose him again to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"So you don't remember? I'm not surprised. You're on my hit list but you're not worth the time. Now be quiet or I'll have to make you mute."

Rune didn't say anything else. He had a feeling she could do it and would very well go through with it.

"Alexa," the woman said motioning to the girl with brown hair, "keep our travelers busy. If you can kill the other one that way your brother would know how serious I am."

"Yes mother," Alexia said before disappearing, leaving a puff of smoke.

"Hey, what are you doing? I thought you wanted him to come to you?" Rune spoke up completely worried for his friends and not himself at the current moment. She looked at him with a smile and her eyes shining with pure hatred.

"Of course that would make him come here faster. You would've been a perfect one to train under me and become one of my children that is if I didn't hate your kind, specifically you. I lost one of my children because of your kind. My real child from my own flesh and blood and that was because of you. Now I want him back. He made me think he was dead because he failed on his mission now that I know he's alive he will come back to me. I am his mother after all."

Rune took a good look at her. He could see a resemblance. She looked almost like…

'Oh god,' Rune thought.


Rath and Thatz began walking again with their dragons out incase they get attacked and they needed to be ready. Of course as they made it to the next town they found it burning in flames. Both of them looked in shock. There in the center was a woman. Thatz recognized her.

"Alexa," he whispered under his breath. He couldn't have Rath listen in. Alexa turned to see both knights standing there. Fire surrounded them as it spread through the exits of the town.

"Ah what a surprise to find you here. I thought you guys wouldn't come here for another day. I guess I was wrong," she said.

"What'd you do to these people?" Thatz demanded.

"Nothing, I just relieved them of what they will experience later in their lives. It looks like I get to have the honor of fighting Mother's favorite."

"Mother's favorite?"

"Of course, everyone knows about it. You are Mother's favorite. No one knows why but rumors say that you were her only real one. Tell me is that true?"

"No, I was just the first one she brought in. None of us are her favorite. She just wants me back because she doesn't want any trouble I could cause for her."

"Oh is that it? Well then lets get down to business. My orders were to kill the both of you so I guess that would be your cue to fight back?"

"Rath stay back."

"What but-" Rath began to protest until he actually saw seriousness in Thatz's eyes. He complied with the request.

"Alright fine. But when this is over you owe me a very detailed explanation."


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