Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Journey of the Dragon Bladers ❯ Explanations and Fights ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A.N. Sorry I haven't updated lately, a lot has been going on.

Cherie glanced around the little makeshift camp with a sigh, `What a problem…we definitely can't take them with us…' A tiny shape dove by her head, "Hey! Cherie, snap out of it! We need an explanation ya know." Cherie grinned, "Fine Cyra, I guess I have no choice." Cyra fluttered over and landed on one of the makeshift tents. "After lunch of course, I haven't eaten since…uhh, actually I don't remember." Deis looked back from the fire, " It'll be ready in a minute…as if Tyson pestering me wasn't enough, I finally sent him to get some water…" "Where is everybody anyway?" Cyra asked. "I sent Ray to catch some fish, I think Max is exploring, who knows where that computer guy is, I don't know where Kai is either…" Deis pointed at the other tent, " and Zeo's in there." Cherie shook her head, "Hillary's studying my maps…" Cyra's nose twitched, "What's that smell?" Tyson ran by, a pair of red and brown dog-looking creatures right behind him, "NICE DOGGIES!" Cherie snickered, "I'd better go help him."

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"What is this stuff?" Tyson muttered. "It smells like old socks." "JUST EAT IT!" Deis yelled shaking her fist. "Uh, I'm not hungry," Ray muttered. "Me either," Cyra said, still in her little form. "You said you were hungry earlier." Cherie reminded her." "Uhh, well I'm not hungry anymore, besides, Zeo isn't eating eith..." "JUST EAT IT ALREADY!" "It may not smell good, but it tastes alright," Cherie said. "There's always the fish." Cyra said, not listening. Hillary frowned, "I think I'll pass…Alright Cherie, start talking." Cherie sat her bowl down and sighed, "Fine, I guess I have no choice." Deis looked at Cyra, "You'd better stop flying and find a seat." "Uh, okay." Cyra landed lightly on Zeo's shoulder, "Okay, I'm listening." Cherie sighed and cleared her throat, "You do understand that Cyra and I can't take you all along right?" Cyra tilted her head, "Why not?" "Too dangerous, I mean, Tyson can't even handle a pair of wild dogs, and I'm actually not sure myself what monsters we'll see, but I don't have the power to send you guys back, the way you came in was kind of only one way…" "HEY! YOU AREN'T LEAVING US HERE!" Hillary yelled, "AND I STILL DON"T GET WHAT'S GOING ON!" Cherie sighed, "FINE! I ADMIT IT! ALL I KNOW IS THAT MY SISTER AND I HAVE TO HEAD FOR A TOWN IN THE NORTH! NOW GET OFF MY CASE!" A loud pop filled the air. Cyra in her human form stepped between Hillary and Cherie, "QUIET!" Cherie jumped back. Hillary covered her ears. Deis shook her head, "Maybe I should stick around a little longer." Cyra glared at Cherie, "I'll solve this, If you don't let them come I'll stay here." Cherie's eyes narrowed, "WHAT?!" Cyra nodded, "Either they come or I won't go." Cherie sighed, "Well, the aren't dragons, but fine, they can come, but we have to get them weapons, come on we'll resupply in the next town."