Fan Fiction ❯ Arezue: Desire ❯ The Message ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the content of this fic.
We all know that Angel, or Liam, was pretty much a man-whore in his time - and they had no anti-conceptions back then. What if Angel had had a daughter - one he'd also vamped and one whom had had a soul forced upon her as well?
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Angel trudged into the Hyperion with Gunn; dripping with demon gore, scowl firmly fixed on his face.
“Oh Angelllll!!!!” Cordelia's voice filtered through the hotel. Angel winced and moved into the lobby.
“Cordelia!” He snapped. “You don't need to yell.” She set down the book she was holding with a `thump' and turned on him, glare in full swing.
“Well excuse me if I thought it'd be nice to tell you that you received a message!” She turned away, crossing her arms. Angel sighed, feeling guilty. How was it that she always knew how to get him to apologize?
“I'm sorry Cordelia.” He waved his battle-axe around. “I've just been feeling a little off lately.” Cordelia immediately swung around, grinning ear to ear.
“Oh my god Angel - a girl called” She jumped up and down on her toes. “Now we all know you're not a eunuch!!” Angel blinked. What the hell?
“Oh yes, Angel,” Wesley piped up from his reading. “A call from a girl definitely places you in the sexually active category.” His voice dripped with sarcasm. Fred pulled on his arm, appearing out of nowhere.
“I think she's Irish.” She babbled, giggling. “Her voice was real nice and really low,” She frowned. “ `Cept she did call you daddy once which is kinda kinky one supposes and - ” She was cut off by a groan from Cordelia and coughing from Wesley.
“Fred - I don't want to know that,” Cordelia gagged. “I mean hello! Ick!” She shuddered for a moment. “Here, listen for yourself.” She pushed the play button on the recorder.
“Hey,” A soft, Irish voice started. “Um - it's me. I mean, Arezue. Daddy - Angel, I kind of need your help for something -“ there was static. “We need to talk and um - ”
“She keeps stopping the whole way through,” Cordelia told him. “It's very annoying.” Angel didn't reply. He knew exactly who the girl was.
“I'll just call you later. It's really important. I'm in LA by the way.” There was more static. “This place doesn't have the best connection so I'll call you later. Er - bye da - Angel.” There was a click.
“So!!??” Cordelia demanded. Angel blinked.
“Cordelia, that's disgusting.” He rubbed his arms. “That you thought that Arezue - ” He broke off eyes widening as his brain presented images of - Oh God!
“Why?” Fred asked. “Angel, you really should give someone the chance to -”
“Fred!” Both Wesley and Angel cut her off. They glanced at each other and Angel realized that Wesley knew exactly who'd called - he had been a watcher after all.
“Fred, that's my daughter you're talking about,” He paused for a moment, still trying to get what Cordelia'd said about him and - crap, he had to stop thinking about it. “And I rather you just didn't.” Gunn stopped putting away the weapons and turned to him.
“I think I speak for everyone when I say - huh?” Angel sighed.
“Just ask Wesley.” Exiting, he frowned as he walked up the steps. He'd been sensing things all week and now it all made sense. And Charlotte Jane (her real name) had mentioned needing help - what could make her desperate enough to turn to him? After all they'd spent the last hundred years or so avoiding each other - why break that kind of relationship now?
Questions running through his head, he turned in, knowing he'd probably never get any sleep until he had the answers.
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This is chapter one. I really want to know what you think and where you think I ought to take this (I've only got about four chapters written so far). So, press the little button that says `review' on your way out.