Fan Fiction ❯ Just to Make Them Jealous ❯ Forming The Plan ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Just To Make Them Jealous
Chapter 3
Forming the Plan

Lily sat in the common room on the Saturday after her fight with Sirius doing homework. ‘I can’t think of any way to get him back…’ Lily thought to herself. The room was quiet because most of Hogwarts went to Hogsmeade for the weekend. Lily sat alone… almost everyone had gone except…

James Potter walked in and sat down across from her and started working on his homework. Lily looked at him for a minute. "Hello James."

James looked up from his books. "Hello to you too, Lily." He looked at his potions book again. "Heard you broke up with Sirius."

"Yeah… he tell you that?" She asked curious if he was telling everyone.

"Nope… Remus did." Replied James. "I know how you feel though. My girlfriend just broke up with me…"

Lily made a half laugh/ half snorting sound. "Amanda? I can’t see how anyone could be sad about braking up with her. She’s a slut!!!"

"Hey!" shouted James. "Sirius isn’t that great of a catch either!"

"True… but I do love him…" said Lily.

"Same here about Amanda." James said.

"Oh James… what are we going to do?" Lily sighed.

James suddenly brightened up. "I got an idea." He smiled big.


"Let’s pretend to go out just to make them jealous! Knowing then they will get so jealous that they will ask us back out again!"

Lily smiled at him. "It’s a deal! They got to fall for it!"

"Okay!" said James.

"So… where do we start?" asked Lily.

"Leave that all up to me." said James with a smile.