Fan Fiction ❯ Just to Make Them Jealous ❯ Surprises and Secrets ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Just To Make Them Jealous
Chapter 4
Surprises and Secrets

Lily stood in the Gryffindor common room the next Monday morning waiting. "Come on, James! Where are you?" She mumbled to herself as she heard someone running down from the boys’ dormitory. James appeared seconds later.

"Sorry I’m late… couldn’t find my Arithmancy book…" He yawned.

"I was about to go up there and get you!" She said fixing her hair. James laughed. "What?"

"Remus is up." James laughed on. "You would have scared the crap out of him. He gets so nervous around girls." He shook his head.

"What’s up with Remus lately?" asked Lily curiously. "He didn’t look so good the other day."

"Well…" James started. "It’s a full moon. Who knows… maybe he’s a werewolf!"

"Oh James! Don’t be silly! Remus… a werewolf? Get real!" Lily said as she put her copy of "Unfogging the Future" in her bag.

James smiled. She had fallen for his trick. Lily was smart but… well… even if the signs were obvious… who would believe that sweet Remus Lupin was a viscous werewolf?

Lily looked up. "Okay… you know the plan right?"

"Huh? Oh… yes!" He replied.

"Then let’s go!" She said holding out her hand. James took it and, together, they walked out the portrait hole. Behind them they could hear the Fat Lady say, "Aww! How cute!" as the walked to the Great Hall.

Of course, this was part of the plan. They were going to breakfast early so that the paintings, ghosts, and, maybe, even a few teachers would see them. If enough people saw them, the news that they are "together" would spread like wild fire.

James and Lily made it the Great Hall a few minutes before everyone else. They sat down next to each other and waited. Though they weren’t very hungry, they put toast and bacon on their plates.

It wasn’t long until the thunder of voices and footsteps could be heard. Lily looked at James. "Ready?"

"Ready!" said James. Just them the Great Hall’s doors opened and students began to pour in. It took a few minutes before…

"Lily and James?"

"Could it be?"

"Are they…"

"Going out?"

Remus walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down across from Lily and James. He looked at them and whispered, "Did you hear the rumor? That you two are going out? Of course… it’s not true…"

James started to pour himself some pumpkin juice. "Why do you say that?"

Remus blinked. "Well… you know… it just sounds so… well… silly…"

James took a drink of his pumpkin juice. "Does it now?" He said as one of the school’s barn owls swooped down and dropped a letter on Lily’s lap.

She opened the letter quickly. She almost cried when she saw who it was from.

My dearest daughter Lily,

Happy Birthday. I got your letter from school about your grades. I’m very proud of you and I’m sure your father would’ve been too.

I tried to get Petunia to write too but she wouldn’t. She still blames you for what happened to your father this summer. I just want you to know that I don’t blame you for what happened.

I love you and always will. Please don’t take what happened too hard.


"Lily?" James touched her shoulder.

"Huh? Oh… umm… I forgot a book in my dormitory… I need to go get it." She looked at James.

"We better go and get it or we’ll be late!" They stood up and James took Lily’s hand. Remus’ mouth dropped and the rest of the Great Hall burst into whispers as they walked up to the door and met with a late awaking Sirius. It was his turn to look shocked as they walked out of the Great Hall. Sirius walked over to Remus and sat down.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

Lily turned and looked at James. "Well… now all we got to do is feed the fire a little."

James smiled evilly. "That’ll be easy. See you in Potions." He turned and ran off to Arithmancy as Lily turned to go to Divination.

Lily traveled all the way to the top of the North Tower and claimed the silver latter. She sat herself at a table and started pulling out her books.

"Lily!" said a misty voice suddenly.

"Ah! Oh… Professor Trelawney… you scared me… yes?" Lily asked.

"Would you help me set out the crystal balls? We’re doing a review on them." Said Professor Trelawney.

"Okay." Said Lily happily putting the letter from her mother out of her head. Divination was her favorite class, which was surprising. Lily was head girl… you’d think she’d be in Arithmancy like James, who was head boy, but something about Divination drawled her to the subject. Lily did well from the start and by the end of her first year taking it, Professor Trelawney said she seemed to already be a true Seer.

Lily finished setting out the crystal balls just as the rest of the class started to arrive. They sat down around the circular tables and waited for Professor Trelawney’s instructions. "Today is a very special day. Today… I want you to look for an answer to a certain question. Who is your soul mate? You may think you know but have a look in the crystal ball and see."

Lily blinked. She always thought that Sirius was her soul mate but it now accrued to her… what if he wasn’t?

For a while Lily sat there watching the fog move without much luck. She closed her eyes. She had to be open to it… even if it wasn’t Sirius.

Lily opened her eyes and what she saw in the crystal ball surprised her. It wasn’t a face of a man or boy. It was… a galloping stag.

She sat and watched the stag gallop through the ball. He, the stag, was very handsome and kept Lily mesmerized for the rest of class.

"I hope…" Professor Trelawney interrupted Lily’s thoughts. "You all saw your soul mate in the balls. Class dismissed!"

Lily collected her books and climbed down the ladder. There was a buzz behind her of girls talking about their soul mates. One even said she saw Remus Lupin.

But Lily’s head only buzzed with, ‘My true love… my soul mate is a stag but how? How? How?’ Then it dawned on her.

"My soul mate… my true love is an Animagus!"