Fan Fiction ❯ Sacred Pentacle ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ajine walked with haste to the bus stop. School was officially over and she wanted to go home as soon as possible because she still had to pack for her journey with Mizumeko and to prepare for her `date' with Kaimaru. As she neared the school gate, a familiar blue car parked by her left caught her eye. A bald guy was practically lying on the hood and he was staring at her.
“Ajine Bisanei…” he called as if he knew her.
She was surprised to hear her name but when she looked, again the guy was gone. Then she remembered when she saw the car before. It was the same car that was following them the other day.
She was alarmed.
“Hey. I'm right here,” someone tapped her shoulder.
She instantly backed away, “What do you want?”
“You know what I want…” He was about her height and had a shining bald head.
Ajine grabbed her blouse tightly, “You want my - “she didn't continue.
“Not that you moron!” he knew what she was thinking and she thought wrong. “Don't act all innocent now, Midori!”
“Midori…” she repeated. That name, my name.
“Fight me!!” he demanded. “Creilmaster!”
“Creilmaster?” she echoed, “Who are you?”
“I was sent by the infamous Aku-rei.”
“Aku-rei…” She had heard that name before.
“This is getting boring.” …All of a sudden a trident appeared on his hand.
“How did you do that?” Ajine was amazed.
“Enough foolishness!” He attacked her but she was able to get away.
When he attacked her again she used the katana she just happened to have brought with her.
“Are you teasing me!” he spoke and the katana broke in half.
She jumped away. What now? This guy means serious business.
“Come on now. I thought I was going to have a hard time. Where's your brilliant sword, the Creil that appears as you wish?” he asked.
“I don't know…” and then she heard a familiar voice speak.
“Creilmaster, beat this evil before you. You have it within you… believe.”
Ajine closed her eyes. “Yes, I know and believe as well… I believe it,” she spoke, her tone now with utter confidence.
“What the hell are you murmuring about?”
She opened her perfectly blue eyes and wore a brilliant smile on her face, mystic golden light emanating from her.
Her opponent stepped back.
“You should have ran when you still had the chance… There's no turning back now…” she said with calmness. She walked slowly toward him. A slender sword materialized on her hand. It had a black handle and a thin lustrous blade. There was unfamiliar writing on the blade but Ajine knew what was written. `Creil, the Champion god'.
“So you know now who you truly are…” he managed to speak as he steadied himself and prepared for an assault.
“No… not really but I know what you are.”
“And what is that?” he said sharply.
Ajine's attack was both swift and lethal. Her enemy dropped to the ground then disappeared.
“DEAD!” she said and walked away. Her sword, the Creil disappeared instantly.
Kaimaru stood hidden behind one of the trees. He watched her leave. “Good.” He murmured
It was Hitei sitting on the roof of his own house, near an open window leading to his room.
“What have I gotten myself into now!” he sighed. “Brother, why did you die!” he stood up. Then he realized he was on the roof and he started to slip… good thing a hand caught his arm.
“Mom…” he said as she reeled him inside the room.
“What do you think you're doing!” she scolded but she was not angry.
“Sorry… That was close,” he said as he caught his breath.
“You know you're the only one left to me after Hitei died.” She hugged him.
“I know…”
If Hitei's dead then who is this guy?
Ajine sat on her bed. She looked around her room. The closet was wide open and lots of clothes were just anywhere. She was going to pack, leaving for Suraita this whole summer. She couldn't convince her grandparents to change their decision. And why of all people in the world, why did she have to get stuck with Mizumeko, the last person she'd like to be with.
But something else was occupying her mind. She knew she was some kind of a warrior in the past and perhaps until this day as well which explains her attacker, the one sent by Aku-rei. Aku-rei, the person the five of them was battling. And Midori must have been her name then… so many people had already called her that…
The door swung open and Mizumeko came barging in…
“You haven't finished packing yet. What a drag you'll surely be…” he managed to say.
“I can't believe I'm spending my summer with you. I expect nothing but boredom,” said Ajine.
“You're wrong… this summer will be better than ever,” he spoke as if he was not even himself.
“I doubt that!” She snorted tossing some clothes in her bag.
“Ajine, Kaimaru is here!” her grandmother Sharei called out.
“Oh no!” Ajine panicked. She wasn't ready yet for she wasted too much time packing. “Fifteen minutes!” she yelled back. She rampaged into her closet trying to find something to wear.
“Got a date?” asked Mizumeko.
“You're still here? OUT!” she pushed him all the way out the door and slammed the door behind him.
What about your Harley! …” Denra mentioned.
“I can't leave that behind!” Gekuren raised his voice.
“Why not! I have my car and I'm pretty sure we won't need that anyway,” she shot back.
They were at the living room of their `oh so happy and so peaceful' condominium.
“What's the problem with bringing my Harley anyway?!” He was angry now.
Denra crashed on the couch with her hands on her face and started to cry. “Why do we always argue? It was always about simple things. Why can't we get along… this has never happened to us before! Never!” she said tearfully.
“Yes never but you have changed.”
“Me… me…?”
“You are not like you used to be.”
“I told you it's this new life - “
“No! You've changed totally. Your attitude, the way you treat people… even the way you speak is different.”
“I'm sorry Denra but I can't take anymore of this it'll never work out.”
“What do you mean? You're breaking up with me?” she was getting more upset.
He didn't answer.
“God damn it Ruen! You can't just throw what we have just like that,” she stammered.
Gekuren closed his eyes. “I'm sorry too but it's better this way before we destroy each other,” he headed to the door and took his leather jacket and then slammed the door shut.
Denra was just sitting there and then she heard Gekuren's motorcycle start and speed away.
“Ruuuuueeenn!” she screamed with so much pain. It was over. They were over.
They were meant for each other. The generations could attest to their undying love through the centuries that have passed and why this hurtful conclusion to that love once was thought to be forever… endless… everlasting…
Thank goodness, the food didn't take as long as you did.” Kaimaru mentioned as the main course was taken away and the dessert, nice and yummy chocolate cake was placed before them.
He had taken Ajine to a fancy restaurant that she didn't expect at all. He also dropped his usual t-shirt and jeans for a nice gray button-down shirt and black pants. When Ajine saw him through her door, she had to go back and change into something more appropriate. She ended up wearing a V-necked red blouse and her only pair of flare pants.
“Sorry about that Mizumeko distracted me… actually he annoyed me…” She reasoned in between bites. The food there was delicious. “K, this place is fancy. Can you really afford this or do I have to wash plates afterward?” she asked, playfully.
“Ouch. I'm not exactly poor and given the probability that it'll be a long time before this will happen again—“
“Hey!” she cut him off, irritated.
“I'm just being realistic!” he explained
“Fine!” she wanted to ask him again why he had to move but she already knew. His dad got a promotion. Only it meant that his family had to move to Jupita.
“Ajine, I need to tell you something…” His green eyes were serious and staring intently at her.
She was alarmed. She had not seen him like this before. She could read in his eyes that he was sad and anxious. She waited for him to speak.
“Take care of yourself, okay? I'm not gonna be there to look after you anymore. You have to fend for yourself from now on. There are many dangers in this world and I can only hope that I have done enough to help you. Until the day we meet again, whatever happens, remember that I'm here with you, come what may.”
Ajine was shocked. It was like he was a different person. She didn't understand what he was trying to say. It was like he was sending her to a mission or something. “Excuse me?” was all she said though it sounded stupid.
Kaimaru smiled, a big happy smile with his eyes almost disappearing. “I'll take you home.”
And no discussion about his boggling words came to Ajine.
Nekuri stood by the open window and looked at the horizon. Darkness was everywhere but there was light… actually lights from the numerous stars… but a particular blue star caught her attention.
“Zento-sama,” she said softly with sadness in her eyes.
* * *
Gekuren sat on a bench in a deserted park near the apartment. His motorcycle parked along side him. He heard some rustling in the bushes behind the bench he sat on. Yet he ignored it.
“You should be careful you know. You never know when they'll come for you.” It was Mizumeko with a chocolate bar in hand.
Gekuren kept silent, pretending he was alone.
“What are you doing here?” Mizumeko asked as he took a big bite of his chocolate bar.
“Trying to be alone…” He was shooing Mizumeko away obviously.
“I know how you feel…” Mizumeko didn't budge from his seat. He seemed serious with a dash of sorrow.
“You… A kid.” He wasn't ready to believe that.
“A kid… right. You may never understand…” He looked at the vast heavens. There were so many stars: white, red, yellow and blue. He then shifted his gaze to Gekuren.
“I just don't understand.” Gekuren's fist hit the bench. “I love Midori but Denra… she looks like her but they are barely alike! …” He was hurt as well.
Mizumeko suddenly stood up. “Don't worry you'll find out soon enough.” He walked away and disappeared in the shadows leaving Gekuren bewildered by his remark.
The evil Midori was now within her and has taken over. This was the true purpose of Aku-rei, to awaken her evil side. Now she had so much power… the neutrality of Midori's being triggered a great hidden energy within her but her evil side could easily surface. After all it is easier to be evil than to be good.
She battled her own comrades unleashing her dangerous fury. She destroyed the very place where they all were. Aku-rei was so delighted but somehow she was able to regain control of herself and conquered her evil side. Soon enough she battled Aku-rei again this time with her ultimate power so he was easily defeated.
Ajine opened her eyes. “Another vision…” then she went back to sleep…
Friday morning…
Ajine and Mizumeko were at the bus now on their way to the Ruraipa train station.
“You seem to be awful silent today, Ajine.”
“Back off brat. I'm in a bad mood today,” she told him. This was so for she wanted to talk to Kaimaru before he left but since she woke up late, she didn't catch him anymore. He had acted as if he didn't say anything vague to her. She was still bothered by his words.
“Someone woke in the wrong side of the bed,” he muttered as he took out his Game boy and started playing noisily.
Ajine faced the window. Adding to her irritation is the fact that she had to stay with Mizumeko for the whole summer. Instead of being with her friends or family, she ends up with her snobbish neighbor to some far away place.
Suddenly a motorcycle stopped just beside her window.
Ajine's hope went sky high. To see Gekuren again would be real great… but then it was just another guy biking.
“Damn!” she said. Her hopes went down the drain.
“What did you say?” Mizumeko was able to ask even though he was still concentrating on playing.
“Nothing.” Ajine now realized the absolute fact that she may not see Gekuren at all. It's quite impossible for him to go to a place as far as Suraita… unlike her.
Ajine breathed deeply her face full of regret.
Take care now,” Mrs. Miyamoto told her child.
Hitei nodded. He was already in the passenger seat and Denra on the wheel.
“Don't worry. I'll take good care of him,” said Denra as she drove off.
She picked up Hitei as promised.
“Where's Gekuren?” came a question.
Denra's face grew a bit uneasy but then she immediately smiled. “He needs to take his Harley so he's not with us now. We'll meet him in the station anyway… He has our tickets.” She put on her sunglasses to shield herself from the sun and to hide her eyes…
Come on we'll be late!” Ajine chided. They were walking towards the train station.
“I'm almost finished!” Mizumeko squealed as he slowly walked with his black eyes still fixed on his game.
“Argh!!!” Ajine punched his head, the Game boy was released from his grasp, and Ajine took it and threw it far away.
“That's EXPENSIVE you know!” he snapped. “I won't move here until you get it back.” He folded his arms.
Ajine rolled her eyes and ignored his demand. She forcibly dragged him to the train station entrance…
Everything is ready now Ms. Yuwakawa,” some guy who works at the train station informed.
“Great,” said Denra.
“Let me just repeat… It's a CRV and a Harley that'll be transported to the Suraita station.”
She nodded.
“Alright, thank you ma'am it's a pleasure to work with you…” he left.
“You're really respected, huh?” Hitei asked. He was standing behind Denra all the while.
“With lots of money anyone would surely be respected. Hey weren't you an Emperor's son one time in your life you surely know how I feel now…”
“Oh yeah… I remember that.” He scratched his head.
“I remember, you were even betroth to that ugly fat princess who kept chasing you everywhere,” Denra giggled.
He had this uneasy smile on his face. He sat down on a nearby bench.
“And…” Denra couldn't catch her breath. “… and… she - “
“Hey Hitei!”
Instantly Denra stopped.
Hitei greeted him back with a smile.
Gekuren sat beside Hitei and silence came between them.
Hitei was wondering why these two weren't acting as they were suppose to. “Are you guys okay?”
“What?” Denra blurted out.
“Of course… things are fine.” Gekuren's tone remained undefined.
They still hadn't talked since last night.
Something is definitely wrong here, Hitei thought but remained silent as they waited for their train to arrive.
Ajine and Mizumeko got in the Ruraipa station as scheduled but the train was already half-filled.
Mizumeko ran to the last vacant seat. “Sorry but you have to stand up here.” He was trying to annoy her.
“I'd rather look for an empty seat somewhere over yonder.” She started to leave when Mizumeko cried out.
“You can't leave me here all alone. My mom's paying you to baby sit me!!”
She was stuck with him. She stood there and held onto one of the steel bars to prevent herself from going off balance as the railway train moved on its way.
Railway Train 047 is arriving now at Anruto Station. Passengers please standby,” was the announcement that quite startled Denra.
“That's our call.” Gekuren stood up and led them near the edge of the concrete floor. He stood right before the red marking on the floor.
Denra and Hitei followed him as the train stopped and slowly opened its doors.
The train was getting pretty filled. Anruto would be the last stop before the long trek over the river to get to the next island where the city of Suraita is. It was getting humid as much more people filled the train.
Mizumeko was playing his Game boy a while ago but after the doors opened, he immediately kept it away and then he looked at the people coming in…
Is he expecting someone, Ajine wondered.
“Mizumeko!” someone called, his tone sounded as if he was surprised to see him.
Mizumeko smiled a bit.
Ajine curious for the source of Mizumeko's excitement looked for this source but then she noticed a familiar figure make his way to her direction.
Could it be… the familiar mop of brown hair, she couldn't be mistaken.
He walked to them but he faced Mizumeko. “I never guessed you would be here.” And then he reached for the same steel bar Ajine currently clung on.
When he saw her he froze, in obvious total shock.
Ajine was confused with the expression on his face but she tried her best to smile.
“Gekuren…” someone called and reached for the same steel bar as well.
Ajine shifted her gaze to this person who just called Gekuren but then she found herself staring at her mirror image…
In different clothes yet… same blond wavy hair and perfect blue eyes. They both stared at each other, amazed and scared at the same time.
Hitei froze as well when he saw this phenomenon.
“Hi Gekuren and Denra… Nice to see you again. Oh and you must be Hitei of course…” Mizumeko's voice was amusingly ordinary. He knew this was going to happen, he absolutely knew all along.
I don't remember having a sister or even a twin. It's so impossible and… and Mizumeko knows them… Ajine was struggling to understand
Who is that girl? Could it be real? I am Midori… I am Midori… I am MIDORI… I really am Midori, Denra knew it and tried to strengthen her affirmation.
Are you my Midori? Gekuren wanted so much to ask but he still couldn't believe that this was not some kind of a magic trick.
Hitei! Come back to life and explain all this to me!, was Hitei's silent demand.
Mizumeko remained silent and watched them all carefully. The shifts on their faces are so amusing to look at. He was enjoying every minute of this.
The small red light on top of the doors shone brightly and a distinct ringing sound was heard, warning the passengers that the doors were about to close. A number of people hurried in just before all the doors of the train closed. The engine began again and steadily powered its way through the tracks.
They were all staring at each other as if waiting for someone to explain this bizarre revelation. Mizumeko just sat calmly on his purple seat. The silence soon became too nerve wrecking.
“Who… who are you?” was a question from Denra.
Ajine didn't really know what to answer. She swallowed hard then said, “I don't know how come we look so much the same but, I'm Ajine and I'm here with Mizumeko, that you all seem to know.”
“Ajine Bisanei?” Gekuren asked, remembering her name.
Ajine was surprised to hear that he actually knew her name. She nodded to hide her glee.
“The one who was on that play last week in Ruraipa College.” Denra was surprised herself.
“Yes…” Ajine wasn't quite sure why these people knew her while she didn't know anything about them. Ajine glanced at Mizumeko who was just listening intently.
“The one who reminded me of Midori's sword skills,” Gekuren said in amazement.
“Midori… I was called by that name before,” Ajine revealed.
“Midori…” Hitei echoed.
“But I'm Midori!” Denra scorned Ajine's claim.
“This is confusing!” Hitei remarked.
“Settle down now,” Mizumeko tried to calm the tide.
“You better start explaining Mizumeko! Why a girl looking like me and claiming to be me is with you!” Denra was outraged.
“Sure… sure but I can't do that here in public. I assure you that we'll be arriving at Suraita soon. Enjoy the trip!” He smiled. He pulled out his Game boy and played.
Okay. Let me introduce myself,” Hitei began. “I'm Hitei Miyamoto. That's Denra Yuwakawa over there and Gekuren Waemono.” He shook Ajine's hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Ajine said. She was glad that at least this green haired fellow was friendly.
“Hah!” Denra snorted. She didn't like Ajine already. She left Gekuren's side and moved to the next empty steel bar, near the train's accordion like joint.
As they traveled, Hitei talked with Ajine and found out how nice she really was. Gekuren was not far and soon he joined their conversation. On the other hand, Denra was watching from a distance watching Ajine's every move.
Suraita… the five stood at the exit of the clean railway station.
“Where's Nekuri?!” Denra was getting impatient. She wanted to find the truth now.
“Who's Nekuri?” Ajine asked Hitei.
“You don't know?” he was baffled.
Ajine shook her head.
“Then why are you here with Mizumeko?” asked Gekuren.
“Actually I'm babysitting him this whole summer. He told us that he's going to his relatives,” she explained.
“Relatives, huh? So you really don't know who we are.” Denra spoke in a sarcastic way.
“No…” Ajine paused “Mizumeko this is your entire fault! Explain everything NOW!” She was now stomping down Mizumeko's back demanding him to answer her question.
“Look… There's Nekuri!” Mizumeko struggled to point out.
Ajine looked up to the lady approaching them. It was just the same lady who talked to her in Yuwakawa Restaurant, who also presented herself as Gekuren's friend.
“I see you're all here. Sorry to keep you waiting,” Nekuri greeted with glee.
“I remember you… You - you're the weird waitress at that restaurant,” Ajine declared with her finger pointing straight at Nekuri.
Nekuri was quite irritated. Her brow kind of twitched. “Not a waitress… manager…” she controlled herself and pushed Ajine's arm downward.
“It's about time you arrived,” Denra blurted out.
“The house is quite a long way from here. So where's your car?” Nekuri wanted to know.
“What do you mean that you don't have a car for us to ride in!?” Denra angrily said. She couldn't control her temper.
“None…” Nekuri spoke now in a serious tone and almost in a terrifying way. Her golden eyes narrowed fiercely. “… and you seem to be forgetting who you are talking to.”
Denra stepped back. Nekuri scared her completely.
“Excuse me. Ms. Yuwakawa… your car and motorcycle have arrived for you in gate 4 to claim.” Some guy disturbed them. He was part of the train station crew.
“Alright. Let's go.” Denra lowered her shades from her head and followed that guy to gate four and the others did as well.
Denra was now inside her CRV with Nekuri beside her in the front seat. Ajine, Mizumeko and Hitei were on the backseat.
“I'll just follow you then,” Gekuren concluded. He was outside on his Harley on Nekuri's side.
“Sure.” Denra smiled but didn't look at him.
He closed his helmet and started the engine.
“This way…” Nekuri began to instruct Denra where to go.
Ajine was still in awe. They were already on the way to Nekuri's home but she still couldn't believe her fate. Denra, the girl with the same blond hair and blue eyes as her was driving the CRV, she rode in. She wasn't very friendly to her but nevertheless it was still a phenomenon that they look exactly alike without being related.
That black-haired lady on the front seat named Nekuri was silent. She didn't expect to see her again given that she was the manager of Yuwakawa Restaurant and Gekuren's boss. Her eyes were also gold like shining gems, impossible to a human.
And Hitei, a green haired guy with kind brown eyes was the first person to talk to her despite the tension in the train. Honestly, she felt very comfortable with him because he was always smiling and talkative too.
Mizumeko was beside her and foundling with his Game boy. She never thought that he would give her such an amazing experience. This brown haired brat has introduced her to a promising vacation.
Ajine looked outside the window. They were in a mountainside highway with only a few other cars traveling. Gekuren was riding near her window and she stared at him. She still can't believe she saw him again and that he knew her. This is her good fortune to be as close to Gekuren as she is now. Her heart was pounding. She still couldn't explain why she felt so strongly about Gekuren as she'd known him before. Then suddenly he looked at her direction. His helmet was now open…
Denra looked at the mirror and saw Gekuren was riding close to them. And he seemed to be smiling at something. Denra glanced at the rear view mirror and realized Ajine was now blushing. Her eyes narrowed under her sunglasses and she gripped the wheel tightly.
The trip was silent… but all of a sudden a monster came out of nowhere and jumped on the car's windshield blocking Denra's view. It clawed the glass windshield.
The car turned sharply to the right and swiftly stopped. The monster was thrown to the bedrock.
Everyone was breathing hard…
“Everybody alright?” Gekuren's voice was heard.
Ajine looked up. Her heart was pounding like a hammer.
The car was now hogging the whole road and was facing the mountainside. Mizumeko was now in Ajine's arms and was now unconscious.
Hitei was rubbing his head. “I'm okay… just a bump,” he said.
Nekuri lifted her head and looked at the place where the monster was thrown. The smoke, the crash caused was only beginning to fade.
Denra was relieved to be alive. She swiped the bits of sweat on her forehead when she saw blood in it. She screamed and;
“Denra!” was the last thing she heard - which was Gekuren's call - before she fainted.
“What happened?” Hitei got out of the backseat.
“Broken glass from the windshield,” Nekuri answered without despair.
“RRRROOARRR…” they were all startled. The monster was still alive.
Gekuren and Hitei hastily ran to it.
“I - “ Ajine laid Mizumeko on the seat and was about to get out.
“NO! Ajine. They can handle it,” Nekuri told her, in a commanding tone.
Ajine was compelled to obey.
Hitei and Gekuren were both running to the monster when Hitei made a surprising halt.
“What's wrong?” Gekuren wanted to know.
“You can handle him anyway…” he typically replied.
(⌂) Gekuren uncloaked his sword and attacked the ugly monster. It didn't really give him a hard time.
Ajine watched in amazement.
Gekuren was an excellent fighter and his style seemed similar to one of the warriors in her visions, the one named Ruen.
“What happened?” Mizumeko found himself lying in the car with Denra at his side.
“I'll drive then…” Nekuri spoke. The four were outside, gathered around the hood.
“Because Denra would be lying on the backseat there would only be enough space for one person which would be Mizumeko,” Hitei started.
“I get the picture,” said Gekuren. “Why don't you ride with me Ajine?”
Her blue eyes almost popped out. “What?” Ajine forced herself not to blush…
“Actually you have no other choice…” Hitei smiled.
“Okay…” she agreed.
They were preparing to leave. Ajine already wore the helmet Gekuren gave her but she kept staring at the bike.
Me… Alone… All alone with Gekuren. It's like a fairy tale, she thought. This was surreal to her.
“Hey Ajine!” he called her attention. “Don't tell me you're afraid to ride.” He was already riding on it.
“No… but it's just the first time.”
“Don't worry. Just hold on tight. I promise I won't ever let you fall,” he assured her as he offered a hand.
She nodded and accepted his help.
Denra opened her eyes and found herself on the backseat of her own car. She saw Mizumeko was beside her who just looked at her as she sat up. Then he shifted his gaze to the window. Nekuri was now on the wheels and was looking at her blankly through the rear view mirror.
“We're almost there,” Nekuri said.
Hitei was alone at the front seat.
“Where's Ajine?” Denra asked in horror.
“She's with Gekuren,” Mizumeko added, knowing it would anger her.
Denra was mortified. “WHAT!?”
“Hey it's your fault. You fainted and hogged most of the backseat,” Mizumeko said as a matter-of-factly.
“My CAR!!” Denra screamed realizing that there were huge holes on the windshield. “Where's that monster! That costs a lot you know!?”
“Why don't you look for him in the underworld and ask him if he'll pay in cash or check?!?” Nekuri answered sarcastically.
They were now pulling up on a driveway of a huge white washed house. “Welcome to Fuyure Manor.”
“This is a really great house, Nekuri.” Ajine marveled at the high ceilings and wide space of the living room.
Nekuri smiled. “Feel at home,” she said and walked off.
“If you ask me this isn't really a marvelous house at all…” Denra jeered.
Ajine's happy mood evaporated.
“That's because you're rich,” Gekuren entered with some luggage.
“What do you mean?!?” Denra meant something else.
Gekuren didn't answer.
Ajine gasped.
Hitei watched the scene unfold.
“I still can't believe you, Ruen! You're impossible,” Denra fumed.
“Ruen…” Ajine repeated and looked at Gekuren. Was this a coincidence?
“Why do you keep reacting vaguely about our names? First mine and now Gekuren's!” Denra turned her anger to Ajine.
“Stop it Denra! She has nothing to do with this,” Gekuren said.
Tears started to flow from Denra's blue eyes… eyes full of ire… “Yes she has. Now that you saw this cheap imitation of me, the Real Midori… you're thinking that I'm the fake! I hate you!!” she stormed off.
Ajine was stunned. It was very obvious that Denra and Gekuren have issues but… Ruen! If Gekuren is Ruen then he was the one with her, the guy who proposed to her.
Darkness. Only small torches gave a faint glimmer. There was a huge rectangular table in the middle of the huge room. There were a number of shadows - people sitting around it. A lady stood by the southern end of the table.
“They have arrived.” It was Nekuri holding a gas lantern before her face. Her golden eyes reflected the little light.
“I know,” said a roaring masculine voice. “That's why I have sent them.”
“What!!” Nekuri was surprised and was ready to leave.
“What are you going to do?” the same voice asked with authority. He was at the northern end of the table.
“You should have told me first.”
“Who's serving who?”
“… I told you; I'll handle them.” She was a bit angry.
“You will. I know you will… now leave us.”
Nekuri left swiftly, dropping the gas lantern she once held.
Denra sat at a wooden bench by the vast garden. “He is such a jerk… jerk, jerk!!”
“Really how come?” came a question from a woman.
“I mean he just broke up with me and now he obviously likes this girl who looks like me,” Denra said and put her head on the handle of the bench.
“That is really awful. You wish you'd die, don't you?” came another response this time a man's voice.
Denra sat up and looked at the beautiful sunset before her. A hooded figure stood behind her and a massive scythe gleamed.
“You wish you'd die, don't you?” the scythe was drawn back, ready for a blow.
“No… I want Ajine to die!” Denra suddenly stood up and shouted out. The scythe missed her and broke the wooden bench she used to sit on.
The girl beside her jumped up and glared at the hooded one.
“Well that could be arranged,” the hooded guy advanced.
“But then again, I'm not really that bad… oh look a cute blossom,” she reached down for it and the scythe missed her again and again and again and again.
“Arrggghhh!” the two unknown figures were getting furious.
The hooded guy removed his cloak and leaped to attack Denra.
“Thanks for listening to me. I actually feel better,” she faced them, beaming “Hey who are you guys anyway?” and was surprised to see a guy about to slice her.
“Aki,” he said.
“Haru,” the girl by the broken bench waved.
And they heard a scream.
“What was that?” Ajine was alarmed. She jumped in her seat.
“I think it was Denra,” Hitei spoke and they all ran to the source of the scream.
Denra stood, still trying to catch her breath. The smoke was subsiding.
“You're really a lucky twit, aren't you?” Aki spoke. His spiking long hair was sterling like his scythe.
“Get on with it. I'm getting bored.” Haru drew nearer.
“You won't be so lucky next time,” he walked towards her.
Someone called, “Denra!”
“Gekuren!” she was very glad to see him.
“The cavalry has arrived,” Haru declared.
Hitei suddenly emerged from the shadow of a nearby big tree and kicked Aki off his stance.
“What do you want?” Gekuren questioned Haru.
“Oh please… just pure and simple bad guy business,” Haru dryly replied, tossing her permed orange hair.
“Hey Gekuren!” Mizumeko called his attention.
“I'm leaving…” He turned his back and began to play his noisy Game boy.
“What!” Gekuren was surprised.
“That little brat. Playing with your Game boy, huh? And what if your Game boy plays with you!!!” said Haru and a face appeared on the Game boy and it began to grow.
Mizumeko threw it in horror.
Are you alright?” Ajine asked Denra coming to her aid.
“Why are you here?” was what she blurted out.
Hitei and Aki were still battling it out when Aki was able to knock Hitei down and tried to slit Hitei's throat. But Hitei just smiled and went into the shadow of a bare tree cascading on them. He then reappeared in the shadow of another tree not so far.
“Shadow Traveler,” Aki said as they both attack one another.
Mizumeko screamed and fell to his feet as he watched his Game boy grow and become a giant Game boy monster. The dirty white rectangular body became huge. Dark evil eyes emerged on the LCD. An ugly, long and toothy mouth appeared across the directional button to command buttons.
“Mizumeko!” Gekuren called.
“Oh no… you're not,” he heard Haru say. It's like his shirt was alive. It tightened around him and when he looked down on his chest he saw a smiling face there. The shirt bound him.
Gekuren uncloaked his sword and attempted to wield it.
“More!” Haru commanded and his long brown hair was all over his hands and neck.
“No…” he dropped his sword, overpowered by Haru's spells.
Hitei jumped to avoid being slashed and he surprisingly hit a cement wall.
“Gotcha!” Aki threw knives to his direction.
Luckily, none of them hit Hitei but he was now pinned to the wall. He tried to pull himself free but there were just too many knives and they seemed to be buried deep into the cement.
“Where are you gonna flee now?” Aki asked, as he readied to throw his massive scythe at Hitei. “I am death and Death shall come upon you.”
Let's play!” the Game boy monster roared and Mizumeko started running away and the monster chased him.
The chase was on… First, it was rolling a battery to flatten him, then it was trying to pound him with two batteries in hand and then it was going to ground him by pouncing on him.
Mizumeko kept on screaming for help…
“Stop you moron! Use your sorcery,” came the voice of Nekuri. She was running pass him.
“Oh yeah I almost forgot about that.” Mizumeko stopped running and started to conjure an energy bolt.
“Huhh!?” The monster stepped back to avoid the blinding light materializing from Mizumeko's palm.
“What the!” Haru was surprised at the sudden turn of events.
Gekuren hit the ground and he tried to reach for his sword.
“Hey! You're the Swordian Knight and your sword indeed has sleeping spirit within it… Why don't we bring it to life!” Haru exclaimed.
“No way.” Gekuren's sword levitated in mid-air.
The purple gem on the hilt gave off tremendous purple light. Haru kept on laughing and when Gekuren opened his eyes, he found his sword back on the ground and a hideous red dragon was standing before him.
“Luceus… my Swordian Spirit…” Gekuren whispered.
A sword plunged into Aki's back but he was able to throw the scythe at Hitei but with luck it only hit his right leg not his head. Aki coughed out blood. He turned his back and realized it was Ajine, who stabbed him. Aki took the sword, removed it from his back, and plunged it into the earth. Then he took his scythe from Hitei's leg, which made Hitei scream.
Ajine's sword glowed, vanished and then reappeared again at her hand. “You're a lousy impersonation of Death.”
“How dare you!” Aki attacked her but she was able to evade and then hit Aki's shoulder with the back of her sword. He dropped to the ground. Aki's dark blood continued to flow. As he tried to stand again, he began to laugh heinously. “No matter what you do, I am already dead, how more can you kill me!” he told her.
Wham! And the monster blasted far and away.
“My Game boy!” Mizumeko suddenly shouted out and lifted his hand as if begging it to come back. Only a gust of wind was the answer.
Go… Luceus!” Haru commanded with her full force but the magnificent creature did not even budge. “Didn't you hear me? I said go and kill him,” Haru fumed.
The creature then turned its head and looked at her. “I serve no one…” its voice was loud.
Haru's plan backfired.
“Bad move…” Gekuren was giggling.
“QUIET!!” Haru clenched her fist and Gekuren's hair made a mummy out of him. “I gave you life. I command you!” she insisted.
“I… serve… NO ONE…” Luceus said as if Haru was a small child unable to understand. “And I favor my knight.” This time he opened his mouth… Haru tried to escape but that was futile. She burned black and became ashes…
Ashes to ashes… Dust to dust…
Ajine glared at Aki. “That's impossible.”
“Let me show you.” He was covered again with his black hood and cape, much more like the costume of Death now.
He conjured up an attack. Sparks were lighting up in his palm of his hands. “I am Death… and it's impossible to kill me.”
A surprising white figure went for him and swallowed him whole. “I suggest disintegration,” Nekuri spoke. She was standing behind Ajine.
“Thanks…” Ajine acknowledged.
Thank you Luceus.” Gekuren picked up his sword. He was very thankful Luceus sided with him or else he would have been fried by now…
“Gekuren you okay?” Ajine asked with a smile almost a laugh. Nekuri was already laughing but she tried to hide that by covering her hand on her mouth.
“What?” Gekuren wanted to know.
Ajine began to laugh real hard. “Here… look… Look at yourself.” She gave him a mirror and he finally saw how his long hair tangled and whirled all over him. He started to laugh too.
“EXCUSE me! I need a little help here! IF IT'S NOT TOO MUCH TROUBLE,” Hitei shouted out. He was still stuck to the wall and bleeding.
“Alright,” Gekuren replied and he ran his fingers through his hair and fixed it first.
Nekuri went to help Hitei while Ajine just stood there and watched him. Then he noticed her there. She just faked a cough as her cheeks turned pink.
“Thanks…” he gave the mirror back to her with a quick wink.
She gladly took it back, “I'll find the others,” she said.
Mizumeko… hey?” Ajine called as she waved her hand in front of his frozen pose of plea…
“It didn't come back…” he spoke.
“What didn't come back?”
“My Game boy…”
“I know it means a lot to you but you're rich and you can just buy a new one.”
“No dummy. I put half of my money in the battery compartment…” Mizumeko explained.
“That figures…” Ajine rolled her eyes.
Thank you!” Hitei finally got down.
“Hey… you're wounded,” Gekuren pointed out.
“Of course I'm wounded. I have a bloody thigh, don't I!” Hitei fumed.
“Where's Denra?” Mizumeko asked.
“Where is she?” Ajine wondered.
They looked around and found a figure crouching under a tree. It was Denra.
Hitei appeared through the shadow and sat before her.
“It was so scary and I CAN'T even do anything,” said Denra.
“But it's okay now. It's all over.” Hitei tried to comfort her.
“For now at least,” Nekuri spoke and everybody glared at her except:
“That's the reality. We have to face facts that this is the life we were chosen to live,” Mizumeko said.
“We can't really blame Denra. Her powers are gone and her esteem with it,” Hitei told them.
“Hitei!” Denra squealed and she was gonna hug Hitei but he suddenly said, “Ouch.” And fell back holding his wound and Denra ended up face down on the grass.
“Oops…” was all that was heard from Hitei.
“Let's go inside now before it gets dark,” Gekuren suggested.
“Yes… we need to treat Hitei's wound as well.” Ajine acceded and so they did so.