Fan Fiction ❯ Suraj Hua Maddham ❯ Dreams to Reality ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4 "Dreams to Reality."

Author's notes: <salutes> here is the next chapter! Sorry for the delay, but I had to try and get my ideas sorted out. I've been heavily procrastinating because I rented Vagrant Story and it's really addictive…but enough about that. Here we go! `blah' is Elvish.

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Frodo fidgeted as he slipped into his small sleeping bag, looking all around him with a new heightened sense of sight, smell and hearing. It was easier in the daylight, as there weren't as many things to be afraid of, but now that it was dark, a new fear rose in Frodo. He looked down at his trembling hands, and noticed they were faintly glowing, like the glow of a full moon. (It's the same glow Legolas has) Frodo concluded, and sat up, looking up at the twinkling stars in the night sky. (I should get some sleep. We've got a long way to go tomorrow…)

Slowly, he slid back down into a horizontal position, and closed his eyes, slipping off into a peaceful sleep.


An Elf with dark hair and sparkling white Elvish armour with an Excalibur sword standing in front of a mirror, a golden circlet set delicately on his head. His right hand lay flattened against the surface of the black marble dresser, most of his fingers adorned with elegant Elvish rings. A necklace hung loosely around his neck, the chain made of gold, and the pendant made of sparkling diamond, in the shape of an Elvish character, by which Frodo could not translate.

He was a warrior, his armour bloodstained, and there was a portrait above the mirror, of a woman and seven sons, and he was beside the woman. "I will retrieve the Silmarils, even if it costs me my life!" he vowed. "Melkor will not get away with this!"

Frodo felt as if he was watching this from right in the room, but the Elven warrior did not notice him. `I wonder who he is,' Frodo thought, running his tongue over his chapped lips. Frodo looked up at the portrait. `Seven sons? Could this be?'

The Elven warrior put both hands flatly on the surface of the dresser, staring long and hard at his reflection. He muttered something in Elvish, and then something that Frodo translated as `my heir' and then raised his left hand and put down all his fingers except for his ring finger. "This ring was forged with the fourth Silmaril that Melkor never knew about, and in this ring lies the power I need to defeat him and his men! In the shining stone of Eärendil, the most beloved star of my people, lies the strong magic that renders my body invincible, and with this ring, I will be stronger than Sauron himself!"


Frodo woke up in a cold sweat, his breathing rapid and rigid. He looked around and saw the Fellowship asleep peacefully around him. (What in the name of the Shire was that?) Frodo wondered, wiping the sweat from his forehead. (I…I saw Fëanor? And the…ring. He talked about the ring!) Quickly he got up and walked a little ways to a cliff that overlooked the land, and held up his left hand. The blue sparkling stone shone brightly, and Frodo looked almost horrified at it.

`Frodo?' Legolas' voice pierced Frodo's thoughts, and the Elf turned around to see the Prince of Mirkwood standing there, half-awake. `What's the matter?'

Frodo didn't say anything, but showed Legolas the brightly shining ring, his face scared and confused. `The ring…my dream…Legolas…'

Legolas quickly ran up to Frodo and looked at the stone in the ring. `It's been triggered by something. Not anything elemental, but mental. You said you had a dream? What was it about, Frodo?'

`I…I saw this Elven warrior in a room of sorts, staring at his reflection,' Frodo began, as Legolas sat him down. `His armour was stained with blood, and he began to talk about Silmarils and Melkor…and there was a portrait of him and his wife, and their seven sons. He raised his hand and began to talk about the ring on his left ring finger. "This ring was forged with the fourth Silmaril that Melkor never knew about, and in this ring lies the power I need to defeat him and his men! In the shining stone of Eärendil, the most beloved star of my people, lies the strong magic that renders my body invincible, and with this ring, I will be stronger than Sauron himself!"…and then that's when it ended and I woke up.'

Legolas' blue eyes widened in disbelief. `You had a dream about Fëanor, son of Finwë! The portrait was of him and his wife, Valcya. You already know the names of his seven sons. Fëanor told you about his ring…but how you have it is still a mystery, Frodo.'

`He also said something in Elvish,' Frodo said. `But I could not understand it. It was a name, I think. He said it was his heir.'

`What was it?' Legolas asked.

`Farandël,' Frodo replied. `I haven't a clue what that means.'

Legolas' eyes widened even more, and he began to talk quickly to himself in a form of Elvish that Frodo could not understand. `Galadriel…she knew this would happen…Elrond told me so many years ago the name Farandël.'

`What did they tell you? Legolas, why are you so scared?' Frodo asked, putting a hand on the trembling Elf's shoulder.

`My destiny is in the hands of the one named Farandël,' Legolas replied quietly. `The heir of Fëanor was said to come to me, and that was in a dream that Elrond explained to me years ago. Elrond said "Farandël" was the one that held the key to my destiny. And the northern light in an unconventional form is what Galadriel said to me.'

Frodo bit his lip, and seeing that the Elf was in clear distress, and not knowing what he was really doing, pressed his lips to Legolas'. One of his hands was buried deep in Legolas' blond locks, and the other wrapped itself around the Prince's slender waist. To his surprise, Legolas responded, one of his hands on Frodo's shoulder, the other lying limply on Frodo's thigh. A voice whispered something into Frodo's mind, and he broke the kiss. `Legolas, I'm sorry, I didn't-'

Legolas put a finger to Frodo's lips, and stared deep into the Elf's deep blue eyes. `Something scared you into breaking the kiss, Frodo…something other than the fact you were kissing another male…what was it?'

`A voice…a voice told me something,' Frodo confessed, wondering if Legolas now thought he was crazy.

`What did it tell you?' Legolas asked quietly.

Frodo looked into Legolas' eyes, and whispered, `it told me my name is Farandël, heir of Fëanor.'


Author's notes: <cackles cruelly> I am just so evil! I know it's short, but I figured after the last chapter and that truckload of information I threw at you, a short chapter would be a good thing. Then again, with that cliffhanger…maybe not. Please review and if you have any suggestions, they're welcome, just no flames!