Fan Fiction ❯ Unattained but filled love ❯ Lucky charm ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Im:I dont own kingdom hearts
Unattained but filled love.
Chapter one: lucky charm
Sora opened his eyes to see riku lay next to him on the warm sand of destiny islands. It felt so nice to be home. Riku agreed for after spending a very cold and lonely year in kingdom
hearts it felt great to be in the warmth of the
sun again. Sora felt great. He was home, his friends were here even donald and goofy (who were relaxing on the beach as well) and he didnt have to worry about the heartless for a while so he just relaxed. All off the sudden riku sat up. "Hey sora,up for a race?" riku asked. Sora opened his eyes and jumped to his feet. "Yeah! let's have kairi judge us." sora said getting more hyper by the moment as he ran off to find kairi. Riku smiled at sora and kairi togther on the outside but truly it was killing him inside. He wouldn't tell or show sora unless he was competly sure he felt the same way for him. Not wanting to get left behind riku ran after sora and found him self searching thourgh the secret cave. There he saw kairi and sora so close when riku saw this
rage flow thourgh his vains. 'No girl is going to take sora away from me. He's MINE!' riku hissed in his mind as he walked out of the cave. When he steped out he relized what he just said in his mind. 'Did I just say that?' he
said in his mind again going over it over and over. He knew he felt strongly for sora but never that strongly to be agressive. "Riiikkuu."
said a voice. Riku looked up and found him by the waterfall sitting down. "You looked in deep
though. Sorta like a daze, right sora?" said kairi. Sora nodded. And as if to toure riku for something,she put her arms around sora and hugged him. Riku looked away at the beach as if he didnt care but he did. 'I wish sora would hug me' riku pouted in his mind. 'What am I saying? I always loved him but never to were the point I started to hate kairi!' he yelled in his mind (once again). "Okay let's go!" said sora as they went down to their usal racing place-right next to mushroom cave. They raced a couple of times and had to stop when goofy and donald said they had to go and bring sora with them. "Aww can't they come with?"
asked sora. "No!"shouted donald duck."Out of the question!" "Pleaseeeee just at least them come with me to traverse town for the night!
Please!!!!" sora begged. "Pleeeeassse" begged kairi and riku. "Pleeeeassse donald." begged
goofy. "Fine" he muttered. Everyone cheered.
After their cheering everyone boared the ship.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Travese town~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kairi gazed at the jerwly in the shop. She was
gazing at a dimond bigger than both of her fist and the boys fist togther. She looked at the price tag. "Damn! look at that price!" she said in amazment. "Damn!" said the boys as they saw the price. It was 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99
muney for it. "So will that be cash or charge?"
asked the lady behind the counter. "Oh no thanks." said kairi and sora as they walked out. "Riku you comin?" asked sora from the door way. "I'll be there in a sec." he called.
"'kay I'm going to go see cid and kairi's going to the hotel." called sora a little farther away. This time riku didnt answer. His eyes were fixed on a locket that was shaped like a heart with a crown on it. Riku gaped at it till
the lady noticed that he liked it and smiled.
"Would you like it?" she asked. Riku looked at the price and it was just enought. "Yes, thank you." he said poiltly. She took it out and handed it to him. "Make sure to give it to someone special." she said winking at him. He
felt a light blush on his face,thanked her then
ran out the door.
Kairi walked along humming to her self and everything happen so fast. One miniute she's walking on the ground second she's hanging from the rail and a heartless under her trying to destroy her. She sceramed for help and sora came with donald goofy and riku following. Swarms of heartless were attacking.
Everyone tried to fight them off but they already did it. They pushed kairi off as she fell into the heartless as so she became a
heartless. Sora saw this all and stood there
trying to understand what just happened.
" dead...."said sora as his eyes
filled with hot tears.
Im: kakakakakakakakakaka whateverthat means
i lazy later.