Fatal Fury Fan Fiction / Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Vacation ❯ Round 2: Terry vs. Sagat ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Striker: And we're back with more of "Vacation"
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"So," Rock said as he strolled along with Terry and Andy, arms behind his head, "What's the plan?"
"Oh, you know," Terry began, "See the sights, enjoy the view, the architecture..."
"The girls," Rock said as he stared at a girl's ass, "Hot ass Chinese girls."
Terry paused for a moment, rolled his eyes, and shook his head. While shaking his head, he noticed something in a store window. It was a clothing set consisting of a jacket similar to his, only it still had the sleeves, was brown, and had hair around the neck. It also came with a white shirt and blue jeans. Terry stared at it a while then shook his head, "Nah. Not my style."
(The joke is that this is his costume in KOF 2003 and Garou [Fuck you, Grant, you goddamn godmodding mother fucker]. But this is before both of them, so...yeah)
"Well, let's try and focus on the sights and sounds of China for right now," Andy said, "And leave the girls for later."
It was at that very moment that they heard a scream from down the street. A crowd had gathered and something was going on and it wasn't good.
"Those enough sights and sounds for you?" Rock asked as he ran down the street, followed by Terry and Andy. When they got there, they found a man dead on the street, with another man standing over him. A tall, evil-looking man, his hands taped and his clothing slightly torn. He was bald and scarred and looked unaffected by the fact that he just killed a man. He sneered and stared at the body.
"That wasn't worth my time at all," he said, "I challenge a man to a fight and all he does is stand there and be destroyed. Hmph. A waste of effort."
By now, the three brawlers were seething with anger. Sagat looked up very suddenly. He then smiled at the three.
"I sense power in you," Sagat said with a voice that could freeze fire, "You should be worth my time."
"You're goddamn right I will be!" Rock yelled at the Thai kickboxer. Sagat looked at him and sneered.
"Not you, runt," Sagat said, "You have power but it is untrained. It's nothing but raw power and no skill. I'm surprised you can control it at all. I was talking," Sagat pointed at Terry, "to him."
Terry smirked and stepped forward. As with Sakura and Vega, people formed a circle and began to place bets. Sagat suddenly put on a serious look. He could feel something in Terry. He didn't know what it was...but he knew it was bad. He grinned again and tore off his clothes to reveal his kickboxing shorts.
Terry glared at Sagat. He knew this fight would be tough. Sagat was definitely ruthless. He put his hand back and snapped. Rock smirked, pulled out Terry's "Fatal Fury" hat out and tossed it to him. Terry put it on, struck a pose, and said "Okay! Get serious!" (Note: This is his intro quote in Garou: MOTW)
"I plan to," Sagat said. With that, he pulled his hands back then thrust them forward yelling "Tiger!" as a ki blast flew from his hands. Terry jumped into the air to dodge it, gathered ki into his hand and dove down at Sagat yelling "Power Dunk!" Sagat saw this and jumped up, his hand high about his head and yelled "Tiger Uppercut!" Their hands met and the moves cancelled each other out. Terry landed and ran right at Sagat.
Sagat, thinking this was just a foolish charge, leapt towards Terry with his knee forward and yelled out "Tiger Crush!" While Terry wasn't expecting this, it didn't change his plans. He slid directly under Sagat, planted one hand on the ground, and pushed himself off the ground with one leg up and the other bent while yelling "Rising Tackle!"
Terry's foot nailed Sagat directly in the jaw. As Sagat was flying, Terry landed on his feet then jumped up, nailing Sagat with his shoulder, then once again accumulated ki into his hand and slammed Sagat in the chest, yelling "Power Dunk!" Sagat hit the ground hard and Terry leapt away before Sagat could get up. As soon as Sagat stood up, he paused, looked at Terry, and laughed.
"This is the challenge I've been looking for!" he bellowed while laughing, "Someone who can fight me and give me a run for my money! It's a shame that I have to kill you."
"You wish," Terry growled, "I'm not fighting for pleasure. Sure, I do it sometimes, but only when it's just a recreational fight. You fight and kill people because it makes you feel good. Because bringing people pain amuses you. I don't want to fight right now but I'm doing it to stop you, you sick fuck! I'm fighting for justice!"
"Blah blah blah" Sagat yawned, "I don't care about justice, merely power. I have vowed to become the most powerful man on the planet. I suppose I cannot achieve this until I have defeated all of the world's fighters. Therefore, you must die."
With that, Sagat rushed forward and slammed Terry right in the face. People ran out of the way as Terry was bashed into a wall. Sagat kept his momentum and ran up to punch Terry in the stomach. He kept up this barrage, driving Terry deeper into the rock. Unfortunately for him, Terry wasn't as pathetic as Sagat was hoping. He caught one of Sagat's punches, pushed Sagat away, and flared up his right hand.
"Now you've really gone and pissed me off," Terry growled, "Suck it down, you bastard!"
Sagat gasped when it seemed to him that Terry was...flying at him? Terry charged at Sagat with his fist out in front of him and yelled out "BURN KNUCKLE!!!!!!" The attack hit Sagat square in the chest. Sagat yelled out in pain as his chest felt like it would explode into flames. As he flew into the air, he noticed that Terry hadn't let up the flare in his hand.
Terry reared his fist back and slammed it into the ground while crying out "POWER GEYSER!!!!!!!" A pillar of energy suddenly flew out of the ground and blasted Sagat even further into the air. And yet Terry still wasn't done.
"One more!" Terry yelled, "PYROKEN..." He rushed forward again, as though to do the Burn Knuckle. But this time, something seemed different. Sagat landed on his feet just in time to have Terry slam his fist into Sagat's chest once more. Sagat was relieved that the move apparently lacked the strength to send him flying as the Burn Knuckle had. Then Sagat was horrified to see the energy that was behind Terry were quickly catching up. They flew in front of Terry and slammed into Sagat with the force of a cannon, "BUSTER WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sagat flew clear over the circle of people and slammed into a car. He lay there unmoving, having completely lost consciousness. Terry stood there, glaring at Sagat since the circle had opened a path. Terry walked forward, stared at Sagat, took off his cap, dusted off his pants, put it back on, and smiled yelling "OKAY!!!!"
With that, the crowd burst into a cheer for the man who just royally beat the ass out of the cold, unfeeling Muay Thai kickboxer. In their eyes, Terry was now officially a hero. Rock walked up and gave his idol a big smile .
"Rock on, Terry," Rock said calmly.
"That was awesome, Terry," Andy said, "Had me going with the whole wall thing. Just...try not to do that again."
Terry laughed, "As long as we don't come across anymore friggin' psychopaths, then we don't have to worry about it." He put his arms around the shoulders of his care and brother, "Now let's go ahead and enjoy China, shall we?"

To Be Continued...
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Striker: By the way, Grant is the mid-boss of Garou: Mark Of The Wolves. He's a fucking godmodder with a super that takes off three quarters of your life. So fuck you, Grant. Fuck you, fuck your family, fuck everything you believe in, and get fucked in the ass by the devil, you stupid, godmodding mother fucker.
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"Now what kahnd of warrior are you without weapons?"
"...A warrior still."
-Quickstrike and Dinobot, Beast Wars

"Good, bad...I'm the one with the gun."
-Ash, Army of Darkness