Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Lies of Affection ❯ Untitled ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lies of Affection



Foreword: I will work on my characterization on this AU fan fiction. Please tell me when the characters are out of character. Thank you.

Written December 20, 2002

I have loved many, the more and the few -

I have loved many that I might love you.

- - - Grace Fallow Norton

In love there are two things: bodies and words.

- - - Joyce Carol Oates

Rinoa stretched and let out a soft 'mmm' as she hugged the figure next to her.

"You awake already?" Seifer murmured, smiling against Rinoa's neck. Rinoa nodded and sighed, "Yeah, anyway isn't like I can't help but wake up. I mean with you here, it's just---I need to wake up and go to work." Rinoa sighed and got up.

Seifer looked at her, smiling lazily his greens eyes shining, "No, come on, just a little bit longer. Lets get just a bit comfortable with this relationship."

Rinoa giggled and pulled away from Seifer before his fingers wrapped around her waist, "Seifer, come on! We have to get up and plus my father could be having a heart attack wondering where I am!"


Rinoa chuckled as she shook her head and got off her bed, turning around she winked and pulled the white sheet from Seifer, exposing his glory.

"Come on Seifer, get ready. Didn't you tell me you had to meet some of your friends?" Rinoa asked, messing with the sheets eyes wondering.

"Give me back my sheets." Seifer said, his hand now covering his eyes, "I'm so damn tired."

Rinoa looked at Seifer and threw the sheet at him, "Later, I have to go and get ready."

Rinoa watched her expression confusing and turned away.


Rinoa leaned against the counter and watched her customers look through the clothes in display. She smiled as she saw her friend heading toward the shop.

Rinoa grinned grew and through her hand up in the air, trying to guide her friend to her.

"Quistis! Over here!" Rinoa called out and grinned nervously and covered her mouth. "Sorry." She said timidly. Looking around to make sure no one would come and purchase anything Rinoa ran to her friend.

"We did it! Me and Seifer are to together!" Rinoa giggled. Quistis gasped and looked at Rinoa in shock.


"About two weeks ago, when you were heading toward Balamb for vacation time."

Quistis smiled a little, "I'm happy for you Rinoa. Did you two---?"

"Uh-huh" Rinoa answered anxiously, "He's wonderful. Today, after work him and me are going to hand out with some friends. We're all going to go to the movies. He's bringing a friend and I knew you were coming back today and so-" Rinoa trailed off.

"I'll come." Quistis sighed playfully, "What time?"

"Hello? Service!" A woman yelled from cashier table. Rinoa turned back and fourth frantically and mouthed 6:30 to Quistis. "At Muvico!" Quistis nodded and waved as Rinoa ran to the woman and apologized.

Sighing, Quistis clenched her fist and turned away.

Rinoa nodded and pointed to the price tag, "Really m'am. I don't know. Maybe a price-tag mix-up but this is 300 gil."

"I thought it was 150!" The woman yelled, "This is an outrage!"

Rinoa cringed, "I'm sorry m'am."

The woman threw the dress at Rinoa before coughing up a lewd term at Rinoa and turning away.

"Uh…" Rinoa smiled, "That was weird."

Rinoa flipped her hair and watch tiredly at the people walking around.


Rinoa an around her room, looking for the outfit she was going to wear that night. Looking in her draw for the most attractive undergarments. 'Who knows? He might seem them.' Rinoa giggled.

Looking around, she ran to her closet and scanned through her outfits. Finding a tight blue jeans hip huggers with a silver chain belt that left part of it hanging. Rinoa looked at the floor of her closet and took an open-shoe that was two inches.

Looking at the shirt sections of closet, Rinoa found a red shirt that was shoulder less but has straps. It stopped a few inches under her breast. Showing her stomach and belly button. Rinoa grabbed her silver chain and put it on her neck and her earrings with a few rings and bracelet.

Running to her dresser, she sprayed her whole body with her light fragrance perfume. Looking at the mirror, Rinoa put on lip gloss and over it a pink lipstick. Taking a scrunchy she tied her hair into a low ponytail.

Rinoa smiled and grabbed her purse, picking up her cell phone on her desk. Walking to her telephone she died Quistis number.

"Hey Quistis!"

"Hi, Rinoa."

"Are you ready?"

"Getting ready now. Anyway, you said that Seifer's going to bring a friend."

"Yeah, his best friend. Think his name is Quall or something like that."

"Oh, okay. I'm done now, do I meet you guys there or do you pick me up, what?"

"We meet each other there. I told Seifer I didn't want the typical date we see on television."

"Okay, I'll see you there. Bye."

Rinoa put the phone back in the receiver and walked out of the door.


Rinoa jumped into the air repeatedly; trying to find her friends. 'Where's Quistis? Seifer?'

Getting tired of jumping, Rinoa stopped and started looking through the crowd.

"Excuse me." Rinoa kept repeating as she bumped into people. Rinoa let out a surprise gasp and someone bumped into her, making her fall to the ground. Looking up, she found a brown-haired man looking at her.

"Sorry." He said gruffly. Sticking out his hand, Rinoa eyes parted slightly as she admired his beauty. Reaching for his hand while looking at his face.

"You're beautiful…" Rinoa trailed off before realizing what she was saying. "It's okay, I'm trying to find some people and-oh there they are! Quistis, Seifer!"

Rinoa push pass the man and ran to her Seifer and Quistis.

"Sorry, I couldn't find you. Too busy."

Seifer nodded, "It's Okay." Pulling her close to kiss Rinoa, Rinoa closed her eyes and let the butterflys tickle her. Rinoa bit her lip happily and watched bafflef Seifer's hand went out to slap another man's hand.

"Yo, what's up Squall?" Seifer greeted. Rinoa turned around to find the same man she bumped into earlier.

"This is your best friend Seifer?" Rinoa asked, "That's so cool. I just met him a few minutes ago!"

Rinoa turned and pulled Quistis to her, "This is my best friend. Her name is Quistis and she needs a man."

Quistis gasp and turned red. "Rinoa…"

Rinoa hugged Quistis tight, "I'm playin' with you."

"Come on, guys. Let's go buy the tickets." Seifer said and ran ahead. Quistis nodded, "Yes, Come on."

Quistis ran up to Seifer, and waited in line with him.

"Hey, so your Seifer's bestfriend?" Rinoa said trying to start another conversation.

Squall nodded and looked over there, "So you're the girl Seifer can't shut up about. Who knows, maybe you're the right girl for him."

"Maybe, he treats me like a Queen. Makes me feel special, you know?"

Squall nodded and looked up to find Quistis and Seifer already buying the tickets.

"You're pretty cute." Rinoa said suddenly, It's almost a sin."

Squall shrugged, "Lots of girls tell me that."

"Ah, pride." Rinoa said and ran up to Seifer and Quistis, "Come on Squall!"


Author's Note: Hey, I know this chapter is extremely short. I just wanted this story up and off. Expect the next chapter to be longer and more full of juice. I'm tired now, don't worry the story gets better. Next chapter, conflicts emerged.