Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Lies of Affection ❯ Brown Locks ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lies of Affection



Love is the delusion that one

woman differs from another.

To be in love is merely to be in

a state of perpetual anesthesia -

to mistake an ordinary young woman

for a goddess.

- - - H. L. Mencken

Rinoa settled into her chair and dipped her hand into the popcorn. Turning to her right, Rinoa smiled as Seifer got into his seat, looking at the screen he whispered to her, "I heard this movie is going to be good."

Rinoa nodded and turned to the screen also, "I know. All my friends are raving about it. It's about time you took me to see it." Rinoa laughed playfully and hit Seifer's arm.

Seifer chuckled, "Yo, something the problem Squall?"

Rinoa turned to Squall to find an unreadable expression on his face.

"No, nothing is wrong at all."

Seifer shrugged and turn to his left, "So this is the beautiful Quistis Trepe also known as Rinoa's best friend."

Quistis giggled and turn to Rinoa, "Glad to know you're talking about me Rinoa. Yes I am Quistis Trepe. Hey, I know I have seen you before. Did you happen to go to Balamb High school?"

Seifer nodded, "Yeah…"

Quistis grinned, "You were in one of my classes. Oh, look the movie is about to start."

Rinoa glared at Quistis her mouth wide, 'Was she just flirting with him? No, I don't think so…'

Turning around, shoving the popcorn into Seifer's arms Rinoa crossed hers.

"Hey, it's okay. He's always like that." The man next to her said in comfort and held her shoulder, "He cares for you, or from what I've seen and heaerd."

Rinoa turned to Squall, looking at his eyes. 'They're ocean blue of a sort.'

"Is he always going to do this?"

Squall laughed lightly and relaxed in his chair, "Yeah, probably. But don't go all jealous on him. That will turn him off faster than you could turn off light. Shhh, the movie is on."

Rinoa felt memorized as she stared at the man next to her. Turning around, the corner of her eyes she felt her heart flutter as he brushed away the locks of brown hair that fell.

"He almost seems more sexy than Seifer." Rinoa murmured and turned forward.

"Who looks more sexier than me?" Seifer said. Rinoa turned and sputtered, "Oh my Gosh, I didn't know you were listening…I was talking about the guy in the movie. I mean wow, don't you agree Quistis?"

Quistis stared at the man in the movie and turned to Rinoa, "I'll admit the guy is good-looking but um…. sexier to Seifer? Rinoa I'm not his girl and I can see that Seifer…"

"Whatever Quistis." Rinoa snapped. 'What the fuck is wrong with Quistis?' "Besides I said almost."

"All of you stop it. We're distracting others from the movie." Squall ordered sternly, "Seifer I'd think you'd be a bit more mature than that. With your wondering eye, I'd think you'd be lax with her comment."

"Whatever, Leonhart."


Throwing her purse on the bed, Rinoa removed her shirt and threw it on the floor, "What's up with you Quistis?"

Quistis stepped in Rinoa's bedroom and sat down on her bed. Taking the remote she flipped on the television.

"What are you talking about?" Quistis asked. Rinoa grabbed a gray oversized and put it on her. Taking off shoes and jeans she put on jeans short, "Quistis, you're there practically all over Seifer. Frankly, I'm not appreciating that."

Quistis turned to Rinoa, "I'm all over your boyfriend? Rinoa, what do you think I am? Those trash on the streets? He's your boyfriend! Why would I---"

Rinoa sighed and got on the bed, "Squall told me not to be too jealous or it would be over between me and Seifer."

"The guy with Seifer, right? Best friend? He talked to you? Hmm, thought he was more of a silent type, you know?"

Rinoa sighed, "Yeah and Quistis. I don't know, but remember when Seifer heard me say someone could be more sexier than him?"

"I knew you weren't talking about the guy in the movie. That man was very unattractive. But I did save your butt when I said it was good-looking. You owe me one."

"Done and thanks. Quistis seriously look at him; the guy has a built body underneath that. Also his long hair and the car. Ohh, cannot forget about the eyes. A must." Rinoa giggled. Quistis looked at Rinoa in shock, "You like him, don't you?"

Rinoa shrugged, "Think he's cute but I'm with Seifer."

Quistis nodded and turned back to the television, "He looks a bit Hispanic."

"You think? Woah, I can only image how a girl would feel as he whispered sweet romantic words in Spanish."

"Also French."

"The two most sexiest languages on the planet." Rinoa sighed and glanced at the clock, "It's only 9:30, wanna do something?"

"I don't know. I am a bit hungry, all we ate was candy, popcorn and drank coke."

Rinoa nodded and took her wallet out of her purse, "We're pigs."

Quistis chuckled and got off the bed, "Lets bring Selphie along."

"Nah," Rinoa waved, "It's too late. Let's go to a gas station across the street, and get some sweets."


Rinoa looked through the chips section of the gas station with Quistis, pointing to the Doritos, "Not really into those again."

Quistis nodded, "Well we did used to eat non-stop of those things."

"Seifer es ahora dating una chica bonita nueva. Pienso que ella será el uno él casará. ¡EL no PARARA HABLAR ACERCA DE ELLA! ¡IMPULSOR MI LOCO!" a deep voice rang out.

Rinoa turned around, "I heard just heard Seifer's name."

"Same here."

Rinoa out of the isle to find Squall leaning against the table counter, talking to the cashier, 'So he is Hispanic.'

"¿Eso es tan mi amigo? Heh Heh, está acerca de tiempo que él se estableció. Aún él necesita una interrupción que corre alrededor de chica a la chica."

Rinoa ran back into the isle and grabbed Quistis hand, "You were right, he is Spanish!"

Quistis stared at Rinoa in confusion, "What?"

"Squall! He's talking to some guy now, in Spanish. Oh my Gosh."

"So he's the one talking about Seifer, well go say hi. I mean it won't seem so bad because you are his best friends girl. Anyway, I've chosen what I want. I want a king sized Twix bar, two sour cream and onions and a coke."

"Eww, sour cream and onion. Well, I'll have two bags of cheetos and a Pepsi and snickers. It's on me."

Walking to the cashier with the food in hand, Rinoa smiled as she passed Squall, "Hi! I didn't know you're Hispanic."

Squall nodded, "I'm half Hispanic, my mother's side."

Quistis got in front of Rinoa, "A lot of girls must flaunt over you. Spanish guys are rated sexiest."

Squall chuckled and looked away, "Whatever."

Rinoa rolled her eyes and placed Quistis and her food in front of the cashier, "How much…¿El cajero atractiva?"

The man life, "You know a little Spanish." He said as he scanned the bar code. Rinoa nodded, "Yeah, Spanish class in high school did me good. I think I understand what you and Squall were talking about.

"Is that so, la chica?"

Rinoa nodded and took out of her wallet and paid for the food, "Yes, about Seifer and me. Just to clue you in, I talk about Seifer non-stop lately."

"That is so true." Quistis interjected, opening her candy bar.

Rinoa winked at the cashier and turned to Squall, "Later."

Squall waved, his eyes following her, "I'll see you."

Rinoa giggled as Squalls bangs fell again, "Here, let me do it for you." Walking up, she brushed the hair away, making sure her fingers touch against his skin."

"Tramp." Quistis muttered playfully, "Come on, Madam Pimptress, leave that man be. You have one already."

Rinoa nodded and gave Squall the peace sign before following Quistis outside.

"Esa chica no parece mirar bueno con Seifer. Ella mira mejor con usted. ¿Además, qué pasa entre usted dos? La chica obviamente lo aprecia.."

"No, no, Dominic. She with Seifer, remember?"



"Rinoa, what was that?" Quistis said, once both out of the gas station. Rinoa stopped and looked at Quistis, "What are you talking about Quistis?"

"Touching the guys hair like that, aren't dating someone? Damn, you're acting like a tramp!"

"Sorry," Rinoa said timidly, "But you know how I am!"

Quistis sighed, "Yeah, I do. Rinoa I just don't want everyone to see you as the girl that cheated of Seifer, do you know the shit you'll go through?"

Rinoa nodded, "Yea, I do, and I know what I'm doing. Now, come on, let's go sit on the bench and just start munchin' on these goodies!" Rinoa giggled and ran over to the bench.

Quistis followed Rinoa and sat on the bench and started eating, "Hey, let's just stay and watch people pass by."

Rinoa laughed, "Yeah sure, we can go judge guys."


Squall took off his shirt and through it on the bed, sighing he took off his pants also. Stripping till he was bare Squall walked to the shower, taking a warm shower. Squall got out and slipped on some boxers.

Getting on the bed, he lay there thinking, 'So that's Seifer new girl. I don't know, but it seem like they're going to be together a long time but there is something about her. She's prettier than any other girl I've seen or met. Almost like an angel.'

"Un Angel…" Squall murmured, he chuckled as he remembered the earlier memory. When he had said goodbye to his friend, he walked out to see Quistis and Rinoa there, lying against the bench lazily watching people; commenting.

When he had passed by, he expected to be ignored but nope, in fact he got the worst criticism…well at least to him.

"Ah Mi Cielos, look at him!" Rinoa said loudly enough to hear, "His muscles are so large!"

"Mmmm-hmm, and the way he walks, tch."

Squall stopped and look at the two, "Har har, I find that very funny."

"We're just messing with you Squall. Your muscles are fine, chiseled, sexy." Rinoa laughed. Squall arched an eyebrow, he glanced downward; arms crossed. His breath caught as his stare started at her long legs and trailed down. Rinoa then started moving her leg flirtatiously.

"Like my leg, Squally?" Rinoa giggled,

Squall shook his head and headed toward his car, "Whatever." Came out hoarse and he left behind him laughter.

"She needs help on her Spanish pronunciation," He chuckled, his hand over his eyes, "I really need to stop thinking about her!"

Turning over to his bed, he looked at a picture, it was of him and another girl.

"Didn't I throw that away?" He sighed and took the picture. Opening the frame, he took out the photo and crumbled it up and threw it at his trashcan.


"Come on, Seifer! I want to go dancing tonight!" Rinoa whined on the phone at her job.

"Rinny, I can't." Seifer said despairingly," We went to the movies last night, isn't that enough?"

"Yea, but Seify, I'm jealous. You work at a place with lots of pretty girls. A girl like me can't help but feel insecure about her fine ass boyfriend working with lots of girls." Rinoa said playfully.

Seifer laughed, "Rinoa, I wanna go. But I'm beat, and I'm tired. Also no I am not cheating on you."

Rinoa arched an eyebrow, "'Cuse me, I didn't say anything."

"Most of my girlfriends always assume I was with someone when I said I was busy."

"Well I'm not most of your girlfriends, I trust you." Rinoa said, "Okay, fine, you're off the hook but I'll get you."

"All right, Rinoa, sorry."

"It's okay, later."

"Bye." Seifer said and hanged up the phone, 'She trusts me. That's new.'

Rinoa hanged up the phone and turned around, waiting for anyone to come and purchase clothing, "Come on now, need a little action here."

Rinoa sighed and leaned against the counter, staring at the glass door when she noticed a man with long brown hair in leather clothing staring at the store next to him in confusion.

"Squall,"Rinoa breathed as scanned Squall's outfit. He wore a white wife beater that showed his muscles. All seemed to be rock hard, he seemed so built. He wore a black leather jacket over him were the leaves stopped right above the elbow. He wore slightly baggy black leather jeans with black boots.

Glancing at her outfit, she straightened out her pink skirt that reached her knees and white tank top. She took jean jacket that was lying on the chair on and walked outside, 'Damn the customers.'

"Hey Squall, what's up?" Rinoa greeted, Squall turned to her, "What are you doing here?"

"I work here." Rinoa said pointing to the shop, "Break."

Squall nodded and looked at the store, "I'm have to buy a present for this girl."

Rinoa forced a grin, "Girlfriend?"

"Nah, just a really good friend…" Squall waved. "Ahh, I see." Rinoa said and put her arm on Squall shoulder, "I like your outfit."

"Thank you." Squall murmured and turned away, "Are you and Seifer doing anything?"

"No, said he's too busy with work."

Squall stared at Rinoa, "That's funny, he told me today was his day off."

"What?" Rinoa said, arms now crossed, "Today is his day off?"

"Tuesdays are usually."

"I see," Rinoa said, "So he lied to me."

Squall backed up, with his hands in the air, "Hey, he could have asked for another day so he could be more green, I don't know."

"Whatever, I am going to call that man, right now." Rinoa said sternly as she walked back into the store, Squall following her.


Author's Note: Now this is weird. My chapters for this story seem awfully short. Maybe because I haven't gotten to where the plot thickens. Also it seems like my writing isn't as good in this fic, perhaps I started to early? I probably won't update in another month (or earlier) or so. I started this fic way to early, oh, well.. I know this story seems like it's dragging on, but bear with him. It takes time to write a story with this plot well enough for the reader's satisfaction. I do not want to rush the story, hopefully I can get this story up and at it by next chapter. Thank you for reading and if anyway please tell me how I am doing on characterization.

FloralBlackMoon (I'm not Hispanic by the way so I may have some mistakes with the Spanish. I would appreciate if native Spanish speakers do point out the fault in the Spanish.)

Spanish Translation:

Seifer es ahora dating una chica bonita nueva. Pienso que ella será el uno él casará. ¡EL no PARARA HABLAR ACERCA DE ELLA! ¡IMPULSOR MI LOCO!


Seifer is now dating a new pretty girl. I think that she will be the one he will marry. HE WON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT HER! IT'S DRVING ME CRAZY!!


"¿Eso es tan mi amigo? Heh Heh, está acerca de tiempo que él se estableció. Aún él necesita una interrupción que corre alrededor de chica a la chica


That is so my friend? Heh Heh, is about time that he's settled now. It's about time that he stops runinng around girl to the girl


¿El cajero atractiva?"


sexy cashier


la chica




Esa chica no parece mirar bueno con Seifer. Ella mira mejor con usted. ¿Además, qué pasa entre usted dos? La chica obviamente lo aprecia.


That girl does not seem to look at good with Seifer. She looks better with you. Besides, what passes among you two? The girl obviously likes you.


Ah Mi Cielos


Oh My Heaven.
