Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Master of Masamune ❯ Part III: Bees and Flowers ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Peeking around the corner the young Sephiroth sneaks his way around in the slums of Midgard. He bolts behind the nearest lamp post and sees some bandits walk in front of him.

Bandit A sits against the light post as Bandit B begins to talk with him. "I can't believe those Shinra asses are going to begin to develope even more mako reactors. Isn't Midgard powerful enough?" Bandit A takes out a cigarette and lights it quickly.

"I hear it's because they found out that they can tap a greater source of Mako. Deeper in the planet." Bandit A takes a drag of his cigarette and blows out the smoke. "All I know is that once Reactor 7 is complete we will finally be able to have power in Sector 7 as well."

Bandit B puts his hand on Bandit A's shoulder. "That will only make it easier for us to steal from people." The two bandits begin to walk off and Sephiroth runs as fast as he can into a church.

White warm aura surrounds Sephiroth. Stepping in it more he looks at his hands and realizes he is deep inside of a Black cold aura. "What is this..." He hears a light giggle in front of him.

Kneeling front of him picking a flower a little girl with long brown hair smiles up at him. "You seem to not know what will become of us." Sephiroth looks down and holds out his hand. She holds the flower close to her chest and bounces up. "I see you and I will be as much of eachother's life as the bee's a part of a flowers life." She waves her finger in Sephiroth's face. "But don't you dare sting me. This flower is the flower of life."

Staring at her blankly Sephiroth cocks his head to the side. "You know you are strange...You didn't even say hi Aerith." Sephiroth jerks his head a little bit trying to figure out how he knew her name.

She puts her finger on her lips and examines Sephiroth closely and hard. "Oh so you are a Jenova."

Sephiroth blinks at the word 'Jenova'. "Ummm...I am a Cetra lil' girl. I have no idea what a Jenova is." The little girl skips around in the flowers happily.

"Oh time will come when you know what a Jenova is. But..." She stops skips and looks back over her shoulder smiling. "I am a Cetra too." Sephiroth bounces a bit and almost scream in happiness.

"REALLY!! I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!" The little girls shakes her head softly and smiles.

"Including you there are now three of us. You, me and my mommy." He glances at her walking closer turning her around and grabs her shoulders. "You are Ifalna's and Gast's Daughter? My father is in a sense we know eachother indirectly."

Aerith leans in and kisses Sephiroth as he lets go and wipes his lips. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!" Aerith giggles. "If you want to come with me to the Shinra Building we can get there in a few minutes...or you can be dragged away cause you are being followed." Aerith sticks her tongue out at Sephiroth and runs to the back room.

"Someday...I am either going to torture you or kill you for that kiss brat." Aerith waves him off as they leave.

Vincent and Tseng walk inside the church right as the two children leave. "......"