Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Thank Goodness for Reality! ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
IMPORTANT Stuff: I don't own anything, BUT this story.

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There was a faint mist drifting around her as she rubbed her eyes, trying to make sense of the place. As the mist slowly parted, she saw an ascending path that lead to some sort of altar. She gasped as she recognized the scene and began to tremble in fear at having seen this same place night after night. Why did she keep dreaming of such a place? And why did it have to be this particular event over and over?

She looked around and knew she had no choice but to walk up the steps. She did, taking each step with hesitation, wondering if it was possible to have a different ending this time. When she reached the top, she looked around, and there was definitely no change to it from the many previous nights. She gazed above her and became mesmerizing by the watery waves of the dome.

Soon, her head snapped back to her surroundings, and her wide eyes stared at the blonde-haired man hold up a sword before her. His face seemed to blur with the background as she stumbled backwards to the edge of the altar, but when she recovered, she realized the man was not after her anymore, but his sword was about to strike another. She climbed back to her feet and tried to warn the familiar girl in pink of the danger, but no sound would come from her mouth.

She ran over to them and gasped at the clear recognition of the girl's face. The girl knelt on the ground in prayer was HER!! Everything about her was the same as herself, even the pure green eyes that opened, revealing their endless wisdom. The girl smiled to the young man, who clutched his head in pain. He no longer had the intent of killing her, but a shadow from above alert them too late of the imminent doom.

She screamed in horror as the sword plunged through the girl's body. Her own body, she watched being murdered... Murdered by...

Thank Goodness for Reality!

written by K-chan


Aeris woke up, screaming in bed at the horrendous nightmare. She stared at nothing in the dark, trying to get herself to calm down. Her breathing was in gasps as the sweat trickled down her face. She was too absorbed in herself to realize the footsteps echoing down the hall. Her bedroom door flung open, and a hand reached for the light switch.

With her room brightened, the long, silver-haired man hurry to the girl's side. "Aeris," he called with worriment etched all over his face, "what's wrong?! Was it that nightmare again?" She nodded, falling into his strong arms. She started to cry, saying how real it was. It was horrible watching herself get killed, and she could still feel the pain even if the sword went through her other self.

"But... But the worse thing is," she began, still sobbing, "seeing YOU kill me!"

"Oh Aeris!" he sighed, embracing her tightly and protectively. "You know I would NEVER hurt you! I'd rather kill myself than make you shed a single tear!"

"I-I know, Sephy," she sniffled, wiping the tears from her face. "But why do I keeping have that same nightmare over and over. But even from the other fragments... with so many familiar faces, it's like I'm in another world, on some sort of adventure..."

He chuckled, "You watch too much anime."

"I do NOT!" she blurted, pouting at him, and shoved him away.

"Okay okay," he said and looked at her seriously, "But remember, Aeris, that it was only a dream, a nightmare... and this is your reality." He tucked her into bed again and stayed with her a bit as her eyes slowly drooped into slumber again. Satisfied with her peaceful state, Sephiroth stood up and turned off the light, preparing to leave. He remained in the doorway and watched her a bit more.

She rolled onto her side and whispered dreamily, "Good night, big brother."

He smiled, "Good night, sis."

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That's right! I made Aeris and Sephiroth siblings--blood siblings, mind you!! Hey hey, before all the AeriSeph fans start impaling me with the Masamune, haven't you noticed their resemblance?!!! Long, prettie hair and those beautiful, green eyes!! Anyway this came to me while I was working on my other FFVII stories, but I had to write this down. I just thought this might be interesting (perhaps as its own series too). Everyone else will be in the story, but I haven't thought of what roles each person will play in this AU piece. Anyway, let me know what you think... if I should continue this or not. =^-^=