Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Unforgivable -Edition 1- ❯ Still Hoping ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 18 -Still Hoping-

Eight hours past, night surrendered to the smoke filled sky. The burnt down house as everyone sat by the campfire resting from the long day of searching through the ruble. Except a certain tear stricken faced woman still digging through the last bit of the house.

"Get some rest, Selphie. You have been searching all day ya know." asked the dark skinned man, his arm wrapped across Fujin's shoulder as she stared blankly at the night's sky.

A low grumble came from the ground beside the young girls feet. "Did you say something?" Selphie said curiously as another grumble came from the ruble below her. "SEIFER!!" She screamed getting down on her knees pushing back a few pieces of wood covering her loves face.

Everyone including Squall, rushed over helping remove the boards, while Quistis held the baby, in her arms watching from afar.

After two hours the blond haired man was laying by the fire as his love started healing his wounds. "Oh, Seify!" Cried out the young woman wrapping her arms around him, as he sat up with a slight groan.

Rubbing her back he smirked. "You really think I would die THAT easily?" Chuckled the scraped up blond, ex-knight, hero man. His leg and arm in a wood cast.

Shaking his brown locked head, a soft chuckle coming from his parted lips. "You never change, do you?" Squall asked with a small grin on his face.

Quistis handed Summer to her mother, and Seifer as they sat by the burning flames of the small fire, a small cough coming from the baby's mouth.

To be continued--