Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Until the End of Eternity, and Longer ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: no own, no sue.

Here's a nice short chapter for you. . . think that's all I'll upload for today.

"Until the End of Eternity, and Longer"

by: Banshee Puppet

Chapter Two

`In memoriam, it read. "There are some things that last forever. Hope, faith, the will to follow your dreams and to fight for what you believe in, always. The ability to love, and to live. And most importantly, the human heart. The human heart lasts until the end of eternity, and longer." ~Jace Kinneas (September 17, 103-March 3, 127)

For your unparalleled bravery and grace, love of life and that never-ending smile that could light up the world, Jace, we will always love you. And for your sacrifices, your will to fight to the very end, Jace, we will never forget. You will be in our hearts until the end of eternity, and longer. ~L.L.'

Irvine couldn't find any words. His eyes just went wide and his throat closed off completely. That woman, was he related to her? Was he in some way related to this amazing woman who had done some great thing to save the world. `Until the end of eternity, and longer. Why does that feel so familiar?' And some distant part of him wanted to find out who this L.L. person was so that he could thank them personally for phrasing her memorial with such elegance and grace. He was just completely stunned, didn't know what he was thinking or feeling, really. Shock. Shock and…pride.

"K-Kinneas?!?" Selphie stuttered in shock and looked from the statue over to Irvine.

"Ya gotta admit…there is sorta…a resemblance," Zell said finally.

Finally, Irvine let out a low whistle, realizing suddenly that he'd been holding his breath as if breathing would make the moment end, the statue disappear.

`This woman…I wonder if she's Irvine's…mother,' Squall wondered to himself. Even he had to admit, she looked a lot like Irvine. It wasn't that exactly though, it was something else. The smile. They had the same manic, yet charming, smile. Not that he'd ever say that charming part out loud.

"Would it be okay with y'all if we went to that Blue Moon place?" Irvine asked finally. "I'd like…to know. Ya know, who she was, what she did…everything about her, really."

"I think that would be great," Rinoa answered for everyone, knowing Squall would just have said, "whatever," or something equally as inconsequential. "We can ask if the tavern has a phone too. Taverns usually do, right?"

Zell nodded. "Yeah, I can't believe the fuel tank got punched through. What a mess," he groaned as he thought about their poor jeep. That seemed like forever ago now.

Irvine took one more look up over his shoulder at the larger than life image of the woman, as if trying to burn her instantly onto his memory forever, even the stone gray version of her, as they crossed the bridge to the west where the largest building rested alone, elaborate red paint reading the words, "Blue Moon" on a wooden sign hanging over the door.

Was this home? That's what he wanted to know. Was this the place where he was supposed to grow up? The place he was supposed to belong? And what if it was?


okay, thoughts, opinions. Just so y'all know, I haven't finished the game yet, so if I go against anything that happens in it, just call this an AU fic and take it as is.