Flame Of Recca Fan Fiction ❯ Snowfall In July ❯ Chapters 3 and 4 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Flame of Recca Fanfiction

By: Natalie
(e-mail: Aria@yada-yada.com or Kirisawa@clowmistress.com)

DISCLAIMER: Flame of Recca doesnt belong to me!

AN: MUSHINESS ALERT This is a very mushy Tokiya x Fuuko fanfic! ^_^ Hope you all like it. Make sure to read and review!



I marched out the lobby with the speed of a bullet train. The faster I got to Recca's place, the faster I could get out. 'A very logical assumption ne??' I took in the sights and sounds of Tokyo. People were rushing around everywhere. I suddenly felt lost.. It was as if this was an entirely different Tokyo. Definitely not the one I was used to. Well..heh leave for five years and what do you expect? Just then, another thought entered my mind. What was I gonna say? 'Hi it's me Fuuko! Long time no see!?? Dang..

"Kirisawa-san!..Over here!" yelled someone a little ways in front of me. Glancing around, I didn't see anyone that I recognized..that is until I saw the silvery-gray Honda and a boy-- no man with equally silver-grey hair. Of all the people.. Mikagami again.. AGAIN? What the hell was he doing?! Was he stalking me or something?!!! Suddenly all those horror movies came at me with a vengeance. 'ARG this is Mi-chan for crying out loud!' I silently berrated myself and walked towards him. I noticed that he wore a white dress shirt and blue slacks. The shirt was untucked and half the buttons were unfastened. Gawd did he not sleep at all?! How odd that I remembered Mikagami as an immaculate dresser and now here he was looking quite worse for wear. For godsakes, his *hair* was rumpled.....DAMMIT! Since when did I care about how *he* looked like anyway!?..ugh this is gonna be a long day.

"Ohayo Mikagami-san, what brings you here so early?" I asked with forced cheer.

"This." he pointed at the trunk of his car that currently wouldn't close. There was a gigantic box stuffed in it that was wrapped in packing tape and covered with enough evidence for me to know that it was shipped to Japan from the US.

"It's from the US.. Aparently, your friend Eri knew what predicament you are in right now and sent it. From the looks of it, they're presents for Team Hokage." he continued. "Here's a list of what goes to whom."

"Aa-Arigato Mikagami-san" I numbly took the list from his hands and suddenly noticed that they were gloved. I raised an eyebrow questioningly and got a glare in return.

"Don't worry about it." With that, he turned and opened the door for me to get in. I complied silently, taking occasional glances at him when he thought I wasn't looking as we started the drive to the Hokage's.

I chuckled softly at the list. Funny really, that everything Eri got for them was perfect. It was as if she actually *knew* them..or maybe it was because I just couldn't stop talking about them..? I carefully went through the list and memorized each item just in case.

a black shirt with flame designs for Recca..
blue and pink baby jumpsuit for Yanagi and the baby (oooh!)
leopard spotted underwear for Domon..(hehehe)
computer game cd for Koganei..
tanktop, flowered skirt, plush female fox toy for Ganko..(and Kondo)
bottle of red and white wine for Mr. and Mrs. Hanabishi..
silk dress shirt and tie for Mikagami..

...ACK! I nearly slammed my face into the dashboard as the car suddenly swerved to the right...close to the wall..*too* close.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? KILL US ALL???!" I screamed. To hell with decourum and proper etiquette. The man nearly got us killed! I glowered at Mikagami..what was his problem?! Come to think of it, he looked kinda pale..

"Gg-gomen nasai..are you all right?" He asked, one hand massaging his temples. I nodded and studied his face.

"Mikagami, pull over before you kill us both-- No." I held my hand up to stop any other interruptions from him and pointed to the next gas station. Thankfully, he granted my request and parked the car without any incidents. I sighed softly. What was wrong with him? Was he sick or something? I just never saw him like this before.

"All right Fuuko, what is it? At this rate we won't get to Recca's till the afternoon--" he muttered.

"NO, MI-CHAN. At this rate, we won't get there at all." Suddenly, even I surprised myself as I leaned over to him and put my hand on his cheek. It wasn't hot compared to my face was probably burning up with the blushing I was doing..I quickly removed my hand and fidgeted in my seat. I heard him sigh softly and watched confusedly as he reached into the glove compartment for a bottle of pills. I couldn't tell what they were as the label had been torn off. He popped about three of the pills into his mouth and shut his eyes. The more this continued, the more confused I became-- not just about what was happening to Mikagami but to me as well.. I had been getting these wierd butterfly-in-my-stomach feelings everytime he so much as glanced at me. Was I falling..in.love?? naw.. am probably just concerned..**oh ya then what was with all that blushin??** whispered a tiny voice in my head.

I glanced back at Mikagami's silent figure beside me. He looked better now, his color was coming back at least..However, his current state disturbed me.. what if Recca and the others saw his disshelved state and thought we had done other stuff other than driving?..**would it be that bad?** came the voice again. Annoyed, I opened my purse and fished out a comb and hair tie fully intent on fixing Mi-chan's hair. Why it bothered me so much? I really don't know..**hah! It's just an excuse for you to touch him!** 'Shut up!' I told the voice.

"Fuuko, if you're planning to put make up on me while I have my eyes closed, you have another thing coming."

Surprised, I looked up at him and saw that he had his eyes slightly open and his lips were set in a smirk that I had seen too often. Well.. at least he's going back to normal..right? right?!

"N-no! whatever made you think that?! I was just going to comb out your hair!see? it's a mess! aheee-ehheee?" I let out a high pitched giggle that was so *not* me. Aparently, Mi-chan thought the same thing because his eyebrows rose in disbelief but turned he simply turned around and let down his hair. Whoa! he's letting me touch his pride-and-joy-hair? Quickly, before I lost my nerve, I ran my comb down the silvery waterfall. The strands were so soft and light that I began to envy him..of all people. Geez his hair was even softer than mine.. I continued combing his hair as I started to hum the song "Eyes on Me". It was my turn to raise my brows when he started humming too. His voice was not super low or squeaky like a mouse...it was just nice.. no other words could describe it. Was this the person that Mifuyu had known? I pulled his hair into the high pony tail that he usually wore and arranged the two thin wisps of hair at each side of his face.I sighed to myself, disappointed that it had to end so soon.

"There Mi-chan all done!" I smiled.

"Arigato..Fuu-chan" He replied using my nick name and before I knew it, he had his lips pressed against mine in a chaste kiss. Suddenly it was over and he was back in his seat. It was so quick that I would have sworn that I had imagined it-- if it was not for the light tinge of red that was on both our faces. I coughed and cleared my throat to break the awkward silence.

"Mi-chan, um.. hand over the keys."

"WHAT?" He yelped-- voice shattering the moment.

"Look. From a logical standpoint, you are obviously not feeling all right. So.. Take a rest for a while. I'll drive." I giggled to myself..let's see how mister-I-am-so-logical deal with that! Oddly enough, he complied and gave me one of those little half smiles that drove the girls (and some boys) in his school wild. However, he hesitated for a moment before handing over the precious keys. Eyes twinkling with mischief, he asked:

"Fuu-*chan* are you *sure* you can drive?"


We arrived at the Hokage's mid-afternoon. I parked the car in the garage and handed back the keys to a sleepy Mikagami. He gave me another of those little half-smiles and helped me carry the gigantic box to the doorstep. I stared at the buzzer for god knows how long before pressing it and awaiting my doom. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Mikagami behind me. His face had an unreadable expression to it ..as if he dreaded what was coming too-- even more than I did.

"I'll be leaving in the day after tomorrow.. I have to go back.." I whispered to Mikagami. He nodded stiffly and stared at the door.

"I'll bring you to the airport.. Is there nothing that will make you stay?" he asked hopefully.

'you' I almost answered but shook my head instead. I looked up and saw the icy mask once again. ** why can't you say you loved him???** whispered the voice

..Because I don't know anymore..

It was Yanagi who answered the door-- a six months pregnant Yanagi to be precise. She muttered a polite greeting and launched herself at Mikagami giving him a bone crushing-tendon-popping- hug. hehe..It was as if *he* was the one who was gone for five years. I pondered on the thought as Yanagi looked at me curiously. I took a deep breath and finally said hello.

"konnichiwa Yanagi-chan, It's me Kirisawa Fuuko" I watched her face as her eyes widened and mouth formed a little O. Uh oh.. what if she fainted?!! whatdoidowhatdoido--ACK! My train of thought was cut off suddenly by something or rather some*one* launching herself at me with the force of a bullet train.

"YOU'RE BACK!! BOTH OF YOU ARE BACK!!" She kept squealing as she hugged me. I hugged her back and giggled. This was *so* like Yanagi. Aparently, the commotion outside got the attention of the people in the house.

"Oi, Yanagi-chan! what's the commotion? Is the salesman out there again?? Want me to feed him to Saiha or Madouka??" that was obviously Recca. He walked out the door and clapped Mikagami on the shoulder.

"Great to see you! hehe are you stuck with another of those bimbo girls that run after you??" he pointed at me. Yanagi looked like she was going to die of laughter and Mi-chan looked like he would choke. I smirked and let my fujin do the talking. A miniature tornado lifted Recca and dumped him on the floor. After how many seconds of him seeing stars, he jumped up and screamed for all to hear:

"FUUKO IS BACK!!!" After that initial yell, everything was a blur literally. The only thing I remember was Domon crying like a baby that *his* Fuuko was here. I got swept up in hugs until I felt like i had no bones left. When the commotion died down, Mi-chan and I doled out the presents. Recca paraded around the room with his shirt and Domon pranced around in his spotted underwear yelling: I AM THE KING OF THE JUNGLE!!!. Koganei had gone straight to his room and started playing the game. He had grown, he was now as tall as Recca and was rivaling Mikagami in the looks department. Ganko sniffled as she clung to me crying that I should never ever leave like that again and set out to tell kondo about his new girlfriend. She was so pretty now. Mr. and Mrs. Hanabishi were out somewhere on a date..after all that was done, I handed Mi-chan his present and gave him a hug. He smiled at me and offered me a seat. He said he was going off to find Recca and Domon to make sure the "monkeys" don't make a mess and stress out Yanagi. So, I was left in the kitchen with Yanagi binging out on some ice cream.

"OOOh Fuu-chan you should try this!" she gushed pointing at some strawberry ice cream topped with dried fish and squid chips. I chuckled nevously and turned a faint green.

"Uh no thanks, I'll stick with the strawberry"

"Soo, you're back for good right?" she asked and turned slightly teary eyed when I took too long to answer her question.

"no, sorry but ..I..I have to the day after tomorrow ..it's pretty hectic you see? I have to be on my toes a lot and I really really have to go back..my job.." I said urgently trying to make her see, make her understand but trailed off as I saw her forlorn face.

"Oh..we really missed you you know..we wrote you and all but we rarely got your replies-- YES I know it's because you have to moove a lot Fuu-chan..but we missed you especially Mi-chan. I really think he has a thing for you you know..it's soooo romantic!" she whispered as she ate more of her concoction. I felt my mouth go dry at the mention of Mikagami...did he really like me?

"He wasn't the same after you left.." she continued smiling wistfully.

"He rarely came to see us anymore.. I think he loves you--"

"That's impossible!" I cut her off. My face was flaming red as I remembered the kiss we shared. Surely it was just a byproduct of those pills he took and loneliness.

"He hates my guts, we hate each other, we don't have anything in common and he is DENSE!--"

"He nearly DIED because of you!" She yelled. I shut my mouth. I had not realized I was yelling as well. He nearly..died..because of..me? I watched as Yanagi collapsed into tears and reached out to hug her.

"I am sorry Yanagi-chan..but I can't believe that.."

"Why?..why do you think he wears those gloves??.. why? He tried to kill himself Fuuko, one day we found him in his room.. there was blood all over.. he--h-he slit his wrists.. and you know what he said?! he said that one was for Mifuyu and the other was for you.. Now..you're back he looks happier somehow.b-but but..." she cried brokenly, sobs punctuating each word.

I hadn't realized.. I hadn't realized at all.. the pills--antidepressants, the gloves that covered the scars I was sure to see.. they all made sense now.. I stood up and stumbled on my way to "my room" that had been hastily prepared upstairs. I didn't go home to my apartment that night. Perhaps it was just that I didn't want to see Mikagami after what Yanagi told me..I felt guilty..soo guilty.. I lay on top of the sheets in the dark and stared at the ceiling.. I waited until sleep claimed me.. I waited until I stopped hearing Yanagi's sobs in my ears and Mikagami's voice as he hummed softly.. I waited until it was all gone..just like before..

To be continued...