Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Black & White Heart ❯ Drunken Mind ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 21: Drunken Mind

Perhaps this was a good thing, Yuki thought to himself, as he downed his third glass of red wine.

It would seem his strategy was to drink as much as possible and hopefully pass out before anything could happened. Haru watched him both slightly worried and slightly amused at the rate Yuki was pouring out glass after glass of wine, as Haru still sipped at his first glass. The poor boy was obviously nervous, and that made a part of Haru strangely proud he could make Yuki so flustered even though he hadn't done anything to him.


"What are you…looking at?" Yuki stuttered slightly. He had never been drunk before, heck the one time Shigure had made him try Sakae he took one sip and decided it was completely disgusting.

Haru took another sip of his half full glass, "Nothing," he replied, as Yuki glared at him before leaning back and closing his eyes, letting the hot water lap at his body.

Yuki lay there in the warmth of the spring feeling very strange. Suddenly he had forgotten why he was drinking. He had a plan, or at least, he thought he did. Looking at Haru then, he had an unfamiliar feeling arise within him at the way Haru was staring at him. Knowing that someone was staring at him like that, at first made him angry, but now Yuki's clouded brain couldn't figure out why, and the only thought that appeared to come through the mess,

Was that he rather liked being looked at like that by Haru.

Haru swallowed rather loudly at the picture before him. Yuki's head was tipped slightly back against the rock, exposing his long delicate neck. The water droplets ran down over his exposed chest, falling back into the water lapping hungrily just above his navel, while his skin glistened through the steam.

Haru took one look at the wine left in his glass and put it back on the rock.

If he was to get drunk, who knows what his Black Side would get up to with this body lying out in front of him. Besides, it would seem he may have to ensure Yuki would be alright, and to make sure to drag him out of the hotspring before he passed out under the water.

Which would not be a good thing.

Then again, perhaps his White side would have done 'something' anyway. For looking at Yuki now, guard down and completely vulnerable, his White side was currently agreeing with any and all thoughts made by his Black side. Haru shook his head to himself, there was no way in hell he'd ever do anything like that to Yuki, no matter how much of an opportunity would arise, he'd never win him like that. So, drowning the small amount of alcohol he had consumed and pushing it as far away from his brain as possible, Haru sat there in the water trying not to think of any thoughts he shouldn't be thinking of, and decided he was currently staring dreamily at Yuki only to make sure he didn't suddenly disappear under the water.


Haru suddenly realised that Yuki was staring back at him, and his eyes widened a little, "Yeah?" he attempted to speak calmly.

Yuki sensually sipped at his fourth glass of wine, his eyes never leaving Haru's, and with the drunken glaze that was over them, almost seemed like he was suggesting something. He deliberately removed the glass so slowly from his lips it almost looked like he was kissing it, and Haru had suddenly noticed his heart seemed to have stopped beating.

"Haru." Yuki repeated, placing his glass back on the rock and shifting through the water towards him.

Haru sat there rigid and frozen to where he sat, as Yuki half swam and half crawled towards him, using the wall of rocks to support him. Over Yuki's shoulder Haru noticed that the towel that was around Yuki's waist now lay crumpled up half in the water, and Haru automatically attempted not to look downwards and simply looked Yuki straight in the eye as he slid up beside him, an unfamiliar drunken smirk on his lips.

Haru frowned softly, "Are you okay Yuki--Ahh!"

Haru suddenly found Yuki's arms draped around his neck, looking into his sparkling jeweled eyes barely two inches away from his own.

"You must get really annoyed at how I act towards you." Yuki breathed, his voice fairly low for him, which held a hint of teasing, as he attempted to kneel one knee in between Haru's legs. Haru tried to keep his expressions fairly neutral, he didn't want to provoke any un-wanted (well, actually wanted but not like this) actions on Yuki's half. He stayed perfectly still. "All the times you've been so close like this," Yuki continued, now moving his head to Haru's right shoulder, pushing their bodies as close as possible, his arms moving slowly down Haru's before wrapping them around his chest, keeping his arms by his sides. "I've never told you but," he moved his mouth right next to Haru's ear and whispered, "I wanted to be this close too."

Okay, Haru's White side decided to interject, Betterget him off you before YOU do something you shouldn't.

"As much as I'd really love to believe that….you're drunk, and you don't know what you're saying."

"Of course I do," Yuki persisted, as he moved to kiss the side of Haru's neck.

DEFINITELY time to get him off!!!!! flustered his White side, which was currently battling off a drooling Black mode.

"Err Yuki," Haru began to panic, realising that believing what Yuki was saying or not apparently had no reaction to certain parts of his own body, as his heart rate suddenly shot up a few notches. He tried to raise his arms to push Yuki off of him only to find that he still couldn't move them as he was trapped underneath Yuki's full body contact hug.

As Yuki began to run his lips up Haru's neck and over his jawline, heading for his own lips, Haru was finding it incredibly difficult to resist the boy clinging to him and practically begging for all the love Haru desperately wanted to give him. As he found Yuki's lips so close to his, Haru's eyes unwillingly closed, wanting this so badly, but at the same time knowing it really wasn't Yuki, as such, that had currently placed his lips over his own.

"OH MY!"

Haru moved his head back so fast he hit the rock behind him, "Ouuch!" he cringed, raising an arm to rub the back of his head, suddenly noticing that Yuki had released his love grip hug and now simply rested his head back on Haru's shoulder. Haru finally looked to his left to see one of the young maidens of the hotsping kneeling by the door, a blush on her cheeks at what she thought she had just walked in on.

"Umm, I," she looked away at the floor embarrassed, "When the young masters are ready, dinner has been served for you."

"Thanks." Haru replied, as the maid quickly shut the door to the two boys, leaving Haru's heart rate to regain its normal speed, thanking the girl for coming in at that point.

He didn't know he would really have done if she hadn't.

"I know what you want me to do." Haru turned back to Yuki, who Haru noticed was now more leaning on him than actually hugging him, and watched as Yuki leaned back a little bit to look at him properly. "I know….what you want." He slurred, before suddenly dropping to Haru's waist.

"WHOA!" Haru's eyes shot open wide as his heart practically beat itself out of his chest, "YUKI WHAT ARE YOU---!"

YEEEEEEEHAAAAAA came Haru's Black side, as it raced forward only to be stopped at the last moment a half beaten White, WAIT! it screamed at the struggling Black, as Haru's arms leapt forward at their own accord to stop Yuki, before noticing that he was…


It would seem Yuki had fallen only because he was now out unconscious from the wine, his head now cradled in Haru's arms just above the water level. Haru found himself letting out a small sigh of relief, and scolded himself for even thinking that Yuki would do anything like 'that' when they're not together, drunk or not!

Dragging him up out the water, impressed with himself that he was resisting the urge to look further down the body he was holding, and carried the unresponsive Yuki back to their room (Haru grinned again at the 'their'). Slowly placing him down on Yuki's bed, Haru brought the blankets up around him and sat down at the edge of the bed.

He may not have drunk that much, but with the rate Yuki was gulping that wine down, it wasn't a surprise this had happened, and considering he had never drunk before anyway, it was almost inevitable. As Yuki lay there lost in a deep sleep, his cheeks rosy from the alcohol, Haru suddenly realised something.

He had put him in bed still soaking wet from the springs.

"I only had half a glass and even I'm not thinking straight." He said to himself, placing his hand on his forehead.

Haru got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom only to find no towels. Thinking he'd better go and find some, he suddenly stopped at the door realising he was thinking of rubbing Yuki down with one of these towels.

Completely unclothed.

Well, he didn't want him to get a cold, especially not this weekend of all.

So, pleading to the White to keep the Black at bay just for a little while longer, Haru dumped the wet towel around his waist in the bath, grabbed some shorts and a loose t-shirt, headed out of their bedroom through the dining area where their dinner awaited, and down to reception to ask for some towels and a jug of water, two things that Yuki was going to need.


"Nghh." Escaped the incoherent mumble from Yuki, as he turned over on his side only to fall off the bed.


Shigure switched off the bathroom light and yawned, stretching his arms out in front of him. Walking past Ayame, who was already fast asleep curled up warmly in his bed, Shigure walked up to their room's door intending to lock it. He stopped however when he heard footsteps the other side. Waiting till they had passed, Shigure slowly slid back the door just a little bit and peered round the corner. At the end of the corridor he saw Haru, looking down two opposing corridors, obviously confused on where to go, before somehow deciding to go down the one on his right.

Shigure smirked disturbingly evilly.

Time to visit the Kitchen once again.


Groaning almost as if he was in pain, Yuki attempted to grab hold of the side of the bed to pull himself up from the floor. Kneeling leaning against it, Yuki opened his tired and glazed eyes to find the entire room spinning, and Haru nowhere in sight.


Shigure slid up against the wall and peered around the corner to see the door to Yuki and Haru's room. Feeling into his pocket, he brought of the Master Key that Ritsu's mother had given him when they arrived. She was all in on the plan and had promised to help them as much as she could.


Having only been asleep for around 10 minutes, Yuki was still as drunk and as, ahem, 'loving', as he had been in the Hotspring, and his target for this was currently not in the room. Frowning drunkenly and using the wall to help him stand up, Yuki wobbled over to the other side of the room, and again using the wall to help him walk, headed over to the door.

After three attempts at actually aiming for the door slot, Yuki managed to slid open the door and, upon realising there was no longer any door to lean on, fell straight through it.


"There you go Master Haru, I do apologise for not fitting your room with towels." The Hotspring Hostess said, standing behind a reception desk fanning herself after a bout of "I'M SORRY"'s screamed at Haru.

"Err, yeah, thanks." Haru replied, carrying the pile of towels away.


Shigure was just about to tiptoe around the corner towards Yuki and Haru's room when Yuki had suddenly came stumbling out of it, and Shigure flew back round the corner like a small boy trying to hide after stealing cookies. He watched as Yuki picked himself up from the floor and stumbled along the corridor, either planned, although with how drunk he was possibly by coincidence, in the same direction Haru would have gone. It was very funny to see Yuki of all people looking like this,

Especially as he still naked.


With one arm holding towels, and the other a jug of water he had just obtained from the Kitchens, Haru wandered down what he hoped was the corridor he had walked down before back to their room. Turning round one corner,


Before Haru could even register what he was looking at, the jug of water was pushed out of his arms and replaced with a very unstable Yuki who stumbled into his arms and leant on him completely, trying to pass it off as a hug.

"You disappeared on me!" Yuki drawled, going back to his previous endeavor of kissing up Haru's neck.

"Yuki, what are you doing out here….like this?" he said surprised, hoping that no one would walk down this corridor for Yuki's sake. With a bundle of towels in one arm and Yuki in the other, with all of his weight practically leaning on him, Haru was finding himself loosing balance and desperately tried to maneuver them away from the broken glass on the floor from the jug, and managed to fall back against the wall a few steps behind.

"Haaruu." Yuki whined, starting to slip downwards to the floor, but Haru managed to get one arm underneath him and stopped him from falling down completely.

With his one free arm Haru flipped the towels over his shoulder, taking one, and wrapping it around Yuki's shoulders, who was now somehow standing on his own unsteadily still staring at Haru. As the towel fell around his shoulders and Haru made sure that, everything, was at least out of sight, Yuki fell back into his arms.

"I like hugging you." He said, closing his eyes against Haru's chest as he attempted to snuggle closer only to stumble on his own feet and fall over dragging Haru down with him.


Now with Yuki out of sight, and Shigure finally able to set free the burst of laughter he had been trying to conceal, he walked over to Yuki and Haru's room door and opened it with the Master Key. Walking inside, he looked over to the meals set out for them on the low table. Kneeling down, he brought out a tiny oval shaped bottle from within his Kimono and poured the clear liquid within it into Haru's glass, which looked like it contained Orange.

Sitting back on his heels, Shigure grinned, "Heheh, undetectable to the human nose and tongue, Magnificent Shigure's ™ Love Potion!"

Ok, so it was only a triple strength Sakae, but with the few specially added ingredients to hide the smell and taste, one small bottle of this drunk quickly could get you just drunk enough to make things…interesting.


Haru half dragged Yuki along beside him, still clinging to him like a limpet, and finally got back to their room. Fondling with the set of keys in one hand to unlock the door, as he kept his other arm around Yuki to stop him from collapsing, Haru finally managed to get back inside. Hauling Yuki back off to his bed, he tried to lay him down but Yuki refused to let go, "Stay, stay, stay, stay." He kept on repeating, it was almost like he was delirious. But as soon as Yuki's head hit the pillow, he was out like a light, although his hand still clung to Haru's sleeve. Prying his hand away, Haru sat down back on his own bed exhausted and lay back with his arms splayed out beside him.

So he had got lost on the way back while dragging Yuki around with him too.

Sighing, he looked over at Yuki, his hand hanging over the side of the bed out cold. A small blush began to form on Haru cheeks as he smiled gently. Who needed to rub Yuki dry from the Hotsprings, when with the way he was up against him all the time trying to walk, it was Haru who was now damp with the water. His thoughts of a naked, wet Yuki were unfortunately quickly subsided as his stomach growled.

Jumping up from the bed, Haru wandered over to the meal set out for them. He would save some for Yuki if he woke up, and would go and get that Jug of water later. Right now, he was hungry. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, he reached for his cup.


Haru felt very peculiar.

It had turned out he wasn't as hungry as he thought, perhaps that was why he was feeling dizzy? Lack of food perhaps? He had been very thirsty though. Standing up form the floor, just before stumbling a little and grabbing the table to push himself up, Haru looked towards the two doors to their bedroom. Two? I thought there was only one door?.......oh well. Walking, or more like swaying, over to one of these supposed doors, he found they merged into one as he got closer. Frowning in what would seem was a deliberate annoyance, Haru reached for the door and pulled it aside. Yuki was still fast asleep, but he had been moving around in the bed because the covers where now pushed half way down his chest. Haru stared at him, grabbing on to the doorframe as he felt himself starting to sway a little too much to one side.

Yuki looked….delicious.

Making his way over to Yuki's bed, Haru plopped down at the end and crawled his way up to the top, over Yuki. Laying down at one side, with Yuki's back towards him as he was half falling off the bed again, Haru wrapped one arm around his chest and pulled him away from the edge, making him turn around to face him.

"Mmmm?" Yuki's eyes slowly opened to find Haru's blurry face near right next to his.

Haru stared at him lustfully, tracing his jawline with his thumb, and leant in to kiss him.

Whatever was going on in Yuki's drunken mind, it wasn't anything along the lines of stopping, because whether he realised it or not, Yuki had wrapped his arms around Haru and began to kiss him back, not pulling away when Haru's hand began to roam further down his back.

To Be Continued…