Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Every Single One ❯ Broken Promise ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seven: Broken Promise
A/N: Hey everyone! :D Sorry for taking a whole month and a day to update. :x This month was just very tiring and, while I'm still obsessed with Fruits Basket, I have been in the mood for it lately. But don't worry! My passion for it will come back soon enough, kinda like a circle. :p Anyway, I would do individual reviews, but I really want to get this up today and so…I shall just skip them and give a general: Thank you all so very much for the reviews! After that semi long A/N let's head on to the story! : )
When Tohru's cousin woke up, Tohru had not been there, hadn't been sleeping in her bed. Normally this was normal because Tohru was up making breakfast when she walked down the stairs, a routine that they had all grown accustomed to.
She planned on smelling Tohru's delicious food, but the air was absent of any lovely aromas. Where was Tohru then? Had she already left or had she just woken up really late that day? But, no, she came around the corner and had found her mother, father, and grandfather all in the kitchen, yet, no Tohru.
Where had she been, Tohru's cousin had no idea, but she was going to find out, “Mom, did Tohru tell you where she was going this morning?” She watched her mother drop the spatula she was holding; obviously she had not known that her daughter had been standing there.
“Tohru-chan left before any of us got up today, but she did leave a note. She wrote how she was going to visit her mother's grave before school.” Tohru's aunt had said this all very nonchalantly to her daughter, as if visiting a dead mother's grave was no big deal. “Why?”
“Oh, no reason, I just didn't see her around and was wondering were she was.” Tohru's cousin answered truthfully back to her mother. She was curious, and yet, she was also very worried about her cousin. Her smile was hardly on her face and when it was…it was fake. Something was up with Tohru and she was going to find out just what it was. So, she told her mother that she would grab something to eat on the way to school; she quickly got dressed, and headed out the door.
She had been walking for a while before she finally came upon the graveyard twice in her life, but she had made sure to put it into her long term memory, just in case.
Being as quiet as she could, Tohru's cousin walked through the front gates and into the graveyard. She felt a chill slither up her spine and she quickly closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. She felt like she was unwanted here, but she kept moving.
After a few minutes she saw Tohru. The girl that had always been smiling, now looked broken and worn out. Her head was bent and her legs were folded underneath her body as she sat in front of, what Tohru's cousin assumed, was Kyoko's grave.
She crept closer, wanting to hear what Tohru was saying between her tears.
“Oh, Mother. I broke the promise that I made to myself about you, because…Because…I-I-I love Kyo-kun!” the tears that had been falling moderately before, where now pouring out of her eyes.
“Whenever I'm around him…I feel so protected, so warm, and so loved. My heart beats so fast and my face always seems to blush…” Realization hit Tohru and she gasped, “Mother, I think-I think that Kyo-kun had loved me! All those times…The look in his eyes when he would look at me, the way his face would blush (just like mine) whenever he said something nice to me-his behavior in general around me, but most importantly mother, the way his arms felt around me; how they held my and protected me…” After that long rant, Tohru stopped for a moment and caught her breath and then added, “The thought of Kyo-kun loving me, I've had it before, that time when we did the Cinderella play in school, but I never thought that it could actually be true. That Kyo-kun could actually love me…”
Tohru had felt herself curl up into a ball and just sit there. Her eyes were glazed over and the tears continued to trickle out. But she didn't care anymore. “Kyo had loved me…and now he has forgotten me.”
“But if Kyo-kun is happy, then that's all that matters…Right mother? But then, why do I want Kyo-kun to remember me? Why do I still want to break the curse and why do I want to protect Kyo-kun from that horrible fate of being locked up?” Tohru stopped her string of questions for a moment, she had thought that she had heard something, but, upon looking around and having found nothing, she had continued her tangent.
“I'm being selfish, aren't I, mother?” Yet, Tohru had not gotten any spoken response, just as she had expected. Besides this fact, Tohru had received some form of an answer from her mother. For the wind had picked up and as it played its way through her brown locks of hair, it seemed it had brought an answer with it.
She would be selfish, she would go and get Kyo back and then…Then she would tell him that she loved him. In Tohru's mind the plan seemed so easy, yet Tohru had known that it would be a long and hard journey. She knew that she would have to become the person whom she truly was. That she would have to leave behind the fake Tohru that she had once been and the broken Tohru that she was at the moment.
“Please, someone help me.” The words were spoken quietly, but not quietly enough, for the wind picked them up and brought them to the ears of Tohru's cousin. Both Tohru and her cousin knew who could help her. For Tohru had known that if she was going to transform herself, then she was going to need help; help from Uotani and Hanajima.
Tohru's cousin had heard every word that Tohru had said. Yet, she had understood very little of it. That boy Kyo, he had been the one with the orange hair and crimson eyes, of course that was if memory was serving her right.
Even though Tohru's cousin hadn't gotten everything that had been said, she had been able to tell one thing. She had heard the tone that Tohru had used when she had spoken. It had been a tone of a desperate cry. More so, Tohru's cousin knew that she was no where near as nice as Tohru, but she had been the only one who had heard her cousin's cry for help, so she figured that she had to do something. Now the only matter left was what she was going to do.
Now, Tohru's cousin wasn't all to sure why her parents seemed to hate Tohru, but she knew that she didn't. It may have had something to do with the age difference or maybe the generation gap or the fact that she had never met Tohru's father or mother. So the fuss that her parent's always seemed to have over Tohru's parents was lost to the young teenaged girl. Personally, she liked Tohru, and now was her chance to help her cousin who always seemed to smile, but most importantly, was an excellent cook. Liking and wanting to help Tohru was as simple as that.
But, she had no idea what she could do to help. After all, it was still early in the morning and she had to get moving or being late to school was going to be unavoidable. That was it! The way in which she was going to help Tohru came to her and she had left the graveyard in a rush.
She was going to find Tohru's two friends, the blonde haired girl and the black haired girl. Tohru had a picture of the three of them back at the house and they had stopped by once to check-up on Tohru. Yes! This would be a perfect plan. Once she told them about Tohru, they would go quickly and help. Help Tohru in the way that she was unable to.
Her lungs burned and her legs ached, but she had kept running and the pain of the physical activity wasn't all that bad. It didn't hurt as much since she had a determined thought in mind. That thought had been nothing but good for her, for when she had felt as if she would be unable to run anymore, that thought came to mind and she had energy to continue.
Finally, she saw Tohru's school in front of her. All that she had left to do was find a long bunch of golden blonde hair or a braid of midnight black strands. It wouldn't be that hard, but she also knew that it wouldn't be all that easy. And so, her search had begun and she had not given up, even as the seconds ticked by.
At last she had found the two girls that she had been looking for. They were right in front of her now; the black haired girl was talking to the long-haired blonde. So, Tohru's cousin had stopped short to listen to the conversation they were having.
“Tohru isn't here; do you know where she is Hana?” The question was asked in a rough voice, one that sounded as if the person had been part of a street gang (little did she know how right she was), but the voice was filled with concern.
“Tohru-chan is near by and I can sense her pain, but I can't quite pin-point it.” This voice was soft and so calm, almost making it sound monotonous…almost creepy. Yet, like with the blonde, a tone of overall concern.
Both of them had looked lost, unable to do anything. This was the moment at which Tohru's cousin spoke up, “I know where she is. Tohru's down by the graveyard were her mother is buried.”
WHAT! Why is she there?” But the question that was asked by the rough sounding girl went unanswered. For, they both took off toward the graveyard were Tohru was.
Tohru's cousin watched them go, knowing full well that her part in her cousin's life had come and passed. Well, she was going to be late for school, nothing new.
Kyo didn't know why he was going to the graveyard and not to school; he didn't know why he was going to visit her grave, a grave he had been trying to avoid for so long. But, he felt the heavy pull of gravity forcing him toward the grave. School just didn't seem important that day, in fact, the thought of even going to school had been lost to his mind.
All he had known was that he had felt tears, not his own, but someone else's. They were falling inside his soul and surrounding his heart and dripping into the endless blackness that had recently taken over his memories and feelings. With each tear that slid over his heart and dripped downward to the bottomless abyss, the pull to the graveyard had grown. It was driving him crazy.
Drip. “I want us to stay together.” Drip. Arms encircling him. Drip. “Yep, I can see it; you've got a plump right in the center of your back, Kyo-kun.” Drip. “Would you marry Tohru-chan?” Drip…Drip. I love you. DRIP.
He had felt his eyes widen and himself scream. The thoughts, the feelings,…the emotions; they all bombarded him. They were almost becoming too much for him to take, Kyo had felt his legs give out and, very much like Tohru, lay curled up on the ground.
The pressure on his mind was overpowering all reason and thought. The only thing that Kyo could feel was pain, so he continued his painful screams and felt hot tears well up in his eyes. All he wanted…
All he wanted was to see the smiling face of Honda Tohru. He wanted to always be by her side and to feel his lips upon hers. Just like that, he wanted to love her, and he didn't know why.
His confusion had muddled his mind and made it so that he was unable to notice the world around him; the world, which had already crumbled to black in his eyes. He did not see the brown haired and brown eyed girl that was haunting his mind standing behind him. For slowly his mind had given up to the blackness that had been surrounding him.
So, he did not feel the touch of Honda Tohru as she kneeled by his side and rested his head in her lap. He did not taste the salty tears that had fallen from her eyes and splashed onto his tanned face. He did not hear the choked out words, for the tears were affecting her vocals, of, “I love you, Kyo.”
It seemed to the two individuals, one conscious and one who was not, that the words were lost to the wind. That the only other ears besides Tohru's that had heard the seemingly forbidden words was the heavily blowing breeze.
Nevertheless, two girls, whose eyes shone the reflected forlorn picture in front of them and who were covered by the stray Cherry Blossom petals that the wind had played with…They had also heard the declaration of love.
On that day Tohru was going to break one promise, but fulfill another. After seeing Kyo so broken and lost, the decisions to have the curse broken and of finding out who she truly was, had finally begun.
For you see. On that day, the beginning of having all the secrets that had been hidden in the dark, where now, being pulled into the light…In the light by which all could see.
A/N: I know this chapter wasn't as long as some of my other one's, but I felt this to be the best place to end it. Things are finally starting to move along and beginning to unravel, so make sure you read Chapter Eight whenever I get around to writing it and then typing it up. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me what you think in a review. Oh and here is the preview for Chapter Eight:
Chapter Eight: Pained Waves
This chapter will take a look at Haru and Rin along with Kagura and see just how much not remembering Tohru has affected them. Along with this are the confrontation of Tohru with Hana and Uo, and the discovery of the curse on the latter two's parts. Finally, the problem of what to do with the unconscious Kyo will be resolved.
Until next chapter,
- Lily -