Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Green Eyed Monster ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Green Eyed Monster

by Mija
Beta by~DemonMistress546, thank you thank you thank you, much huggles Mija..:-)

Disclaimer~Nope do not own any of the people on Full Metal Alchemist. Sorry for the delay, have more RL probs and am waaay stressed out. Mija. Btw, thanks all for the wonderful reviews, I'm glad that although my spelling and stuff totally suck, you all still enjoy it. Thank you all.

Chapter 15

~~~Roy sat on this large couch in his office and looked over a few papers. It was late and everyone had gone home for the night. He had needed to go over some documents for tomorrow's meeting with the General, so he had stayed late. He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers, shut his eyes tight, and tried to stop the ache that had settled behind them. He was tired. His nights had not been filled with restful sleep these days and he blamed one Edward Elric for that. That cocky little . . . well, Roy was above name calling, so stalled the thoughts in his head and went to pick up the papers he had laid down on the coffee table. He suppressed a shiver as he recalled Full Metal in a french maid outfit, bent over it, dusting it, his firm round ass showing Roy all its fleshy glory. Just before his mind started to wander to that day, he heard a knock on his door. That startled Roy out of his musings, and he just looked at the door as if it had transmuted itself into something nasty.

~~~When the knock came again, he realized that he would have to answer it. But he wasn't about to get up. So, sighing, he laid his papers back down on the coffee table and looked back towards the door, letting himself slump into the softness of the couch. Whoever it was wouldn't care that he was making him self comfortable, and if they did, then to hell with them, it was HIS office after all.

"Yes? Who is it?" Roy called out, his voice loud enough to carry through the door.

"It's me, Ed." Came the muffled response. Roy had to shake his head a few times to make sure he had heard right. Ed was here?

"Who?" Roy called back, just to make sure he had heard right.

"It's me you stupid lazy son of a bi....."

"COME IN!" Roy shouted to stop the insult that Ed was about to call him. No doubt about it. It was Full Metal. Curious. The door opened and in walked Ed, looking tired but delicious none the less. Since it was still fairly warm out, even this late, Ed was dressed in only his ever present black tank top and those low hanging leather pants that fit his body snugly, but not too tight. It showed enough to entice, but leave you wanting more. Roy thought the shine from the chain that was his State Alchemist's pocket watch stood out even more among all the black. Roy never understood Ed's fondness for black, and leather? Oh yes, the boy looked good in leather, but it must be a bitch to wear during the hotter parts of the year.

"Ya busy, Colonel?" Ed asked, taking notice that Roy had been checking him out. He gave the raven haired man a smirk and Roy's left eyebrow rose up to regard him.

"Why do you insist on calling me Colonel still when you know damn well I am now a Lieutenant General?" Mustang asked, sighing with resignation and tiredness. It seemed that Ed would just not get it through his head that his rank was not that of the man he first came to work for.

"Maybe cause your still the same bastard I knew as when you were still just a Colonel..well except for maybe a little grayer around the edges ,and a few more wrinkles, but you get my drift." Came Ed's sarcastic reply as he flopped on the other end of the couch, plopped his booted feet onto the coffee table, laid his hands behind his back, and relaxed. Roy's eyebrow twitched.

"I..Do. Not. Have. Gray. Hair. Or wrinkles for that matter, Full Metal..and what the hell are you doing here so late? What are you doing here at ALL? You're still on leave. You do know what leave is, do you not Full Metal?" Roy stated angrily as his eyebrow continued to twitch with said anger. He took offense at being called old in any shape or form. His hair was perfectly and naturally still black, and he did not have any wrinkles. The nerve of him.

"Don't like it, do ya?" Ed asked with a smirk on his handsome face.

"Like what?" Mustang asked through gritted teeth as he shoved Full Metal's feet off of the papers he was looking at, on which Ed had plopped his dirty boots. He dusted the papers off, trying to ignore the young man next to him, the way the heat and smell of him drifted to him and made him just want to breath him all in. Roy did NOT need to get hard now.

"You don't like being called old...just like I never liked being called short..but you never let what I disliked stop you, did you?" Ed asked, turning to face Roy and giving him a look, that made Roy feel a bit hot under the collar. Touche' Ed, Roy thought.

"Why are you here Full Metal? I have things I need to finish up before I leave. Unlike you, I actually have to WORK tomorrow morning." Roy replied, ignoring Ed's last statement, not willing to give Ed the satisfaction of knowing that he had made a valid point. The boy had really grown up, hadn't he? And how he had grown, came the lecherous thought in his head. He had to bite down on his tongue to keep those thoughts at bay. He would not get hard, he would not get hard, he would not jump Ed, bend him over the coffee table and screw his tight little ass till he couldn't stand for a month. Roy chanted in his head, the unbidden thoughts causing him to let a small groan emit from his lips.

"Yo Colonel shit head, quit fantasizing about me and pay attention." came Ed's amused voice, and that was like throwing cold water over Mustangs head. Roy jerked up into a rigid sit and glared at the smirking blond.

"What the hell makes you think I was fantasizing about you or anyone else for that matter? A bit full of yourself aren't you Full Metal?" Roy asked, his jaw working and trying hard not to fry the youth in front of him. Cocky son of a bitch.

"Ya whatever..anyway, as I was saying before you zoned out on me..I'm here to ask you if you've seen a small white box laying around with my name on it...I left it here the other day and...well..I've asked around and no one seems to have seen it..it..it's a gift and..well. Anyway have you seen it or not?" Ed asked after trying not to stumble over his words. He hated the thought of Roy having found it and seen the contents, but if he hadn't seen it, he wasn't about to explain what was in it. Damn him for leaving it behind where anyone could find it, and damn Charise for sending him something like that to the office.

"A white box? Hm, let me think." replied Roy, scrunching his forehead in thought as he rubbed his jaw. Oh, he'd seen the box alright, and the contents. The stupid things were at his house, thanks to Maes. Which reminded Roy, he needed to set a fire under Hughe's butt soon, literally. What the hell was Maes thinking, giving him that shit anyway? He noticed out of the corner of his eye, the look Ed was giving him. Ed was literally glaring daggers as him. If looks could kill, Roy would be dead ten times over by now. Besides the death glare, there was a bit of nervousness to Full Metal's posture as well. This only made Roy smirk, that ooh so charming smirk that drove women nuts and pissed Ed off to no ends. Roy liked to make him sweat.

"I don't recall seeing any box with your name on it..are you sure you left it here?" Roy asked, and he noticed that Ed seemed to relax just a bit, but still had residual stiffness as well.

"Yes, I'm sure..and before you ask no..no one else has seen it..or not copping to it anyway..bunch of perverts." Ed growled, and Roy looked at him with a curious eyebrow raise.

"Perverts? Now why on earth would you call your fellow co-workers perverts? Is there something about this box that I should know about, Full Metal?" Roy asked with that annoying smirk. Oh, Roy knew full well what was in the box, but he was not about to let Ed know that. Besides he liked watching the boy squirm.

"NO..no..no there's nothing in it you need worry about..its..its just...it's personal and Im not crazy about someone having picked it up, knowing it wasn't theirs to begin with.." Ed replied with a slight sweat drop, calming down and trying not to look guilty, but miffed. Roy found it cute and wanted to jump the boy even more. Actually, he hadn't noticed that he was scooting across the couch, getting closer to Ed, but Ed noticed and tried not to laugh.

"Lieutenant General Mustang? What are you doing?" Ed asked in an amused tone. The way Ed had said his full rank and name startled Roy so much, he stopped scooting and just looked at Ed with wide eyes.

"Sorry LG, but you had your chance....you preferred to humiliate me instead, your loss...night." Ed added as he stood, stretched and walked out of the office, giving an extra wiggle to his walk, leaving a stunned and perplexed CO behind him. Oh, Roy was going to kill that boy..fry him..charbroil him..but first..he was going to fuck that boy..if only just to wipe that smirk off his cocky smug face. Not that Roy wouldn't enjoy it, that is, but it was to put Ed in his place most of all. Yes that was it. At least that's how Mustang rationalized it to himself. He hadn't put any real effort into trying to seduce Ed into his bed, but now, the guns had been drawn so to speak, and Roy had no doubt at all he would be the victor.

A/N~ok ok yes I know it was more of a filler chapter, but seriously trying as I deal with home stuff as well. Anyhow, lemme know how you like, and hopefully this will be beta-ed when you read it, if it is, you will see the credit before you even get to this a/n lol..anyhow till next chap, be well, safe and happy, much huggles and smiles Mija..:-)