Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ Chp.18// The Ending and A Ring ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N LAST CHAPTER! Next up is the epilogue.
Kael: -sob- -sob- I am SOOOOOOOO going emo.
Akina:…dammit, not again.
Kael's Pronunciation is Kale
/~Winry's POV~\
Winry gasped as she was pulled into the dark forest. The trail of Kael's boots led right into the thick forest. There was a trail of snapped branched and disturbed foliage.
Akina desperately fought through it, trying to find Kael. There was a splashing sound, as though someone was putting something in a stream. The girls where drawn to the sound of water. Kael could be there… Winry could see the longing on Akina's face.
“Kael! KAEL!!” Akina was yelling his name. She needed to find him…to see his face… hear his uproarious laughter and feel the softness of his ever-changing eyes on her.
They finally burst into the small clearing. Kale was only a few yards away- a shining knife pressed to his throat.
“Kael, stop!” Akina was yelling. She had thrown her self towards him.
The knife came down, towards his throat.
/~Kael's POV~\
Kael felt a heavy weight slam into him from the side. His eyes flew open- and he gazed down. The unfamiliar weight was Akina. She was sobbing and laughing in pure relief.
“I…I remember! Kael, I remember you…I remember Guilt.”
Akina laughed through his tears. Winry shook her head, chortling in pure relief.
She knew- Kael was safe.
/~Al's POV~\
Al watched as the three came back into the house. Akina was being carried bridal style by Kael. It tore Al's Heart.
But it was likely for the best. No matter how much Al cared for her, He would never have been able to have a normal relationship with her. He was always moving to a different location, and the physical complications hurt to think about.
Akina laughed aloud as Kael swung her around, laughing his loud laugh. Winry sat next to Ed, and the deftly linked hands. Al watched them for a moment. They both simultaneously realized what they had done, and proceeded to move to separate sides of the room.
Taka was up in the bed, Glaring daggers at Edward. He obviously had a bone to pick with Eddy-boy.(Moving in on `His Woman' like that!)
Needless to say, No one was happy when Edward and Al was forced to leave. (Save Taka, he was all too happy about that)
Edward smiled sadly at Winry for a moment, and Winry gazed back.
“Come home soon.” She whispered. Edward nodded, but the promise seemed a large responsibility.
Kael had an Arm around Akina's waist, and Al stared in pain and longing. He finally remember one thing that had been neglected, resting in his pocket for the past three weeks.
“Akina” Al murmured. “I have something for you”
Akina glanced up at Kael, as if for permission, and Kael nodded silently. Akina followed Al to the side of the house.
Al presented her with the small Red ring. Akina gaped at it, looking at Al in wonder.
“I…I couldn't…Al?” She asked, stumbling over her words.
“Remember Me,” He breathed, dropping it into her waiting hands.
And with that, Al and Edward left, disappearing down the dusty Road.
Akina gazed after them for a minute, and then gracefully threaded the ring onto a necklace and wore it into the house.
“Don't worry.” She whispered to the wind. “I will”
Until the sequel, that is.
heh heh.
Review for the sequel! Epilogue on the way.