Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Red Blood - Blue Stone ❯ chp.17// Pocket Knife ;; Enter Kael ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N I'm sorry! I'm a cruel, cruel girl.
The story's almost over!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~(Yeah, I love you guys too. That `s why I waited so long in-between updates!)
/~Akina's POV~|
Akina gasped, her head spinning. Why was she suddenly upright, in a bed? Winry was standing over her- a shocked shadow that intensified her confusion. She sat stock still, Questions assaulting her fragile state of mind. After a moment, Winry fell to the bed, gazing at Akina as though through new eyes.
“You have no recollection, no memory of your becoming a homunculus?” Winry whimpered, and her tone questioned the reality of the situation.
Akina turned to a large slam. Guilt had awoken.
“Akina! Winry! I can remember… I can remember my name!” Guilt cried happily.
“My previous name… was Kael! It was Celtic, meaning mighty warrior. Isn't this great, Akina?” Guilt was exclaiming all this in a rush of words- barely decipherable. Akina gazed at Guilt- Kael- for a second.
“Weren't you…trying to save me…from that boy…Envy?” Akina asked, ever so slowly. Kael stared at her, shock crossing his face.
“You…remember…nothing?” He asked, eyes already glazing over.
“Remember what…Kael?” Akina asked carefully, trying to adapt to this new name. Everything seemed quite new to her- she had lost about two or three weeks of her memory. All the time that she had been a homunculus.
Kael gazed at her through his wispy, golden bangs. She was struck by his clear, forest green eyes- they were radiating pain, hurt and uppermost… loss.
He was out the door like a shot, never looking back.
/~Kael's POV~\
She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember me. She doesn't…love me.
Kael's thoughts were a jumble of confusion and pain as he streaked through the forest. He found himself in a clearing, a stream running down the middle. Lying next to the stream, as though discarded by a child, was his wooden horse. Kael gazed at it fondly before picking it up.
Now that Akina had no memory of him, he could think back to before her. To his past fiancé. The fiancé that had tried to bring him back from the dead. The fiancé that had made him into Guilt. Guilt… His life from the darkness, His life as a homunculus.
Kael shook his head, the blonde hair pulled into a ponytail flying behind him.
Did Kael still love his past fiancé…? No, Akina was his everything now.
But Akina doesn't love me anymore…
Kael remembered absently. The sharp pain brought him to his knees, and he seemed to crumble under the sheer weight of this knowledge. His hands searched desperately, trying to help him find something to escape this pain.
And then he found it- A child's discarded pocket knife. It had been lying in the stream, likely brought from the larger river that ran parallel the city. A poor child had [probably lost it on a boat ride.
But that didn't matter to Him- He had found his escape.
Kael knelt, Knife to his throat, ready to take his own life.
/~Akina's POV~\
Akina watched in shock as Kael fled from the room. Winry made a move to jump after him, if Akina hadn't held her back.
“Don't leave me…” She whispered, trembling. She was incredibly confused.
Winry laughed bitterly. “Who knew my birthday could bring so much trouble.
“Your…Birthday?” Akina questioned. Winry nodded. “I had a wonderful cake.”
Akina's minds eye forced a picture of a blue frosted cake, with the messy scrawl `Happy Birthday Winry' written across it. Hadn't it been Akina to make the cake…with another helping her.
Guilt. It was Guilt to help me. The voice in her head whispered to her. Her mind clicked without a second to lose.
Guilt…Kael…Oh, my god! Akina bolted from the bed, Winry in tow.
“We have to find Kael!”
Awwwwww, I love Guilt-o's new name!