Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Your Nightmarish Past ❯ Don’t Let Despair Take Hold of Your Soul ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't Let Despair Take Hold of Your Soul-Chapter 6
Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal alchemist….still wish I did…and it will always be that way.
The moon was shining brightly, as the group searched all over the city looking for their missing friend. Each split up, to cover more ground. They decided that if anyone needed help to erect a pillar at their location. So far no one has needed help after midnight. Ed was grateful for this, as he was trying to hide his illness. Only to have it almost backfire a couple times. He had held in sneezes and coughs all day. (which doesn't feel too nice) Several times he had to run into a bathroom, to release some….unwanted food. He walked the streets looking for any traces of Shinkei. He had found none. He heard someone walking behind him. He quickly turned around only to discover that no one was there. Hmmm. He continued to walk only to hear the footsteps again. He turned around…again there was no one there. He quickly hid in an alley way and waited for his stalker to walk ahead of him. He noticed a woman dressed in a white looking dress with white hair. He changed his automail into a blade and held it to her back.
“Why are you following me?” Ed asked seemingly angry. The woman held her hands up to surrender. Only to swing around and disappear in front of Ed's eyes. “What where did she go?” He suddenly felt a hand grab him from behind and grab his automail arm.
“Stupid boy! Do you have nay idea who is hunting you!?” She let go of Ed's arm so he could look her in the eyes. He noticed they were white also, and that she looked familiar.
“Hey I know you!” he said pointing to the woman.
“Yeah and I know you. You're the kid that has the flu, that I had to chase everywhere.” She said smirking.
“Shut up!” he said angrily. Then he remembered what she had said earlier.
“What do you mean that someone is hunting me?” Ed changed his blade back to normal.
“Just what I said…someone is hunting you and your friends. She already has one of them, and she is after the rest. My name is serenity and I am trying to kill this woman.”
“Serenity huh? And how do you know who is after us?”
“No time, we need to find your friends before its too late!” the girl yelled grabbing Edward by his arm, and pulling him all over town.
“Wait I know how to find them.” Said Ed clapping his hands together and erecting a pillar. “There. Now they'll come to us.” He said with a smile, feeling smart.
“You idiot! Now you've given away your location!” She said as Ed's smile turned into a scowl.
“Well did you have a better idea!?” he said yelling.
“Well!...no.” realizing that she was wrong in that in dever.
“Ok then, we should see them…right about….now.” and sure enough, Eli and Al came running around the corner.
“What's wrong brother?”
“And who is that!?” asked Eli annoyed.
“This is Serenity. She says that there is someone after us. Supposedly this person has already taken Shinkei.”
“You look an awful lot like the doctor we saw yesterday. Except your eyes are white….not red.” Noticed Al.
“Well my dear armored friend, I am. I had contacts in to hide my identity a little.” Eli kept giving the woman an evil glare. “Um, can I help you?”
“No.” she continued her stare. But before Serenity could say anything else, an explosion happened close by.
“Where did that come from?” asked Ed.
“It came from over there.” Said Serenity. The group ran in the general direction that serenity said the blast had come from. They were stopped in their tracks when a woman dressed in a long black gown that flowed in the wind appeared. Her hair was as black as her heart, and eyes to match. Her hair also flowed in the wind when not touching the ground. Her skin was as pale as the moon above. She walked closer to the four. Ed noticed a sinister smile had crept across her face. He stepped out in front of Serenity who was in front of everyone else.
“Are you the one that took Shinkei?” he asked plainly. She stopped and held up her hand towards the sky. She continued to stare at Edward, who stood his ground.
“Yes. I did. You have a problem with that shrimp?” she said waiting for him to lose his temper. Ed gave a scowl.
“You shouldn't call me a shrimp.”
“Oh, and why not…shrimp?” she said her smile even more sinister.
“Because…That makes me angry….and you wont like me when I'm angry.” He said returning her smile with one of his own.
“Oh, but Edward dear…I love it when you get angry.” She said licking her lips. Ed's smile disappeared into another scowl.
“How are you…and what do you want?” he said transforming his right arm into a blade.
“Why Edward…don't you know that answer…[Ed looked confused]…I am here to take your soul!” with that she swung her hand out towards Edward, her power had such force that it flung him against the wall behind the group. Cracking it upon impact. He fell to the ground unconscious. The woman laughed at his pain. She laughed so hard it sent chills up Eli's spine. What is she!? She thought. Her mind racing after she had just witnessed her love go flying into a wall. “As for my name, Serenity….knows it all too well.” The group all looked at Serenity. The only word they could hear her say….was “Despair.”
Ok well…..i guess I lied….no one is reviewing….. :'-(…. So I guess I am still updating but please…..people review!!!!!!!