Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Firebird ❯ Visitors ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Vera-chan: Okay, I've been getting writer's block really badly lately, and my muse has been out of reach when I actually feel like writing.

Luna-sama: ^-^ Sorry………

Vera-chan: It's okay.

Luna-sama: You still love me! ^_^ So what's happening to Hotori this chappie?

Vera-chan: Read on and find out.



Ch. 3 "Visitors."

Hotori sat in her room, contemplating everything that had happened the last few months. She knew it wasn't normal to get sucked into a book, but oddly enough, she didn't care. She was always searching for a place to fit in, and now she finally felt like she'd found it. Hotohori, Chichiri, and Nuriko were so nice to her, and she just couldn't see loosing that by going back to her time, even if she knew how.

The first memory she could ever recall was when she started school. All the kids made fun of her for being an orphan. They always loved telling her no one would ever love her, but she didn't let them bother her. After a moment, she decided they shouldn't bother her now either. She felt oddly tired, despite the fact it was still morning, and all she'd done was take a short walk with Hotohori. She smiled. She really liked him, and, although it could be her imagination, she thought he liked her too. She yawned again, and decided to rest her eyes for a few moments, then get up and move around. Soon she was dozing.

"Hello?" A voice called, opening the door. It was Nuriko. "I'm going into town and-"

She sighed, and started shaking Hotori.

"Huh?" Hotori jumped. "What?"

"I said I'm going into town." Nuriko repeated. "Do you want to come?"

Hotori smiled. "I'd love to."

`Nuriko was acting kind of mad there for a while.' She thought. `I'm glad she's over it.'

The two were on their way out when they passed Chichiri.

"Don't be gone too long, no da." He said.

Both girls looked at him rather confused. Why would Chichiri care how long they're gone?

"We might have some special visitors, no da." He explained.

"Who?" Hotori asked, curious and slightly excited. She'd been in this time period for about three months, and they hadn't had anyone visit………well no one she might be interested in.

"Wait and see, no da!" He had a slightly mischievous grin.

"Come on." Nuriko sighed. "If we're going into town, we don't have time for guessing games."

Hotori nodded, and they set off again.

* * * * *

"Come on now kids." The tall man called. "We're going somewhere very special today. We don't want to be late."

"Where are we going, oto-san?" a boy about 12 with brown hair and eyes asked.

"To see some friends of mine and your mother's." He explained. "Now make sure Mire is ready."

The boy ran off to check on his 8 year old sister.

"It's been a long time." His wife said from the doorway. "How do you think they've been doing?"

"I don't know." He replied. "I bet it wasn't as long for them though."

She smiled at him, and went to make sure the children were almost ready.

* * * * *

Nuriko grabbed Hotori's arm and motioned to a cute little outfit and some slippers.

"You'll fit in better." Nuriko said with a grin.

"I don't care if I don't fit in." Hotori replied.

"Oh, come on." Nuriko smiled. "You'll look so cute."

Hotori though it over, and Hotohori popped up in the back of her mind.

"Well………I don't see any harm in it………" Hotori smiled as they went to get a closer look at the outfit.

* * * * *

Hotori collapsed onto her bed. Shopping with Nuriko was very tiring. She was supposed to go down to dinner soon and meet the new visitors, but she wasn't really hungry, and just wanted to get some sleep. She rolled over and looked out the window by her bed. She soon fell asleep.

"Nee-chan………" Nuriko called, pushing the door open slightly. "Dinner's-"

She stood over the sleeping form, and smiled.

`Well, I woke her up this morning,' She thought as she turned to leave. `I'll let her sleep now.'


Vera-chan: I decided that since Nuriko and Hotori are best friends now (well, sorta, but………) they needed nicknames for each other, so Nuriko calls Hotori Nee-chan (yes, it means sister, but as my muse pointed out, she's acting like an older sister.) and Hotori calls Nuriko Nuku-chan (Off an anime, "Cat Girl Nuku Nuku" my muse had said she'd seen.) There is no real point in the nicknames other then it seems cute. ::Reader gives Vera an odd look.:: Don't give me that look, I like cute things like that!