Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ To Give Up Everything ❯ Trip of Konan ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To Give Up Everything

By: Kawaii Vash

Disclaimer: I do not own Fushigi Yuugi

Chapter 4 - Trip around Konan

Rika looked down the three corridors that laid in front of her. She had gotten herself lost yet again. Both Tasuki and Chichiri had told her that the palace was large, but what she imagined was far different from the truth. The past week she had spent her time recovering in the room given to her. Only yesterday had she been allowed to walk around. Sighing she looked from one corridor to the next. She had planned on eating breakfast with the others, but at this rate it would be dinnertime before she found the main dining hall.

"Excuse me, miss?"

Rika jumped at the sound of the voice and turned around to see one of the palace servants. The girl stared at Rika with brown eyes, her pale green bangs covering them a little. She was carrying what looked like a basket filled with laundry and looked no older than Rika herself.

"Are you ok miss?"

"Hai, I'm trying to get to the main dining hall and got lost."

The girl smiled, "I see... would you like me to show you the way miss?"

"Hai! That would be wonderful."

So Rika followed the girl, the trip silent. That was until...

"You come from the Suzaku no Miko's realm miss?"

"Suzaku no Miko?" Rika blinked confused, but remember what Tasuki had told her about a girl called Miaka. "Hai, I do. And… ano... you don't have to call me miss, you can just call me Rika..."

"As you wish, Rika-san."

"Iie, just Rika, no san, I'm not important or anything. May I ask what your name is?"

The girl stopped, "You wish to know my name?"


"It is Mikikona, but you can call me Miki."

"That's a nice name."



"Do you understand now no da?"

"Yea, yea, I git it! Can we eat yet?"

Chichiri sighed, "I just explained why we wouldn't no da!"

"I know tha'! But I'm hungry!!" Tasuki complained leaning back in his chair.

Rika slid open the door, "Ohayoo! Gomen nasai, I got lost. This palace is so big and every direction looks the same." She took a seat across from Tasuki. "You directions weren't too helpful either Tasuki."

"What t'hell do ya mean? They were perfect directions!"

"You said to take a left, but Miki-chan said it was a right!"

Tasuki blinked, "Miki-chan?"

Rika nodded placing some food onto her plate, "Hai, she is my new friend. She's the one who helped me when I was lost."

"It's good to hear your making friends no da."

She smiled, "Hai, Miki-chan is really nice. She's going to show me around Konan today while she's running errands."

"Nani? Yer goin' into th' city?"

"Mmmhmm! I'm very excited, the last time I saw Konan was when I was running from Tasuki, but I didn't see much."

"Well if ya hadn' run off ya would've been able t'see Konan sooner."

"Yea well if you didn't look so scary I wouldn't have run away."

"Nani?! I do not look scary!"

"Yes you do."

"No I don't!"

Chichiri was getting dizzy from looking back and forth at them while they argued and decided to stop. He sighed and started eating.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you ready Rika-chan?"

Rika nodded, "Hai! I'm ready!"

"Good then let us leave now. The market can be really busy so stick close to me ok? If we get separated remember, just return to the palace and don't let anyone get a hold of you. Although that shouldn't be too much of a problem now."

"Yea, so lets get going."

The two girls headed off from the palace gates into the main city. Rika had been dressed in the palace servant's clothes to allow her to blend in better. Walking down the large crowded street Rika's eyes shined with delight at seeing all the small stands and where people were selling what looked like to be just about anything. The girls laughed and joked as they headed from one vendor to the next never realizing they were being followed.

"Rika-chan, shall we take a small break under that tree?"

"Hai, I'm starting to get a little tired."

They sat down on the cool grass and watched as people bustled by and small children ran chasing one another. Miki produced small bags of food for them and they munched upon while talking. Rika opened her mouth to speak when something collided with her head.

"Ow! Nani-?" she picked up the object and blinked, "A nut?" she turned her gaze up at the tree, her eyes widening. "YOU!" she jumped up and chucked the nut up into the tree where Tasuki proceeded to fall and hit the ground. Miki blinked, a little amazed and a little confused.

"What are you doing spying on us?"

Tasuki stood up rubbing his cheek where a small cut was. "Damn ya throw stuff hard an' I wasn' spyin' on ya's!"

"Then what were you doing up that tree Tasuki-san? Certainly you were not just relaxing in it."

"Maybe I was…"

Rika glared at him, "Pervert…"

"N-n-nani?! I am not a pervert!!"

"Then why have you been following us around? Hmm?"

"I was asked by Houki-sama t'keep an eye on ya's, tha's why!"

Miki stood up and walked over to Rika, standing next to her, "Houki-sama asked you to watch over us? For what reason?"

"I dunno, she didn' say. Jus' t'watch over ya two."

Rika shook her head smiling, "You could've just said that in the beginning and followed us around. There's no need to be so secretive Tasuki."

"Yea whatever…"

"Come Rika-chan, there are just two more errands that need to be completed. Then we can head back to the palace."

"Alright, sounds good to me."

They both started walking back into the crowded street when Rika looked behind her, "Are you coming Tasuki or are you just going to stand there?"

Tasuki muttered something and joined them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

"M'lady! M'lady!" a man yelled running down a dark corridor clutching a scroll of paper. He reached the entrance to a large room, but was stopped by two guards. "Let me through you ignorant fools! I have urgent words for m'lady!"

"Has she requested your presence?" The first guard asked.

"Iie, but I don't need it. Now let me pass!"

"I'm sorry, but her ladyship doesn't allow unruly beggars to just walk in without being called for." The second one said.

"Let him through…" A soft, cruel voice said.

The guards each stepped aside and the man walked into the room.

"M'lady I was asked to bring you this scroll." He bowed down holding it out before him.

Slowly a young woman stepped out from the shadows the throne. Her dark tan skin seemed to glow in the torches light. Several pins held her long dark hair blue hair up in an ornate bun and her golden eyes shined maliciously as they gazed upon the scroll in the man's hands. Her long delicate fingers clasped around the scroll and she opened it. As she read it an evil grin grew upon her face,

"So they have located him…" she looked down at the man still bowing before her, "I would like you to deliver a message for me to the person who gave this to you. Tell them that we will be moving out soon and I would wish to speak with them in person. Do you understand what is being asked of you?"

Her voice was like liquid stone, soft and hard at the same time. Any person to go against it would be crushed.

"Hai, m'lady!" the man said weakly.

"Good, you will not relay this message to anyone but the person who gave this scroll to you. If you let these words spill to the ground in front of anyone else I will have you lashed into nothing. Now go."

"Hai m'lady!" he said and dashed out of the room quickly.

The woman took her seat on the dark ornate throne and laughed softly.

"Soon… very soon I will have him and all the powers he posses… I can not wait til that moment comes, how I've longed for it so." She smiled down at the scroll, "He will be utterly clueless…"