Ghost Hunt Fan Fiction ❯ The Haunted School ❯ Verdedigers ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

They run out from the base to checked what happened. Behind the corner they saw Cat and Shannon. The second girl was dragged by something to the window, while Cat was trying to stand on her legs from the floor. Takigawa and Ayako started to spelling their chanted, but that didn't work and Shannon was very near the window. Mai run to Cat and helped her to stand. Before Lin could called his shiki, Mai saw that girl next to her rise her hand and said something in other language what sounds like “verdediging” . Than from her hand flied light ball and it hit the power, which was dragging Shannon. The girl hit floor. Cat sighed a little and closed her eyes. Takigawa went fast to Shannon and helped her to stand. Naru looked on the girl standing next to Mai, who looked shocked. `This case is becoming more interesting every minute' he thought. He was curious what was this power which used Cat, because it hadn't looked like psychic. He heard that some people has different abilities, but he had never met with this one before. He looked on Lin who shook his head silently. He didn't know about it either. Naru decided that he had to contact with Madoka. She should have some information about it.
“What is happening here?!”from behind the corner appeared principal, who wasn't looking very happy about screaming on corridor during lessons. Mai didn't see on his face curious about students health neither. “White-san, Hyuuga-san, what are you doing? Do you want to have next penalty?” he asked Cat furiously, who was little pale, but looked on him calmly.
“I didn't do anything, so why should I be punishment, Mabara-sensei?”
“Mabara-san” Ayako said before principal could answered “This girls was just attacked and they have to go to nurse office. It's quite stressful for them”
You want to talk with this with brown hair? It's very suspicious what she did” Gene said in Naru's head.
Of course I want, like everybody else here” Naru answered “But I think that principal shouldn't know about it”
Yeah, you've got right. It looks that he doesn'tlike her verymuch. Gene said, looking on scolding Cat principal and saying that she had to come back to class Why he even has grudges againsther?”
I don't know but I think that if she go to the nurse office, we would talk with her” Naru answered  But it looks like principal won'tlet hergowith us”
Leave it to me, Noll” Gene said and went to two brown haired girls.
Mabara was explaining now how to went to nurse office to Takigawa, who was holding unconscious Shannon. Gene stood behind Cat, and winked at Mai, who looked on him. When he was sure that Mabara wasn't looking at them, he suddenly bent one leg, so he kicked lightly Cat in back of her knee. She, don't expected it, lost her balance and fell on the ground. Before she hit the ground, Gene caught her.
“Oi, look out!” he said loudly, and the principal turned around to look what happened. He didn't saw surprise on girl's face because her hair was covering it. Mabara saw the girl who was passing out. Mai, who now knew what's going on, was leaning to the girl, like checking if she was alright. Gene was holding Cat by her waist.
“I think that both girls have to go to nurse office” Naru said “You don't want to make them hurt themselves on the stairs if they faint out, do you?” he asked principal, who was now little red on his face.
“Fine” he said “but then they have to come back to class”
The group went in the way which principal showed them. Takigawa was carrying Shannon, who was very pale, and Gene with Mai was still supporting Cat, like if she really was going to pass out. When the principal wasn't able to saw their anymore, Cat stopped, and the two leave her.
“Why did you do it?” she asked Gene
“You should be grateful that I helped you miss the lessons” he smiled to her
“Believe me, I'm not” she answered stubbornly
“We have to ask few questions” Naru said, looking at her “What did you do before, when your friend was attacked?”
“I don't know what are you talking about” she looked through the window. Mai looked at her. This girl really didn't want to talk about it. “Like now Shannon need to go to nurse, so if you don't mind…”
“Takigawa-san, Matsuzaki-san, take White-san to the nurse. We will meet in base.” Naru said to them.
“I'm going with them” Cat started to walk behind Takigawa and Ayako only to be stopped by Naru.
“No until you talk with us” he said in voice which always scared Mai.
“You aren't my boss, you can't order me” Cat glared at him.
“No, I'm not. But I always can go to the principal and he can order you. It's your decision.” He said calmly. Mai, Gene and Lin looked on Cat and they saw resignation on her face. She lost.
“Ok, but not here. I don't want anybody to hear about it.”