Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Fleeting Inspiration ❯ The Evils of the Ringing Phone ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fleeting Inspiration
by Anna Sartin

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Chapter Twenty-Two: The Evils of the Ringing Phone


So close... he was so close to Nirvanna he could almost weep. Eiri loved this feeling, the feeling of being so close to the edge of ecstasy that he knew nothing could keep him from the white heaven that awaited him. So close... If he could choose the manner of his death, the author decided, this would definitely be it. Buried deep within his partner, engulfed in pleasure. Shuichi panted and moaned underneath him, his face etched in what appeared to be concentration as he struggled to achieve his own release. Eiri forced himself to go faster as he assaulted younger male's prostate until a wail of completion let him know that his partner was finished. He let his own body follow suit. Heaven... 

The phone began to ring, but neither of the two men moved to answer it. It continued to ring for some time until finally Eiri separated himself from his mate and knocked the noisy contraption off the hook. He then rolled onto his stomach and fell sound asleep. Shuichi laughed softly, before rolling over to snuggle against the blond. He sighed contently. Heaven...

An annoying sound interrupted his serenity a minute later, and he realized it was coming from the phone. I don't wanna get up... He tried to ignore it for a few minutes, until he finally realized that he wasn't going to be able to sleep with that awful buzzing in his ear. I never realized the sound a phone makes when it's off the hook was so horrible...

He got up and unplugged the phone entirely, then debated rather or not to go back to bed. On one hand he loved snuggling with his partner, conscious or not. On the other hand he need to clean up the sticky mess his orgasm had produced all over his stomach and chest, and the kitchen also needed cleaning. Eiri's mood would turn sour fast if he walked in to get a cup of coffee and saw that the place was a disaster. Not wanting to ruin the day by pissing his lover off, Shuichi sighed and reached for his discarded clothes.

He tripped over something on his way to the kitchen, dropping the serving tray with Yuki's dishes on it.

What did I trip over? Is that Yuki's wallet? He picked the wallet up and examined it. Opening it revealed Mika Seguchi's driver's license. No, Mika-san's... Must have fallen out of her purse.

After picking up the mess in the living room he started on the kitchen. Cleaning the stove was first on his list but the fumes from the oven cleaner made him dizzy and the task went unfinished. He tried to mop the floor next and wound up twisting his ankle when he tripped over the bucket of water. Slowly he pulled himself into a sitting position and surveyed the damage. Water was all over the kitchen floor. He felt like he was sitting in a kiddie pool. He got up and managed to mop up about half the water when the room started spinning and he had to grab the counter to avoid hitting the floor. He managed to knock over the oven cleaner and two glasses in the process.

What's wrong with me?

He was just so tired. Plus the fumes from the oven cleaner were overpowering and his lungs were protesting the lack of fresh air. Finally he gave up went back to the bedroom, where he stripped off his wet clothes and joined his lover in bed. He would try cleaning later, hopefully his body would feel like cooperating then. He buried his face in the nape of his lover's neck and let the comforting scent of his partner lull him to sleep.

. . .

The couple slept until way after noon and both felt much better after waking up. The first thing they did was take a bath together, which resulted in another bout of lovemaking that caused most of the water in the bathtub to wind up all over the bathroom floor. The rest of the day was pure bliss in comparison to the trials and tribulations the two had suffered over the past week.

"This is how our vacation SHOULD have been," Eiri said later, as they lay together on what was left of the couch watching some stupid movie that neither of them were paying much attention to.

"I'm sorry about our vacation, Yuki," Shuichi said softly. "I really am. I never meant-"

"I know," Eiri cut him off. "It's all right, you don't have to keep apologizing. I was just saying that I wish we could have spent more time together that didn't involve hospitals, cops or random disasters."

"The day I got out of the hospital was nice..."

Eiri smiled faintly and pulled the pink-haired boy closer, but said nothing.

"What should we do for dinner?" Shuichi asked a few minutes later.

"I don't want to cook and I'm not leaving the house."

"I could cook."

"We just cleaned the kitchen. Let's get something delivered."

After their bath the couple had cleaned the apartment together. Eiri wound up doing most of the work since Shuichi couldn't move around properly on his injured ankle. When the singer explained that he'd hurt himself tripping over a bucket the author had laughed at him, calling the boy "an accident waiting to happen".

"What sounds good to eat?" Shuichi asked.

"I don't know."

"Beef bowls?"



"We just had that."


"I'm sick of Chinese. Besides, wasn't Chen's Eatery on the news a few weeks ago because somebody found a human finger in their won-ton soup?"

"Oh yeah... What about pizza? We haven't had that in a while."

"Fine." Eiri wasn't overly fond of it, but at least he wasn't bored with it.

The phone rang almost immediately when Shuichi plugged it in to order their dinner. It was Tatsuha.

"Why does our sister have the impression that you and I are in some kind of incestuous relationship?" the young monk asked when Shuichi handed Eiri the phone.

"She's crazy," Eiri answered, grinning smugly. "Probably gets it from the old man."

"Uh huh," Tatsuha responded, not sounding convinced. "She drove down here without telling anyone she was coming and barged in yelling about threesomes and prostitutes. Dad is STILL yelling at her!"

"He's yelling at HER?" Eiri asked, surprised. Mika was their father's golden child, his firstborn, the Perfect Daughter. He couldn't remember a time when she had ever been scolded, let alone yelled at.

"Apparently she got two traffic tickets on her way here," Tatsuha said, "She got pulled over for speeding and couldn't find her wallet, so she was fined for both speeding AND driving without a license. Seguchi-san will probably get it straightened out but Father's been lecturing her all day. She tried telling him a bunch of crazy shit about us having group sex or something and that pissed him off even more. He thinks she's losing it!"

Eiri actually laughed. For the first time in a long time he actually wished he was back in his family home in Kyoto. He would love to have been there to see it.

"What did you tell her?" Tatsuha asked suspiciously.

"What makes you think this is MY fault?" Eiri asked, trying to sound hurt. He found this to be a hard thing to accomplish while laughing one's ass off. The blond didn't laugh often and Shuichi was giving him strange looks.

"You told her something weird!" Tatsuha accused his sibling.

"Now why would I do that?"

"Why do you do ANYTHING?" Tatsuha exclaimed. "Remember the time you told her I was licking the dog? Dad had me in therapy for MONTHS!!! And it wasn't even true!"

Eiri laughed harder. His brother had been twelve (or was it thirteen?) at the time. Back then Mika and Tatsuha had both been bugging the shit out him, so he'd concocted the perfect scheme to get them both out of his hair for a while by redirecting his sister's mother hen complex to her other sibling. When Tatsuha found out that his Aniki had been the cause of their father forbidding him to be left unsupervised with the family pet the boy retaliated by stealing every piece of clothing his older brother owned one night while he was bathing and dumping everything into a neighbor's yard. The towels and bath robes had also mysteriously disappeared by the time Eiri got out of the bath (he suspected Tatsuha had locked them in his room) and when he got to his room he found that even his bedclothes had been taken. In the end he'd been forced to walk across the street butt-naked holding a pillow in front of himself to retrieve his belongings.

This had been the start of a back-and-forth game of revenge between them that lasted for several months. In a strange way Eiri missed it. The memories filled him with a warm sense of nostalgia and still made him laugh to this day. His personal favorite was the time Tatsuha dumped an entire bottle of hot sauce into his food and accidentally served the plate to their father. Watching the old man run around the room yelling that his mouth was on fire had been priceless.

"What's so damn funny?" Tatsuha demanded on the other end of the line.

"Nothing," Eiri answered. His sides hurt from laughing. "You should know by now that when Mika's in Kyoto she's your problem. You deal with it." He hung up the phone and told Shuichi hurry and order their food, so he could disconnect it again.

. . .

Of course The Book came back.

The person delivering the pizza was a polite young man who believed that someone had accidentally dropped Four Gay Elves on their way in the door. Eiri's left eye twitched at the sight of it but he found that he was starting to build up a resistance to it. He wasn't surprised in the least to have it returned to him. In fact, in his secret heart he'd known it would only be a matter of time before it was in his possession again. The wretched thing seemed to be stuck on him like a fly on shit. Therefore, he managed to remain calm and not scream like a madman while Shuichi thanked the delivery man for his consideration and paid for the food.

"What should we do with it, Yuki?" Shuichi asked, shutting the door after the man had gone. He decided to keep a safe distance away from his volatile lover in case the blond snapped.

The author stared at it for a moment. "Fuck it," he said finally, throwing it over his shoulder. "Let's eat."


~End chapter twenty-two~