Groove Adventure Rave Fan Fiction ❯ Groove Adventure Rave: A Very Groovy Christmas ❯ Sing Your Heart ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Groove Adventure Rave: A Very Groovy Christmas
By Adam Carr

Groove Adventure Rave and all related names are copyright of Kodansha and Konami.
No infringement is intended

There's a lot of songs in this chapter, and I own none of them. Can you figure out who sang them originally?
Again, some moderate swearing, and lots of drunk anime characters. Also, a bit of angst for Let and Seria.
Enjoy, review, and prey I can finish this sucker before Christmas.

Haru led the tall man into the living room. Cattleya and Elie came over.
"Haru, who's this?"
"The poor guy was outside the door. He looked freezing. Sis, you don't mind…"
"Well of course, but…" Cattleya began.
"Great! Another guest!" Elie cried. She showed the tramp toward the food table. "You can get something here mister…."
"Er…… Oggy. Just call me Oggy." The tramp said gruffly. "Listen, thank you very much."
"Oh it's no worry. I enjoy spreading the Christmas joy." She replied jovially. "You just relax and enjoy yourself."
She ran off, leaving Ogre to survey the room. Looking round, he wasn't sure if he should feel lucky of afraid. Just about all of the Rave Master's allies were here. The Silversmith. The Dragon warrior. That frigging mermaid…. He could take them out in one fell swoop. But if he was recognised….
He picked up a meat roll from the table, smiling slightly. As long as he remained cool and maintained the disguise, he'd be alright. But first he'd enjoy the party. Might as well have some fun…
"Poyo! Those are my rolls, biyatch!"
Ogre turned around to see the penguin, wearing a zebra-striped suit.
"Oh really? I don't see your name on them." He taunted.
"Don't be playin' with me son, poyo! I see you touch my rolls again, your airbags might as well be douchebags, cause I'll blow some serious caps in yo' ass!"
Ogre blinked. "What the hell did you say?"
"I'm saying, I'll drop the bomb, old school! Poyo!"
"Say what again, poyo! I dare you! I double dare you…"
Elie came over, carrying a bowl of fruit punch. "Ruby, stop bothering Oggy and let him have some food. And cut out that gangsta talk."
Ruby bowed. "Sorry." He slumped off.
"He wasn't bothering you was he?"
"Nah, no really." Ogre was surprised by the amount of respect the girl was giving him. If only she knew…. He noticed that her face was flushed, and she seemed slightly shaky on her feet.
"Boy, you look ill." He said, not really caring, but wanting to maintain his disguise.
She thumped the punch bowl on the table. "Everyone is saying that! Okay, I'm a bit warm, but it doesn't mean I'm sick."
"Sorry!" Ogre flinched, genuinely nervous as he remembered the beating she'd given him the last time they met.
"Oh it's okay." She smiled. "Well, you enjoy yourself, `kay?"
Ogre nodded, and watched her bounce off. He scowled. That sort of overly cheery attitude was just what he hated about this month.
"Just you wait…" He growled.

"So…. What have you been doing with yourself?" Seria asked. Let couldn't help but notice the nervous timbre in her voice.
"Well, various things. I've been continuing with my training, regaining some ties with my family, and right now, I'm making plans to open a Dojo somewhere."
The mermaid gave him a look of confusion, a face he's seen often whenever she didn't understand a term from the human world. It was rather cute. "Do…jo?"
"It's a place where you learn martial arts. Basically, it's a large hall with a practice space and lots of equipment so you can learn martial arts."
"Oh. You want to teach your martial arts?"
"Yes. I feel others could benefit from it. I would enjoy it if someone where to aspire to greater things thanks to knowing how to fight."
"As long as they don't turn into another Jegan." Her face registered horror. "Oh no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean…."
"I know you didn't." He reassured. "It's alright."
"No it isn't! I have no right to speak about your past like that. You're a warrior. You deserve respect."
Let smiled slightly. It was touching the way she felt sorry about her mistakes. She never wanted to lose a friend's approval.
"Please. Let it go." He just said, not wanting to breach the subject further. "And I'm hardly what you would call a warrior."
She looked at him tenderly. "I hate it when you do that."
"Do what?"
Seria shuffled closer to him, and pulled her tail up so she now lay across the couch. She leaned against Let, wanting him to feel some warm contact.
"I hate the way you put yourself down. I know you did some bad things before you met Haru. But you've gotten beyond them. You're a much better person that who you say you are."
Let stared at her eyes. The calm blue orbs looking at him seemed so intense. He felt nervous at this adoration, the way she said things he felt weren't entirely true. And yet, the intimate contact felt nice.
"I'm not too sure about that." He replied.
"You are. Trust me.." She placed her head on his shoulder.
He then jumped up abruptly, causing Seria to fall onto her back.
"Er.. I think I'll see what Haru's up to."
He walked quickly away, leaving a confused Seria.
"Is he… scared of me?"

Nearby, Elie had watched the entire scene.
"Getting a bit snuggly with Seria, are we?" She smiled. She would have to watch these two carefully, to see if something did develop.
Still feeling shaky, she walked off to the kitchen to chat with Remi.

"Okay! More drinks are here." Cattleya called. She gestured toward the cans of soft drink, and pitchers of smoothies and fruit punch. Griff hopped up to the table.
"Griff, would you like a glass of fruit punch?"
"Fruit punch? Fruit ****ing PUNCH?!!" Griff bellowed, still in full rocker mode. "I'm Ozzy Osbourne! The ****ing Prince of Darkness!
I'm pure evil! And pure evil, does not drink wussy ****ing fruit punch!"
Cattleya got straight into his face with a look that could kill. "You going to calm down and at least TRY some?" She growled.
"Yes miss." Griff squeaked. The blob was now quivering. As Cattleya gave him a glass, the contents shook from his hand. He sipped the drink, then smiled.
"Hey, this isn't half bad." He swigged the drink with great gusto, then filled up another. "In fact, this is ****ing great!"
"Thank Elie. It's her recipe."
Within minutes, just about everyone had a drink in their hand. Haru spotted his male friends chatting in a corner. He walked over to see Musica, Matesu and Ethan talking.
"…I knew it was a mistake letting Griff see that show." Musica was speaking. "I swear, he worships that rocker guy more than he did Plue."
The small group laughed. Then Let came up to them.
"Let! Hey, you tried the punch? It's really good." Haru said cheerily.
"No thank you. You never know what's been put in those things." He said in his usual tone.
"Elie-chan says its just stuff from the supermarket."
"I meant alcohol."
Haru blinked. "No way! There's no alcohol in here." He sipped it gingerly. "I think."
"All the same, I'll pass. I can't stand putting alcohol in my body."
"You're missing out." Musica smiled.
Let would normally form a rebuttal at the cocky silver master, but right now, his thoughts were jumbled.
Julia…. Seria… alike in so many ways….
"You okay? You're zoning out there." He heard Matesu say. He returned to reality and focused on the brown haired man in the knight armour.
"Ah… sorry. You were saying?"
Haru blinked in slight astonishment. As long as he'd known Let, the Dragon Man's attention never wavered from anything. He always observed everything with complete focus. Why was he getting distracted now? He stared at his drink. Maybe there was something in this stuff.
Let now spoke to Matesu. "I'm afraid I don't remember you. How did you come to know Haru?" He directed this toward Ethan as well.
Matesu smiled. "Well, it was shortly before he, Elie and Musica had reached Rabarrier and faced King. He'd come into my shop asking for a repair on his sword, and I taught him a few things about using Elemental magic. Next thing I know, me and Kiriko are following him to get rid of all the Demon Card commanders there."
"You're a sword smith?"
Matesu grinned proudly. "Yep. And if I may say so, I hold I very good candle to Musica."
"You? HAH!" Musica laughed. "You couldn't hold a candle to my Grandfather! And he's the biggest drunk you'll ever meet."
"Oh yeah?" Matesu retorted. "Well…. At least I'm not dressed as a mouse!"
"I'm a hamster." Musica growled. "And I didn't pick this. Cattleya did."
"Whhh-kisssh! Whhh-kissssh"
Kiriko appeared behind the swordsmith. "Bragging again, are we Matesu?"
He jumped and blushed as realised how close she was. "Er… no! Not at all."
"Oh okay." She smiled. "I hope he's not annoying you."
She slinked off, and Matesu watched her while the others snickered.
"Oh shut up! Like you've never fallen for a woman's wiles before."
Let went quiet at that. It had only happened once to him.
And right now, despite the fact he wanted to change, the old fears came back. That if he were to love again, he'd only cause hurt…
"You're doing it again."
Let shook his head and focused on Ethan. "Er… how did you meet?"
"Haru saved me after I'd been captured by Demon Card." The man stared up in remembrance. "They were planning to steal my magic. But Haru had teamed up with Angela and helped me escape. And he did quite well, considering he had lost the Eisonmeteor and had to use my sword."
"Must had been unpleasant, being held captive." Let commented.
"Wasn't too bad. At least. Until they placed me in some machine to extract my magic. The pain was unimaginable."
"Can't have been as bad as being poisoned by a scorpion." Matesu scoffed.
"Can't have been as bad as being ripped apart by Doryu." Musica shuddered. Matesu glared at him.
"Can't have been as bad as being stabbed by a Dark Bring powered sword." Haru spoke.
"At least you didn't lose her." Let muttered.
"Angela. If she had gone… I assure you, you would have been begging for death."
All eyes looked at him, but he said nothing more, and retreated slightly.
"What's with him?" Matesu asked.
"His girlfriend was killed by the Demon Card." Haru said sadly.
"Man that's a shame. I see what he meant."
"I know." Haru shook slightly from the thought. "If I were to lose Elie-chan…. I don't think I could stand it."
Ethan nodded sombely. Angela then appeared. Ethan held her tight to his side.
"Hey, what's that for? Not that I mind…" She grinned.
Ethan just gave a small smile. "Oh no reason. I just love you, that's all."
"Fine with me." She planted a kiss on his lips.
"That's disturbing." Musica laughed, observing their costumes.
"Oh, and a hamster isn't?" Angela retorted.
Haru looked at Let. For the first time ever, he looked seriously lonely.
"He really needs a girlfriend."

"So, you do much singing?" Elie sat on the armrest of the couch where the three carol singers sat. They hadn't given any names, but she didn't want to pry too much.
"Oh yeah…. We er… go all over the place!" Kobun A spoke nervously. None of the other hosts of the parties they had robbed had been so questioning.
"Yep. Rabarrier, Ska, Hip Hop city…. Uh, that one place… you lnow." Kobun B directed to his colleagues. "The place with the sluts on every street."
"Sluts?" Elie questioned.
"Slots! Yes slots!" Aniki hastily answered. "The place with the slot machines on every street! And casinos! Ocean City!"
"Oh yeah!" Elie smiled. "I would love to go there."
"I hear they have gigalos too…." Kobun B was stopped by Aniki's fist in his mouth.
Elie didn't notice. "The casino's there must be great." She sighed and leaned against the backrest. "But you know what I'd really like to do there?"
"No." All three answered in unison.
"Singing. I've gotten into singing and perform at a local club." (see my other story, Elie's Secret.) She gave a small smile. "But to sing in a place like Ocean City, with all the lights, glamour, a massive audience watching…"
Her eyes widened, and she hopped off the couch, landing shakily. "That reminds me. I have to start the Karaoke competition."
She walked about a few steps, then looked back at the three. "You will sing a song, won't you?" She batted her eyes.
"Er… sure!" Replied three flustered thieves.
Elie glided off, leaving Aniki to whack Kobun B on the head.
"You idiot! You almost blew our cover!" He than hit Kobun A.
"OW! What did I do?"
"Nothing. I just like symmetry." Aniki scowled. "Alright, this karaoke thing should give us the best cover. I'll do a song, then you two sneak up."
"Ooooh Goody! This oughta be fun!" Kobun A grinned.
"You mean the karaoke, or the robbery?" Kobun B asked.
"Well, both have their merits, but the robbery has the better adrenaline rush…."
"But singing to a crowd, that must rock…"
Aniki drowned the two's talk out and focused on the girl in the red dress. Or rather, focused on her butt. A sly grin formed.
But he had the strangest feeling, he'd seen this girl somewhere before…

Elie wheeled out a small box into the corner of the room. Cattleya and a few others watched as she pressed a few buttons on the side.
"What's this?"
Elie gave her usual grin, even though she looked more tired than ever. "The karaoke machine of course."
"Doesn't look like one to me." Commented Solacido.
Elie continued smiling, and pressed a final button. She stepped back, and suddenly, the box began to unfold, like a large, intricate puzzle. Slots fitted, parts extended, and after a few minutes, a small stage, complete with large spotlights and speakers extending from the back, a small computer with autocue screen and a microphone on it's small stand were standing in the corner.
"That is sweet!" Remi gasped.
"How much did this cost?" Cattleya goggled.
Elie stepped onto the stage, and grabbed the microphone.
"HIIIIIIII EVERYONE!!! Welcome to the Glory Christmas party Karaoke fest! We aim to please with a dazzling array of high-energy songs and seasonal hits!"
Cattleya sauntered up. "Correction Elie dear. I'll be doing the dazzling. You'll just be giving the boys a nice seasonal strip-tease."
Elie just gave a cunning smile. The two were equally as good as each other, but they both liked to put on this rivalry act just for fun.. and to annoy Haru and Musica.
"Well then Catt-chan, how about we hold a little contest?"
"No, her idea was better! Take it off!" Griff hollered from the back.
Elie ignored the call. "We'll select some judges and they'll decide who has the best voice."
"Sounds fair. Now, who would like to be a judge?"
Haru and Musica stepped forward.
"..who isn't out to win our favour so they can get some action in bed tonight?"
Haru and Musica sat down, with everyone laughing.
"I'll do it!" Remi called, stepping forward.
"Yeaaaaah! Ruby waddled over shakily. "I'll doooo it, pooooooyoooo."
Musica's brows raised. "You okay man?"
"I'm fine. There's a party in my mouth and everyone's invited. Poyo." The penguin slurred.
"One more needed."
To everyone's surprise, Let stepped forward. "I guess I might as well." He sat down next to Ruby and Remi.
Cattleya gestured to the stage. "You first Elie."
Elie stepped up, her eyes on Haru. She selected her song from the console. The music began. Holding the mike to her mouth, her voice came out low and sultry.

"Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, For me.
I've been an awful good girl,
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight."

"Santa baby, a drop top c-o-k too, Light blue.
I'll wait up for you dear,
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight."

"Think of all the fun I've missed,
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed,
Next year I could be oh, so good,
If you'd check off my Christmas list,
Boo doo bee doo."

As she sang, Elie slinked toward Haru, and ran a hand down his chest seductively. He trembled from the soft touch. She gave him a sly smile… then slinked over to Ruby and did the same thing. The penguin gave the goofiest grin ever.

"Santa honey, I wanna yacht,
And really that's not a lot,
I've been an angel all year,
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight."

"Santa cutie, there's one thing that I really need, The deed.
To a plex of my hand,
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight."

"Santa baby, fill my stocking with a rolex, And checks.
Sign your 'X' on the line,
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight."

"Come and trim my Christmas tree,
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's,
I really do believe in you,
Let's see if you believe in me,
Boo doo bee doo. "

"Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, A ring.
I don't mean on the phone,
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight,
Hurry down the chimney tonight,
Hurry down the chimney tonight"

The music ended, and everyone gave a veritable uproar, apart from Let, who just gave a small smile.
Ogre gave a sound applause, then remembered who he was doing it for, and stopped immediately.
Haru stepped up and took Elie in a passionate embrace. They were like that for several minutes, before Musica called out" Hey Romeo! Stop stalling my girl!"
The Rave Master spun round and glared at Musica. "That's my sister you're talking about."
Elie sighed.
"That was fantastic! Very sexy!" Remi called.
"Yeah, poyo, and I'll give you a good grade, cause Haru'll kill me if I don't." Ruby slurred again.
"Exemplary." Let simply said.
Cattleya took the mike. "You ain't seen nothing yet! Now I'll show you why they call me the Queen of Karaoke here."
She selected her song. "1,2,3,4!"

"The train's gone and I am standing alone.
I think of you; I wonder if you think of me too.
I'm back to the town that I was born in
to think of my life and to start it over with you."

"Cause you know we've been in a maze of love
and we are losing control to get away.
Here I am walking on a hill in this town.
I gave my childhood that seems like yesterday"

"If you were here with me
you could feel the way I do now.
If you were here with me
you could see what I am looking for now."

Cattleya swayed in a blur, her hips moving in a mesmerising rhythm. Haru kept his eyes on anyone who seemed to be looking too closely.

"Cause you know we've been in a maze of love
and we are losing control to get away.
Here I am walking on a hill in this town.
I gave my childhood that seems like yesterday"

"If you were here with me
you could feel the way I do now.
If you were here with me
you could see what I am looking for now."

As the music finished, another round of applause and wolf whistles where heard. Again, Ogre found himself clapping. He sat on his hands. What was wrong with him?
"That's my girl!" Musica cheered.
"That was excellent! You should make a career out of this."
"Poyooooo! I mark you highly as well, since you're Haru's sister, and he'd kill me otherwise."
"You're an excellent dancer, Cattleya." Let said.
Cattleya blushed from the attention. The three judges conferred for a few moments.
"Okay. The winner is…" Remi began.
All eyes turned to the caller. Seria stood nervously in the crowd.
"Can…. Can I try?"
Elie was puzzled. Seria hadn't had any interest in singing before. Still, a new challenge would be welcome.
"Sure thing. Get up here."
Seria walked up, casting a hopeful look at Let for a second before standing on the stage. Cattleya gave her the mike, and Elie showed her how to select a song. Then the two stepped back to listen.
Seria stood shivering for a few minutes, until finally, she gathered her courage. She pressed START on the console.
No backing music came out, but Seria was able to follow the words on the screen.

"If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all"

"I never know what the future brings
But I know you are here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with"

"I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?"

"If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you by my side?"

"I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life"

"I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?"

Everyone watched and listened, utterly transfixed. The voice that glided from the slim mermaid's mouth was a hollow, echoing voice, yet at the same time, it sounded completely musical and harmonious. Just by listening, you could feel heartfelt emotion in that voice.
All eyes were on her, but Let seemed to be staring ever closer, as if seeing her for the first time.
She looked totally ethereal, her hair swaying as she sang. If he concentrated, he could imagine it was back to it's original blue colour. Her eyes shone brightly, and were focused only on him. He couldn't quite understand that.
He'd heard the old story that mermaids lured sailors to the rocks with their singing. Now one facet of that legend appeared to be true. The more she sang, the more he focused on her, and began to think about her, and the time she had spent with them while hunting for Rave. Her happy attitude, her brave and selfless determination, and that adorable innocence. He blinked. When the hell had he ever thought of the word innocence?
Somehow, she seemed to make it okay to say so.

`Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
`Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
And know my heart is by your side

I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms….

Seria finished, and looked around. Everyone seemed to be stunned by her performance, they looked in silence and awe.
Then, a massive uproar was heard, as applause than could bring the roof down rang out. Seria looked rather surprised. She hadn't expected everyone to like it.
She looked at Let, who had a look of awe on his normally passive face.
She'd only done it for him.
Elie and Cattleya stepped closer. The mermaid was surprised to see the two with tears in their eyes.
"Seria…. That was beautiful." Elie whispered.
"Yeah…. We're not worthy." Cattleya breathed.
Seria just shrugged. "I just tried my best."
"WAHHHHHHHH!!! Th..that was the b..b… ever!" Ruby was blubbering. "She wins!"
"Ditto!" Remi wailed.
Let stepped closer to her. Immediately, her heart started pounding.
"You sang very well." He said. "I was moved by it."
"R-really? You liked it?" She stammered.
"You won didn't you?" He gave a small smile, then walked off.
Seria watched him go with a look of longing. She stepped off the stage, a giddy grin on her face.
Elie and Cattleya watched her. "Boy, she must be really happy she won."
Elie smiled. "Maybe."
Griff jumped onto the stage, selected a song, and grabbed the mike, which he proceeded to yell into.
"Alright you tarts, LISTEN UP! It's time for some real music. No more of that girly crap! From now on, It's gonna get HEAVY!!! BRING IT!!!"
Griff began to headbang to the backing music. Musica grabbed his necklace, and with a thought, transformed it into a long, curved cane. As Griff opened his mouth, he hooked the blob and yanked him of the stage.
Everyone sighed relief.
"Communists! I'm being held back by the man!" Yelled Griff as he pulled himself upright from his rough landing.
He was met by the stern stares of Haru, Elie and Musica.
"Errrr. You know, my throat hurts suddenly. I think I'll have a drink." He shuffled over to the drinks table very quickly.

Ogre sniggered at the penguin as he hopped about on the stage, rapping the latest hip-hop track. It was damn amusing to see the little twerp make a fool of himself. He hadn't laughed so much in ages.

"We doin' big pimpin, we spendin' cheese, poyo.
Big pimpin' On B.L.A.P.'s, poyo.
We doin' big pimpin' up in NYC, poyo
It's just that Jigga-man, Pimp-C and B.U.N.B, poyo"

He couldn't quite remember when he'd laughed so loudly, at something that wasn't an Onigami operation or torture session. These parties were better than he remembered…
Wait a minute. He wasn't meant to be enjoying this. This stupid holiday, with everyone acting like complete dross heads. He hated it.
His face resumed the scowl he'd been wearing all evening, and he glanced at the glass of punch in his hand. Maybe there was something in this stuff to account to his odd behavior.
"Are you okay Oggy?" A soft voice spoke next to him. He looked around to see Elie standing nearby. Her face looked redder than ever, and she appeared to be sweating slightly.
"Er, fine." He replied. He was too far into this to blow his cover now. He had to be careful.
"You don't look it. I'd say you aren't enjoying yourself." She sat next to him "What's the matter?"
"Shouldn't you be trying to get your boyfriend's rocks off or something?" He gruffly replied.
"Oh he can wait until tonight for that." She giggled. "But right now, what can I do to cheer you up?"
"How about you abolish Christmas?"
She stared at him "What? What have you got against Christmas?"
"Oh come on!" He felt glad he had an outlet to bear his burden on, even if she was the enemy. "Every year, people turn into complete sappy idiots, spend loads of money on crap, get all chummy with each other…. Doesn't it annoy the hell out of you?"
Elie looked at him, a confused look on her face.
"I mean, you're running yourself ragged running a party for some stupid holiday. I bet half the people only came here for the booze. And really, what's the point if it all goes away until next year?"
Elie clasped her hands. "Maybe you don't like Christmas, but that's your opinion. But it means different things to different people."
A saddened look cast her eyes. "I can remember…. Spending Christmas with my parents. It was so nice. The one time we could forget about the troubles of the world and just enjoy ourselves." She sniffed slightly. "My parents are gone now."
Ogre shifted uncomfortably. Suddenly, he felt rather guilty.
"But I have Haru-maki now. And I've got Musica, Griff, Let, Seria… they're my family now. And that's why I wanted this to be special. So I can forget about the world for a while and just enjoy being with them."
She wiped her eyes. "Maybe that's why you're not so hot on Christmas. Don't you have family or friends to spend it with?"
Ogre sighed. True, Onigami had been like a family to him. But now they were gone….
"Oh that's so sad." Unexpectedly, she hugged his arm "Well don't worry. We'll be your friends, okay?"
Ogre flinched. This felt totally alien to him.
"Er… thank you."
She smiled. "It's all right."
Then Haru came over. "Hey Elie-chan. Can I see you for a minute?"
"Gotta run. Enjoy yourself Oggy!" She scampered off after Haru.
Ogre stared into space. Half his attention was thinking that he really did miss his old friends. Was that why he was in a bad mood .
The other half was casting curses on the Rave Master for destroying his old friends.
"Not long now…" He murmured, patting his jacket.

"Here you go Remi. Try this." Musica handed the girl a mini-club sandwich, the last one. The others had been quickly pilfered by the other guests.
She rapidly popped it in her mouth, and smiled with delight. "These are lovely Musica. Miss Cattleya is a great cook."
"Yeah, I know."
"I was kinda surprised when I saw her. I thought she'd be tough like Haru, seeing as Mr Gale was her dad."
"I was certainly surprised when I first met her." He grinned. "They way Haru went on about her, I thought she was some old spinster." He laughed.
He then looked nervously around. "You never heard that, right?"
Remi nodded, then frowned as she saw Solacido come up behind Musica, grab his shoulder and spin him around to face him.
"Getting a bit close for comfort, aren't you?" He snarled.
"Brother, let it go. We were just talking." Remi sighed.
Solacido eyed the Silver Master up and down. "Funny. I thought you would be getting close with Cattleya. Dumping her already?"
Musica remained calm. "You know what you would be called if I shoved my staff up your ass?"
"No, what?"
"We'll never know. There's a huge stick up there already."
Solacido grinned. "You know a lot about the male rear end, don't you?"
"Why you little…."
Remi placed herself between them. "ENOUGH!!! I'M SICK OF YOU TWO FIGHTING!"
The two looked at her, feeling guilty.
"Fine." Musica huffed. "I'll talk to Cattleya, the woman I LOVE. Won't offend you will it?"
"Fine with me."
Musica stomped off toward the drinks table, leaving Remi to glare at her brother. "Can't you ever leave him alone? He's not trying to seduce me!"
"We'll see. I'll catch that creep out sooner or later…." He mumbled as he walked off.

Musica walked up to the drinks table, where Haru, Elie and Cattleya were huddled together. He reached from behind and closed his arms around Cattleya.
"Man, that Solacido is such an ass…" He noticed the others were staring at the table. He followed their gaze and gasped.
Plue was stumbling around on the table, bumping into several objects in his path before falling off the edge of the table. Griff was slumped against the leg, and Ruby was sitting down, looking at his flippers in rapt attention.
"Fifty men all lost at sea, all of them drunk except for me! `Twas I who had to face the storm…" Griff sung tunelessly.
"Guys! You gotta check this out!" Ruby cried out. "My flippers are huge! They can touch everything but each other!"
He clapped them together. "Oh right."
Matesu suddenly appeared, a goofy grin on his face. "Hey Elie! I never noticed this before, but you're dead sexy!"
He leered at Haru. "In fact, Haru, you look dead sexy too!"
"What about me?" Griff asked.
"Dead sexy!"
Matesu stumbled off, leaving a confused Haru. "Is he drunk?"
"Yes." Sighed Cattleya. She faced Elie. "Did you put something in that punch?"
Elie wiped her hot brow. "Well, just a bit of vodka. But just what the recipe told me to!"
"How much was that?"
"I promise you Catt-chan, I followed the recipe perfectly. It told me to put six tablespoons in."
Cattleya almost fainted. "SIX?!! That's like half a bottle!"
Haru frowned. "Did the recipe say six tablespoons or teaspoons?
Elie thought for a second. "Er… it said tsp. Is that tablespoons?"
"No, that's teaspoons."
"OOOHHHH NO!" She cried. "My party!"
Haru held her. "Relax. We'll just have to make sure everyone behaves themselves. It'll be okay Elie-chan."
He felt pleased when he saw her smile. "Now lets get these guys sobered up."
"Are you kidding?" Musica was watching Griff dance on Ruby's head. "This is the best floor show I've ever seen."
Elie sighed and walked off into the crowd, planning to grab all the punch. Haru ran after her and caught her arm.
Looking at her, he could see she was sweating, and her breath was slightly ragged.
"Elie-chan, don't be mad, but you really need to rest. You don't look well." He said tenderly.
She responded by leaning her head on his chest. "I am feeling a little down. But I have to look after the guests. I have to…"
Her eyes shot open and she bolted upright. "Oh my God!"
"What? What?" Haru scanned the area, then saw what Elie was looking at. His jaw dropped.
It was Seria… and she was holding Let in a very sensual way…

"Let…" The Dragon man heard the soft voice behind him, and turned to find Seria, standing uneasily behind him. He stepped closer to her, wondering if something was bothering her.
"Let… I..I just wanted to thank you for letting me win that singing contest."
He smiled. "Think nothing of it. It was really you who decided it for you."
She stepped closer to him, and reached out and held his arm. She raised it so the hand was touching her chin. Let made no move to stop her, his mind was wondering what she was doing.
She stroked the length of his arm, her touch feeling sensual even through the leather coat. He was enjoying the sensation. It was one he hadn't felt in a long time.
"That's what I like about you Let." She spoke softly. "You always say your mind, if you know it will make someone feel better."
Let's eyes widened. Was she… coming on to him? The idea that Seria wanted him sounded ludicrous, and yet…. He felt this was something he wanted. To be close to another.
"But you never tell anyone what you need to make yourself feel better."
Seria's arm crept behind him and wrapped around his waist. His chest was touching hers now.
Suddenly, that awful memory flashed in his mind.
Of Julia, and how he had failed her.
"And I think… you need someone…"
They stood there together for several minutes, before Let made his decision. He pulled away from her hold. She looked at him in confusion.
"Seria…" He spoke quietly. "Please, I know what you're trying to do, but you're wasting your time."
She gasped, tears already forming in her eyes.
From nearby, Haru and Elie watched in shock.
"You… you shouldn't waste your time on me. Go find someone else. Someone more deserving of you."
Tears dropped from the mermaid's eyes, and she turned and ran. Sobbing, she ran into the kitchen.
"Dammit…" He breathed. He hadn't wanted her to take it that badly. But it would be better….
A hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. Haru and Elie glared angily.
"Let, you asshole!" Elie shouted. "How could you do that to her?"
"I didn't want to, but its best for her."
Elie shook with anger. "I'll going to calm her down. Haru, straighten this idiot out!"
She ran off, leaving him alone with the Rave Master. Haru's glare softened.
"I don't get it Let. Why don't you like Seria?"

Oblivious to this, Musica was laughing at Ruby's impromptu dancing act. Maybe he'd take him and Griff out on the town for a laugh.
He glanced behind him. Haru was talking sternly to Let, and Matesu and Ethan seemed to be getting into an argument.
Just then, someone touched his arm. He saw that Cattleya had appeared, with a small grin on her face.
"Hey babe. What's up?"
"Please come upstairs Hamlio." She said softly. "I want to give you my present."