Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ G Gundam Wing ❯ Dilapidations and Assassinations ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The creations of G Gundam and Gundam Wing are property of Bandai. Beginning synopsis taken from G Gundam Technical Manual. I do not own them so please don't sue me.

~Story and original characters created and written by NeoSaturn

Co written by BlizzardAngel~

Story also at: (forums)

Thoughts are in '' and/or Italics

~~*~~ means new setting

Synopsis: It is the Future Century 60, disputes between nations are settled not by war, but by organized tournaments between giant Mobile Fighters, called Gundams. The 13th Gundam Tournament is the most anticipated yet, with every colony eager to unveil its latest Fighter to the world. But something is amiss at this year's competition. Unidentified gundams appear and attack unsuspecting Gundam Fighters. Who are these gundams that have appeared suddenly? Only time will tell…

G Gundam Wing

Chapter Four

Dilapidations and Assassinations

The water was cold during the night of a bright, full moon. There was a cool breeze across the Mediterranean Sea, slightly ruffling the damp blonde hair of the unconscious woman in the water. She had been in the water since the gundam incident, which was a few hours earlier. She was kept afloat by the safety mechanism in her flight suit.

A sudden wave jerked her body and splashed water over her face, moving her blonde pigtail away from her name tag that read, 'Po, S.' It was Sally floating in the middle of the sea, getting shined down on by the ever luminous moon.

Her breath hitched and eyes opened slightly. She did not know where she was nor what was happening. All she could hear was a muffled chop-chop-chop sound that was drawing nearer. Her vision was blurry, supplying her a setting that was dark but she could not help but search instinctively for him. Suddenly, all she could see was a bright light. Sally took in a deep breath as she saw him and his large blue eyes, with his small smile that he only showed around her.

Sally stared at him and mouthed his name but he was growing further away from her.

"N-no…" Sally's voice rasped. "A-An…dy"

She slowly lifted her hand and reached for him, trying to get a hold of him so he wouldn't go any further but he was too far from her grasp. She could not grab on to him and something began aching in her chest. When Sally couldn't see him anymore a powerful pain in her heart spiked so high, she blacked out. Then a hand dragged her over and lifted her up into a basket to ascend to the helicopter that was over head, shining a light down on them. ~~*~~

Sally was lying down on a bed in the base's infirmary. The first thing she realized was that she had a very bad headache but refrained from groaning out loud. She was too weak to even do that but there was something else in the room with her. She could hear them. Sally forced her eyes opened, not fully but enough to blink several times and see a man in a long white jacket talking to an older man with dark grayish hair, and a face that was aging nicely. He was still a handsome man but the state he was in now was stressed as she noticed dark circles beneath his worried eyes.… 'Mikhail.' She thought, immediately recognizing the man and his gruff voice. Their voices were soft but she could still hear them.

"Ms. Po is going to be fine. Like I said before, we must run several tests on her to see how bad her concussion is but I truly think that Ms. Po is a strong woman. I don't think it is severe."

Sally blinked again, refocusing on Mikhail as he let out a breath of relief.

"That's great news but when do you think that she is going to come to? It's been some hours now and I'm getting really worried. You don't think that she could be in a possible coma, do you?"

"No, she is not, I assure you. The field agent said that she had been conscious in the water when they came to rescue her, but she was still very weak then from floating in the cold water for all that time. Should I be expecting any more survivors?" The doctor questioned seriously.

There was a slight pause and Sally watched as Mikhail glanced down and answered with a hurtful but too the point 'No'.

But that was all she heard as she squeezed her eyes shut and fell willingly into unconsciousness.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry. I will come and check up on Ms. Po later." The doctor walked out of the room while Mikhail stared at the shut door of the room for a moment before his eyes adverted to the woman on the bed. He took a few steps toward her and ended up by her side and reached his hand out to touch her own.

"He will pay for our friends, Sally. I promise you." ~~*~~

A city once full of prosper and life has now dwindled down to filth, a lowly city of abandonment. A place where gangs rule the territory and thugs walk the streets. New York had been a battle field for many intense gundam matches that destroyed buildings and broke the streets. It put many people out of homes that now roamed the streets in rags for clothing, in dilapidated homes and with food so scarce. Rain saw it all.

She and Domon had arrived to New York the evening before and had stayed in a city miles away from this one they had just arrived in. It was a sight that she almost did not want to see. Homeless people were everywhere, occupying these buildings that were barely standing and the rubble in the street could almost make someone trip or twist their ankle. She was almost a victim to that fate if it wasn't for Domon's quick reflexes.

As they walked further into the city, she noticed up ahead that there was a group of children playing, tossing a can between them but that wasn't all. The rest of their friends were digging through trash, searching for something to eat…something for all of them and she stopped.

Domon sensed something wrong and turned to glance at Rain when he noticed that she wasn't moving.

"Come on, Rain, we don't have all day." He said and continued walking.

"Don't you see all of this? It's so…heartbreaking." Her voice was small and empathetic to the sad sight.

"We don't have time to be sympathetic, we have to find Crockett!" Domon said uncaringly. He continued to walk but halted at Rain's words.

"Don't you mean, we have to find him?"

Domon turned around and gave Rain a hard stare. She stood her ground and waited for him to answer her but he eventually glanced away, directing his gaze to the ground where he noticed the top of a torn newspaper with what seemed like a boxer… He lifted one dark brow, and walked over to it in curiosity. Rain backed away from him but noticed that his eyes were fixated on something on the ground and she directed her gaze downward also.

Domon bent down and grabbed the ripped newspaper and read the headlines out loud.

"'The Match of the Century! Who will win it? Will it be Earth's current heavy weight champion, Carmela "Ice Bag" Conomy? Or will it be the man from space, the colony champion with one hundred wins, Chibodee Crockett? Be there tonight as these two legends will fight it out in the ring!' Hmmm, we found him, Rain. It's tonight at seven at the Madison Square Garden."

Rain rolled her eyes.

"Great, you found him." Her voice showed nothing of joy or enthusiasm for his find.

Domon sensed Rain's offset mood. He made her angry at him again but he disregarded it. He had better things to do at the moment then have a pissed off Rain after him. She'll just get over it anyway.

"Let's go."

"Wow, what compassion you have. I'm surprised you're not frostbitten from being so cold!" Rain said angrily.

Domon turned around and walked up to Rain. She was getting him agitated.

"We don't have time for this, Rain! These people made this world like this. They wanted to fight for territory and so they got it! The Earth is a fighting ring and they created all of this so it's their fault that this world is so fucked up. Now let's go!"

Domon yelled and grabbed Rain's arm to move her forward but she yanked her arm away from him, stepped up to Domon in his face and pointed to the children that were struggling to survive in the conditions given to them.

"It's not their fault, Domon! They're victims to the country's greed! How could they have prevented this?"


Domon was going to be stubborn and not look at what she was pointing to because he already knew what he would see, but that wasn't his problem now and why couldn't she see that? He did eventually turn his head away from Rain's burning blue eyes and glanced at the children. Only for a moment did his eyes linger on them before he turned in the right direction of the Madison Square Garden and set out to find Chibodee.

Rain was watching him and she felt that she got through to him, even if it was just a little and she sighed in frustration and followed Domon west. ~~*~~

Inside the dressing room of Chibodee Crockett, there were loud giggles and cheers from several gorgeous women inside.

"Woohoo! Go, Chibodee!" One girl cheered loudly as she and the other three in the room stared at their gundam fighter warming up for his upcoming boxing match.

"Don't worry, ladies. Your champion will not disappoint you tonight!"

The man was wearing his yellow boxing shorts with a red belt, along with his blue and yellow boots. He quickly jabbed at the punching bag, bouncing on his toes with a wide grin plastered on his face. After facing the bag and feeling the adrenaline rushing through his veins, Chibodee stopped.

He took off his gloves and wiped the sweat from his brow, moving several pink locks.

"You girls are so good to me. You spoil me rotten." The boxer said and his grin never faltered as he ran another hand through his pink bangs to his blue head of hair. One of the girls stood up from the couch and handed him a towel. Her blonde hair rested just past her shoulders.

"We're so good to you because you are the greatest. You deserve nothing but the best!" She winked at him and the other girls made it to him and surrounded him with a big hug.

"You knock that guy out! We'll be cheering for you."

"Thank you, girls." Chibodee's emerald eyes shone in confidence and pride as the girls he adored cheered him on. "That's all I need to hear to win!"

The girls placed their hands on the man in the middle and thrust their arms in the air, shouting excitedly, "Go, Chibodee!!!"

There was a knock at the door and Neo America's gundam fighter walked over to the door and opened it to two of his body guards.

"Douglas! Grumman! Come on in."

The two men dressed in suits walked through the door way and greeted the ladies in the room.

"Good evening, Mr. Crockett. We just wanted to wish you luck on your match against Conomy."

Chibodee walked to his chair and picked up his robe to put it on.

"Thanks guys, but I have the greatest wishes of luck from my ladies but I want to say a little somethin' to the man upstairs also." Chibodee double tapped his chest, kissed two fingers and pointed them to the sky. One of the guards raised an eyebrow at the boxer as he put a hand to his ear to listen in on the incoming message.

"Yes. We were able to locate a priest for you and he has just arrived."

"Great! Bring him up. I've got a few minutes before I have to go out there." The girls giggled as they packed up some of their stuff to get ready to go out for the match.

"Oh come on guys, what's the problem?" Chibodee sat down on a chair while Douglas, the man wearing a dark suit and glasses stepped forward.

"We just wanted to warn you about the rumors that have been going around about gundam fighters getting killed." Douglas said with a serious face but Chibodee just started laughing.

"Come on guys! I'm a champion! I am the greatest gundam fighter! I didn't get that title from not being able to defend myself and being a sissy. I can take whoever comes my way and surely my guardian beauties will have nothing come close to me."

Douglas glanced back to Grumman and sighed. Chibodee was always so cocky and headstrong. It was true that Chibodee did work his way up for being an outstanding fighter.

"We just want you to be careful and know that we are stepping up our security around you. There is no such thing as being overly cautious in a time like this."

"Don't worry. As long as you do your jobs I have nothing to worry about, right?"

"Yes, sir!" The two men said at the same time. There was another knock at the door and Grumman stepped over to the door and opened it to see a guard and a shorter man behind him.

"The priest has arrived to see Chibodee. We have already done a search on him and found no hidden weapons, he is clear."

Grumman nodded at the escort and motioned for the priest to walk in. Grumman couldn't take his eyes off of the priest. He expected to see a short old man, grey hair and a wrinkled face but instead he was watching a young man, who looked no more than sixteen years old, walk through the door.

"You're the priest?!" Douglas asked just as surprised as the other body guard. The young priest lifted his head to acknowledge the guard and Douglas could clearly see the white priest collar around his neck. He also wore a long black, priestly coat that resembled a trench coat. The priest shifted his large, violet eyes to the guard and grinned.

"You're never too young to serve a greater purpose." The priest said as he scanned through everyone in the dressing room, noticing the ladies packing up and getting ready to leave. His eyes fell on Chibodee, telling the girls that he'll be right with them.

The ladies were walking towards the door to leave and when the red head was going to reach for the knob, the priest stepped in and opened it for her.

"There you go, ladies." He said with suave and gave them a dashing smile.

The girls giggled and commented loudly how cute he was.

"Thank you, Father." They all said in unison as they walked out but not before checking out the cute, brunet priest one last time.

Chibodee glanced over to see the commotion and was shocked at the young priest.

"I've seen a man of the cloth but I've never seen a boy of the cloth." Chibodee said and emerald and violet eyes locked.

"At times like these, god needs all the help he can get, even if it's someone as young as I am." The priest shot back but then smiled as he shifted one long brown lock of hair from his eye.

Chibodee sighed and motioned for the guards to get out of the room.

"Alright Grumman, Douglas, you know the drill. Give me a minute with the priest."

The guards nodded and left the room. Chibodee glanced at the young man before he knelt down in front of him.

"You can start...Father."

The young priest stood before Chibodee and motioned the sign of the cross with his left hand while he held the black, hard-covered bible in his right.

"Put your hands together and lower your head in prayer while I read a passage from Ezekiel 25:17."

Chibodee closed his eyes and the priest opened the bible and began his speech.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men."

The priest began a slow trek around the kneeling man as he read.

"Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children."

The young man dressed in the long black robes stopped behind the boxer and his eyes turned from large, adoring eyes to a piercing, dark stare. His left hand went to turn the page but instead of there being more versus, there was a rectangular shaped hole in the rest of the pages and the overhead light glinted off the shiny black surface inside.

"And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers."

The priest gripped the black pistol and pointed it at the back of Chibodee's lowered head.

"And you will know my name is the lord," Violet eyes glinted as the priest finished the passage strongly. "When I lay my vengeance upon thee!"

The gun cocked back and Chibodee's eyes opened widely and gasped at the fatal sound. ~~*~~