Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ G Gundam Wing ❯ Conversation and Consciousness ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The creations of G Gundam and Gundam Wing are property of Bandai. Beginning synopsis taken from G Gundam Technical Manual. I do not own them so please don't sue me.
~Story and original characters created and written by NeoSaturn
Co written by BlizzardAngel~
Story also at: (forums)
Thoughts are in `' and/or Italics
~~*~~ means new setting
Synopsis: It is the Future Century 60, disputes between nations are settled not by war, but by organized tournaments between giant Mobile Fighters, called Gundams. The 13th Gundam Tournament is the most anticipated yet, with every colony eager to unveil its latest Fighter to the world. But something is amiss at this year's competition. Unidentified gundams appear and attack unsuspecting Gundam Fighters. Who are these gundams that have appeared suddenly? Only time will tell…
G Gundam Wing
Chapter Three
Conversation and Consciousness
“…the earth is not a fucking fighting ring!”
-Inspector Belchino
A man sat alone in a small room, arms folded with a look of impatience on his face.
“So that's a gundam fighter…not what I would have expected.” A young man, wearing thick glasses said as he stood by the middle-aged man with dark, wavy hair and a goatee. He stared at the man sitting in the room on the other side of the glass.
“Mezzina, the sooner you learn that not everything is what it appears to be, the sooner you make inspector.” Spoke the older man as he continuously stared through the one-way glass at Domon.
“Yes! Inspector Belchino, but I thought that Gundam Fight International Treaty(G.F.I.T) states that all gundam fighters have diplomatic immunity.” Said the young officer.
“Maybe so, however, the order to detain him came from the Gundam Fight Commission itself. They're sending a representative to question him.” Said the increasingly annoyed inspector. Belchino, with a determined look, walk toward the door to the interrogation room.
“Inspector, where are you going?” Questioned Mezzina.
“Going to have a little talk with our guest.” Replied Belchino.
“But inspector the chief said to-”
“I know what the chief said…look I just want to have a small chat that's all. Besides the chief did not say anything about not having a little harmless conversation, now did he?” Belchino retorted, interrupting the young officer and did not let him say anything more as he walked into the small room that held the gundam fighter.
His eyes immediately fell upon those small, brown orbs that belonged to Domon Kasshu. The silence fell thick between the two men and Belchino looked to see the two-way mirror on the wall of the door. His eyes narrowed as he watched Kasshu from the corner of his eye, sitting in his chair with his arms crossed at his chest. The wooden table in the middle of the room held nothing on it as he grabbed the chair and turned it around, straddling it and resting his arms on the back of the chair. Belchino was just staring at the fighter, watching him in the dimly lit room that gave Domon a dangerous appearance.
“First off, Kasshu, I don't like you and what you represent but I have to know one thing, do you get enjoyment off of destroying people's lives?”
Belchino noticed that the fighter seemed to be paying attention and probably stirred something up in that brain of his. He watched as one of the fighter's brow raised in slight surprise but then the neutral expression, from before, had returned. They sat in silence again, neither stare faltered as the glare from the older man tried to break through that stony gaze of the fighter. Finally, the fighter shifted and spoke lowly.
“So what is your point?” He asked somewhat uninterestedly. Belchino sneered, slamming his hands on the wooden table and pushed himself up and forward to leer into the eyes of the man he so disliked.
“You come down here and have no regard for the people who are living on this planet. You only see the earth to either take resources from us or to destroy it with your damn machines. You colonist should just rot up there for leaving earth. You care nothing for it and yet, you can't leave this planet because you would not survive. You and all of your kind are just greedy, wicked children too scared to leave their mothers side!” Belchino snapped viciously but there was no movement from the other man, not even an acknowledgment that he had listened to the words that fell from the angry man's mouth. He panted somewhat from his frustrated outburst and just watched as the man in front of him shifted slightly. Belchino was going to say something but the Domon began to speak.
“According to Article Seven, of the Seven Articles of the Gundam Fight International Treaty, it states that the ring of the tournament is the whole Earth and that gundam fighters will not be prosecuted for destroying buildings or property on the Earth during the competition.” Domon only stated the facts of what the gundam fight was, completely ignoring the morality of the strong statement given by the inspector.
Belchino's eye twitched as he listened to the words fall from the fighter's cold voice. He realized that he was not getting through to this man and that he was only mocking him in front of his face, which made his anger rise even higher.
“Look, you little shit! The earth is not a fucking fighting ring!” He took hold of the chair and whipped it to the side, causing it to slam into the wall and clatter loudly in the small room.
“Belchino! That enough. Take a walk.” Yelled a heavy set man. Belchino slammed his fist on the table, his head looking down, eyes closed in frustration.
“I am sorry Mister Secretary General Sir, Belchino is one of our best inspectors, but he can be a little passionate at times.” Said the chief, as he took a handkerchief out from his pocket and wipe the perspiration off his brow.
A tall, slender man with white hair walked into the room.
“That is quite all right, the inspector has a right to his opinion.” Said the white haired man as he readjusted his glasses. “Although, it is regrettable that a few people are inconvenienced, it is for the greater good.” Belchino looked over at the tall man with a look of disgust. “The Gundam fight is a necessary evil, without it, there will be an all out war between the colonies. A war that will cost the lives of millions of people, on earth and in space alike. While it is unfortunate that some collateral damage is a result, it is our intention to serve the good of mankind.” The inspector, after hearing the words the secretary general spoke, composed himself and started to walk towards to door. As he opened the it, Belchino paused before leaving.
“Mister Secretary, you say that you have `good intentions'. However, there is an old saying, that the road to hell is paved with `good intentions.'” With that said, Inspector Belchino left the room.
“I am really sorry about his remarks sir; He will be severely reprimanded for thi-” The man with white hair raised his hand, interrupting the chief.
“That is not necessary; however, if can you give us a moment to talk…”
“Ya sure, no problem.” Said the chief.
Alone.” The secretary general emphasized with a stern voice. The chief nodded as he walked backwards towards the exit. He quickly turned around and his face collided against the door. He hastily recovered and nervously fumbled to close the door behind him. After watching the porky police chief leave, the tall man walked towards the Gundam fighter and presented his hand for a proper introduction.
“You must be Domon Kasshu, I am…”
“Hans Quinze, Sectary General of GFTA.” Domon said, interrupting the tall man. “So are you here to interrogate me personally?” The man was momentarily stunned by the young man's rudeness, leaving his hand hanging in the space between the two.
“No. An interrogation will not be necessary.” Said Quinze as he retracted his hand and instead, loosened his tie.
“So I'm free to go.” Domon started to stand up, not wanting to stay there any longer than necessary.
“Oh yes, but before you leave I would like ask you a question.” Quinze's pale skin was a contrast to the dark suit that he was wearing. The room was eerily quiet as Domon watch the man closely, waiting for him to speak. Quinze glanced down, adjusting his glasses in the process but the man's glasses caught the reflection from the overhead light, giving Quinze a threatening appearance; one not as friendly as he made himself out to be. “So in your battles, do you normally obtain assistance to guarantee your victories, Mr. Kasshu?”
Domon's eyes widened for a moment in disbelief as he stared at the white haired man. The thought of what he was implying was sending his blood to boil.
“What are you implying? Do you think I have anything to do with what happened?” The words were forced out bitterly and clearly Quinze was not getting on the good side of Neo Japan's gundam fighter.
“No, you did not have anything to do with that unfortunate incident but that doesn't change the fact that it is something that others… will think.”
Domon's glare turned into one of questioning as he repeated, “Others?”
Quinze decided to take a seat in the wooden chair and he motioned for the younger man to do so as well. Suspicions of Quinze and his ulterior motives made Domon hesitant in fulfilling the request to be seated… but he did so.
“In that context of others, that would be including but not limited to Neo Italy and the Gundam Fight Commission. They would be the ones to assume that you've had a hand in plotting against the assassination of Michelo Chariot.”
“Well are they?” Domon questioned seriously.
Quinze leaned back against his chair and intertwined his fingers on his lap.
“You see Domon, Neo Italy will not file an official protest against Neo Japan after I explain to them that an official protest will bring a thorough investigation to both sides… and I guess their government does not want their reputation stained by the outing of Mr. Chariot's ties to organized crime.”
Domon's insight of that colony's dilemma would not be an issue to him then but what about…
“If you are wondering, what of the Gundam Fight Commission, I can tell you that they will not be a problem for you.”
“And why is that?”
Quinze let out a breath before continuing.
“The reason for that is because you are protected under the Articles of the Gundam Fight International Treaty. Article Four states that Gundam Fighters must always protect their own Gundams at all times and having interference and the destruction of Neros Gundam, Chariot has failed to oblige that rule and you were able to do so.” Domon understood on how that rule had applied to that situation but there was something else.
“What of Article Five then?”
“Ah, Article Five, which states that all battles are done one-on-one. You see, in a regular match where two official gundam fighters have already engaged combat, which you and Michelo have done and a third party... like Neo Russia, let's say, interrupted your match. An investigation would be held and wonders if any ties were connected to Neo Italy or Neo Japan, but surely Neo Russia would be disqualified for violating that rule. Now because these gundams are unknown to us, we are sure that you or your colony does not have any ties.”
Quinze removed his glasses as he attempted to clean them while he continued to stare at Domon, trying to read and decipher what the other man would question next. Surely he did not expect to hear the one word that was voiced.
Quinze returned his glasses to his face and smiled.
“Domon Kasshu, I see that you're not only quick in fighting but you were able to catch that little slip.”
“I'm not an animal that they let loose just to fight.” Domon frowned but Quinze laughed and agreed.
“You are certainly a very smart man. Excuse me if I have insulted you but yes, there have been four other encounters like the one you had today.”
There was the shock that Quinze expected to see on the fighter's face.
“Damn… just who are they?”
“We do not know but that is the reason for why you are not held accountable for that incident. But what we do know is they were all coordinated attacks done by terrorist. Now if you don't mind, may I ask you one other question?” Quinze sat up staring at Domon seriously and that made the other man more attentive than ever.
“And what is that?” He replied slowly.
“Did the pilot say anything to you?”
Domon knew he was speaking of that unknown gundam and the cold voice that he heard.
“The only thing he said to me was… `Mission Completed.'”
There was a pause as Domon watched Quinze contemplating. Obviously, that was important information that he just received… maybe it confirmed something to him. Domon didn't know and Quinze finally stood up and nodded to the fighter.
“Thank you for your time and cooperation.” Before the older man could leave, Domon stood and stopped him.
“Wait! What are you going to do about this? Are you going to cancel the Gundam Fight?” Domon slowly walked around the table to stand by the other man, who was by the door. Quinze half turned to Domon to answer his question.
“No, if we stop or even postpone the gundam fight…” His hands were outspread and his arms motioned out. “We let them win, so the show must go on.” Quinze smiled and nodded to Domon before walking out the door.
Staring at the door the white haired man just walked through, Domon just stood there still wondering who these people were killing gundam fighters. But now he wondered, why didn't that pilot kill him? There were still many questions to be answered but he figured they all wouldn't be answered at one time.
No need to stay in the police station any longer, the man in crimson walked out of the station and suddenly heard someone call his name.
“There you are. You took forever in there.” Domon glanced over his should to see a brunette stroll over to his side, clad in a pink dress that reached mid thigh and long sleeved. Over her fitted dress, she wore a light blue blazer and small white boots. In her shoulder length, brown hair adorned a yellow headband and round yellow earrings.
“I don't need you to chaperone me, Rain.” Domon looked away and began walking with the beautiful woman following behind.
“Well tell me how it went.” She insisted as she kept pace with Domon's long strides.
“Bad.” Her blue eyes widened in alarm as he continued to walk forward with his hands shoved in his pockets and a scowl plastered on his face.
“Bad? Are you in trouble?” The man didn't say anything and she huffed in annoyance. “Come on Domon, I need to know and you know that as well! You might as well tell me now.” Rain was trying to be nice but when Domon got in one of his moods, he was difficult to talk to.
“Fine, Rain! Geeze!” Domon grumbled to himself but complied with Rain's wishes and told her of all the events that unfolded and the mysteries that were still floating about.
Along a Mediterranean beach, south of Italy, a young woman was strolling about the beautiful beach, admiring the wonderful scenery. The sun was setting over the horizon, giving the sea an amber glow. The wind blew softly, ruffling the girl's blonde hair and her long white sundress as it fluttering against her slender legs. She watched with a certain clam and enjoyment that gave her a wonderful sense of tranquility.
“Oh, Pargen, isn't this a magnificent sight? The scenery on Earth is so breathtaking and you certainly couldn't feel this refreshing wind or the fragrance of the Earth's water back home on the colony.” She happily gazed at the horizon, overly enjoying the water and its calm waves.
“If I must say, Miss Relena, you are very right.” The older man said as he walked a certain distance away from the contented girl.
As they continued walking, Relena would ever so often look down to see the small sea shells and pick a few for souvenirs. Looking further down, the blonde suddenly spotted a figure that seemed to be lying halfway on the shore, yet still in the water. Her curiosity peaked as she trekked over and gasped in alarm.
“Is there something the matter, Miss Relena?” Pargen addressed as he noticed the alarmed state of the young girl.
“Pargen, look!” She half turned and pointed to the figure not to far from her. “There is a person over there! Hurry and call for help!”
She hurried over to the immobile person, who was face down in the sand and she hooked her hands under their arms in an attempt to pull them out of the water. She grunted as they slid away from the water. Dropping down to her knees, Relena flipped the person over and pillowed their head in her lap, feeling the cold water seep into her dress that caused a chill to run up her spine. She hurriedly checked for a pulse and found one as she stared at the man she was holding. She could not really see his face but his body was heavy and with the green tank top and spandex shorts, Relena could make out the man and his perfect physical build. The girl pushed back the man's wet shaggy hair to reveal a young boy about her age.
She wondered what he was doing out here and why was he in the water. Could he have tried to kill himself?
Relena was getting cold but she was imagining how this boy was feeling, being unconscious in the water for who knew how long.
“Help will be arriving soon and you will be okay.” Relena reassured as she turned her head to workers from her ship rushing toward them.