Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ the chibi senshi ❯ kylie meets the gw boys ^_^ ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: sailor moon g and all the other animes I use do not belong to me! Oops I forgot disclaimer last time! 0_o!

Chapter 1

"Oz sucks! Man, I didn't get why ya think the g dude's are trying ta cause pain?!" Kylie asked her friend Haruna in despair.

"Because oz is only here to………." Haruna started but was cut off by:

"Class listen up! We have 2 new students today…."

2 boys, about the same age, walked in the room. One had a long brown braid that reached to his butt. The other had short brown hair with wild bangs.

"Please, introduce yourselves." asked the teacher.

"Hi I'm Duo Maxwell! Pleasure to meet ya'll" the braided one introduced "oh ya and this is Heero Yui! ^_^" said Duo pointing to the short haired boy.

"Hi! I'm Kylie Aino!" exclaimed Kylie as she sprang up out of her seat, her blonde braids swaying in front of her.

"SIT DOWN MRS.AINO!" shouted the teacher annoyed at Kylies constant interruptions.

"Sorry, so sorry Mrs.Meio! Sorry!" apologized Kylie as she sat back down.

"o.k, she's a bit hyper active" Duo stated to Heero.

"Hnn…a little like you, eh" Heero stated bluntly. (Ok ok I know Heero wouldn't say eh but it seemed appropriate!)

"Hey that's not nice" Duo pouted. (Hehehe it is true so so true^_^)

"Please take a seat next to kylie, and Haruna" asked Mrs.Meio pointing to the 2 spots.

Duo sat beside Kylie and Heero sat beside Haruna, the girl behind Kylie in the back row.

"So what do pretty girls like you do around Heero?!" asked Duo, smiling innocently.

"Well ….hmmm. Well I like sneaking into the oz bases and causing mayhem! But don't tell anyone that I might get thrown in, in, in, in the jail thingy again, luckily the goddess of love and beauty doesn't fear anything! Hahaha!" explained Kylie starting to laugh maniacally.

"So …you like causing trouble?" Duo asked a bit bedazzled at her response.

"Yep!" Kylie exclaimed, taking a breather from laughing.

"Detention kylie!" shouted Mrs.Meio.

"Man that sucks!" complained Kylie shutting up so she wouldn't get into more trouble.

`Not another person who thinks there a god!... wait was she serious about trashing oz bases? I better ask her about it' Heero thought to himself.

****later that day****

"I hate detention!" exclaimed Kylie who finally got out of detention.

She walked down the street and turned into an ally, to take a short cut home. She didn't want her mom to find out she got another detention.

She sighed, and kept walking, not noticing the person following her. Soon she got into the deepest part of the alley, and slam! Heero pushed her into the wall and pointed his gun at her head.

"Do you really sneak into oz bases?" questioned Heero sternly.

"Come on Heero! She probably was joking!" wined Duo not wanting to see Kylie hurt or worse dead because of her cocky and dumb attitude. (^_^ someone in love! Someone is in love! *Duo shoots sheenagami*)

"Me? Joking? Ha! Of course I did! How dare you insult the great goddess of love and beauty!" exclaimed Kylie actually being serious.

"If this is true, who are you and who do you work for?" asked Heero still pointing his gun.

"I told you already! I'm the goddess of love and beauty! I fear no one, not even you tuff guy with big gun in my face!" exclaimed Kylie mad at constantly having to repeat herself.

"Fine, I believe you!" said Duo sarcastically.

"If you tell any one about this I will kill you" threatened Heero.

With that the 2 left the alley. Kylie then continued on her way home whistling away not caring about what just happened.

****later that night at duo and hero's apartment****

Heero was on his laptop (how surprising ^_^0) when he got an email that read:

Pilot 01 and 02 you have another mission, if you chose to accept. (Just guess Heero response^_^) you must destroy the new oz base next to the sanq kingdom. Also you must free the 2 prisoners oz has caught, they may be useful to me, there names are Haruka Tenno and Michiru Kaio.

(Obviously) Heero accepted and went to tell Duo the mission.

****in the new oz base****

"I'll ask you one more time, where did you come from and how are you appear and disappear?!" asked the oz lieutenant angrily. (Actually really angry ^_^)

There were 2 oz officers restraining Haruka too the uncomferful chair (poor Haruka) and 1 officer restraining Michiru in the back of the small room. (When I say small I mean small^_^0)

"Like I'll ever tell you! You bastard!" mocked Haruka with a smirk on her face. (Go Haruka! ^_^)

Haruka winked to Michiru to begin there escape plan. First Michiru elbowed the officer restraining her and while the other 2 where distracted, Haruka knocked them out. Then Haruka did a round house kick and knocked the lieutenant unconscious.

End of chapter! ^_^ please review!