Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Man Of The House ❯ Interview First Before Keeps ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Gundam Wing nor Sailor Moon.

Man Of The House


Here is the 5th chapter. I am really happy that you people like this story. I thought it would turn out bad. But I am glad of the result.

Hope you like this chap!


Chap 5: Interview First Before Keeps


" Serena are you done with that?" asked Rae as she was straightening the picture frame hanging on the wall of the living room.

" Just…A….Couple…..More……" Serena answered as she wiped the table clean with a washcloth.

" Mina! Are you done?" exclaimed Rae as she walked to the stairs and stopped to hold on the railing looking up at the second floor.

Heavy, rushing footsteps were heard as a blonde came down the stairs. Reaching the bottom of the stairs and nodding an approval to the raven haired girl.

" Okay!" Rae started, she motioned for Serena to come over and when she did Rae started talking.

" Okay you guys we are now going to be having a new room mate and we will meet her in 15 minutes."

Mina and Serena got all excited for they will be having a new comer.

" Remember be in your best behavior now," Rae reminded them.

" Hey! It's not only us you know!" Mina announced looking at Rae.

" And I be in my best behavior," Rae then corrected herself.

After getting a positive nods and smiles from the girls she began once again.

" Now let us throw our old selves out and welcome the new!"

" YEAH!" shouted Mina and Serena with their fist up in the air.

" Let's show Darien, Lita and Amy that we can change!" Rae stated again.

" Yeah!" came the same response from the two blondes.

" Now let's get a new roommate and for keeps this time!" Rae announced once more.

The girls opened their mouths for another screamed " YEAH", but the ringing of the doorbell interrupted them.

All of them looked at the door frozen in place not able to move. Brought into a thought of "what would it be like's", "it would be fun", "new apprentice on looking out for boys", "what would this person be like".

The doorbell rung once again, taking them out of their thoughts. The girls rushed to the door, but they only got halfway their for they practically ran over each other and ended up sprawled on the floor.

" WAIT!" Serena screamed at the door to prevent the person beyond it to go away.

A couple of pushes here and there and a couple of exclaimed " HEY!" and " Watch it!" did they got off their butt's and walk to the door with Mina holding the doorknob.

Serena, Rae and Mina straightened out their clothes and all gave a deep breath. They opened the door with Serena behind them on her tiptoe's trying to see from behind Rae and Mina above their shoulders.

There in front of them was a girl the same age as them with dyed violet hair and cobalt blue eyes.

She was wearing all black and wore heavy purple eye shadows and a pitch-black lipstick. She also had a pierced bottom lip, nose, and about 7 earings on both her ears. And a dragon tattoo that ran up from her collarbone around her neck and resting on her chin, there were also a couple of tattoo's that adorned her arms.

" Hey!" greeted the girl with a dull voice," I'm your new roommate,"

Mina and the girls just stared at her. Smiles gone from their face. Only the looks of surprised and shock upon their face.

" Well………..?" the girl stated handing over her bag to her other hand.

" Ummm…….Umm………We are so sorry……But you can't stay here.." Mina stated.

" Why?" asked the girl.

" Well…………..It's because….." Rae started, fiddling with her fingers as she spoke.

" Because our friend just came back to live with us again," Serena finished for Rae.

" Oh……I see………" the girl said," Then I'll just be off,"

" We're really sorry," Mina said watching the girl leave.

" Bye!" Serena exclaimed.

With that the 3 of them went back inside the house and leaned against the door dropping down to the floor.

" Whoa……….That was one weird girl……." Mina answered as she leaned her head against the door behind her.

A couple of "yeah" and "uh huh" were heard coming from her best friends.

" I feel sorry thought……….That she had to come here with all her stuff and all that here expecting to live with us," Serena stated feeling bad for the girl and herself.

" Yeah……" came the answer from Rae.

" Next time we should hold an interview first or something like that," Mina announced.

" Good idea, so we won't have to end up disappointing people," Serena declared. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and walked to the kitchen with Serena in the lead.

A smash was heard and a rock the size of a fist was seen come by just centimeters in front of Serena's face. It had gone through the window, that was facing the one way street in front of their house that was now nonexistent for it had gone to become tiny glass pieces.

" Oh my god………." Mina let out as she saw the event.

Rae walked to the now broken window and looked out to see the girl who was just standing on their doorstep, run away from their house.

" Serena?" came Mina's voice from behind Rae.

Rae looked behind her and saw Serena just standing their not moving at all and looking at the ground with a shocked expression.

" Serena?" Rae asked getting worried about her friend. Both Mina and Rae walked towards their friend.

Serena then started laughing which freaked out Mina and Rae.

" Did you see that!?" Serena asked looking at Rae and Mina. When she was given a nod she started speaking again: " I was almost hit by that rock! But lady luck was on my side! Oh yeah! I rule! I didn't get hit!"

" Serena are you okay?" asked Rae who was now really worried of her friend.

" Yeah of course I am! This is not like my first time almost getting hit by a rock on my head and maybe ending up getting killed… Of course I am all right!"

" I think I should call a doctor…." Mina declared making her way to the phone.

" No! It's okay really! I'm fine!" Serena protested.

Mina and Rae looked at her questioningly.

" Really I am! See no scratch or bumps!" Serena answered again," Really no need for a doctor…"

" Okay then, let's just get something to eat then we clean this mess up," Mina announced with that they made their way to the kitchen.

Mina and Rae stopped walking and looked behind them when they heard a thump.

There they saw Serena on the floor now blacked out.

" And here I thought she wouldn't faint on us after that predicament," Rae said walking to Serena and picking her up to place on the couch.

" Well at least we now know she haven't gone crazy on us!" Mina stated as she helped Rae tend to their friend.

' Poor Serena…..' both of the thought as they lived the rest of their day taking care of their best friend.



Like it? I hope you did! Well…….I'll get the other chaps out soon. And don't forget to review!