Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The God and the Guardian ❯ The Ball ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The God and the Guardian

Chapter 2: The Ball

Disclaimer: I don't own SM or GW.

Sailor Universe: The characters will be OOC at times. Just to warn you! ^_^ Also, I'm sorry for the weird number thingys on the first chapter! I'll try to fix that and "hopefully" it won't happen with this one! Just so that you know, this is my first time posting a fic, so I'm still trying to figure things out. Thanks for the reviews! It's good to see that you guys like it! GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!! HERE'S THE ENTIER CHAPTER!


They all look about 20 years old, but they're A LOT older. They're immortal and gods, what did you expect?

"My lord, Shinigami, the preparations for the ball are almost complete." a servant said.

"Thanks! How much longer `till the ball starts?" Duo asked.

"About one hour, my lord." the servant replied.

"All right, I better get ready and then I need to pick up Hotaru." Duo said to himself.

As Duo walked through the halls of the palace to his chambers he thought about Hotaru and the ball. `This ball will be so much fun! Hotaru will be there and she'll get to see more of what she's been missing. I wonder how the guys and I will answer the questions about Hotaru that are bound to pop up. We can't exactly say she's the `Legendary Guardian', who knows how everyone will react and how it will affect Hotaru. Well might as well ask her what she wants to do about it.'

~With Hotaru at the Gate~

"Pluto, I need your help! I've never been to a ball that I can remember and I don't know what to wear!" Saturn exclaimed, while having a nervous breakdown.

(Sailor Universe: Hotaru? Having a nervous break down? That's kinda hard to picture........ Well for me anyway. ^_^)

"I'll show you images of the style of dresses that will be worn tonight and then you con create your own dress." Pluto chuckled.

"Thank you!!!"

Saturn studied the dresses carefully. They were different and yet the same. Then she finally knew what she wanted. She then closed her eyes and focused on her gown, color, jewelry, make-up, and her hairstyle. When she opened her eyes she looked down to see that everything was how she wanted it. Her dress was a dark purple that looked almost black. It had an empire waist, when the bottom of the skirt of her dress touched the ground it spread out around her. The top of the dress hugged her torso and showed her delicate curves. The back was low cut the fabric began at the middle of her back. The neckline of her dress showed a modest amount of cleavage. Her necklace had a silver cross with two small silver glaives, that looked like miniature Silence Glaives, crossed over it. In the center of where the two glaives crossed laid a small delicate amethyst stone that seemed to glow with inner fire. She wore amethyst and diamond earrings and a silver bracelet. Her hair was half up and held by a silver barrette that had diamonds and amethysts embedded in it. She wore light pink lip-gloss, mascara, dark eyeliner, a little blush, and light eye shadow. Also, the symbol of Saturn glowed slightly on her forehead, but her bangs covered most of it.

"How do I look?" asked a nervous Hotaru.

Pluto smiled and replied, "You look very beautiful. Many men will be envious of Shinigami when they see you with him."

"You really think so?" Hotaru asked.

"I don't think, I know. I better get back to the Time Gate, ja ne Hota-chan." Pluto said.

"Ja ne Pluto, and thank you for everything!" Hotaru called.

~With Duo~

"Man, I hate wearing these clothes!" Duo complained, "I feel like a doll."

Duo was wearing black leather pants (not skin tight!) and knee high black boots. His shirt was black silk, and his priest collar was blood red. He wore a black silk like cape with dark red lining. He had a silver cross, and his hair was in its usual braid.

"Well, it's time to go get Hotaru. The ball starts in half an hour." he said to himself.

~15 minutes later~

"Here I go." Duo said nervously as he opened the door.

He nearly fell over when he saw his date. She spun around when she heard him. Her hair and her dress moved like a wave around her. `Is it possible for her to look even more gorgeous?!' Duo thought.

`He's so cute! ...... Why is he staring at me like that?' she wondered.

"Um...... should we get to the ball?" she asked while blushing because of all the attention she was suddenly getting from Duo.

Duo snapped out of his trance when he heard her question. "Yeah, by the way, you look beautiful, and I like your necklace."

"Thank you, my mother gave this necklace to me when I became the Guardian. You don't look to bad yourself." she replied.

~At the Ball~

"Well we're only a couple minutes late, so that means........." Duo started.

"'That means' what?" she asked.

"We get to make a grand entrance!" he answered with enthusiasm.

Hotaru couldn't help but to giggle at his idea.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Duo suddenly exclaimed.

"What is?" she asked.

"I almost forgot to ask you some thing."


"Firefly, if questions start being asked about who you are how do you want to answer them? We can lie, tell the truth, or avoid it as much as possible." he said.

She thought for a moment before finally answering, "Lets just give them my name and try to avoid the part of how long I've been here. If a lot of people ask then I'll tell everyone who I am. Lets not lie to them, lies will only cause trouble, and completely avoiding their questions well only make them more curious and suspicious."

Duo nodded and then said, "Okay, now that that's over. Shall we?"

He gave her his arm and she took it while calmly saying, "Yes."

(Sailor Universe: Should I end it here? Naw, I can be mean, but I'm not that mean. Not to mention I don't have a death wish. I have 3 people (possibly more) that will kill me if I do. And I want to live long enough to write my next fanfiction thank you very much. ::Whispers:: My one friend, Sailor Eclipse a.k.a. P-chan, will definitely kill me and I can't hide from her because she lives across the street from me! Not to mention she threatened to take all my anime stuff!!!!! ^_^; Ok now lets get back to the story! ^_^ )

They walked though the doors and everything went quiet. Everyone stopping talking to looking at the couple that just walked in. Then the started giving Duo jealous looks because his date was prettier than theirs by far. The women were glaring at Hotaru in jealousy because her date was Shinigami and because their dates were paying more attention to her than them.

`As usual..... Pluto's right' Hotaru thought.

Once the orchestra got out of their shock they began to play again.

"May I have this dance?" asked a playful Duo.

"Hai, you may." replied a giggling Hotaru.

~5 Dances Later~ (Sailor Universe: I'm to lazy to describe them all.)

"I'm going to get something to drink." Hotaru said.

"Ok Firefly, I'll be talking to the guys." Duo replied.

~With Duo~

"Shinigami, the guys and I are dying to know. Who's your date?" asked one of the many guys surrounding Duo. All the other guys nodded in agreement.

"Her name is Hotaru Tomoe." he replied.

"Is she new here?"

"Where did she come from?"

"I've been here for a long time and I've never seen her before!"

"Guys I would love to answer your questions, but I need to talk to my guards." Duo said as her walked away before they could protest.

When Duo found his 4 best friends he tells them that they needed to talk.

"What is it Duo?" asked a curious Quatre.

"I just wanted to tell you that if anyone asks you who Hotaru is and how long she's been here, just tell them her name and nothing more. Hotaru agreed that if everyone is asking questions than all of us will make an announcement and tell everyone at once." he explained.

All the guys nodded in agreement.

~With Hotaru~

"So who are you?" asked one of the many jealous snobby women that managed to corner Hotaru.

"How long have you been here? I've never seen you before." another said.

"How in the HELL did you get to be Shinigami's DATE!?!?!?!?" another exclaimed.

Hotaru lightly blushed at the `date' part of the last question. "My name is Hotaru, and no I'm not new to the Underworld and a lot people have never seen me before. As for how I became Shinigami's date............ well....... he asked me." The she walked away before any more questions could be asked.

`May be if I stay with Duo during the ball, they'll leave me alone. Or may be I should just tell them who I am.' she thought.

She managed to get past all the questioning women, and the flirting men. Then she found Duo and the others. She breathed a sigh of relief, that may be she'll be safe.

"Hey Firefly, are you look like you were attacked by a hole lot of questions." Duo said with a grin "Well, you're not the only one."

"Yes, all the women are asking questions as are the men, but the men are mostly flirting." she replied. "Also, I'm beginning to get really tempted to tell them all who I really am, so then they'll leave me alone."

"Why don't we wait until dinner to tell everyone, not to mention it would put some guys in their place." Quatre suggested.

"What do you mean?" asked a confused Hotaru.

"He means that about ten guys talk about how women are weak, pathetic, and incapable of doing anything themselves." Wufei answered.

"Is that so?" Hotaru asked in a strained voice.

All the guys nodded saying that it was true, but they were starting to wish that they didn't say anything.

"Well how about we make this evening a little more eventful?" she asked with an evil grin.

"What do you mean?" asked Trowa. (Sailor Universe: Ack! He talked! The world has come to an end! ^_^)

"Well, if it's all right with you guys, my I invite a some dear friends of mine?" Hotaru asked.

"So, your suggesting that you invite your friends, we sit down for dinner, those fools start ranting about how women are weak and pathetic. Then you and your friends put them in their places." stated Heero in a monotone voice. (Sailor Universe: OH MY GOD! Heero said an entire two sentences!)

"That's the plan." she replied.

Duo thought about it for a few seconds and then exclaimed, "I like it! Give them a call Firefly!"

Hotaru smiled and nodded. She closed her eyes and mentally called out to her friends.

::Hey guys. Do you want to come to the ball in the Underworld? There are a few guys that need to be taught a lesson.:: she said.

::What do you mean Hota-chan?:: came their reply.

::Oh, they just think that women are weak, pathetic, and are incapable of doing anything.:: she answered.

::NANI!!!!!!!!!!!:: they screamed. ::We'll be right there, and kick their asses when they make that speech!::

::See you in a few seconds:: Hotaru said.

Hotaru then opened her eyes and looked at the guys, and said, "They'll be here in 5… 4…3…2…1."

Then the doors opened and revealed 9 nicely dressed women. They were dressed in the same style of dress as Hotaru, but in different colors. One was tall with short blonde hair and piercing dark blue eyes that showed that you better not mess with her. The next woman had blue-green hair that went to her waist and matching eyes that showed kindness. The next one had brown hair that was in a high ponytail that reached the middle of her back with two stands coming out in front of her ears, and she had dark emerald eyes that glowed with strength. Another one had raven hair that reached her knees and purple eyes that shone with inner fire, the next had long golden hair that reached her knees with blue eyes that glowed with the knowledge of knowing who you love. The next had short blue hair and ice blue eyes that glowed with intelligence and wisdom, another had purple hair with 4 buns on her head and the rest of her hair fell to her knees in one large wave, and her eyes were brown and you could knowledge glowing in them. The next had long dark green hair 1/2 of her hair in a bun and the rest reached her knees, she had garnet eyes that glowed with wisdom and showed that she was a lot older than she looked and that she knew everything. The last woman had long silver hair in 2 heart shaped buns on each side of her head with two streamers coming out and reached her ankles, her eyes were silver with tints of blue in them, and her eyes showed too many emotions to name. All the women seemed older than they looked.

"Hello Firefly." The silver haired one greeted.

"Hello everyone." she replied. Then she turned to the guys and began the introductions.

"Guys, I would like you to meet Haruka Tenoh, the crown princess of Uranus." She said while pointing to the blond with short hair.

Haruka wore a dark blue gown and the symbol of Uranus faintly glowed on her forehead. "Hi." She said.

"Michiru Kaioh, the crown princess of Neptune." She pointed to the one with blue-green hair that went to her waist.

"Hello." she greeted. She wore a dress that was the same color as her hair and the symbol of Neptune faintly glowed on her forehead.

Hotaru then pointed to the women with brown hair, "Makoto Kino, the crown princess of Jupiter."

"Hi!" she said. She wore an emerald green dress and the symbol of Jupiter faintly glowed on her forehead.

Then Hotaru pointed to the one with long golden hair and said, "Minako Aino, the crown princess of Venus."

"Hiya!" she greeted. She wore a yellow/gold dress and the symbol of Venus faintly glowed on her forehead.

Hotaru pointed to the raven hair and said, "Rei Hino, the crown princess of Mars."

"Hello." she replied. Her dress was red and the symbol of Mars faintly glowed on her forehead.

Hotaru then pointed to the one with blue hair and said, "Ami Mizuno, the crown princess of Mercury."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said shyly. She wore an ice blue gown and the symbol of Mercury faintly glowed on her forehead.

Then she pointed to the one with black hair with green highlights, "Setsuna Meioh, the crown princess of Pluto."

"It's nice to meet you." she greeted calmly. She wore a black dress and the symbol of Pluto faintly glowed on her forehead.

Then Hotaru introduced the woman with silver hair, "Serenity Moon Cosmos, and the ruler and guardian of the Moon, and the Cosmos." Serenity wore a silver dress and on her forehead faintly glowed with a symbol that was an 8-point star and had an upturned crescent moon in the center.

"Hi!" she said.

"Also, last but not least Luna, Serenity's advisor, guardian, and she watches over the Moon Kingdom for Serenity."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," she said politely.

She wore a yellow and purple dress and she had an upturned crescent Moon symbol that faintly glowed on her forehead.

The 5 men were in awe of certain 5 women. Wufei had his eyes on Setsuna, and Trowa couldn't keep himself from glancing at Luna. Quatre tried to keep himself from blushing around Ami, and Heero was struggling to keep his emotions hidden around Serenity. Duo was in awe of Hotaru and was wondering what she and the other women had planned.

`What is so important about them besides being royalty?' the guys wondered.

Then a servant came out and said, "Dinner is served."

`Well, this might be more interesting for once.' Duo thought.