Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Voltron Fan Fiction / Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ficlets! ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's note: This is just a bunch of little ficlets that I've got stored on my computer, inspired by various songs. I'll be listing the title of anime and song (and artist if I know it) with each one. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING. Nada! Zilch! None of these characters belong to me! Don't sue, I'm broke! Get it? Got it? Good.
Series: Gundam Wing
Song: Over My Head
Artist: Lit

Duo let out something that was almost a chuckle as he slipped past the guards. This mission was going to be a piece of cake. He'd be back in his bed before he knew it. Now all he had to do was find the control panel, blow the switch, and he could take off.

He very got spotted by a guard turning the corner. Thank God for vents. He was just small enough to fit into the nearest one. He waited in the dark, cramped, dusty space until the last echos of the guard's well polished boots faded. He didn't think he would *ever* understand why military types liked well polished boots that made clicking sounds when they walked.

'Okay... map said the room would be to the left... bingo.'

The lock opened by a simple code. 'Capricorn. What kind of a code is the sea goat?' Duo snorted as he slipped into the dark room, heading straight for the control panel. A little C-4 would do the trick.... done.


Duo found himself nearly blinded by the sudden lights, and his hair stood on end as the ominous hum of laser guns filled the control room.

'I think that maybe I'm in over my head.' he thought as he stood, hands held above his head.
Series: Bubblegum Crisis 2040
Song: Hunger
Artist: Unknown. Song is from Transfomers: The Movie (the scene with all the Sharktacons)

Priss pushed the motoslave to faster speeds, picking up trash in a little whirlwind as she went. She very nearly collided with a garbage truck. She wasn't sure how fast she was going, but she was damned sure that it was well above the speed limit. When she was moving like this, she felt like she could take on the whole world. Nothing could catch her. She could catch the wind and take lock it away. She could almost taste her speed.

And still, she hungered for more.
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Song: The Touch
Artist: See last section (scene when Hot Rod uses the Matrix)


Feral Imp, face up attack mode, with the Trap Master face down in defense mode.

'A good opening move. Now we just wait and see what he pulls out.'

A card in the magic/trap zone, a card face down in defense mode, Ancient Elf in attack mode. "I attack with Ancient Elf, destroying your Feral Imp."

"I play the Koumori Dragon in attack mode, destroying *your* Ancient Elf." 'And I put Reverse Trap down, just in case...'

"Not with this Wabaku."

"Good move, but not good enough." Turn over Reverse Trap.

"Thanks, Joey. You're doing pretty good yourself." He puts the Ancient Elf and Wabaku into the graveyard.

"Coming from you, Kaiba, that's a real complement. So, who are you, and what have you done with the *real* Seto Kaiba?"
Series: Battle Angel
Song: Only Happy When It Rains
Artist: Garbage

It's raining, Yugo. It's rain wonderful? It makes everything so clean. I know what you would say to that. You would say nothing could make this rust heap clean. But it really is pretty, if you know where to look. I don't think you ever knew. I wish I could have showed you, but you were always looking up, looking at your impossible goal.

I don't think I'll ever understand.

I still remember when we kissed. It was raining then, too. I was happy, then. The rain makes me happy, now. It reminds me of you.
Series: Voltron
Song: In the Air of the Night
Artist: Phil Collins

The air was heavy with a kaleidoscope of scents, each battling for dominance in the club. Bodies writhed on the dance floor, slick with sweat. Here he could be unnoticed. He was just another person on a world full of people trying to lose themselves. He felt a chill run down his spine, though that may just have been a trickle of perspiration.

He found a seat at an out of the way table and settled in for a night of crowd watching. He was certain he felt eyes on him, but he could see no one looking at him...

His eyes traveled up to the catwalk. There she was. Watching him, like always. Silently accusing him. She knew his secrets. She knew his sins. She could not forget, and she could not forgive.

He had first seen her many years ago. Her eyes had been innocent, then. She had been only a child. She had been beautiful, her hair the color of sun ripened wheat. In the years since he had first seen her, he had found only one woman who matched her beauty and innocence. And *she* wanted nothing to do with him, either. His beautiful Allura... she hated him.

The woman paced above him like a great cat, watching him. For him, there was only her, and her hate.

He didn't even know her name.
Series: Voltron
Song: Movies
Artist: Alien Ant Farm

"So you're going back to Earth?"

"I've been offered an important job there... and I can keep a better eye on Zarkon there."


"I'm sure I'll get the chance to come back here..."

"I'm sure."

"We'll be able to keep in touch. Hey, maybe I can even get you an invite to the family Christmas Party.... Okaasan would love to meet you."

"If I can make the time."

"Of course."

"Of course."
Seris: Voltron
Song: These Boots Were Made for Walking
Artist: Nancy Sinatra

Merla was a whirlwind as she swept through her room, sweeping everything that was hers at her servants, and everything that even remotely reminded her of Lotor against the wall. She wanted nothing more than to forget she'd ever so much as heard his name. All he wanted was that... that GIRL! That STICK of a GIRL! When SHE was a beautiful woman! She could give him everything he could ever want or need! The NERVE of that male!

"My Queen?"

Merla looked the lord who had come into her rooms up and down, then gave him a smile that would have turned most men to jelly. "I'm almost ready. I just need to clean house."
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Song: Papercut
Artist: Linkin Park

/So, the little worm thinks he can get rid of me, does he? Do you, you weak little worm?/

Bakura could almost see the sneer on the face of the dark beast within him. The thing that stole his body and wore his face. The thing that had tried to hurt his friends. His Yami.

He grabbed the Millennium Ring and pulled it over his head, then threw it with all his strength into the river.

'Please... please stay gone. Don't let him come back...'

He could hear the beast chuckling as the Ring materialized once again. /How many times do we have to do this, fool? You can never win./

Bakura gave a shuddering cry as he fought the beast, fought him with his heart and soul. //Get out! Get out!//

/Never... we're going to be together forever little one. You are mine./
Series: Gundam Wing
Song: The Imperial March (Star Wars)
Artist: Unknown

Triez regarded his rose garden with a smile. They smelled so sweet this time of year. There was nothing better than roses in summer. Roses were wonderful things. They fought all year against cold and rain, dieses and drought, and they always returned. Victorious.

There was no flower more perfect than a rose.