Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Normal Life ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Not mine!!

Authoress Note: This is getting interesting, no? And my English teacher says there's no such thing as an original story!

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A Normal Life: Chapter 4

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Karou walked out, with the two little girls holding onto her hands, right as Zechs slammed the door shut.

OK, I'm not going to ask. she thought to herself. "We're ready to go!" she yelled, cheerfully.

Heero turned around and glanced at the three girls. Then he did a double take. All three were in overalls, and the two younger ones had their hair up in pigtails. He just stared for a moment. He didn't even notice Relena waking up behind him.

After a moment he grabbed a phone off of the table, and punched the speed-dial. He waited a moment and then:

"Rose, you wouldn't believe what happened to me this morning. Well, I get out of bed, and send Karou to dress the little ones. Then I see all three of them in overalls. Rose Grailing, you are corrupting my daughters!!" he yelled, causing Karou to giggle.

Ayame ran up to him, and pulled on his shirt, trying to get his attention. She spat out a long string of nonsense.

"Ayame want to know if Mommie's on the phone." Aiko translated. (AN: Yes, Mommie. Mommy and Mommie are two different people. Don't ask.)

"Yeah, it's Mommie. Want to talk to her?" he asked, kneeling down. The two-year-old terror nodded her head. Heero held the phone to Ayame's head, so she could 'talk' into it. While he did this, he glanced at Duo, who was grinning like an idiot, and Relena, who looked very confused. "It's not what it sounds like. Don't ask." (AN: See! Heero says Don't Ask too! I suggest you Don't Ask! ^_^) he grinned at then as he moved the phone back to his head.

He glanced back at Relena, and realized something. He muffled a curse, and started talking again, this time using jargon and slang galore, leaving Duo and Relena totally lost.

"Rose, I'm gonna miss parade today. Tell Mr. B for me, OK? I just got a job offer, and I can't turn it down. NO! Not that kind of offer! Get your mind out of the gutter! I'll be there for show this evening, I promise. Tell Julia to take my place this morning, it's not a big one. Let's see...Arcadia is hosting...yeah, tell him that. Leave room in the truck for my bike, willya? OK, cool, see you tonight." He hung up, and turned to the girls.

"You're gonna skip out on parade?!" Karou asked, astonished. "You never miss a comp!"

"No, I'm not skipping out, but I'm sorta busy today. Julia can handle for one parade. I'll be there tonight." He assured them.

"You're not going with us Daddy?" Aiko asked.

"Nope. But I'll see you tonight." He reassured her.

"But I don't want to go if you don't go!!" she attached herself to Heero's leg. Ayame let out another meaningless sentance. "Ayame says she wants to go anyway." Aiko translated.

"OK then, Karou, take Ayame with you, and I'll take Aiko." He handed her a bill. "Make sure to get some food before you go."

"OK! See ya!" she said, scooped up the youngest child, and ran out the front door.

"Uhh...what was that all about?" Duo asked.

"What, you think I go to high school and have no extra-curricular activities?" he asked, letting himself flop onto the couch.

" maybe?" he guessed.

Heero groaned. "The Football team? Have you seen our team play? They SUCK! Hell no, I don't play football."

"Then what?" Relena asked softly. "What group goes to parades?"

"The marching band, of course." he replied, and grin on his face.

"B--band?" Duo gasped. "You can play?"

"Yeah, and Karou's in it too. And I'm teaching Aiko." he said, obviously proud of the little girl sitting in his lap.

"Daddy, can I play something for them? Please?" she asked.

"Sure, go get the clarinet." he said, lifting her off his lap.

"But, I don't like the clarinet!" she whined, "Can I play the trumpet? Pleeeease!!!???" she begged.

Heero sighed. "OK. But while you do that, Daddy's hungry. Have you two eaten?" he asked, focusing on Relena.

Duo hopped up and let out a loud whoop. "FOOOOOD!!" Relena laughed softly, and watched Heero disappear into the kitchen. Then she saw the little girl fling open a closet full of cases, and gasped.

"There are so many of them!" she said softly.

"Daddy, I can't find the trumpet!" she yelled. The girl opened one case, looked inside, and pulled out a trombone. "Can I play this one?" she asked.

"Which one....the trombone? Not until you're ten." he said, earning him a pout. "Now put it back, gently. Trombones are easy to break."

Relena got up and helped the girl place it back in the case. The girl grabbed her hand, and pointed to a case on the top shelf, far above the girl's reach. "That's it! That's the one! Can you get it?" she was jumping up and down. Relena nodded, and retrieved the black case. Aiko deftly opened it and put a mouthpiece in. She then blared out a C, startling Relena.

"That's good Aiko, now play some scales. B flat." Heero yelled from the kitchen, which was beginning to smell like bacon and scrambled eggs. The girl put a string of notes together. "Now what did you just play?" Heero asked.

"B flat, C, D, E flat,...." the girl yelled out the letters. Relena was amazed.

"And I can't even sing..." she murmured, as Aiko began to play a disney song.

Heero walked up behind her, and laughed. "Aiko is already better then most kids in the high school band. If we had a uniform her size, Mr. B would make her march with us."

Relena smiled softly. "She's so cute." Heero has changed so much, I don't believe it. He's probably got a girlfriend, or more than one. If he doesn't I would really be surprised. As if I'm not now.

Relena sat down on the floor, and listened to the girl play. Even with all of the bad notes coming out, she thought it was beautiful. The girl stopped playing, and shoved the horn in Relena's direction.

"Now you try!" she said.

"Oh, I can't..." the Relena tried to push it back, but the girl insisted.

"Com'on, it's easy, just do this!" Aiko let out a long raspberry.

Heero laughed. Seeing Relena's face, he assured her, "Yes that is how you play a trumpet."

Relena smiled softly, but declined again. She got up, and moved over to sit on the couch once more, pulling her thin sweater closer around her.

Heero was about to ask what was wrong when a timer when off in the kitchen. He quickly ran in, and called out, "Duo, come in here, willya?"

Duo came in, and Heero asked him softly "How long has she been acting like that?"

"Ever since the attack last week. I don't think I've seen her smile since then, except for when she was with Aiko." Duo replied sadly. "Maybe coming here is good for her, and I don't mean for her protection only."

"Thanks, Duo. Here's you're food." he forked some bacon a scrambled eggs onto a plate, and handed it too him.

"FOOOD!!!" he cried, and began to shovel it into his mouth.

Heero fill three more plates, and called Aiko and Relena in to eat. Relena said nothing throughout the whole meal, but Duo and Aiko talked, and talked, and talked. By the time Relena was done picking her food to death, Aiko and Duo had become Aiko-chan and Uncle Duo.

"Daddy, can Duo be my Uncle?" Aiko asked innocently.

"Well, it depends. If he's your uncle, that'd make him my brother, and Rose's child. Duo, do you mind being adopted by the marching band?"

"Uhh...I guess not." Duo was totally lost.

Heero laughed out loud. He had a grin on his face that didn't exactly make Duo feel comfortable. "OK, then it's official. Rose now has eight kids. We'll leave the interesting details to her, after all, she is your Mommie now." Heero laughed at Duo's confused expression. But no matter how much he tried to ignore it, Relena had eaten almost nothing. An assassination attempt. A close one at that. Is that really all that happened to you?

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Hmm...Duo's been adopted!! BTW, Mommie and her family are REAL, and I am proud to be Mommie's child. Yes, the family VERY twisted. I may explain in some later chapter. *hugs*

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