Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 9

~~~ 10 o' clock when everyone is conscious but the 6 have pounding headaches~~~

Trowa: So what do we do?

Duo: (his arms wrapped around Pagan's waist but standing now) All I know is that whenever we play a game… we are NOT drinking.

Pagan: Sorry… I didn't expect us to go through that much. (Sweatdrop)

Heero: Well… lets all go to sleep and this afternoon when we are feeling better we can decide what we want to do.

Trowa: (yawn) that sounds like a good idea.

(Trowa and Heero now share what used to be Heero and Duo's room. Mika and Quatre moved into what Quatre and Trowa's room was and Duo moved in with Pagan into what used to be hers and Mika's room… they all then fall asleep and at about 5 in the afternoon they slowly get up)

~~~~~In Duo and Pagan's room~~~~~

Duo: Hey Angel. (Duo gently traces his fingers over Pagan's cheek to wake her up… Pagan slowly opens her eyes and looks into soft amethyst eyes)

Pagan: Hi Duo. (Yawn) what time is it?

Duo: About 15 after 5. Why?

Pagan: Just wondering. So what would you like to do?

Duo (holding her closer in his arms) I do not know… would you like to go for another walk?

Pagan (smiling) I would like that. ^_^

(to be continued…)