Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 8

~~~Early the next morning (Sunday morning)~~~

(Wufei walks down the stairs to find 6 people dead asleep on the wood floor and 4 bottle of wine strewn about with glasses on the table)

Wufei: Oh my GAWD!!!!

Duo (wakes up very startled and then grabs his head in pain) What???

Wufei: What the hell did you all do last night?!?!?!

Trowa (being rudely awakened by the yelling of Wufei) Umm… does anyone remember what happened last night??? (Holding his head as well)

Pagan and Mika: No (too tired to sit up)

Heero: I seem to remember wine and kissing everyone many times.

Wufei: oh my Gawd… you all got drunk and not you have hangovers! (Wufei bursts out laughing as he walks back up the stairs to his own room)

Quatre (to Mika): Did you sleep well sweetie?

Heero and Trowa: SWEETIE????????????????

Mika: (to Quatre) yes… I did sleep well. (to Heero and Trowa) and yes… Quatre and I love each other… just wait until you hear about Pagan and Duo.

(Duo comes up behind Pagan and wraps his arms around her waist… softly kissing over her cheek) and did you sleep well angel?

Trowa and Heero: ANGEL????????????????????

Pagan: I slept alright (yawn) (to Heero and Trowa) and yes… we love each other as well. ^_^

(Both Heero and Trowa do a major sweatdrop and then get a little worried thinking of Wufei's response)

(to be continued…)