Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 7

~~~ That evening after dinner and everyone is sitting around doing nothing~~~

Pagan (sitting next to Duo but acting normally since the other 3 don't know about her and Duo… only Mika and Quatre knows, and vice versa) so what would everyone like to do?

Duo: I can't think of anything to do… especially since I don't know what you people do to entertain yourselves.

Mika: Well… we can play a game. There is Pictionary, Truth or Dare, and my favorite… Spin The Bottle. (Giggles)

Trowa: What's Spin The Bottle?

Pagan: It's a game where you sit in a circle and you get an empty glass bottle in the middle of everyone. Then a person spins it and who ever it lands on he or she has to kiss that person.

Duo, Quatre, Trowa, and Heero (in varying degrees of hyperness) I'll play.

Wufei: Injustice! I will not play a weak game with a bunch of onnas and weak boys!

Mika: Fine… then I would advise you to go up to your room.

Wufei: alright I will! (Stops his feet all the way up the stairs and slams the door to his room)

Pagan: Oh well… one less boy (wink)

Duo and Heero: (sweatdrop)

(Everyone sits in a circle on the wood floor after Pagan finds a glass coke bottle from the kitchen that had just been emptied… Mika goes first)

(Mika spins the bottle and it lands on Trowa… She leans over and hesitantly kisses him quickly on the lips… then leans back before Quatre gets too jealous and it shows… then Trowa goes and it lands on Heero…) uh oh… (Trowa leans over and kisses him on the cheek since he really doesn't want to kiss him on the lips)

Pagan: nope… it must be on the lips (laughs)

(Trowa and Heero sigh and then Trowa kisses him as fast as he can to be able to sit back down…. then Heero spins and it lands on Mika… he leans over and kisses her… this game then continues for about an hour… everybody kissing everyone else at least once… then… Pagan breaks open a bottle of wine)

Pagan: I thought it would be more interesting if we all had a bottle or two. (she gets varying looks but everyone agrees and they all finish 3 bottles in 4 hours… after much sloppy kissing and groping they all lay back on their backs and rest… Mika crawls over and lays her head to Quatre's chest and falls asleep… Duo crawls over to Pagan and gently lifts up her head and places his arm under it so it isn't resting on the hard floor… Trowa and Heero are separate and already asleep)

(to be continued…)