Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind the Scenes ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Behind the Scenes 3 out of ?
Author: C-Chan2 a.k.a. Neptunesdemon
Archive: WufeiDuoyaoiML, any others just ask.
Category: Romance
Pairings: 2+5/5+2, 2+R, 3+4, mentioning of past 1+2
Rating: PG (at the present moment)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Yaoi, AU, OOC

Wufei had always known that he was the kind of person who best kept a secret. He didn't crack under pressure and he could not be persuaded. However, at the moment he was finding it extremely difficult. He, Trowa and Quatre had met up for lunch and he had yet to tell their blond companion that he had again met up with Duo Maxwell. The one man that the young Arab looked to as if he were a Greek god. It would also seem that Quatre knew he had a secret to tell, for he looked to him with questioning eyes; eyes that promised if the secret was one he shouldn't be keeping Wufei would regret it.
So the young Chinese man had taken to avoiding Quatre's stares and fixed his eyes on his best friend. Trowa, feeling the tension between the two of them looked to Quatre for an answer, as well as to avoid Wufei's uncomfotable staring. He wasn't sure what was going on between his boyfriend and his best friend, but he only wished that it would end soon. He picked up his menu to try and distract himself, but the weight of Wufei's gaze and Quatre's aura of accusation was growing to be too much. With a frustrated scoff, he slapped the menu down on top of the table and looked back and forth between both friend and lover.
"Okay, that's it.", he began, his arms crossing, "What the hell is going on between you two?"
Wufei's eyes then took to looking every where else but the pair that now stared at him and he tried his best not to think about the event that happened just yesterday. It would seem that if he thought about it too much that Quatre would read it on his face. For all he knew the small blond was able to read his mind.
Wufei cringed at the sugary sweet tone of Quatre's voice, knowing well enough that the blond had probably figured it out. There was no escaping it. He could make a run for it, however, Quatre was blocking his way to the door. He also had a feeling that if he ran, Quatre would follow.
"Oh, Wufei."
Slowly and unsurely Wufei turned to his blue-eyed friend, offering him a nervous smile. Quatre smiled back, a dark smile that sent a bout of nervousness down Wufei's spine. He had a bad feeling about this.
"Is there something you need to tell me?", Quatre asked him.
Trowa watched on befuddled at the scene unfolding in front of him, watching as Wufei slowly shook his head no and knowing that it was a lie. The poor man, he was slowly walking into his own doom.
"Oh, but I think you do.", Quatre remarked, leaning forward on the table.
"I don't have anything to tell you, Quatre.", Wufei began shakily with a shrug of his shoulders, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Uh huh, then why are you so nervous?"
Trowa heard Wufei's gulp and he knew that it was all over, the man was caught. Whatever it was, there was no escaping Quatre's wrath. He would try his best to save his companion, but there was no promising that Wufei would make it out unscathed.
At the call of his name he looked up, only to find that Quatre was now glaring at him with a gaze that promised pain.
"You met Duo Maxwell again didn't you!"
The question caused the other diners in the restaurant to fall silent and the three were now the center of attention. Wufei was frozen, though his body was ready to flee for its own safety. Quatre was waiting for an answer and it would seem that he was becoming impatient.
"Uh, no?"
Trowa barely had time to latch onto his lover, who was trying his best to make it across the table to attack the Asian man he called his friend.
"Run, Wufei!", he cried trying his best to hold Quatre back, "I can't hold him too long. Run while you still can!"
Wufei did as was told without hesitation, jumping up from his chair and leaving the restaurant and a screaming Quatre behind.
"I'll find you, Wufei!", Quatre yelled after Wufei's retreating back, "I know where you live!"
Wufei didn't stop until he was a few blocks away from the restaurant and the psycho blond that was held inside of it. He should have known better. He was stupid to think that he would have passed by Quatre without so much as a question. If Quatre had found out that he and Duo were meeting later on. . .well it was best not to think about it.
After catching his breath, Wufei took to walking back to work. He would stop off for something from a nearby deli, since his lunch was interrupted by an unusual circumstance.
It took him all but fifteen minutes to reach Fifth Avenue, taking in the views of the shop windows as he passed by. And another minute or so before he was entering through the doors of the book store, turkey sandwhich bagged and tucked under his arm.
He entered to be greeted with his boss' glaring face, a familiar and yet disturbing site. He only nodded to the man, who only glared harder and he made his way to the break room. He was distracted however by the newly stocked shelves of Duo Maxwell's autobiography, from the way these things were selling, he knew that he'd be seeing that face more than he needed to.
"Isn't he gorgeous?"
At the familiar voice of his co-worker, Wufei turned to look at the young woman who was swooning by his side. He only scoffed, looking back to the cardboard cut out of the "A" list star.
He was good looking, but was he gorgeous? He would guess so. . .wait. What was he doing?
"I have to go finish my lunch, Valarie.", he muttered rushing off to the break room, "I don't have time to watch you stare at that man's picture all day."
"Oh, hey before you rush off.", she called stopping him in his tracks, "You had a visitor a few minutes before you walked in."
Wufei frowned at that, not entirely sure who it could have been. If he had to guess he would say that it was Quatre, then again Trowa probably had made sure that the blond hadn't followed him.
"Who was it?", he finally asked, his curiousity getting the better of him.
Valarie only shrugged with a shake of her head, blond curls bouncing as she did so. He watched as her eyes took on that dreamy look and he groaned. Women, especially women like Valarie were a wonder to him.
"I don't know.", she finally answered after a sigh, "But he was cute. Couldn't see his face that well with the glasses and hood and all. He had an air of mystery about him, like he didn't want people to know who he was. I like that in a man."
"That's nice, Valarie.", Wufei said exasperated, snapping his fingers to break her out of her trance, "Did he say anything?"
"No. Just asked for you and when I said you weren't here he left this."
She pulled out of her pocket a small piece of folded paper and Wufei thanked her as he took it. He left her standing there sighing into space and he fianlly made it to the break room. Flinging the paper bag which contained his lunch onto the table, he sat down looking over the note. He knew that Duo had passed by and he could only wonder why the actor had come back when they were to meet at six.
To answer his question, Wufei opened the note, his eyes looking over the rushed writing as he read the words out loud.
"Can we make it three?"
Ebony eyes looked up at the clock that read 3:01 and he silently swore under his breath. He didn't get off until five, there was no way that he would be able to convince his boss to let him go. Then again, why was he worrying about this? Actor or no actor, Duo Maxwell was not someone special who was cause for him sacrificing his job. The man would just have to be disappointed. Besides that would give him an easy way out of a situation that would only put him in a alot more trouble with an already angered Quatre.
Wufei refolded the note and rested it down on the table. He had no way of contacting the braided Hollywood idol, so he'd just have to pull a no-show. He was sure that Duo wouldn't feel bothered by it. Besides, he was a star. Duo Maxwell could probably replace him. With that thuoght he reached for his sandwhich, convinced that it didn't matter that he wouldn't show.
He slowly ate, the silence of the breakroom deafening. His mind could only wander to yesterday when Duo had asked him. He recalled just how hurt Duo had looked when the man had thought that Wufei wouldn't be able to make it. Then again the man had won two oscars. It could have all been an act.
Wufei looked up to the clock again to find that it was now five after three. He swore for a second time, his hands rebagging his sandwich as he stood from the table.
"I swear I'm going mad.", he muttered under his breath, "I'm feeling sympathy for someone richer than me."
He was out of the break room and walking toward his boss in under a minute, his face set in a frown. He had no idea why he was doing this. All he knew was that if he was fired, Duo Maxwell would owe him big time. His boss' mood seemed to grow darker as Wufei drew near, but the Chinese man brushed it off. He had just survived Quatre today, this man had alot more effort to put in if he wanted to scare him.
"Mr. Chang.", the balding man greeted when Wufei stood in front of him, "Is there something wrong?"
"Yeah.", was Wufei's simple answer, "You see I was wondering if I could leave work early today."
"And when would you want to leave?"
"Now, if possible."
"Can you offer a legitamate reason for wanting to leave Mr. Chang?", the man asked him.
That was where Wufei found himself stumbling for a reason. He couldn't really think of one, but he knew it had to be good enough to convince his boss to let him go.
"My uncle died.", was the first thing he could come up with.
"You don't have an uncle."
True, but how had this man known that?
"Well not anymore obviously.", Wufei began, in hopes of saving face, "He died. My mother's depressed, my aunt's histyrical and I need to go home."
"I don't know if I believe you."
Wufei was unaware of the pair of eyes that watched him struggle to persuade his boss. Neither did he notice the woman that was walking toward him. At least not until she was close enough to fling herself at him, a sobbing and broken mess. He looked to her with an air of confusion and so did his boss, the man's anger subsiding for the moment.
"I can't believe he's gone!"
Wufei flinched at the volume of her voice. He had no idea who this woman was or where she had come from. Then again, it would seem that she was helping him out. His suspicions were confirmed as she gave off sobbed words in Mandarin, which sounded to those who did not speak the language as words of mourning. However, what she had truly said was, "Duo sent me, so just play along and I'll get you out of here".
It was only then did Wufei study her face and he noticed that it was the same young woman who had come across him and Duo when the two had first met. She was probably his agent or personal assistant. With another loud screech, she hugged her arms around Wufei's neck, bringing her lips close to Wufei's ear.
"The name's Sally Po.", she whispered quickly before she was sobbing again.
Wufei quickly caught on, wrapping his arms around her as if to comfort her. He looked to his boss who was now flustered, watching as the man stared on guiltily as Sally continued to have a break down in his arms.
"My cousin, Susie-"
"Sally.", he quickly corrected, hoping his boss hadn't caught on,"As you can see she isn't taking her father's death well. I should get her home."
His boss only nodded, pulling out a handkerchief to sop at the sweat on his balding head. Wufei thanked him before he began dragging his "cousin" out of the store. They were followed by the eyes of patrons as Wufei guided a shrieking Sally out the door. The act continued until they were a few feet away from the stoor window and out of site from those inside.
"I hope I never have to do that again.", Sally stated, the tears stopping as fast as hey had started, "You owe me for that. Or rather that idiot that I work for owes me."
Wufei watched as she quickly organized herself before she turned her blue eyes on him.
"So, I see you and Duo are becoming chummy.", she commented, turning to Wufei who felt for some reason embarrased, "That man is more trouble than he's worth. Come on, he's waiting at the damn gym. I'm supposed to take you there."
Wufei asked no further questions, he only obdiently followed her. When they reached the gym, he was then led to the men's locker room and Sally instantly shoved a gym bag into his arms.
"Here. Get dressed and get out to court number three. He and Heero are waiting for you there."
"Heero?", Wufei asked looking down at the bag, "Who's Heero?"
When he looked up he found her gone and he was left standing alone in front of the locker room. Well, he had no other choice but to get dressed and meet Duo out on the court.
"Duo, you want to actually pay attention and hit the ball?"
Duo looked to his friend, who was giving him an annoyed glare and he smiled in apology.
"Sorry about that, Heero."
"What the hell are you so distracted about?", Heero asked, throwing the ball to his braided friend.
He caught the ball that was thrown at him and he served it to contuinue the game, watching as it bounced off of the front wall.
"Nothing.", he told him watching Heero strike the ball with his racket, "Just thinking."
The game went on smoothly, the ball traveling from player to wall to player and back again. It was only when Duo missed the ball did Heero stop and look to his friend. He walked to him, resting a hand on the fellow actor's shoulder.
"Who the hell have you been thinking about?", he asked, Duo scoffing.
"Must you always assume that I'm thinking about someone?", Duo asked angrily serving the ball, "Can't I just be thinking about something?"
The ball reverberated off the wall and Heero barely had time to move out of the way, feeling it graze by him. If he hadn't moved in time he would have had a lovely racquetball sized bruise.
"Okay, there's no need to try an murder me with the ball."
He caught site of someone walking toward them and he looked up, an eyebrow raising as he watched a young Chinese man look around as if lost.
"I bet you're thinking about him."
At the words Duo looked behind him, a grin taking his face as he found Wufei staring in through the glass. He waved and Wufei waved back, clearly embarrased about something. The tap on his shoulder drew Duo to look in Heero's direction again and he was greeted with Heero's questioning gaze, his eyebrow raised.
"Nothing. Just let him in so we can play."
Duo did as he was bid, making his way over to the glass door to let the ebony-haired man in. He and Wufei greeted each other, Wufei gesturing to the name brand clothing he adorned which was obviously the movie star's doing.
"You didn't have to give me this, I could have brought my own."
"Nah, don't worry about it.", Duo said brushing it aside, "Hey, come on, I want you to meet someone."
Wufei allowed himself to be led back to where a blue-eyed man stood, his arms crossed as he looked at them impatiently and yet he seemed amused. As they stood before each other he and Heero shook hands, Duo introducing them to each other.
"Heero, this is Wufei.", he beamed letting his arm circle around Wufei's shoulder, "And Wufei, this is the Heero Yuy."
Heero Yuy? Why did that name sound familiar? Wufei's face frowned in thought as he began to ponder the question. As he studied the man much more closely, he realized he had seen him somewhere as well. It had to be a movie seeing as the man was obviously actor.
"Heero Yuy?", Wufei repeated out loud, "I'm not sure how, but I think I know you."
"Of course you do, he's one of Hollywood's biggest action star.", Duo provided, Heero hiding the fact that he was enjoying the praise, "He make's Arnold Schwarzenegger look like an ameteur."
Wufei merely shook his head. He rarely watched movies and when he did they weren't big Hollywood productions. So he couldn't have seen Heero there, if it was a movie at all, it had to be independent film.
"Weren't you in a Japanese movie?", he asked, almost certain that the man was Japanese to begin with.
Heero only smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He wouldn't admit it, but he liked when people recognized him. Though, he could rather do without the entire mob attacks that he'd been enduring ever since Hollywood took him in. Duo could keep the psycho fans, he would rather have fans like Wufei.
"Shogun's Betrayel.", he finally offered, Wufei's face lighting in recognition.
"Oh yeah, you were the samarai, the one who turned against the shogun."
"Yeah, that was me."
"I loved your final fight scene.", Wufei said in casual conversation, "You were really good. Do you do all your own stunts?"
"The majority of them yeah. I mean, I had to actually learn how to use a sword. Other than that I know martial arts so it wasn't all that bad."
Before the conversation could get any further, Duo interrupted. He didn't mind them talking, he just wanted to be included. And if they weren't going to add him to the conversation, the least they could do was talk about him. He stepped in front of the two separating them so that they could no longer talk and he smiled at Wufei who only looked to him in confusion.
"So, you ready to play?", he asked, Wufei merely shrugging.
He wasn't exactly ready to play, in fact he didn't even know how. He had down some quick reading on the sport, but he couldn't much claim that he was an ace. He needed to get in some practice first. However, it was now too late as he was already here and waiting.
"Sure.", he finally answered.
The door to the court opened and all eyes looked toward it. Sally walked through it, dressed and ready to play herself. Her eyes focused on Wufei as she drew closer and Wufei looked away unable to meet them. Her eyes were searching him or accusing him, and he would rather that she didn't. Perhaps she was only curious as to why Duo had taken a sudden interest in him. If that was the case, when and if she figured it out, Wufei would appreciate it if she told him.
"Okay, ladies.", Sally started as she finally stopped before the three of them, "Let's play some racquetball. I have interviews to set up for Mr. Hollywood here."
"No worries.", Heero assured her, with a smile, "This will be a short game. We're the best players and we're on the same team. Give or take five minutes and we'll win."
"Here.", Sally handed Wufei a racket, the Chinese man taking it obediently, "You're teaming up with your new best friend."
Duo merely stuck his tongue out at the woman, who only rolled her eyes at the childish gesture. It was a wonder how this man became a Hollywood icon. Then again, she was his publicist/assistant/agent. She had only herself to blame.
Wufei was soon guided to their side of the court, Duo leading him with an arm around his shoulder again. He had in his right mind to ask why the braided star was suddenly so clingy, but then again the question was, would he want to find out?
"You said you've played before right?", Duo asked as the two faced the front wall.
"Yeah.", Wufei answered, remembering horrible childhood memories of that one game, "I remember. I just need a little warm up is all, I may be a bit rusty."
"Don't worry about it.", Duo assured him with his trademark smile, "I'm the best player, no matter what Heero says, I'll have your back."
Wufei merely shrugged and offered the actor a small smile of his own.
"So when do we actually start?"
"Heads up!"
The shouted words were the last thing Wufei heard and the feeling of something connecting with his head was the last thing he felt. Then his world went black.
When Wufei awoke later, he found himself lying down on an examination table in the gym's small medical office with his head throbbing.
"Hey look.", a female voice, "I think sleeping beauty's up."
Three faces were soon hovering over him and two out of the three were holding back smiles. Duo seemed to be the only one who looked worried.
"You okay there, Wufei?", Sally asked, her smile slipping through.
Wufei couldn't help but turn red as he sat up, his head spinning and throbbing. Ice was pressed against the area that he knew would grow a large bump and he thanked the three for their help.
"How long was I out?"
He heard a snicker and he looked to Heero, the Japanese actor laughing with a shake of his head.
"About two hours. You don't know how to play do you?", he asked, Wufei blushing even more, "If you did you would have known the first rule to racquetball. Always pay attention."
"He was probably distracted by pretty boy over there.", Sally commented, her thumb jerking in Duo's direction.
If his face could have gotten any redder, it would have happened. However, Wufei was on full blush mode as it was. He took to hanging his head to hide it, he didn't want them to poke any more fun at him.
"Leave him alone you guys.", Duo came to his rescue, shooing the two from the Chinese man, "It's your fault anyway, Heero. You served the ball."
"I said heads up."
"After you served it.", Duo argued and Heero only scoffed.
"I'm sorry.", he apologized, Wufei merely shrugging.
"You should be you big meanie.", Duo continued, taking to holding the ice against Wufei's head.
"I think he's angry.", Sally commented sarcastically, ignoring Duo's glare, "Come on, Heero. We'll play one on one."
Wufei watched as Heero and Sally walked off, the woman looking back as she reached the door.
"We leave in an hour, Duo. You have to be back in California by six or else you'll lose your big part."
Duo only waved her away, his attention focused on Wufei and his injury. Sally left with an exasperated sigh, knowing they'd be leaving late again. Heero stayed behind, his eyes looking at the two in the room.
"Hey, Duo."
At the call of his name the braided man looked to his friend, waiting patiently for whatever it was the brunette had to tell him.
"Are you sure about this? You're willing to risk everything?"
Duo stopped for a moment, taking his time with the answer. Wufei watched him as he did so, the actor deep in thought. He soon looked to Wufei though, violet and ebony eyes connecting before he gave a smile. It was nothing like the smiles he had so frequently offered before. Wufei couldn't find words to describe it, he only found his heart suddenly beating as if he were excited. After a few more moments, Duo turned back to Heero, smile still plastered on his face.
"Yeah, I think I am."
Heero's eyes looked to Wufei for a quick moment before he nodded and left, closing the door behind him. He left behind a long silence, in which Duo busied himself with finding a new icepack for Wufei.
"What was he talking about?", Wufei finally asked, his curiousity getting the better of him.
Duo shrugged before holding the ice pack to Wufei's head. When Wufei had taken over holding it, he sat in the chair beside the examination table, hands in his pockets.
"There's this movie that I want to do.", he explained, "It's not my usual thing and if I do it, it may cause a bit of trouble for me in the stardom area. Heero's just worried about me; he knows how much I like the attention."
Wufei wasn't sure how he knew, but he had a feeling that it was something other than that the two were talking of. He didn't bother with it though, for now he'd accept the explanation.
"So, since I doubt you're capable of playing a game, I guess you're ready to head home."
At Duo's words, Wufei merely offered a smile of apology. It would seem that the violet-eyed star wanted his company; however he had had enough of racquetball.
"I'm sorry that we couldn't play.", he apologized, feeling the need to.
"No don't worry about it.", Duo assured him, giving him a sly smile, "Just make it up to me."
"I'm back in town next week. I'll drop in at the bookstore."
"Are you sure that's safe?"
"I'll be in diguise.", Duo reminded him, "After you finish working we'll hang out."
Wufei felt his stomach clench at that news. Not that he didn't want to hang out with the man, however there was the fact that he happened to be friends with the star's number one fan. A man who was about ready to kill him. There would be a lot of avoiding Quatre from now on, he was sure of it.
"So what do you say?", Duo asked, Wufei hesitating to answer.
There were a lot of things he could have said, however, he wasn't so sure if he should say them. He had remembered what a disappointed Duo looked like, and whether it was acting or not, he couldn't stand to see it again.
"Alright.", he gave in, Duo grinning, "The next time you're in town, we'll hang out. Just do me a favor, don't tell me when that'll be. Surprise me."
"Why?", Duo asked confused.
Wufei only shuddered at the notion of not being able to keep Duo's return date a secret from Quatre. It wouldn't be pretty.
"You don't want to know.", was all he said and Duo accepted the answer without question.
With another meeting set, Duo took to helping Wufei down off of the examtination table. From there the two said their goodbyes, Wufei heading to the locker room as Duo made his way back to the court. As he left the actor behind, Wufei began to wonder if there was something wrong with him. Here he was putting his life in danger just to make this man happy. What the hell was he thinking? As he let a hand rise to gently soothe the pain of his throbbing head, he was reminded that if Quatre found him, he would be in much worse pain. It was at that moment he decided it was best to give his parents a visit. He had a feeling that Quatre would be waiting for him at home.
I know, I know, I left you hanging for weeks on end and then I give you this. How dare I! Anywho, I hope you liked it. I tried my best to make it likable. So once again, I bid you all adieu. I shall try to update as fast as I can. Please leave reviews, for they inspire me to continue. Ciao for now!