Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Childhood Reborn ❯ Fooling OZ ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next few days were pretty routine for the newcomers in Cache du Monde. Every morning when breakfast was finished, after a quick check from Jacinda about their injuries, the pilots would go out to their Gundams and continue their repairs. Jacinda would show up with their lunch or sometimes pack a lunch for them if she knew her day was going to be busy, then by the time the sun set they would be back to the village for dinner. Although one particular night as Jacinda was grabbing items from her fridge, she made a realization.
“Huh…that's odd.” She said.
“What is Jacinda?” Quatre asked.
“Well, last night I had some leftover raw meat I was going to use for tonight's casserole, but it appears I have less than I originally thought, but I could have sworn I had more.”
She shrugged and decided not to let it worry her as she pulled out more items. Trowa meanwhile checked his pants pocket.
One very early morning however, the house was rousted by a loud knocking on the door. Jacinda hurried down the stairs hoping it wasn't a bad emergency.
“Ms. Jacinda!” The face of Russini appeared as she opened the door. “Ms. Jacinda, it's OZ, they are coming this way from the woods where I had gone out for some air.”
Jacinda's heart stopped.
“How many?” She asked.
“Just two and armed.”
“Probably investigating the whereabouts of the boys and those Gundams.” Jacinda said putting her fingers to her chin. “I've been expecting this.”
She looked up at the man.
Russini, do me a favor, I am going to wake up the boys and when I do I want you to move them to the secret bunker. Once they are safe, then just go on as if it were any other day, no use stirring up panic and suspicion.”
Jacinda then raced up the stairs to the pilot's room.
“Boys, boys wake up!” Jacinda hollered as she ran into their room and turned on the light.
“Huh what!?” Duo murmured as the boys began to wake up.
She gently pulled the covers off of him
“I need you to wake up sweetie!” She said as she went to each bed to get the boys moving. “OZ is coming.”
“OZ!” Heero said as he bounced out of the bed.
“Yes.” She said as she helped Wufei out of the bed. “Two of them on their way here and probably looking for you.”
“We can fight them!” Trowa said. “Two OZ soldiers are nothing.”
“Not in my village it isn't.” Jacinda said as she began ushering them down the hall. “Two soldiers can mean destruction and I can't have you all fighting. You are going to be hiding in a secret bunker while I take care of them.”
“No.” Heero said. “Just as Trowa said, we can get rid of them, that isn't an issue.”
Jacinda glared at him.
“It is to me Heero.” She said. “And it is not up for discussion. I will not have violence in my village. These people have seen enough of the Alliance's violence and they don't need it again. I don't care whether or not you agree with me, but you are going to go down and hide until I say it is safe, is that clear?”
Heero was ready to protest. Who was she to tell him what he can and can't do. But before he could Heero felt a hand on his shoulder.
“She's right Heero.” Quatre said trying to calm the young soldier. “For once, let's just let it be. If something does go wrong then we will help. But for once, let's just back off unless we are needed. I am sure the villagers know what to do.”
Jacinda smiled.
“We sure do.” She said. “Believe it or not, we have dealt with OZ and have been able to come out unscathed. “Just leave it to us. But in the meantime, you guys go with Russini. There is a small opening in the bunker so you can see everything; I'll make sure to be in your line of view so you can make sure everything is alright.”
The four pilots nodded while Heero just glared and went off in almost a huff with Russini. He looked back at Jacinda.
“Don't worry Heero.” She said as if she could read his mind. “Trust me, I know what I am doing.”
Heero, defeated, went off with the others. Jacinda watched until they were out of sight.
“Now where's that padded push up bra.” She said as she raced back into the house.
“This absolutely ridiculous!” Heero exclaimed as they all sat in the small underground enclosure. “We are Gundam pilots and can easily take care of two lousy OZ soldiers and some woman thinks she can defeat them!?”
The four other pilots were surprised. Heero was throwing a tantrum. Normally he'd just sulk and growl, but keep it to himself. This was a first.
“Jacinda knows what she is doing Heero.” Quatre said. “She is looking out for her villagers and what right do we have to interfere with the peace here? If those soldiers figure out who we are that means not only are we in trouble, but so is Cache du Monde. They could destroy it and them. I couldn't live with myself if this village that has been so kind of us is ruined because of who we are. We have caused enough violence.”
“Hey I am with ya on that one Quat.” Duo said. “But do you honestly think Jacinda can take care of them without causing a fight? You know how they are.”
Quatre shrugged.
“I think she can.” He said.
“Are you sure?” Trowa asked. “How do you know?”
Quatre sighed.
“It's a feeling I have.” He said. “Just as Jacinda doesn't know EVERYTHING about us, we still don't know about her. I believe there is more to Jacinda then just a village nurse and mother. She just…hasn't told us.”
“Maybe its time we found out.” Wufei said.
“Shh…they are here!” Heero motioned and they all gathered by the small opening. Sure enough two grim looking OZ soldiers marched into the village. Their guns aimed. Many of the people cowered away and shielded their children. Others just stared trying to hold in their anger.
“Who is the leader of this village?” One of the soldiers said. “We demand they came out right now.”
“Oh, well that'd be me gentlemen.” A voice said. The men turned and their jaws dropped. Out of a nice house stepped a beautiful, young looking woman wearing a cotton dress, a little tight in the right sections, some light makeup, and a large rimmed spring hat and holding some flowers in her hands. Although the men were paying more to attention to her assets.
“JACINDA!?” The boys gasped realizing that Jacinda had changed from her casual, simple wear to…well…sweet, curvy, country woman.
With a quick glance to the bunker Jacinda approached the soldiers.
“You'll have to excuse my appearance.” She said in a high slightly accented voice. “I was just out back in my garden when one of my villagers said we had guests. Though I didn't realize what handsome guests we had and Alliance members of all people. Why, my heart is all fluttery.”
The men blushed slightly.
“Well, ma'am…we are here under an investigation.” One of the soldiers spoke up. Jacinda could see under all the armor he was still a hormonal maybe early twenty something so she knew she had to use all her charms.
“Oh my word!” Jacinda gasped. “What kind of investigation?”
“That is confidential ma'am by order of the Alliance.” The other soldier said. “However, over the last few days have you had any new residents or visitors to your village?”
Jacinda thought for a moment.
“Why no, not at all.” She said. “Normally we don't get many visitors except for occasional wild boar, but that usually becomes breakfast.”
She laughed heartily and loudly and the men laughed too.
“Are you sure ma'am?” The soldier asked when she stopped laughing. “Didn't you not notice something unusual in the skies a few weeks ago.”
“Oh are you talking 2-3 weeks ago?” She asked. “Why, we just thought it was Mother Nature getting ready for summer. It has been a bit humid lately. We get that little heat lightening and dust clouds and all sorts of weather related things time and again. I just tell my villagers to stay indoors until they pass.”
“Pfft…and she thinks they are going to buy that?” Heero whispered.
“I mean you have to admit, it's been rather…hot.” Jacinda said as she amply moved up to one of the soldiers. “And you know how, sensitive, Mother Nature can be right darling?”
“Y-y-e-s.” The soldier whispered.
The other soldier shook his head.
“Ma'am are you positive that there have been no strange activities here? We are going to question your villagers and we may have to conduct thorough searches if we believe you are hiding something from us. We have reason to believe that there maybe terrorists lurking in these woods.”
Jacinda giggled.
“Why search away gentlemen.” She said. “We here have nothing to hide. And as for terrorists why I wouldn't let them step anywhere near my village. I'd blow them off with my husband's gun before I'd let them step foot here. But alas, the gun has just been sitting on my nightstand, collecting dust. Have to be safe and secure you know.”
“Where is your husband?”
“Fighting with the Alliance of course.” She said and then began to get teary. “Oh my dear Victor is so brave; he stands by the Alliance with such pride and to see you both, both OZ members here in MY village of all places oh it just warms my heart. But it makes me miss Victor so.”
She pulled out a hankie from her bra and blew her nose.
“Oh I am so sorry my dears.” She said. “Whenever I think of my Victor, I just get all weepy.”
“I think I am going to be sick.” Trowa whispered.
“Man she is good.” Duo said. “That one on the left is falling for it.”
“Please ma'am don't be upset, your husband is doing us a wonderful justice by being a part of us.” The soldier pleaded. “You should be very proud.”
“I am.” She said. “And I know. But getting back to you two darlings, please feel free to search my village if it will calm your minds so. I do declare we have nothing to hide, but I know how important for you it is to be sure. Please go right ahead.”
She moved out of their way and the men after glancing at her once again did indeed began searching. Jacinda meanwhile continued to watch them, but also kept her eye on the bunker. Giving the time it would probably take to get rid of those two, it would be awhile. Jacinda knew that OZ wasn't one to sit on their hands when it came to something important like those Gundams.
She knew it had only been a matter of time, so while the boys had been off repairing the Gundams she had taken it upon herself to warn the villagers on what to do and how to act. While it started with many protests and arguments about just giving them over to OZ, Jacinda knew that was out of the question. She wasn't about to put those boys lives at risk and she knew OZ. Even if they got the boys, they might still burn down the village and harm everyone for their `treachery'. It was better just to play it safe.
Thankfully, the boys weren't in any danger. The bunker had always been supplied with enough food and water to last days and Russini said to just stay there, be quiet, and keep up their strength. It was quite a large space so no one was cramped, but the waiting was a pain when you were a Gundam pilot. They were starting to get edgy when the minutes turned to hours.
“Man, how long are those guys gonna take!” Duo said annoyed.
“You know OZ, always a thorough investigation.” Wufei said. “I'm surprised they aren't blowing anything up.”
Quatre giggled.
“Jacinda I think was able to keep their minds off their ammunition.” He said.
“Yeah and onto another kind of ammunition.” Duo uttered.
“Maxwell, you are positively vulgar.” Wufei said disgusted.
“But it's true!” Duo defended. “Look at how she's dressed and how she's acting.”
It was true. Right now Jacinda had them sitting out on a small porch and serving them lemonade and talking sweetly with them.
“Exactly.” Heero said. “An act. I just can't believe they are falling for it. I thought they were smarter than that.”
“I guess maybe OZ doesn't always pick the brightest bunch.” Trowa said.
The afternoon drew on and finally it appeared the OZ soldiers were ready to head out.
“Thank you for your hospitality Ms…uh…Ms.”
“It's Missus darling. Mrs. Michelle Fredan.” She said. “Or Mrs. Victor Fredan as some like to call it…tee hee.”
The men laughed lightly.
“Yes well, please find a way to contact to us if you do come across anything suspicious. And if we hear from your husband we'll be sure to relay him the message to try and contact you soon.”
“Oh that would be ever most lovely, you are such an angel!” She jumped up and kissed the soldier's cheek. “Thank you so much!”
She jumped over to the other soldier and repeated the same action.
Finally with a few more rounds of thank you's the soldiers left. Jacinda saw them to the woods waving the handkerchief that she had earlier stashed in her bra.
“Yeah beat it ya prick.” She said between her toothy smiles as she waved.
Once she knew she out of harms way, she stomped back to the village.
“UGH THOSE LITTLE CREEPS!” She yelled. “YUCK, BLECK!!! It's gonna take a week to get that taste out of my mouth.”
She motioned for Serio who came out of his house.
“The boys can come out now, just send Bard to follow after those OZ soldiers and make sure they are gone. They said they had flown here so no doubt they should be gone from here in a day or two.”
Serio nodded and headed towards the bunker making a quick run over to Bard to do as Jacinda asked. Meanwhile villagers came over to thank Jacinda from keeping their home in peace.
“Okay boys, you're free!” Serio yelled down to the bunker as he opened the door and helped each pilot out.
“'Bout time!” Duo yelled as he hopped out into the fresh air.
“Are you sure they are gone?” Trowa asked.
Siero nodded as he hoisted Wufei slightly.
“Positive and we have one of the villagers following them to be safe.” He said.
“Jacinda you were wonderful!” Quatre said running up to her.
“You look terrible.” Heero couldn't help himself. “What a silly disguise.”
Jacinda laughed.
“I'm well aware I do Heero, but it worked didn't it?”
“I'll say.” Wufei answered. “How were you able to fool them like that?”
She smiled.
“A woman has her wiles my dear.” Jacinda said. “All it takes a bad accent, a lot of lipstick, and a plunging neckline and even the toughest OZ soldier can be putty in her hands.”
She adjusted her dress slightly.
“Which reminds that if I don't get out of this thing now, I am going to suffocate!!” Jacinda said as she walked back to the house, once again adjusting the tight cotton dress as it began to ride up.
Serio meanwhile was blushing madly and Wufei noticed.
“You really like her don't you.” He said.
Serio looked at him.
“Too obvious huh?”
Duo shook his head.
“You're not fooling anybody buddy, not anybody.”