Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Disappear ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

Duo took Kitana back to her place; she was out cold, tired, and hungry. She pasted out in the alleyway. Duo wasn't sure what was wrong, but he laid her in her bed, as Heero leaned against the wall and watched Duo drape her body with a sheet. Duo turned around and looked at Heero, then walked past him and shouted from the hall, his face seemed tense and angry.

"I don't think she did it." He said Heero turned his head slightly.


"She doesn't get upset when she kills, both of you don't. Why would she be upset, she hated Relena. And with all reality could have killed her. But why? Relena was stabbed with a butcher knife." Duo said as Heero was interested and went to hear him out. "She plays with daggers, guns and fire. Not kitchen supplies." Duo said while opening Kitana's fridge. "She's barely eating, sign of depression, and sign of hiding something. We all know. So why does she feel like she's hiding something?" Heero closed his eyes and calculated the theory. He stayed silent. "I don't think she could have ever brought herself to kill Relena. Relena truly never touched her, never attacked her but with mind games. We all know to destroy when you're threatened. But what could Relena threaten her with?"

It was hours before Kitana awoke and walked to see Heero and Duo. Duo didn't look at her, just stared out the window as Heero kept his eyes closed as normal. She looked at them, then scratched her head and got some milk.

"Funny, you wanna kill me, and you want chicken." She spoke of Heero and Duo. "Why hang out in my apartment? Technically I should be dead, and you should be eating chicken." Smart-ass comments she was famous for.

"You passed out, we brought you back here." Heero ignored her comment and said.

"Didn't kill Relena did you." Duo said it wasn't the best way to bring it up, as she almost choked on her drink. She set her glass down and turned to them.

"What makes you say that?" She asked.

"So who did?"

"That's none of your business." She retorted. Heero opened his eyes.

"So you didn't?"

"We don't you go and bother someone else?" Kitana snapped while swinging around and eyeing them. "You're both the last thing I need around here." Kitana's eyes where cold and relentless, Duo hated that glare, and biting his lip, he'd had enough. 10 months or chasing and all he received was her attitude. He reached over and grabbed his jacket.

"I'm outta here." He barked, but before Duo left he froze in the open door. "It takes fucking forever to find you, and you act like this. Cocky and ungrateful. Well, Kit, I'm no longer playing bail-boy for you. You get into shit, you get out of it." Duo's glare was stinging her from his stance. The slammed door ringed in her ears; she placed her glass down and looked at Heero.

"Well," She began smugly. "He's off to get some chicken." Kitana kept referring to the undying love Duo had for Chicken, but Heero ignored her.

"Explain why you killed her?" Heero decided to play along, while yawning softly to himself. She rolled her eyes and sat up on the counter.

"Oh she's a stubborn bitch; she just got in my way." Kitana shook her head, and watched Heero carefully. He loved Relena, she knew it too, and it killed Kitana. Heero grin slightly at her comment, while Kitana continued. "She was never better than us Heero, she acted like it. But she never was." Her voice was harsh and serious. Heero knew that's what Kitana truly felt, but not enough to kill someone. She held up her hand, as Heero appeared before her, holding his gun.

"What else?" Heero was toying with the gun; he wasn't planning on shooting yet. Her eyes dropped, she looked at Heero, and he'd grown so much. He was 19 now, she was just 18. She rolled her eyes and hopped off the counter hoping to avoid him. But he reached out and gripped her forearm and gave her a strange glance, she tugged her arm away and brushed it off.

"Heero, it had nothing to do with you." Kitana said hissed. She remembered the brief moments she and Heero shared together; it lead to long nights and awkward mornings though. Relena somehow kept Heero under control, something Kitana couldn't do. Kitana and Heero had something more in common; she and Heero were alike, almost down to the blueprint, a complete copy of one another, at least with skills, training and emotionally.

"That's not my point." Heero glared at her. "You had nothing to gain. No motive."

Kitana laughed then crossed her arms with her boastful sneer appearing.

"You have no idea."